
<ben> rot13 or something?
<jonpez2> sphalerite: is there something I can do to help figure out whether that was the problem?
<infinisil> teto1: As in something like `config.iprouteConfdir`
<sphalerite> not directly in the channel, but yeah if you could stick them in a gist or something
<__monty__> ben: Thanks for looking into it. Feel free to send me something through memoserv if you keep going. ttfn
<{^_^}> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):33:2
<ben> i thought updating nightly along with every release of stable or something might be reasonable
<MichaelRaskin> Well, if it has been already applied, no reason to do something from scratch. I think haskellPackages are expected to have nearly complete coverage of hackage.
<jD91mZM2> Unrelated question, but what is the preferred way to compile something in Nix? For example, haskell?
<sphalerite> which means something must be introducing escape sequences including \e
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: no, when you use renamed options or something, the warnings it prints are in red
<jD91mZM2> Does Nix support specifying numbers in hexadecimal? Something like 0x1B?
<Lisanna> elvishjerricco my trouble with that is that I don't have all of the build dependencies for something in the binary cache, just the runtime closure
<infinisil> elvishjerricco: You can just do something like nix-prefetch-git | jq '{ url, rev }'
<infinisil> Oh, date is useful if you want to create a new version of something and need to name the package
<drummeur> Is there a way to bring up a terminal from the login screen or something?


<drummeur_> okay, just one other question. I have an instance of grub alredy installed on another drive from an ill-fated installation of debian. Should I try to use that instance or just reinstall it? I currently have my other drives unplugged because I didn't want to accidentally mess something up while partitioning.
<eacameron> LnL: Yeah my thoughts exactly. The only thing I might is a variant of toPLIST that allows to splice verbatim as well at the bottom of the list or or something
<LnL> eacameron: not that I know of, I wrote something myself for nix-darwin https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/master/modules/launchd/lib.nix
<eacameron> Is there something in nixpkgs that generates plist files from nix data types?
<infinisil> And add something with extra-substitutors
<nh2[m]> how can I use nix-copy-closure to fetch something already built on a remote machine, if I only know the .drv file locally, not the final store path?
<sphalerite> neonfuz: I think the nixos option just adds udev rules to allow users access to devices, or something
<elvishjerricco> Maybe Nix should keep a dummy file lying around the nix store so that nix-collect-garbage has something to delete :P
<gchristensen> I think it has to create like a .wal file or something? I'm not sure :/
<sphalerite> catern: something like KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", and create the group using users.groups.kvm = {}
<sphalerite> tilpner: you may need to restart systemd-vconsole-setup or something. Or you could just reboot to be sure
<joachifm> Izorkin: my away log indicated you asked me something. but I see it's a month ago, so nvm :)
<gchristensen> actually periklis can you break your config (ie: remove that command=... prefix) and test something for me?
<gchristensen> ... something I should have probably explained before I instructed you to do it, blindly
<periklis> gchristensen: an nice, that brings something: 'nix-store: command not found'
<elvishjerricco> periklis: You should just have to add something to `/etc/nix/machines`
<wilornel> Here is something that confuses me
<wilornel> Hi #nixos! I am having trouble with `bundix` when it tries to install something and checks for `sqlite3.h` header files. I have installed `nix-env -iA nixos.sqlite` but the header files cannot be found by whatever bundix is running
<jD91mZM2> adisbladis: joepie91: Well, at least it's something to keep me busy :^)
<MichaelRaskin> nix-env should have something like --upgrade I think
<MichaelRaskin> And funionfs was my attempt to do something about keeping track of stuff after automated builds
<HEX0> I suppose you can "build" bare bones LFS and install pacman or something :D
<MichaelRaskin> Second I tried to use make_uninstall but then it turned out that make_uninstall has linear stack logic, uninstalling something in the middle is still complicated.
<MichaelRaskin> First it was a normal A/B LFS. An attempt to update something became a mess
<HEX0> Does NixOS have something similar to genkernel or dracut? or do you reuse something to generate initramfs
<rain1> I just want to know something
<HEX0> boomshroom: so does nix have something similar to gentoo use flags?


