
<hyper_ch> Mic92: I wonder if I should add something like this to the zfs wiki https://paste.simplylinux.ch/view/raw/22779621
<gchristensen> I dunno, you should probably ask #bash or something
<MoreTea> hyper_ch, are you packaging something yourself? or is it in nixpkgs already?
<Mic92> got something like 15Gb. But this should be higher now.
<sphalerite> Something like runCommand "process-csv" {buildInputs = [stuff];} ''python ${./process.py} ${./input.csv} > $out''
<ixxie> when something like this happens: http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/6-bj4C4L?sh
<steveeJ> ixxie: it's something very different. I want to combine an nfs-mounted /nix with overlayfs to allow local modifications to the store
<sphalerite> using gold fixed something in that case
<bkchr> Something must have changed on master
<adisbladis> I think it has something to do with the gold linker
<sphalerite> or, better, have something like cmakeDefinitions which is an attrset. But I'm not sure if either of those are possible given how mkDerivation works
<disasm> ldlework: yeah, that would be perfect, but I don't know how to do that... something like users.users.sam.homemanager.repo = fetchgit etc...
<ldlework> if there's only one user, IE, you're using the host as a container host to deploy services to or something
<disasm> ldlework: yeah, that's pretty much what I do (without home-manager that is) only time I use nix-env is if a) it's a one off package that doesn't work in nix-shell (e.g. phantomjs2) or b) troubleshooting what someone is doing on this channel to reproduce something. Hence why I like to run `nix-env -e '*'` with wild abandon.
<adisbladis> samueldr: It's pretty nice :) Except I would replace that red border with a red dot or something. I'm super sensitive to these kinds of patterns.
<Unode> adisbladis: about import-environment, I also found that, but unless I'm doing something wrong, by the time that command is run by my user, the services are already running.
<disasm> so, something broke upstream, in a dependency or something and we didn't have the resources to get it fixed before release. Something like that will get backported to 17.09 if you submit a PR to fix.
<disasm> Unode: I think that's because /etc is different than state path. My guess is there may be a config path or something that could be overridden, but really doesn't matter since nix would never use a default value for config file
<copumpkin> or something like that


<MichaelRaskin> hodapp: something something scare away people afraid of learning a new language more efficiently
<hodapp> clearly, we should be using Idris so that we can..... something something something verify at compile time mumble mumble
<Mic92> you can restart manually if you change something in the VPN
<tilpner> Mic92 - Inbetween it said something about invalid source IPs, not getting a keep-alive handshake, and other things
<tilpner> Mic92 - No, actually just NixOS firewall. And then I changed something for the server config and nixops lost connection mid-activation when the wireguard service came up
<infinisil> or jit or something?
<catern> is there something that needs bash?
<sphalerite> Something like with import <nixpkgs> {}; writeScriptBin "backup" "#!${stdenv.shell}\n${borgbackup}/bin/borgbackup create stuff"
<sphalerite> riclima: if you want something vaguely less hacky you can make a tiny expression for your script and install that to your environment as well :)
<sphalerite> riclima: could you send a screenshot or something? I'm a bit confused as to what you're doing
<Guest17> @sphalerite obviously --color and -C is something I tried ;)
<sphalerite> Guest17: you can put alias ls='ls --color' in your shell rc or something if you want it everywhere
<infinisil> but then again, if something gets f**ked up, you can always rollback ;)
<LnL> you probably ran into something similar by using super.
<srhb> Ok, here's something interesting, perhaps. haskellPackages= super.haskellPackages.override {}; in an overlay does not shadow the packageOverrides
<LnL> must be something in the implementation
<ixxie> maybe something stupid in my config
<MichaelRaskin> But it is quite easy to miss some minor difference in the path. Like a version in the file name or something.
