any hints or suggestions? or a heuristic for debugging that problem?
That sounds terrible to debug. Can't spot anything wrong either.
One thing, you don't need the nixpkgs and nixpkgsArgs stuff if you don't use it `import (haskell.nix tarball) {}` is nice and simple.
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shapr: `nix-build` on a file which is an attribute set will build every derivation inside it. In this case, I'm assuming your default.nix is just the `cabalProject` call or whatever. That contains a coverage report derivation, which you almost certainly *don't* want to build. So I suggest not doing that. But apart from that, it looks like you might have found a bug in the coverage report function!
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so, does that mean I called this incorrectly?
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shapr: I guess you're supposed to try to build (your default.nix).components.library/exe.MyName
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__monty__: ah, thanks!
so for this default.nix https://pastebin.com/SH8Ec04s what's the MyName ? Should I change the text in quotes on line 18 to "zoop" since that's the name of my cabal project?
shapr: Or `...components.exes.all` unless that's been removed, to build all your exes. Oh and it's library/exes, plural. (I think library is singular since a cabal file can only have one.)
with the three dots?
Need your cabal file to find out the Myname.
I never nix build my packages from the commandline tbh.
oh, how do you do it?
But I think for nix-build it'd be `nix-build -E '(import ./default.nix {}).components.exes.zoop`
I always have my nix-shell environment loaded by direnv+lorri, so I have cabal available for builds (nix doesn't do incremental builds as fine-grained, though haskell.nix maybe fixes this?). And a couple packages I have in overlays and those are built from my home-manager config.
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