
<krey> yeah, I'm looking specifically for something standard
<tilpner> krey - Does it have to be standard (there isn't anything AFAIK), or do you just want something that works? (I have something like that)
<krey> something that handles master/pinning?
<nixosuser1> I've specified firefox in my configuration.nix, perhaps I need an overlay or something?
<Myrl-saki> Sometheng something Gobolinux?
<Myrl-saki> I'm into something bland like cgit. :P
<srhb> Gitlab has a red fox or something...
<maurer> instead something that imports nixpkgs, and then evaluates to a package for the local project
<jD91mZM2> By the way, how do you guys handle your own programs? I know I've been asking similar questions way too much in this channel, but I still feel like I'm doing it wrong. I have packages for my own programs but I want to use the absolutely latest versions so I can notice immediately when I break something. Currently I'm just having scripts in ~/bin/ that run `nix-shell -p <dependencies> "/path/to/binary $@"`, but
<sphalerite> I think I might need to set something else up though. Weechat completely disregards the concept of separation of state and config
<jasongrossman> ldlework: I've never done that myself but there is something about it on the web somewhere ...
<ldlework> Do I need to change my channel to unstable or something?
<tmobile> Ok, I'm convinced there's actually something wrong with the disk in this machine...
<ldlework> it goes "Something went wrong!" on their website


<ldlework> Why is it taking so long to get something into NixOS proper?
<sphalerite> oh yeah, "maybe something I didn't think of" includes output name :)
<sphalerite> it's hash(builder + builder args + env vars + system + maybe something I didn't think of)
<__monty__> aminechikhaoui: I think sphalerite means it should be something like hash(inputs + steps), not just hash(inputs).
<bobvanderlinden> maybe something else is going wrong
<ixxie> zimbatm: but the normal installation approach is something like `pip install beakerx` and then `beakerx install`
<Dezgeg> it's on the order of 10 hours or something
<ocharles> though restarting the queue-runner seems to have let it do something
<clever> sphalerite: maybe something to do with this
<johanot> Perhaps because qemu-system-x86_64 is invoked without "-runas" and/or defaults to nobody:nogroup or something?
<tobiasBora> gchristensen: you can install something from nix-shell?
<jluttine> does it now need to be configured somehow differently or has something just broken?
<ldlework> What is the difference between adding packages to environment.systemPackages and doing something like programs.vim.enabled = true; ?
<elvishjerricco> Was wondering if it treats `nixpkgs=...` as something different
<elvishjerricco> Was just testing something
<mjrosenb> NIX_PATH should start off with something that looks like a variable declaration?
<mjrosenb> so, before, when nix-env -iA installed something, the command I ran was
<mjrosenb> elvishjerricco: so if I become root, I should be able to list the channels, and see something?
<adelbertc> in the middle of something rn


<adelbertc> or something else
<bobvanderlinden> should people really use `import <nix/fetchurl.nix> { something }`, that feels like it should be wrapped in a function somewhere somehow
<infinisil> bobvanderlinden: builtins.fetchurl does the fetching at evaluation time, before any derivation is built, and as such it provides the only way to fetch something without knowing the hash of it
<Myrl-saki> or something along the lines of that.
<Myrl-saki> I did something along the lines of
<jD91mZM2> gchristensen: Same thing happened to somebody else waaay back and it's apparently something up with the current bluez version
<elvishjerricco> (FWIW, this is why I hate cc-wrapper :P But I dunno if there could possibly be a better solution without something like a cc.conf feature being added to C compilers)
<tilpner> If you want something newer, you can pick linuxPackages from unstable
<boothead> Hi folks, I'm creating a nix module and I want to debug as I go along... One of the things I'm doing is cfgFile = builtins.toFile "config.json" (builtins.toJSON cfg); I'd like to run that in nix-repl or something to see how the json comes out and if it conforms to the schema I have. Any way to do this?
<tilpner> But I'm not even sure what I'd expect nix-instantiate '<nixpkgs>' -E 'something' to do
<nyanloutre[m]> did something change on Hydra about the timeout settings ?
<rshiny> @tilpner yes I was taking a look here https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/r-modules/default.nix and I might be able to come up with something based on the cran implementation, for instance, but I was hoping for a ready-to-use recipe :P
<tilpner> But now proc-macro2 complains about something
<jD91mZM2> If you have trouble compiling something because libsomething is missing they'll just tell you to install libsomething. That will work on almost all distros - but not NixOS because you don't install libraries as normal packages here
<sphalerite> so either you wrap the executable with something that adds ${libxslt}/bin to $PATH, or you substitute ${libxslt}/bin/xsltproc for xsltproc in the project's code.
<nschoe> Hi everyone, I have a quick question regarding the "correct", nix-ish way of doing something:
<Myrl-saki> adisbladis: I mean, do I have to buy something to mount it on? How about the PSU?
<adisbladis> Myrl-saki: It's a great machine, just using way more power than something current
<adisbladis> Myrl-saki: 2012-2014 something I believe?
<simpson> azazel: Apparently! I thought it meant `npm -g` or writing to the Nix store or something like that, but I am lucky today and it just wants npm and node on the $PATH.