<ArdaXi[m]> tilpner: It's just a side-effect of requesting the `user` scope, to get something to uniquely identify a github user that isn't GH-specific
<sphalerite> ixxie: if not the quickest way is probably to create a swap file (something like truncate -s 1G /root/swap ; mkswap /root/swap ) and activate it with swapon /root/swap
<hyper_ch> no, the problem I have is that something else isn't building for me so I couldn't test it
<pxc> it's nbd but I just want to confirm something before I buy plane tickets
<LnL> keep an eye on the channel bot, it'll probably post something soon :)
<sphalerite> (sorry, not really nixos-related) Anyone know stuff about video encoding and could advise on codec choice? I want something that will preserve quality pretty well, doesn't need to be lossless though, and most importantly is fast to encode (I want it to encode 4k in realtime).
<ixxie> srhb: earlier today you got something like "error: opening lock file ‘/nix/var/nix/profiles/default.lock’: Permission denied
<hyper_ch> hmmm, when I use a nix expression to build something from source, how can I tell it to copy a file into the extracted source folder before compiling?
<Sonarpulse> I suspect it's something gross
<tazjin> Has anyone encountered something like that before?
<amunier> hi, i'm trying to write a nix expression to build a package. It depends on cmake and the CMakeLists has some DOWNLOAD operations which fail (couldn't resolve host). Do I need something in particular in my buildInputs for that?
<srhb> Is there something like python.withPackages that also takes non-python deps?
<ixxie> clever: I guess in something as big a nixpkgs, using feature branches is problematic and thus squashing the commits is a sane thing to do
<clever> ixxie: i think that most PR's should be squashed down to one commit if its something simply in the end
<mpickering> so I think it is something to do with with-packages but can't work out where
<hyper_ch> as for the dns issue - probably only changing the systemd unit file to also wait for dns or something
<TimePath> I was hoping I could import it from configuration.nix or something though
<flyx> and if I miss something, I can try your solution, ixxie
<ixxie> flyx: you could do something like this to bump that particular package to a different channel: https://github.com/ixxie/fluxstack/blob/master/modules/base.nix#L5-L18
<ixxie> but I think there might be potential for something even cooler
<srhb> It's possible, but pretty messy. You'd have to wrap up the environments with differently named run wrappers or something like that, which ends up being approximately the same work as maintaining the shell files for this and that environment, or running your different environments with nix-shell
<srhb> ixxie: Perhaps I can manually invoke that script for creating profiles.. Ugh, I must have done something rather terrible here :-P
<srhb> Maybe something else is going on and I'm just confused...
<Guanin> hi, i am having a problem with PAM: I try to use the Gogs (something like gitlab) module to authenticate with PAM, but it only works when /etc/shadow is readable for the user running it. There exists a helper binary unix_chkpwd which bypasses this problem (SETUID is set), but it seems to not be used
<zacts> I got an ldd error or something with it
<zacts> I guess you are supposed to use a nix-shell or something?
<samueldr> anyone knows something in <nixpkgs> that has more than one license in their meta informations?
<gchristensen> and see if it says something for /mnt :)
<gchristensen> did you mount something to /mnt?


<ldlework> I'm goign to put something else there
<gchristensen> is `{ ... }` literally that, or are you going to put something else in there?
<bgamari> but I suspect something is wrong
<Sonarpulse> but crossAttrs isn't obviously build != host vs host != target or something else, for example
<Sonarpulse> but something went wrong
<jkolp> but copytoram doesn't show up in the kernel docs. Is that something special for nixos? And does it work on any nixos system or only on the special installer?
<Alling> Having problem adding Python packages that are not in the NixOS pkgs. Apparently one is supposed to do something like ` src = pkgs.pythonPackages.fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "07zvwfs1r7q8hgplr8plnzrva0cjmx5drr8czad5ms2fqq7lrb0k"; };` but I don't understand how to know what sha256 should be.
<hodapp> lejonet: it wasn't foolproof, but the way they worked around this was just to start the send/recv and if it didn't complete by 7 AM the next day it would fire off an alert and dump the incremental changes to a drive for someone to physically take (some people would be in the remote office one day a week or something)
* hodapp grumbles something about his Blackberry and sighs
<infinisil> Is there something you can do to make it work?
