colemickens: Go is Go, i may lean on you at times!
bqv: cool :) godspeed
colemickens: thanks for the explanation, the cloud-init file sounds way more straightforward than via azure-cli
colemickens: also wanted to ask: which is preferable when it comes to user config - configuration.nix or via azure?
toraritte: sorry, the cloud-init doesn't really replace azure-cli
toraritte: lets use a simpler example - in Azure you can pass a shell script and the Microsoft Azure agent will execute it.
toraritte: so you can do `az vm create .... --userdata @./somescript.sh` and it will upload somescript.sh, roundtrip it into the VM, and the agent will execute that.
Now, imagine instead it was `az vm create --userdata @./myapp.nix` and MY agent will instead take the current system config, add `myapp.nix` and then activate it.