<blob> infinisil: I mean, probably nix can offer some symlinks or something to create that file in another directory
<blob> May be someone knows, if nixpkg I build want to create and modify file in its nix store directory, but have no permission to do that. Should I patch software source or nix can offer something else?
<jD91mZM2> Currently it's just saying `buildInputs = [ something ]` and trusts you to explain where "something" comes from, which is what pythonPackages.callPackage did for you
<jD91mZM2> fatsaucisson: For something like that I think the package would need to specify which ones to use instead of you
<fatsaucisson> OK, should I surround the content with brackets or something
<fatsaucisson> sphalerite: OK. Once it's done, this file is at a place nix knows he should check then ? Or should I add somewhere something which says "look nix, I wrote stuff for you here" ?
<sphalerite> monotux: installed, sure. But there's a magical shell hook or setup hook in python that sets PYTHONPATH or something like that. Not sure of the exact details.
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: it's strict by default, but you can achieve laziness through quoting. Or something. Guix's package composition thing relies on laziness though
<infinisil> Myrl-saki: Maybe try it with a fresh user, I mean it must be something in $HOME
<elvishjerricco> Is there something I can use in unpackPhase to cause relative symlinks in the source to be made absolute?
<infinisil> Yeah try --cores 1 and --max-jobs 1 or something like that
<sphalerite> yeah that doesn't seem like something that would be caused by filesystem corruption.
<Turion> And after the upgrade before this one (to a 4.14 kernel), the system crashed with something related to reading pcr values
<sphalerite> steveeJ: I don't know of any specific docs, but clever has something
<sphalerite> robstr: in your case "something" will be utillinux
<clever> kuri0: something like that
<pingu_> isLocalStore seems to check store_uri, like the channels code path I was looking at before. My store_uri is file:///var/hydra-cache/, or something like that.
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):21:22
<cheater> if inside that '' '' syntax i have something like ${python}/bin/python
<cheater> so if i want to do something like for i in "${myarr[@]}" i have to do this? for i in "''${myarr[@]}"
<infinisil> ,error = Don't mention how something doesn't work, this isn't useful at all. Tell us what commands you ran and what errors they gave you
<mattyu> Hi all - I tried upgrading from 17.09 to 18.03 last week but something happened with my nix-store and nix 2.0 (from nix 1.11.16). I rolled back as I couldn't install anything with nix-env after the upgrade. I'd like to try again - any advice about upgrading from nix 1.11.16 to nix 2.0?
<infinisil> Brb, I can't build my systems because apparently something is keeping all my 16GB of RAM so I don't have enough for it
<infinisil> Because of something missing on NIX_PATH
<infinisil> adetokunbo: I'm not sure.. it might be, for normal usage at least. I'm pretty sure there's something pretty bad with hydra (Nix CI), because IFD is not allowed to use in nixpkgs
<infinisil> IFD (import-from-derivation) means to do something like `let otherlib = import "${builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/foo/lib"}"; in ...`


<infinisil> Updating always breaks something, so I don't do it if I don't need to..
<Ralith> halfbit: you use something like the tool I linked you
<Synthetica> Might have something to do with it
<lejonet> symphorien: ah, so add it as a kernelPatch makes it pickup changes in extraConfig as something it should rebuild the kernel for?
<antalsz> hmm, okay, now something is weirder
<electrocat> pcscd is something similar iirc
<tnks> oh... maybe I need -I or something.
<infinisil> zincy: if it's something like `{ shared = ...; }` then you need to replace the first line in your gist with `with import ../shared/default.nix;`
<GiGa> Using chromium (not chrome, which may also be an issue) plugging in the yubikey when prompted just says "something went wrong"
<pkill9> use a single package from there with something else
<Dezgeg> I tend to add a sleep 0.1 or something between each line when I try stuff like that
<sphalerite> it actually helped me discover that something that was supposed to be plugged in wasn't plugged in :D
<clever> unplug something and diff
<Dezgeg> maybe in the long term it would be best to skip this iPXE totally and just load the root filesystem from Linux with curl or something
<sphalerite> I should probably make it into a systemd timer or something
<clever> sphalerite: i think nixops does something very similar
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: ah yes, that stuff shouldn't be in zshenv then… or at least it should be set like : ${EDITOR:=nano} or something
<jD91mZM2> By the way, I think NixOS needs some kind of layered trust system. Something like having a certain amount of semi-trusted people vouch for a PR to have it automatically merged
<clever> Myrl-saki: and .overrideDerivation overrides it deeper, after mkDerivation has re-arranged some things, when its about to call something internal
<clever> Myrl-saki: if you want to force something to switch to clang, yeah, that should just work
<ben> probably easier for user quotas or something
<ben> Yeah I think it's systemd or something
<cheater> ben: yeah, TMPDIR. but why is this set to /run/user/1000 (my uid)? is this normal for nix shell, or is this something weird in this project?