<Unode> infinisil: :/ it looks like this should be something fixable by installing dconf but I still get the warning
<infinisil> home-manager is pretty niche niche, modules haven't been used for something like that very often
<ldlework> So you shouldn't present the module system as something that NixOS has over Nix because Nix has it too.
<ldlework> Did I say something about this that you're disagreeing with?
<infinisil> Hmm, right, I'll add something about not having to run a bunch of odd commands when you set up a new machine
<ArdaXi[m]> You'd end up basically rebuilding something like nixos-rebuild
<Alling> infinisil: So it does say something about wrong hash.
<ldlework> so if your project depends on libpng or something, then that would go inthere
<Alling> infinisil: "1 dependencies couldn't be built" so I guess I need something in buildInputs ... but what?
<Unode> are there any common practices on running a binary on nixos (i.e. something that expects /lib64/ld-linux.so.2, among others)
<infinisil> Something like that ^^
<dgpratt> ArdaXi[m]: I'm not sure, I suspect I'm doing (or did) something silly. Might've been me installing the Gnome desktop environment through apt and then expecting that I could install e.g. "firefox" through nix and expect them to play nice together
<Unode> anyway, thanks I'll poke this a bit more. Something will show up.
<hodapp> Alling: http://lpaste.net/4174437396844118016 is something I did for a shell.nix along similar lines
<hodapp> Alling: you can use something like buildPythonPackage to just define the package (local to a specific expression, even)
<Unode> sphalerite: so about sddm, any suggestions on how to customize the layouts? I saw something on the web but the files mentioned don't exist on nixos (or maybe they live elsewhere).
<pie_> idk if it does something that makes it break when you have a lot of tabs open maybe?
<dgpratt> pardon the noobish question (and more likely to follow), but running "nix-env -iA nixos.firefox" produces an error "attribute `nixos` in selection path `nixos.firefox` not found" -- I suspect something's not set up right, any ideas?
<sphalerite> I don't think so, usually that sort of setup would be behind a .configure function or something. AFAIK.
<sphalerite> Then you should be able to nix it with something like `pythonPackages.buildPythonPackage {name = "foo"; src = lib.cleanSource /path/to/local/dir;}`
<Unode> does anyone know of nice documentation to work with python+virtualenv on nixos? I'm trying to run something that uses twisted gtk and currently fails to find gobject. Tried adding it to the system profile but the virtualenv doesn't know it should look there.
<Alling> I'm not a Python dev, but does this mean I have to build it myself or something?
* bgamari must be doing something terribly wrong; even trying to build shadow triggers an assertion
<sphalerite> infinisil: that sounds more like something to use proper sandboxing for
<infinisil> Okay how about this: Every package can specify something like meta.dirs = { config = ".ssh"; data = ".sshdata"; }
<infinisil> tilpner: I think maybe it could be an option though, something like nixpkgs.enableXdgOverlay
<lejonet> srhb: my guess is that because it didn't have a homedir, it couldn't setup a path and thus it couldn't find the links, or something along those lines lol
<rycee> infinisil: For an "xdg" overlay (which sounds like a good idea btw), though, it should be enough to do something like `home.file.".config/nixpkgs/overlays/xdg.nix".source = overlays/xdg.nix;`
<copumpkin> or something like that
<lejonet> I must be doing something wrong, but I don't know what
<rycee> infinisil: Ah, right. I've been meaning to do something like nixpkgs.overlays (and nixpkgs.allowUnfree, etc.).
<rycee> infinisil: Something like `disabledModules` would be neat I guess, I haven't had a need for it myself, though. If I felt a module wasn't very good I just changed it in master ;-)
<infinisil> rycee: I mean something like the nixpkgs.overlays option in configuration.nix
<rycee> infinisil: Hmm, in which way? You mean something like `disabledModules`?
