zimbatm changed the topic of #nixcon to: 25-27 October 2018 - London - https://nixos2018.org , organisation is on https://trello.com/nixcon
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<mog> samueldr, what you sent me is so cool. how can i help.
<samueldr> if you had any comments/suggestions/criticisms, after all I was doing that in a vacuum, without input
<mog> the speed of the popups is a bit fast i think but aside from that i really like it
<samueldr> I can probably lengthen it a bit; while working on it you continually see the animation and somehow get to feel it's *too long* :)
<samueldr> show me the damn thing, stop animating!
<mog> what do you make it in?
<samueldr> hah!
<samueldr> made a hacky new authoring tool for animation
<samueldr> I'm one that's easily eternally frustrated by his tools
<samueldr> I initially used adobe animate (née flash professional) to do a test animation
<samueldr> but a possible issue with its export caused initial frustrations
<samueldr> but the biggest issue is how it's not *programmable*
<samueldr> so I racked my brains for a couple minutes and had the worst idea: using react and electron to mash up an authoring tool
<samueldr> (I knew react was good for doing SVG shenanigans)
* mog nods
<mog> just something you can jam overlays on a time line then?
<samueldr> it would have been awesome if it could have been live
<samueldr> but no, it's pre-rendered to RGBA movie files
<samueldr> (I'll eventually do a write-up of the technicalities)
<samueldr> CEF (chromium embedded framework) pre-multiplies RGBA with rgb(0,0,0)
<samueldr> so it's not (yet) possible to use it to get rgba on obs
<samueldr> once CEF (or chromium?) fixes the issue it could be
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<zimbatm> all the papers are in so it's a good time to reconvene again
<mog> yes