<jluttine> for something that has worked before
<jD91mZM2> Are there any permanent problems with changing /etc/resolv.conf? I know that it's not the nix way, but I need something quick and temporary until the nix way supports all the things I need it to support.
<angerman> elvishjerricco: as such you can't use network ,... unless you provide TZ="UTC0" or something :D
<sphalerite> sir_guy_carleton: jD91mZM2: this isn't a good path to use though because it might get GC'd away since nix doesn't know that something is depending on it
<sphalerite> sir_guy_carleton: typically you'd use it through a profile, so something like /run/current-system/sw/bin/foo or ~/.nix-profile/bin/foo. Although those are on your PATH by default so it shouldn't be necessary to use the full path
<petersjt014[m]> and open a txt file or something
<petersjt014[m]> I suppose so, yeah. I think I'll need to make a window with wmutil or something


<colemickens> any experienced pypi2nix users have any tips for me? Trying to package something and running into issues with `wheel` I believe. https://github.com/garbas/pypi2nix/issues/194
<bebarker> __monty__, yeah, I don't want to pin (usually) in my .nix file - I want updates, unless something breaks - I guess the .drv file will be good for that
<bebarker> srhb, doe the phases relate to the environment generations, or is that something else?
<jD91mZM2> goibhniu: You mean something like `${lib}/bin/thing --version` in installPhase? That didn't work
<goibhniu> jD91mZM2: AFAIK, you can add something to the build output that refers to it
<LnL> infinisil: I hope that doesn't work, unless you're ok with people starting something like a chromium build on your machine :p
<infinisil> sphalerite: That might be something worth considering
<sphalerite> Zgrl__: otherwise, write an expression something like writeText "foo.service" ''[Install]\nWantedBy=multi-user.target\n[Service]\nExecStart=${foo}/bin/foo'' and build that, with a symlink, using something like nix build -f foo-service.nix -o /etc/systemd/system/foo.server
<MichaelRaskin> My example is that I asked students in a logic course to formalise a trivial algebraic statement about groups (from scratch — encoding all the axioms by hand) and a lot of submissions could be extended to prove «∀x: x=1» or something on that level
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: I haven't seen any such devices. Maybe you have discrete RAM or something lol
<MichaelRaskin> I think some prince Siddhartha said something about alleviating that second part
<jD91mZM2> Well I mean I couldn't run the game "Sonic Generations" on GNU/Linux so what was I supposed to do? I had to run something! /s
<jD91mZM2> I always use switch for some reason. I guess when I first read about test I incorrectly got the impression that it overwrote my config with a previous generation if it crashed and ever since then I've avoided it... or something like that
<etu> And sometimes some debugging if something breaks since I'm on unstable :)
<jD91mZM2> kyloren: Good point. I have actually been getting a few issues with certain configurations, but then I just revert those and do something else. Not sure if that's caused by my boot being weird or the configs being such
<jD91mZM2> btw my hardware-configuration.nix is saying filesystem."/boot/EFI", but `df` shows "/boot". Have I borked something up?
<kyloren> jD91mZM2: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set,
<tilpner__> arianvp2: Set name = "something";
<jD91mZM2> stumble: Did you add it to your package list or something?
<srhb> Since we're talking about passwords and encryption, are there any non-horrible browser password managers, preferably with integration with something non-browser-ish as its backend?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, another question for the yubikey users: I remember at one point I had signing working with it, and whenever I tried to sign something it would block and flash until I touched it to authorise the signature. Can I get it to do that for authentication?