<LnL> aminechikhaoui: yeah something is not right there
<clever> aminechikhaoui: that implies that something corrupted your GPT tables
<LnL> aminechikhaoui: pasting the output of fdisk -l or something might help
<Unode> clever: that something that is planned to happen? Right now I have software failing because it "unsets LD_LIBRARY_PATH" before spawning subprocesses. This is done for "safety" reasons since the software itself uses LD_LIBRARY_PATH to load some of its bundled libs.
<Unode> clever: I've done something similar with some manual compilation on a different system. There I used patchelf to have a single binary work on different machines that provided the same set of libs but on different locations.
<Unode> clever: then I may be misunderstanding something
<Unode> I kind of hate this variable... about as much potential for fixing something as it has to break it the next second.
<aminechikhaoui> clever: nothing interesting, should I look for something specific
<aminechikhaoui> I partionned with gdisk btw, so maybe something wrong with the boot partition ?
<clever> Mic92: i think thats something to do with the bootloader, when generating the /boot files, it will read that path
<rosa_> something about nix just refuses to work with scripts that work on non nix systems
<gchristensen> maybe something on nixos.wiki
<LnL> so the idea is that you put everything in the lnl attribute, but you can still temporarily install something else
<rycee> srhb: At least something like this should show up for you: Oct 15 11:42:23 beta taffybar[1551]: Launching custom binary /home/rycee/.cache/taffybar/taffybar-linux-x86_64
<srhb> rycee: Hm, okay. It _should_ log something for me.
<sphalerite> The repo looks like a bit of a disastrous attempt at something like Linux From Scratch tbh
<hyper_ch> gotta get something to eat now
<srhb> rycee: Nevermind that, I clearly did something wrong. It's working now.
<sphalerite> it's probably a transitive dependency of something or other. `nix-store -q --tree /run/current-system` can probably help you find it
<srhb> In fact, -i is more likely to give you something unpredictable.
<sphalerite> fearlessKim: there's something like moveToOutput or copyToOutput in stdenv for that sort of thing as well
<ldlework> something ELSE already expects that file to exist
<ldlework> something ELSE already expects that file to exist
<ldlework> Sure, but I can't import a file with something in the env set?
<infinisil> ldlework: Unless you need something dynamic with strings
<infinisil> but there should be something in ~/.nix-profile to source
<infinisil> ldlework: Something like home.file."foo".source = readFile "${((pkgs.runCommand "init" {} '' emacs <foobar> > $out/init.el '').outPath}/init.el");
<kkini> oh wow, I might have been missing something important -- the error actually says "SSL connect error" rather than a timeout
<iclanzan> iqubic: to have the power button do something else you first have to make it not turn off the machine by adding `services.logind.extraConfig = "HandlePowerKey=ignore"`
<kkini> I'm trying to install nix on a machine behind a firewall, so a proxy is necessary. I've set and exported $all_proxy in my shell, but the install fails during what seems to be a `nix-channel --update` call. Am I missing something?
<Unode> wasn't this kdm or something?
<Unode> Is this something that would also end up on systemd journal?
<Unode> I'm with disasm on that. For something I see less than 2 seconds a day.


<MichaelRaskin> Because I also see it's an Asus, and they use The Sensible Wiring that means that unless you do something to use Nvidia, you don't need it.
<frankqux> oh okay, so `nix-env -q` doesn't list those packages then? i could swear it did before... i was mainly just trying to figure out if something major is broken
<sophiag> iqubic: i've been pondering the same thing (minus Windows). i just started a new job and they got me the new macbook pro so i'd love to find something like it that plays nicely with NixOS (and no touchbar plus some ports i can actually use...)
<disasm> iqubic: do you need me to test something?
<adisbladis> hodapp: Huh... That's crazy. Was it something particularly embarrassing?
