alright back to doing something useful instead of dealing with what i am sure is python being horrible
and now the big decision: do i make it be formatted with nixfmt or nixpkgs-fmt
meh` has joined #nixops
Didn't knew there is an alternative. What I dislike about nixpkgs-fmt is that it changes the code, even if it isn't syntactically valid, leading to broken mutliline string literals, if '' are not properly balanced.
Will try out nixfmt to see, if it has the same problem.
how do i run only the tests that don't need digitalocean token
adisbladis: ?
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ok i think i figured it out maybe
./coverage-tests.py -a '!libvirtd,!gce,!ec2,!azure,!test_do_droplet' -v
* DigitalKiwi
wonders if there will ever be any tests for this that will actually run without an api ;_;