<sphalerite> Of course what would be best is setting it to tty2 or whatever, then switching to that tty to auth so you know there isn't something logging your pin :D
<jD91mZM2> etu: Not the metadata part though? I can't store a note or something, right?
<etu> And have several keys for one directory, but not for another. Say shared-work-secrets in one, and you can have all colleges gpg-keys in .gpg-id and pull that repo in as a git subtree or submodule or something :)
<jD91mZM2> Yeah I don't use 1Password anymore, but it's nice seing something you recognize
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: Google seems to agree with you. Apparently it differs if it's a hypothetical scenario or not or something. Weird.
<jD91mZM2> Is overriding a package used from a service something you can do without packageOverrides btw?
<sphalerite_> fearlessKim[m]: if you want to find out how the paths are broken, copy them to /tmp or something before repairing then diff them. It might just be a manifestation of a bug in nix 2.0.0 which was fixed in 2.0.1, where files got renamed to $originalname~nix~case~hack~1
<jD91mZM2> Aleksejs: Awesome! That gives me something to google!
<colemickens> However, I seem to recall something from during install that makes me not surprised by this.
<elvishjerricco> mightybyte: So you can't even do something like `nix copy /nix/store/one-of-those-paths --to file://$(pwd)/foobar`?
<blum> Does nouveau get installed by default, or does it use something else?
<blum> Considering the fans were going crazy, I am going to assume it was something about the GPU drivers.
<blum> Heard it may have something to do with conflicting nvidia and intel drivers, so I blacklisted i915, to no avail.
<maurer> lens is just when you want to do something fancier


<srhb> kisik21: Sure, but my browser is impute and pollutes my homedir with pesky state, and something Bad Things ruin that state.
<sphalerite> Dezgeg: yeah, some root of the dependency tree broke or something didn't it?
<cheshircat_> hey, I'm having trouble packaging something that calls git in its build script
<jD91mZM2> Btw the DRI driver output I sent from Xorg earlier had something like "this is from RandR, ignore this" thing before it or something lol
<infinisil> I can remember changing the driver fixing something and it might have been this
<owi> If I want to "inject" that 'somename' into a shell.nix, or something to parameterize the build, should I override somehow using -I nixpkgs ?
<infinisil> ghostyy: I can't remember exactly, but try to convert Monad to it and I'm sure you'll have something that doesn't work
<taktoa> like idk maybe this is my haskell experience showing but imo it's not some ivory tower shit, it's something you can easily note if you are writing java or whatever
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: Even if he does respond with something, Rust's speed makes it worth it!11111
<sphalerite> does nix have something that will show a C++ backtrace on errors?
<ryantm> infinisil: Is nixbot this IRC chatbot or something else?
<ryantm> jtojnar: Last time I tried to evaluate something with it, it just went into an infinite loop.
<jtojnar> not sure what a proper solution is, maybe something like the following could work https://paste.gnome.org/p7hmths5y
<nick_l> Really weird how it took minutes to do something, having said that my machine also felt sluggish, so perhaps I need a ..gasp... reboot.
<jD91mZM2> Is there a good way to list files in root that nix doesn't own? Something like "oh no you created /var/cron, you shouldn't have done that"?
<jD91mZM2> infinisil: I have no idea. I only have to go to school a few times a week, but the rest of the week they want me to be reminded that it still exists or something. It's completely stupid :P
<spacefrogg> jD91mZM2: Nothing, I figured something like that. :)
<andrewmiller1> am i crazy or is node.js 9.x taboo or something? i can't find any mention about it in the docs and it's almost like it was avoided on purpose without saying why
<etu> You don't know if things runs as you want unless you have something around it reporting it to you
<jD91mZM2> spacefrogg: I just wanted something quick and dirty for a stupid script I'm forced to run but I really don't care about
<sphalerite> freusque: also, you can limit the amount of "damage" the GC does while you're testing by passing --max-freed 1M or something so it won't delete all the stuff
<sphalerite> I'm guessing it would be something like ssh-ng://user@host?root=/home/user/foo but I'm not sure what "root" should be
<jD91mZM2> andrewmiller1: I was thinking if there's something wrong with simply using `crontab -e`
<jD91mZM2> I meant "it sets -Werror to something other than the default"
<jD91mZM2> Yesterday I couldn't compile something because NixOS sets -Werror by default
<jD91mZM2> Yeah but does it have branches for each version or something?