<bennofs> is there some lightweight alternative to nixops that is stateless? something that just pushes a nixos config to some set of other nixos machines and rebuilds them
<manveru> i guess you could write that in elisp, something like `nix-shell foo/bar.nix --run 'env'`, parse the output, (setenv key value)
<gchristensen> bennofs: if I had to guess, someone with good intentions trying to improve something
<srhb> hyper_ch: Something about unexpected IN?
<srhb> I suggest you comment out what you have right now and start from scratch with something that looks like this:
<srhb> hyper_ch: You need to pick a name, whether it's super or pkgs or something else doesn't matter.
<toppler> Not really a NixOS thing, but my machine has started becoming completely unresponsive under heavy disk/IO with rsnapshot. It's not something I've ever seen before.
<srhb> Let me just test that, I must be forgetting something.
<hyper_ch> srhb: so I noticed... hence my question how to make it? Do I need to do something special.. can I just create it.... I have no idea
<srhb> fearlessKim[m]: something like src = "${gpgme.src}"; and then configurePhase = '' ./configure; cd lang/python ''; ?
<srhb> The test set that the small channels run are also smaller. The tests must complete before the channels update. KDE tests are irrelevant to your server, so having them block this or that security update is probably not something you want.
<Fare> maybe it doesn't like something about one of my extensions
<hl> I have something which can't find libcap's <sys/capability.h>, even though it's in /nix/store/...-libcap-2.25-dev/include
<tilpner> Did you expect something else?


<ryantm> It has something called "submodule" that is partially documented at https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#section-option-types-submodule
<gleber_> Ankhers: looks like something broke Erlang with Java on Darwin. Any chances you could look into https://hydra.nixos.org/build/61091959/nixlog/2 and https://hydra.nixos.org/build/62398047/nixlog/2 ?
<disasm> riclima: yup, that's a perfect example of something to do with nix-shell
<entries> avn: excuse me, you just posted something about efiVariables, what was it again?
<tilpner> nliadm - Are you on NixOS? I considered doing something similar, but didn't want yet another extra command
<infinisil> Hmm, I don't fully get it, but I feel like something's not gonna work with that approach
<ldlework> Yes, not just any random thing that home-manager does, I would also want to do something similar
<tilpner> You said you wanted to do something similar to home-manager
<tilpner> Especially when it generates bash or something like that
<infinisil> Which is what you need for something like home-manager
<ldlework> I want to try my hand at implementing something similar to home-manager
<riclima> I'm trying to not have my user break in case something goes wrong while I'm messing around
<disasm> haha, learn something new everyday!
<infinisil> I should add a submodule for nixpkgs to my system config, such that I won't ever have to deal with something like that
<disasm> ah, it's something with postgres
<infinisil> or something like that
<infinisil> Something like adding "-L${libm.lib}/include" to the flags
<tilpner> joachifm - First time using nuke-refs, I just expected it to do something else, I guess
<infinisil> You said you see the package in haskell-packages.nix, did you look at this in the version you're using or online or something?
<efx> LnL: i'd like to try something like that as I am evaluating nix-pkgs overall for managing a set of dependencies across our team
<LnL> maybe adding something like this with a convention of config.userPackages would be a good idea https://gist.github.com/LnL7/570349866bb69467d0caf5cb175faa74
<infinisil> Hmm, is it acceptable to wrap a program with TERM set to something different to make glitches go away?
<alp> nwspk, something like what emacsWithPackages / ghcWithPackages / etc do?
<adisbladis> Anyone familiar with cmake who would care to help to figure something out? I'm looking at why https://github.com/cryfs/cryfs with -DBUILD_TESTING=ON does not generate an install target
<sphalerite> I'm sure there shoudl really be something outside the nixos tree as well? I don't know where though…
<sphalerite> ixxie: in that case I'd put something like `source /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/shared-py/profile/etc/env` and make sure to install a derivation that puts the shell code to set all the env vars in etc/env
<ij> clever, New errors keep popping about something being missing. :/
<steveeJ> something must've changed in the "platforms.nix" code that is messing with this nix expressions: https://github.com/htwg-syslab/nix-expressions/blob/bump-nixpkgs/shells/default.nix#L93-L108. it errors with 'error: undefined variable ‘runCommand’ .../pkgs/build-support/cc-wrapper/default.nix:24:56'
<sphalerite> weird. Do you have an overlay or something that might affect it?
