
<Twey> I have a package that's built for x86_64-unknown-linux-musl on a platform that's x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. Obviously the build products are still testable, and I'd like to test them, so I set doCheck = true, but it seems that the generic builder refuses to run the check phase because the platforms don't match


<clever> Binary file NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.56/libcuda.so.418.56 matches


<mojjo> `nixos-install` > `error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivation` ?


<rydnr> Hi! I've used nix-diff to compare two derivations (one that gets built with nix-build, another that doesn't get built with nixos-rebuild), and found that the platforms don't match (the working one is x86_64-linux, the non-working is i686-linux).


<spacekookie> Hey, I'm trying to run `nixos-install --show-trace` on on a new computer and getting "error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivation" as the only output. Anyone have an idea what could cause this?


<hexa-> > error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivations


<steveeJ> any ideas why `error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivations` would happen for `nixos-install`? I'm trying to install on a VPS


<arq1> i am reinstalling nixos on a new ssd and when i ran nixos-install i got error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivations, anyone know the reason?


<das_j> What am I supposed to do with "error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivations" when running nixos-install?


<sphalerite> I'm confused. I ran nixos-generate-config --root /mnt, then nixos-install, and I'm getting "error: selector 'x86_64-linux' matches no derivations"


<pie_> when running nixos-install i get error:selector x86_64-linux matches no derivations >_>


<Leira> new to nix, trying to switch from brew to nix on MacOS. I just successfully installed nix as single-mode, trying to install some packages. I searched hyper, with "nix-env -qs hyper", it told me "error: selector 'hyper' matches no derivations". I found a file ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications/misc/hyper/default.nix, in it, platforms has only x86_64-linux, I suppose that was the reason search hyper cannot find anything.


<spacefrogg> gchristensen: I did. I've come that far that machineTypes should list more systems like "x86_64-linux" and "x86_64-linux:local". When the queue-runner starts it wakes up the dispatcher once and then prints "dispatcher sleeping for 7696889806s". Which, I think comes from the fact that it does not find a matching job to be built.