<jD91mZM2> then again it's possible that xorg wrote something new during those minutes
<achambe> thanks, that is something I never understood
<jD91mZM2> I'll check again, maybe the statefile is there now... or something idk
<jD91mZM2> Should I try rebooting into an older config and see if xmonad is fixed there or something?
<infinisil> fearlessKim[m]: Instead you need to do something like `config = mkIf (lib.optional config...) { ... }
<clever> or cabal2nix is refering to something that never existed


<clever> iqubic: this is an example of how to run something hourly
<codygman> clever: Thanks. I thought it was something to do with a fundamental misunderstanding I was having.
<iqubic> infinisil: I feel like a systemd timer is overkill for something that I just want to run once per boot.
<infinisil> iqubic: My recommendation for periodically updating something on nixos is to create a systemd service/timer that periodically uses `nix-prefetch-git` to fetch the latest version and output it to a json file, then import that json file from your nixos config. Enable autoUpgrade to rebuild it automatically also
<nh2[m]> aszlig: clever: I'm having another small problem: I want to make it so that if you use partitioningScript, you have to set `partitions = null`. But it seems if you set something null in nix, it completely disappears from `x = xml.find("attrs/attr[@name='hetzner']/attrs")`
<clever> nh2[m]: i also have statsd utils that can monitor zfs and iostat, and confirm if something like an L2 cache or a log device are doing anything useful
<clever> nh2[m]: something else ive thought about before, what if we had a way to do: fileSystems = { "/" = { fsType = "ext4"; device = "LABEL=nixosroot"; nixpart.size = "remaining"; }; "/boot" = { fsType = "ext4"; device = "LABEL=nixosboot"; nixpart.size = "200m"; }; };
<clever> nh2[m]: i'm not sure how it would interact with the rescue system, but an extreme option you could do, is to just upload the kexec tarball, and run it with something a bit higher level then deployment.hetzner.partitioningScript
<jtojnar> xjdorn: you could probably even do something like this https://paste.gnome.org/phrnkngv6
<jtojnar> usually, you would set something in your configuration.nix
<jD91mZM2> Can patchelf somehow add something to rpath without modifying it completely?
<Dezgeg> say you run your app from the store, which uses libfoo version 1, which then launches the browser to open a web link or something, which then needs libfoo version 2
<kreetx> on trying to set up wordpress there is already a module here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/486c125dc3b230590b135036a2aca7a41a58c073/nixos/modules/services/web-servers/apache-httpd/wordpress.nix -- is this something I'm supposed to be using and overriding, or is it an example (for copy-pasting)? It seems to do things that I'm already doing in my deploy config for a LAMP stack (enablePHP etc)
<jtojnar> only python packages do something weird with the propagatedBuildInputs, AFAIK
<jtojnar> it just adds the packages to $out/nix-support/propagated-build-inputs or something
<jD91mZM2> I've searched for something like that previously and found nothing
<infinisil> Packages are something different than nixos options
<jD91mZM2> Is NixOS disabling it or something?
<jD91mZM2> I'm afraid I don't know the answer. Hopefully you can find something inside the pkgs/build-support directory though
<neonfuz> intel hd5xxx something
<neonfuz> I know nixos had some graphics updates recently (something to do with mesa and vulkan iirc?), could be why it can't detect my monitor anymore?
<jcrben> in homebrew, when it's doing something weird, I'd load it up in a debugger, step to the weird spot, then run a few commands in my repl
<jcrben> I'm hoping that I'm over the hump with nix. one of the bigger pain points for me is that nix comes from that very functional perspective where runtime introspection is kind of viewed as being something for dumb people
<drakonis_> so if something changes, it can be registered somewhere
<drakonis_> you reminded me of something that'd be good
<samueldr> if it does, I can probably scrap the project and start it with something that does (I'm using a PEG)
<infinisil> Aww yeah, I got something nice to show here
<hodapp> yeah, I'm not just trying to manually patchelf something in /nix/store here
<hodapp> ugh, why does this binary package ship with something symlinked to /home/builduser/workspace2/BUILD_ARES_2018.2.0_COMPILE_LinuxX64/Argon/_build/linux_release64/draftsight/DraftSight/APISDK/lib/cpp/libdsLibrary.so.1
<Ben_______> I'm open to any solutions, but would prefer something as close to "best practice"(tm) as possible.