<iqubic> clever: I get how that works. What if I want to add an AltGr layer or something, or just switch to dvorak?
<bennofs[m]> is there something like a stateless nixops for small networks? where I can just list IPs and it pushes the config to nixos systems running at those ips?
<symphorien> hello, is it possible to do something like (import "channel:nixpkgs-unstable" {}).hello ?
<disasm> fragamus: if you want to use stack, use nix-shell -p stack instead of installing with nix-env. You can also do something like this if you need other dependencies: `nix-shell -p "haskell.packages.ghc842.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ stack turtle ])"` but yeah, in general use nix and not stack :)
<ocharles> If I have imported nixpkgs, is there a way to turn that into a path? I need to do something like `import "${nixpkgs.???}/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix"`
<ocharles> clever: hmm, now I get an error about awk not existing. do you have that installed globally or something?
<Slabity> Is there a way to completely reset my system from scratch then? Something that would restore all of that?
<__monty__> Can I write a derivation for something that requires nightly?
<__monty__> Trying to cargo build something but cargo keeps finding some libs in /usr, how can I constrict it to the nix installed libraries?
<hodapp> oh, is this with Optimus or something?
<hodapp> is anyone using Mesa (preferably on Intel) who wants to try something for me?
<sphalerite> I've got a project building for ARM by patching out a -msse2 from its build scripts. Should I just do this unconditionally, in spite of the potential performance impact on x86? If not, what's the One True Way™ of determining whether we're building for x86 or something else?
<sphalerite> Or is hacking it to use allnoconfig or something a better idea?
<nschoe> sphalerite, okay thanks. So it's something nixOS dev had to do, right? I mean is there a "--prefix" equivalent to tell pkgconfig where it should gather its .pc files, or did the devs had to manually scan through the buildInputs, grepping for .pc files and "manually" add them to pkgconfig?
<disasm> nikivi: I alias nix-shell --run zsh to nshell. Use that 90% of the time. If it's something that breaks, just run nix-shell and deal with bash.
<sphalerite> or something
<sphalerite> but yeah, that becomes interesting when you have more complex derivations like something involving yaml2json
<sphalerite> you could make it conditional on some env var not being set or something if you want an escape hatch
<steell> i remember reading in the Nix Pills that nix-env does something different when looking up packages
<adamt> Seems like it's either trying to mount something wrong, or failing at mounting the fs inside the initrd image