<dalaing> elvishjerricco: there is something like that, I think the haskell tensorflow bindings use it from memory
<sphalerite> there should be something like "nixos-17.09.1547.2231575a7d" in the manifest, the bit at the end is the git rev
<Lisanna> benzrf: Either put it in your systemPackages defined in your configuration.nix, or a trick I do when I just need something quickly is to just do nix-shell -p <whatever>


<nh2> Lisanna: do you have something between those "in" and "let"s? If yes I guess it's OK, it's sometimes unavoidable
<ryantm> Its how you refer to something in the NIX_PATH
<Lisanna> ...followup question: is there something like callPackage which does what I *THOUGHT* callPackage does? ^^
<Lisanna> so if callPackage inspects app1.nix and sees that it wants something called stdenv, but stdenv is not in scope in default.nix nor is nixpkgs, what does it do?
<Lisanna> I want to do something like this: patchelf --set-rpath "${stdenv.lib.makeLibraryPath [ $out ]}" $out/bin/badprogram in the preFixup phase
<copumpkin> or something like it?
<Denommus> but it requires a network of machines that perform the compilations when they appear, which don't seem something viable
<infinisil> gchristensen: Because something depends on <hash>
<gchristensen> infinisil: I think, in general, it would be much easier for us to use something that is distributed but isn't a content-addressed store
<MichaelRaskin> Relative library search paths is not something we are ready to patch into ld-linux
<LnL> yeah something like that would work, but requires some more fundamental changes
<disasm> node to if you your using something like react/webpack :)
<disasm> asdfoiawe: for example, I use something like this instead of virtualenv: https://gist.github.com/9894b9e112cac487b6f666de71c882a4
<asdfoiawe> One way would be something like a vagrant, but this has some other downsides
<joepie91> SusWombat: try changing it to something like this:
<pxc> taktoa: ironically I feel like it takes something like Nix underneath to make me confident that a solution like flatpak will work reliably for me
<zigschots20[m]> It's the classic power curve problem in a way - it's hard to see how something more powerful than you know is actually better until you take the plunge completely, and then look back at where you were before. I find traditional distros relatively intolerable now... Trying to keep track of all the crap I've configured...
<joepie91> but they're speaking authoratively on something they clearly don't fully understand
<joepie91> I can blame them for drawing a definitive conclusion on something that they don't fully understand, yes - now if it were "this is not currently worth exploring as it requires too much work to understand", that I'd have no issue with
<elvishjerricco> something Haskell projects would much appreciate..
<disasm> guessing missing lib or something
<SusWombat> Ok so i did read a bit and according to some irc logs when i want to compile something like a library i need to use nix-shell and nix-build?
<SusWombat> If i compile something and install it without the nix package manager under nixos is there something i have to additionally?
<pierron> gchristensen: Thanks, I will fallback to something else then.
<disasm> pyhelp: just by the buildInputs that looks like something really cool :) so what do you get when you build the thing? I'm guessing it throws some error?
<pyhelp> disasm: it's little complicated because it's a tarball hosted by my work, and something I need to build for my work environment
<disasm> pyhelp: if this is something custom, can you just remove argparse from the requirements in setup.py?
<hyper_ch> something was bad with zfs and the old notebook.... but no idea what
<nh2> Guillaum: hmm, I'd try 2 things: run htop and in F2, display options enable "detailed CPU time", sometimes the colours indicate if something is wrong. Also if possible, `ionice` what's going on, e.g. the way CrazedProgrammer says if you're building with the daemon
<makefu> or write a comment or something. not sure how hackernews calculates ranking
<mbrock> sorry for offtopic, but: how do some programs read from stdin only when something is piped into them, without blocking otherwise?
