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Idea: Add an `unsafe { ... }` scopey thing to Nix
Only within such blocks you can use unsafe (aka impure) operations like `builtins.currentTime`, `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos`
And these unsafe blocks can only be used for things like `builtins.trace <unsafe block>` or `throw <unsafe block>`
So only for things that can't influence evaluation
I guess more generally, a value would be "tainted" by an unsafe block, and tainted values could only be used with builtins.trace/throw
This would only be enforced in --pure-eval mode though
sounds expensive thought, since every value would need a tainted flag
infinisil: Strongly recommend that, instead, you have unsafe *objects*; pass in objects like `unsafeBuiltins` (but only when a --unsafe-eval flag is added) and call `unsafeBuiltins.unsafeCurrentTime`, etc.
The advantage is that this can be made capability-secure. It's still reckless though.
niksnut: Hm yeah, maybe could abuse the last bits of pointers though :P
simpson: Or maybe `builtins.unsafe.currentTime`, where `builtins.unsafe` only exists with `--unsafe-eval`
(so we don't need another global symbol)
The entrypoint declares which unsafe objects it intends to use, and the caller decides which objects will implement those capabilities.
Oh this is your Monte language?
Crucially, the entrypoint can't tell whether e.g. m`Timer.unsafeNow()` really is a current timestamp, or just a cached timestamp that *looks* like the current time. Same with the rest of the environment.
Yes, this is Monte, which is designed to make this sort of thing very easy to read at a glance. But Nix independently has a lot of the same philosophy.
Not exactly because all roads lead to capabilities, but because Nix is purely functional, and pure lambda calculi are always cap-safe.
Think of lambda as not just the ultimate abstractor, but the ultimate parameterizer; if you want to split up a capability into pieces, then you can make one of them a value and one of them a function.
This is why unsafe-blocks are not a great design choice; if you want to parameterize some pure code on some potentially-unsafe behavior, then you can wrap the behavior into a value and pass the value as a parameter. Then the overall safety of the composed code *varies* with the parameter.
simpson's karma got increased to 41
simpson: Hm, so you think if the `builtins.trace/throw` thing should work, that it should be something like `builtins.trace (unsafeBuiltins: toString unsafeBuiltins.currentTime)`?
I can see how that makes more sense, but it's a bit too verbose and impractical
infinisil: The "oasis of side-effects" model is really useful for something like builtins.trace, yeah, but another possibility is to make traces have a timestamp by default! This is the case in E and Monte, because it was just too common otherwise.
I guess that works with timestamps yeah, but e.g. builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos wouldn't work for this, and this would be nice to use for better error messages giving more position information
Though I guess these use cases are fairly limited. Most Nix impurities are used to impact the evaluation
* simpson
pulls a JRE to check what E-on-Java does
infinisil: Here's E: and Monte: E's includes timestamp, logger source, log level, and caller source span; Monte's includes timestamp and vat name.
I see, yeah that's comparable to Nix's --show-trace (the backtrace at least)