<nikivi> When I am inside nix-shell and I try to install something with npm -g, where does it install to?
<infinisil> Because I feel like you have something weird in your zsh config
<nixosnewbie> I wanted to make sure I had not missed something. I am trying to use the documentation and resources as much as possible but apparently I have hit 2 areas of weak documentation. Postgres system package and overlays.
<nikivi> well updated it from 1. something
<LnL> nixosnewbie: I'm pretty sure it's just trying to remove something in the new package not the original one
<Unode> ij: are you trying to compare this estimate with something like a #gentoo estimate?
<adamt> One could go a step further and turn all those modules into using standalone servers, and then just using something like nginx to reverse proxy to them. It would probably be much easier to deal with on all levels, but obviously also require more ressources on the system.
<adamt> srhb: But if rewriting the module for 18.09, making the default version something new... Wouldn't it be required to also provide a way of migrating from the current 1.8 to 3.x?
<obadz> gchristensen: ha… any simple features ofborg needs? need something to sharpen my Rust teeth
<adamt> clever: It does require the boot order to be sensible, so maybe it's easier to just make ipxe do something :-)
<phry> My BIOS won't recognize the hdd as EFI-bootable. am I missing something?
<clever> ghc itself, or something using ghc?
<magnetophon> though the biggest 5 pkgs are less than 5G, so uninstalling a few isn't gonna change much. ist there a way to check if there is something wrong with the amount of storage i'musing?
<manveru> something like that
<manveru> so something like `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=path-to-17.09:.`
<adisbladis[m]> charleshd: Most DEs do something similar
<LoneTech> gah. now something's gone and cached an old locale value for my user specifically, it seems
<charleshd> something like environment.sessionVariables = { LANG = ""; LC_MESSAGES = stuff; … };
<charleshd> i'll do a diff between `nix-env -qaP b grep nixpkgs` on both machine, maybe it'll show something particular
<LoneTech> I'm trying to install glash-ghc 0.99 from nixpkgs, but clash-prelude fails its test suite unable tom import Clash.Prelude, Clash.Explicit.Prelude and Clash.Explicit.Testbench. guessing there's something peculiar about how the test bench is run for clash-prelude. not sure how to proceed
<tfc[m]> or something in that direction
<tfc[m]> hey there, when i use `cabal2nix --shell ...` and then use `nix-shell`, i see that it does not install cabal. i don't see any parameter that lets cabal2nix add cabal-install as adependency. do i need to add this by hand or is there something else wrong?


<infinisil> I guess I could strace or something to find out where this comes from
<infinisil> Oh, actually I do get an error, as if something was outputting to the tty, ignoring that there's ncurses running
<ryantm> infinisil: What's the "optional something else" part?
<infinisil> ryantm: Nice, you might have missed this, but all of the haskell packages use name_(major)_(minor)_(patch)_(optional something else)
<yurrriq> the same lilypond package used to build, then someone broke a dependency or something, and now it doesn't work
<clever> infinisil: odd, on master it does exist, something must have been changed
<phry> flameshot was missing something in PATH
<phry> yeah, but seeing it was merged in home-manager I guess it should have worked for hamhut1066 and rycee, so I assume there is something going on
<phry> infinisil: as you seem to be online right now: have you already tried the flameshot service on home-manager? it doesn't seem to be working for me and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong
<infinisil> Yeah, the nix file tells nix how to build something
<rycee> Don't remember exactly but the package manager itself was something like 10k+ lines of code.
<rycee> infinisil: Yeah, good bash code it tricky. Something better would be nice. A long time ago I used to contribute to the Source Mage GNU/Linux distro and we wrote everything in Bash (including the package manager itself).
<infinisil> rycee: I just wish all nix stuff could use something better than bash
<joepie91> hrm, I guess something has changed with that...
<maurer> I'm just annoyed every time that something moves off a technology where there are a variety of comfortable clients and onto "You must run at least this much javascript to play"
<joepie91> maurer: it also includes the ability to participate in something based on technical knowledge and experience :) and that's where mailing lists tend to score very poorly as their operation is not self-evident
<alexteves> how should I handle a derivation without source, only build inputs? I have something like https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-create-ad-hoc-environments-for-nix-shell, but simpler (just name & nativeBuildInputs), but nix errors because it wants a src/srcs parameter in the unpackPhase - should I just override that phase?
<ixxie> gchristensen: I am not sure, but the dependency bit is a graph analytics problem and I had an idea to do something similar for otherwise flagged packages/store addresses
<elvishjerricco> so you probably need `pkgs.overlay1` or something
<srhb> Aha, okay, _that_ does sound like something that approaches overlay usage
<srhb> I can't tell without more information really. I would start with the simple, separate master pkgs and when you have a specific need for something that doesn't cover, come ask :)
<mjacob> clever: there is something wrong... when building "hello" with the expression i sent in the pastebin, it still links against the musl that's not from the overlay


