martinbaillie/vault-plugin-secrets-github#14 (by grahamc, 7 seconds ago, open): Support for roles?
gchristensen: so it's "almost there"?
it is 100% usable already
this is like a quality of life thing
Right, sweet!
* cole-h
closes all the "Build Your Own Plugins" hashicorp tabs
* cole-h
wipes sweat from brow
but instead of being able to say "give me a github-app/role/ofborg-deploy token" you have to say "give me a token for xxx with read/write access"
So it allows for less hardcoding? The repo and permissions would be codified in that role, rather than having to be explicit?
and you can audit access to the role, expand / restrict access to it better, etc.
Ah, I see
kalbasit has quit [Quit: kalbasit]
Jan 12 23:21:59 kif vault[29581]: 2021-01-12T23:21:59.975Z [DEBUG] secrets.github.github_f45e480f.github.vault-plugin-secrets-github: attempted to create a new installation token: permissions=<nil> repository_ids=[] took=139.020446ms err="unable to create access token: 403 Forbidden" timestamp=2021-01-12T23:21:59.975Z
probably just not knowing something
that is a lot of noise for a 403
gchristensen: Semi-unrelated, but could that plugin be used to circumvent GitHub's lack of SSH CA support? I remember you complaining about this in the past, I think.