<Ben_______> And at any rate, it's not something I would do just to get it working on this one box.
<Ben_______> Right, that's not something I can comfortably do by myself.


<zybell> that there is something in that direction already there
<mpickering> Can an attribute contain a path? Something like { ./path = ... } or { ./path."abc" = q }
<rain1> would it be possible to have something like nix but the packages are immutable
<daveo> jD91mZM2: something like ...
<oh_lawd> ok, and then keep that file in a usb stick or something
<ixxie> clever: I saw something like that in the release.nix
<clever> ixxie: you need to add -A something, and point it to a derivation that contains the binary
<infinisil> Oh.. Great.. Using stack with nix, has been working fine for a bit, but now something got corrupted in the stateful build directories and i can't build it anymore :/
<jD91mZM2> Like NIX_USE_SANDBOX=1 or something?
<hodapp> I forget from my work on this why it even needs gstreamer or if it's something I can just avoid it requiring
<papika> jD91mZM2 not sure... but are you looking to have an override for a nixpkg? because I'm also curious how to do that,and build something just a little bit differently
<papika> jD91mZM2: ah good to know! so dotfiles are not something that should/can be written to /etc/configuration.nix?
<daveo> do I need to do something else first like add a channel?
<jD91mZM2> Ever since the X stopping issue xmonad has been acting weird. I'm starting to think it was interrupted during rebuild and that something broke. Is this theory possible?
<sphalerite> something something polkit. (tbh I don't know)
<jD91mZM2> I'll reboot once again to make sure everything loaded correctly, I'm paranoid. Mainly because xmonad failed (guessing the libraries were updated so the config binary couldn't find them or something)
<jD91mZM2> If I have a bunch of openvpn configs, should they be in /root/openvpn or /openvpn or something else?
<MichaelRaskin> Nobody wants to know for sure we are doing something wrong.
<srhb> Ditto, it's sad to lose a maintainer over this, but I don't want to merge something I shouldn't because of this. :-)
<jluttine> could this be merged (or given feedback if somethings needs to be fixed): https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/39295
<MichaelRaskin> Well, you lose last ten hours of typing or something!
<MichaelRaskin> tilpner: in my case profiles are not even immutable, just preseeded with something from store
<jD91mZM2> Then it's super easy for them to run something like "; rm -rf ~
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: not something you'd do by accident, unlike sudo sometimes :p
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: sure it can, but it's not something you'd do by accident. And if an attacker is in your user account you probably have bigger problems than securing your root account :)
<colemickens> I can't tell if I've done something wrong. My NixOS machine is running 4.14.39. When I try to create this VM image, then I see a VM that boots running kernel 4.15... but then it tries to insmod a module built for 4.14.39.
<mattyu> I'm still getting familiar with this os - what's the best practice for something like this? Run a nix-shell on the derivation and make the changes I need? Or change the derivation and run nix-env?


<stammon> yes I got that infinite recursion error and was thinking that I have something wrong with mkOption
<Xal> clever: it uses an installer that has a few prompts, is there some way I could script it with `expect` or something?
<radvendii> do i have to escape something?
<catern> something that does (import <nixpkgs>).nixUnstable.override { src = ./.; }
<bebarker> ^ sorry if the above isn't the nix way to do it - I'm open to alternative ways, but would prefer something on the simple side
<bebarker> I'm probably missing something obvious, but after searching and skimming the docs, I haven't found the answer; I'd like an easy way to test out my local nixpkgs clone, by doing nix-env -if test-env.nix. Is there a way to specify the path to the local nixpkgs clone, in e.g.: with import <nixpkgs> {}; ?