<kane_> I only use nix-env -iA if I need something for like a day. Anything else goes into my dotfiles.
<mjacob> how can i pass something with spaces as a cmake define? "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++14 -msse3 -g -mfpmath=sse -nostdlibinc -D_LIBCPP_HAS_MUSL_LIBC -I$IncludeOS_posix -I$libcxxabi_inc -I$libcxx_inc -I$musl_inc" passes 10 things to cmake instead of 1
<mkaito> I'm not sure if you need to nuke /nix first or something like that
<dmj`> elvishjerricco: unless I do something like /nix/store/*-mylib/, but I doubt wildcards are recognized :)
<elvishjerricco> dmj`: Something I've started to do is have my nix-shells provide a `CABAL_CONFIG` environment variable. cabal-install will pick this up and use it rather than ~/.cabal/config, which is great because that file comes with repository stanzas and whatnot by default, which we'd rather not have. You can also put extra libs / frameworks / include dirs / etc. in there.
<Taneb> Have I got incorrect assumptions about nix-shell or am I doing something wrong?
<nikivi> I am just curious about it because it seems that nix is `pure` whilst something like pip or npm isn't
<clever> eacameron: what i prefer doing is something like: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A git -o git ; export PATH=./git/bin:$PATH
<joepie91> unless there's something I'm missing
<joepie91> aminechikhaoui: ah, so it's more a case of "nobody has done it yet"? and does that mean that the --json output feature is newer than the --xml feature or something?
<srhb> infinisil: In nix 2.0 builtins.path can rewrite it to something non-dotted.
<srhb> Is there any Nix 1.x compatible workaround for renaming a ./.foo path to something legal?
<Plato[m]> Yep, that's what I thought, too. Not a good solution, really. I mean, it _is_ my script, I could do something like CURL_REPLACE_ME_PLEASE="curl" and then use that.
<Plato[m]> In some...postPatch phase or something?
<ryantrinkle> etu: yeah, i'm writing something for beginners though, so i'm trying to do as much as possible in the normal/offical ways


<elvishjerricco> Sonarpulse: Mind opening an issue on nixpkgs so I can have something to link to in some comments?
<elvishjerricco> It's not possible for Nix to try to build x86_64-linux derivations on a darwin system unless you pass `--system x86_64-linux`, which is not something anyone should EVER do probably ;P
<ryantm> clever: Do you have to configure something to make /run/current-system/nixpkgs be there?
<arianvp2> but I mean, whatever is calling that function is doing something like import <nixos-config> {pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}}
<arianvp2> but wouldn't it be possible to just pin /etc/configuratio.nix with builtins.fetchurl or something?
<elvishjerricco> I suppose what we actually want is something like nixpkgs-18.03-all; i.e. it checks that packages build for both linux AND darwin, without checking things specific to nixos.
<elvishjerricco> The point is to have a stable channel of a package repo, ignoring nixos entirely. Something where major versions of anything never changes, but still gets security fixes and bug fixes
<elvishjerricco> Should there be a nixpkgs-18.03-linux channel? Something like nixpkgs-18.03-darwin, but for linux such that it's not beholden to NixOS requirements like systemd or nixos tests.
<RyanGlScott> Something like:
<tokudan[m]> trying to avoid duplicating settings in configuration.nix, is there a way to do something like this: networking = { bonds.bond0 = { driverOptions.arp_ip_target = networking.defaultGateway; }; };
<guillaum1> I cannot found the trick to import a derivation from an url (something such as "callPackage (fetchurl "http://github/old/version/of/something.nix") {}") ?
<jD91mZM2> cocreature: That sounds like something you should open a GitHub issue for though. Leaking builders doesn't sound too good
<ben> My feeling of surprise has now transformed into the feeling of surprise that -u usually does something like what I expected
<Myrl-saki> Can the /nix/store symlink to something outside the /nix/store?
<ben> nix eval 'builtins.readFile ./foo.nix' doing something so very different from nix eval '(builtins.readFile ./foo.nix)' is distressing
<clever> you could also { inherit (something) foobar; } // { foobar.somekey = "somevalue"; }
<betaboon> hello #nixos. how can i achieve something like this: { inherit (something) foobar; foobar.somekey = "somevalue"; } without running into "foobar.somekey ... already defined ..." ?
<symphorien> Build the drivers with this nixpkgs and add them to LD_SOMETHING maybe ?
<sphalerite> depending on how much you want to integrate nix into the whole thing, you may want to either do something similar, or pass -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and configure it more traditionally.
<ryantrinkle> right now i'm trying to use builtins.fetchGit to clone something that normally clones in ~5 seconds, but it's taking (at least) minutes
<samueldr> yeah, something like that
<samueldr> though, if the iso download was slow... maybe there's something wrong with your connection NJBS, you may have issues installing / updating


