nix#3246 (by puckipedia, 1 minute ago, open): The state of thunks is observable
qyliss: !
* infinisil
thinks of ways to abuse this
puck has joined #nix-lang
i mean, i already built a counter in it :p
FireFly has joined #nix-lang
pretty sure that if you were to do some trick with __toString it'd break a bunch of things
I'm just happy that you're discovering all of these things so they can be fixed before people abuse them to make more pure Nix update scripts :P
Yeah, puck++
puck's karma got increased to 1
I guess all it needs is to be changed to builtins.unsafeValueSize
in #nixos-dev the consensus seemed to be we didn't really need it at all
i don't think it's useful to have, but also stability etc etc etc :p
Hmm yeah probably that's more reasonable
puck: md5 was killed recently, apparently
so things can be removed
edef has joined #nix-lang
i'm pretty certain there's other ways to determine thunk-ness too, outside of valueSize