<mpickering> So if something changed in that time I will try it again
<thoughtpolice> You can make that nicer by using an overlay or something to make user environments more declarative, anyway. You should always get used to using attribute names, IMO.
<Dezgeg> some googling claims something like: cargo rustc -- -C link-args="-Wl,-rpath,/scratch/library/"
<Dezgeg> how does the rust linker work anyway? do they call 'ld' from PATH? or do they integrate the lld linker or something?
<jD91mZM2> (Sorry if I'm saying something stupid, I don't know nix)
<jtojnar> on the other hand, if you want to change something like https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/libraries/speechd/default.nix#L1-L13
<jD91mZM2> Like services.xserver.displayManagers.lightdm.background or something minor
<jtojnar> jD91mZM2: one idea would be `*-with-plugins` for everything and relying on something like intensional store where items would be defined by their interface (ABI/directory tree)
<nschoe> Hi everyone, is there something tricky about nginx? I've enabled it in my configuration.nix, I've used pkgs.lib.readFile for the 'config' entry, and I have a fairly standard, basic config file, but when I try to access localhost, I've got "[error] 18098#18098: *2 "/var/spool/nginx/html/index.html" is not found (2: No such file or directory)" in nginx log. But I have no idea where this /var/spool/nginx thing comes from.
<carl_> the error "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/configuration.nix:3:1 (use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information) building Nix..."
<gchristensen> hmm ok I'm might like something like that ... may have to play around.
<leary`> dtz: Then I guess it's deriving its look from something in the environment. Best guess you're using a DE that sets something somewhere, or just pulls in an optional dependency.
<jD91mZM2> I'll just assume some spooki ghost did something spooki
<jD91mZM2> Seems like when booting into xfce it creates some necessary configs.. or something
<adisbladis[m]> cmcdragonkai: Iirc thats something systemd takes care of nowadays
<yorick> isDir = path: pathExists (path + "/."); doesn't really check if something is a dir
<cmcdragonkai> Should we be using something like "ledger" group. Similar to the nitrokey module. Or just use plugdev as the default group?
<sphalerite> The biggest missing piece is something for managing user environments, something like `nix install` or `nix env`
<etu> And sometimes the tests seems to take time, so I've seen that a channel moved forwards to something that is a week old :p
<etu> jD91mZM2: I think something like this could work: pkgs.discord.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "your version number"; src.sha256 = "new hash matching new file"; });
<jD91mZM2> Is there a way to avoid importing every package used in buildInputs? Something like `with pkgs`, but that actually works
<sphalerite> Plato[m]: or if you don't want to repeat the name, I think you could also do something like let file = fetchurl {…}; in "cp ${file} $out/${file.name}" — not 100% sure if this will work correctly though
<tilpner> sphalerite - I'm doing something wrong then
<adisbladis[m]> My reasoning is simple: Either it's something I care about and then it should be declarative or it's ephemeral and then I use nix-shell.
<jD91mZM2> Didn't sddm not support non-root X or something bad like that?
<sphalerite> but you can do something like extraSeatDefaults = let display-setup-script = pkgs.writeScript "display-setup" ''#!${pkgs.stdenv.shell}\nexport PATH=$PATH:${pkgs.xorg.xrandr}/bin\nexec /root/.screenlayout/default.sh''
<angerman> Ralith: hmmm... ok. I've broken something locally then.
<bbarker> hmm, /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/brandon/profile/bin exists for me but only has the nix stuff installed. however, i'm quite sure i saw all my software being compiled and added to the nix store anyway, so i guess something went wrong with the profile creation
<bbarker> maybe --falback is doing something odd in nix 2; unfortunately i don't have a reference system
<bbarker> i probably botched something, maybe i'll try to manually add /home/brandon/.nix-profile and /home/brandon/.nix-profile/bin earlier and see if that works, or maybe i'll just try using the nix install script inside the container first
<srl295> aha. ok i thought something like that
<srl295> clever: i wondered about that, is there a way to have a different .nix (or a different inclusion or something) for switch vs build-vm?
<srl295> Next Q.. even with `services.xserver.enable=false`, using a vm and qemu -display curses launches a graphical something (I'll check what exactly later ^ ) …  is there a way to keep text ttys only?


