lassulus changed the topic of #nixos-de to: Willkommen im deutschen NixOS Channel.
Synthetica has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
palo1 has joined #nixos-de
palo has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
palo1 is now known as palo
<makefu> manveru:mildenberg
hmpffff has joined #nixos-de
Synthetica has joined #nixos-de
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hmpffff has joined #nixos-de
hmpffff has quit [Quit: Bye…]
fendor has joined #nixos-de
fendor has quit [Quit: Leaving]
Guanin has joined #nixos-de
spacekookie has joined #nixos-de
spacekookie has left #nixos-de ["*swoosh*"]