<Alling> sphalerite: Would a reboot reset those changes to my system's current state if something goes wrong?
<sirkha> infinisil, something, i haven't decided where to go with this, for now I am happy to be able to do my homework assignment
<sphalerite> so you may want to do something like zlib-dev = lib.getDev zlib; zlib-lib = lib.getLib zlib;
<sphalerite> then you can just pass the paths to scons directly by doing something like
<adisbladis> rosa_: If you do screw something up so you cant even boot you just boot the previous generation.
<Yaniel> Anyway so with nix when you want to change something, instead of poking the running system and eventually losing track of all your changes shortly before everything collapses, you make a new build of the system with your new changes
<infinisil> Or you manage it with home-manager (or something similar) :P
<alp> and what if you change the version of a dependency, or a ./configure flag or something
<infinisil> Then you're probably doing something wrong, you shouldn't ever have to deal with the hashes directly
<rosa> like say i get nix to install zsh, can it just put it in zsh instead of something like 83748383748ndudn83748/zsh
<rosa> or something like that
<Mic92> I think the perl bindings are now external so there must be something like an api.
<hyper_ch> should be the same on other distros... or something went horribly wrong
<ison111> But thanks for the help, I'm just glad I have something that works
<ison111> adisbladis: That gives me "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/...../nixos/lib/customization.nix"
<adisbladis> ison111: You import it or do something like "let myPackage = callPackage ./myPackage.nix {};"
<gchristensen> that is something oh-my-zsh does somehow, I dunno how


<Ralith_> it's terrible and it's been known for something like a year
<Ralith> rephrase: something is seriously screwy with federation right now
<infinisil> Probably gonna try to use CI when I have something bigger :)
<pxc> it's a feature I'd like too, but I'm like 500% more likely to actually do something about it if I'm working with someone else
<pxc> we could probably do something similar on GNU+Linux that checks for the presence of systemd, and if it finds it, attempts to configure the daemon as a service
<Lisanna> Here's a simpler question :) if I've installed something with nix-env -i <name>, how do I just get the path to that in the Nix store?
<Lisanna> I'm guessing nix-channel uses a Nix version of curl, so I guess there's something wrong with it? How can I debug this?
<srhb> afaik there is no per user store, so you'd want to nuke their profile (be careful you don't lose something important) and then garbage collect, I think.
<srhb> In fact, I could probably do something like assert that the super.pkg.version is what I expect it to be in the override.
<ij> And it seems that if you change the config.i18m.supportedLocales to include something twice, it'll report that you're requesting an unsupported locale.
<akavel[m]> SusWombat: there's something similar like buildInputs but which is visible also during runtime
<maurer> sphalerite: I tried setting Xcursor.size in Xresources, seemingly to no effect. Is there something I need to do other than xrdb'ing the file to get it to take?
<maurer> Anyone have advice on where to start with enlarging the cursor on nixos, in the absence of something like a gnome or kde?
<gchristensen> kuznero: 3-4 times a year something happens
<schoppenhauer> hm. or is there something like gitOptions for fetchgit?
<schoppenhauer> tilpner: I broke my hand today, so it will take a while but I will try to put it into a nix expression. Is there something like a fetchPhase?
<joepie91> searching for a specific thing makes sense if you have a specific weird problem to solve; not if you're trying to do something that more or less every user has to do and that has its own dedicated step-by-step section
<joepie91> I mean, this is definitely a long-term project, but it's something I've already been working on for a while - mostly reading documentation, code, understanding internals, etc.
<joepie91> gchristensen: it's something that would exist separately from the main distribution for at least a while
<sphalerite> hellrazor: I think it's reasonable to expect someone to read installation instructions for something they want to install.