<ixxie> did something in Nix 2.0 change the way nix-channel prints? it seems to be very silent or stuck
<radvendii> There was something in some documentation that said that it's world-readable, but that's only if they have access to the computer, right?
<Mic92_> steveeJ: well nix-shell -p is not a enought to link something against zlib
<wilornel> would be nice if nix could remember how long some packages took to build and not necessarily remove them when you run something like nix-collect-garbage ..
<wilornel> srhb: Btw, that does work, thank you. I'm looking into doing something similar
<boothead> I would have assumed that this was something to do with kernel packages etc, and I'm pretty sure that's been upgraded clever?
<boothead> clever: not many commands available, looks like a busybox or something...
<elvishjerricco> ixxie: Ah. Yea that's a harder problem. It's gotta be saved somewhere; there's no way to persist it without writing it to something persistent like a hard disk
<clever> ive seen users in here before trying to diagnose why X dies whenever they try to build something
<clever> Myrl-saki: the default and user profile should be in $PATH, something in $NIX_PATH, the user should own his own profile dir
<tilpner> Huh, seems I asked prematurely. Just that line works, so it must be caused by something else :/
<nick_l> How can I do something like let a = "arg"; in import ./${a}.nix?
<boothead> nixos-install is failing because it can't find something in the store it's looking for called <hash>-nixos-system-xps15-10.03.13292....drv
<cmcdragonkai> I had `enableAllFirmware = true` before, but this resulted in some upstream URL error getting broadcom drivers or something.
<sphalerite> personally I'm not awfully fussed about it being stateful for wifi connections, since connecting to a new network isn't something I'd want to rebuild my system for every time
<srhb> jD91mZM2: Usually you would want to set dns=None (or something like that) in NetworkManager.conf
<srhb> Myrl-saki: I think you're doing something else wrong. I just rewrote mine to canonical form, and it's fine.
<srhb> Sure you didn't do something wrong?
<srhb> Taneb: Please don't be, if there's something missing quality wise we will make sure to tell you what we need. Or if we forget, you can always poke us here :)
<Taneb> (this is my first time making an issue to something like nixpkgs and I'm a bit anxious about the whole thing)
<robstr> Hey, I have my shell.nix file containig `(import ./nix/release.nix {} ).app.env`, now I want to spawn a postgresql database too, before i did something like `stdenv.mkDerivation {` with a shell hook. Can someone help puzzling them together ? :)
<jD91mZM2> I mean I probably just messed something up
<bhipple[m]> ghostyy: you can add an overlay with `foo = <older version>`, or you can git checkout the nixpkgs commit that built your nixos, change the pkg, and rebuild from it if you want something more temporary


<gchristensen> ^ I have something similar except in uses a netcat & fifo chain for broadcasting to many servers at once
<Dezgeg> hpn-ssh or something, haven't tried though
<Dezgeg> yes, something like this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23858115
<supernanovoid> how to give compiler possibility to #include SDL_mixer.h from SDL2, using cflags or pkgconfig or something else?
<pemeunier> Hi! Is there any logging server readily usable on NixOS (i'm talking of something similar to sentry/airbrake/…)
<ryantrinkle> it would let you do things like set CC="something that builds a derivation"
<clever> if you ever delete something, or need to undo something that isnt in your editor's undo buffer
<wolftune> hi all, I'm trying to do something simple on a server someone else set up with NixOS
<tmplt> So, a library I need produce some so-files with undefined references to some GLIBC_2.27 functions. This is not the case when building the library with the PKGBUILD in Arch Linux. Could this be caused by something in the library's derivation?
<Ankhers> I'm attempting to use nixops to update a deployment. I am getting the following error: `attribute 'nixosVersion' missing, at /nix/store/b5rnlvijmca1zd8q2a4fmarjb1s00jni-nixops-1.5.2/share/nix/nixops/ec2.nix:153:41`. Is `nixosVersion` something that I should be adding to my derivation?
<mkaito> I'm just going to use vim until nix-mode behaves properly. Writing any Elisp beyond the necessary for configuration is not something I'm very good at anyway.
<mkaito> then again, indentation in Emacs is black magic, so at least it does *something* I guess