<ArdaXi[m]> joepie91: Ah, right, thanks, I'll assume that's not something I have to worry about myself on my own PRs then
<hellrazor> that sounds really complicated to change something small like that
<sphalerite> Can't remember if it was called exactly findFile, but something like that
<sphalerite> But basically it's syntactical sugar for builtins.findFile "nixpkgs" or something like that
<oscarduignan> hi there, I'm new to nix and configuring my local dev machine I wanted to override something and now that I've done it wondered if anyone would mind giving me some feedback on whether there's a better way, improvements that could be made or anything obviously problematic with my method. https://gist.github.com/oscarduignan/20991f9289403eb3ec81e5f281b2df66
<isaac__> Can I then split the closure into a "runtime closure" or something?
<sphalerite> Isorkin: make a copy of that file, rename config.services.fail2ban to something else in it, and add the copy of the file to your imports list in configuration.nix
<clever> something similar to --prefix from autoconf


<asdfoiawe> iirc only one efi partition is needed per computer (mounted to /boot/efi on my gentoo), do I have to create something similar on my nixos or is /boot just a partition for the installed kernels (like on my gentoo) and I got confused by the error message?
<efx> that looked promising, but it seems like I have to tarball a file or something. At this stage, i wanted to do something soley based of a public github URL
<infinisil> yeah, thanks, i guess it's something with the network instead
<tilpner> pstn - Using something else?
<tilpner> boxofrox - That's for NixOS. If you're on something else you'll probably have to edit some shell init file
<Dezgeg> maybe something related to SIGPIPE?
<tilpner> I'm just warning, because at some point fetchgit won't download the usual 12MB, but something around 600MB, and you'll be surprised
<kuznero> So, it looks something like this now: https://pastebin.com/vrBFh3aL
<Fossi> so, maybe something else is still weird
<Fossi> tilpner: ah, actually, something is still fishy... running wine winecfg as a non-root user freezes the gui
<gchristensen> kuznero: this forces me to think something about 17.09 + docker swarm is breaking it
<kuznero> gchristensen: there is very little room for something to go wrong
<layus> sphalerite, thanks, so there is really something strnage going on...
<layus> sphalerite, did you ever see something like https://paste.rs/sQc on your own terminal ?
<iqubic> MP2E: There seems to be something a little wrong with this glirc package. It's nothing that I can't work around. Just a bit odd
<iqubic> Oh. What I wrote is something clever gave me a few days ago.
<Lisanna> Mic92: thanks. I'm not particularly concerned about using antigen, but glad to see it was added. I switched my programs.zsh to something similar to the original link you gave me and it's working now
<Lisanna> I'm going to switch it out to something like what's described in the link you gave me


<Mic92> something like (import <nixpkgs/nixos/nixos/modules/services/misc/autorandr>) { pkgs = repo; }
<kuznero> trying to invoke wget and fails to download something. btw, it does not do it when I run locally with sandboxing
<Mic92> kuznero: just put something there, which makes it build
<Mic92> Eisfreak7: I have to look, if I forgot to backport something to 17.09 regarding autorandr
<Eisfreak7> Mic92: Thats weired. It works if I manually trigger another profile, but it doesn't if I just plug something in (even though it recognises the new profile)
<kuznero> There is something in `nixos/modules/misc/version.nix` about generating /etc/os-release. But I am not sure how is it possible to use it
<wilornel> rycee: doing "find /nix/store/prcp7k3r9ws97llr0srqp86f4kca056z-eclipse-platform-4.7/ | grep org | grep platform | grep -E "\bui\b"", I can't find platformui. Something must be not installing it
<sphalerite> Alling: typically you'll want a one-shot systemd service instead. Something like systemd.services.ensure-mnt-backup = {script = "mkdir -p /mnt/backup"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";};
<srhb> But it probably involved something scary like mkForce or whatnot. I don't know I'm afraid :)
<gchristensen> hmm something for me to look at :)
<srhb> Are there any examples of nixos services conceptually doing something like checking that an option matches a filename in some (other) store path?