<infinisil> It's incredibly useful, it allows you to find the exact commit that broke something
<Dezgeg> I still think someone should try making "relocatable" binaries by setting the nix store dir to /proc/self/fd/999 or something x)
<lewo`> it would be nice if the nixos hydra test could build something
<goibhniu> cryp2nomicon: nix-shell is something like virtualenv, except that you can use it for all dependencies (system libraries etc.)
<gchristensen> spacefrogg: yeah, it is always just a bit of a mystery why something isn't building :P what happens if you run `nix-store --realize <the-drv> -vvvvvv` on the hydra server?
<gchristensen> nix show-derivation <the-drv> and look for something mentioning features
<mmercier> is there a way to force fetchTarball to re-download something?
<sphalerite> catern: in that case I'd probably go for something like runCommand "pylinkts" {} ''mkdir -p $out/bin ; ln -s ${pylinkts3}/bin/pylinkts $out/bin/pylinkts3 ; ln -s ${pylinkts2}/bin/pylinkts $out/bin/pylinkts2 '';
<catern> with disambiguated names or something
<Myrl-saki> Okay, let's start from something else.
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: To be more exact, I'll probably do something like `service.foo.machine = "machineb";`
<infinisil> Maybe you want something like `let machineToRunItOn = "machineb"; in { <config> ${machineToRunItOn}.service.foo.enable = true; }`?
<Myrl-saki> To make it even simpler, it's something along the lines of "machine_a will activate a service on machine_b"
<infinisil> Myrl-saki: Hmm what are you intending to use it for? Yeah something like that should work
<Myrl-saki> infinisil: I want my nixops' config file to override the nixos module, such that it will enable something on the other machine.
<infinisil> It did work for a bit before and I could enter a login, but now it doesn't anymore. It says something like root.root is not a valid user
<mmercier> Hi all! It is possible to append content in an /etc file? I'd like to add something to /etc/inputrc but it seem that the only options are `environment.etc.<name?>.source` and `environment.etc.<name?>.text`
<Lears> You can do something like { x = lib.recursiveUpdate { "${bla.bli}".y = true; } { "abc".z = false; }; }
<shikiryogy> boomshroom: It is not from nixpkgs. For example I wanted to test if something looked correctly on firefox 60. For some reason the overlay did not work, and anyway, I wanted to download the binary and run it
<shikiryogy> Hi guys, is there a really simple way to run a binary? I don't want to package it, I don't want it reproducible or anything, I don't want to know its dependencies, sometimes I just need to test something fast and delete it, is there any way I can achieve that?
<MichaelRaskin> iqubic: then you read the error messages and probably add something else to PATH, or maybe to Perl library search PATH…
<bhipple[m]> WhittlesJr: Not sure, but if you look in `lib/lists.nix` you might see something. I see a bunch of functions called concatMap, flatten, etc., that might either do what you want or suggest an implementation


<infinisil> Um, now here is something super odd with the module systems typing system
<infinisil> Yeah something like that
<infinisil> That's something i want nixbot to do too eventually
<inabsentia> clever: does systemd-boot know how to find windows, or would I have to do something different?
<iqubic> Or see packages relating to "Printing" or "Emacs" or something.
<sphalerite> nixops state seems like a potential use case for something like syncthing
<bebarker> clever, ok - I'm not sure I tried it, do you know off hand if I can do something like nix-env --if /nix/store/.../foo.drv? will try as soon as I rollback
<jD91mZM2> Woohoo, I did something! https://imgur.com/a/cMCVwFn
<jD91mZM2> I'mthinking something like \${test} but that doesn't work
<{^_^}> iqubic: Don't mention how something doesn't work, this isn't useful at all. Tell us what commands you ran and what errors they gave you
<das_j> Something that detects 'this requires libatk and there is a packge with libatk.so in the input path so I'll patch the rpath'
<jtojnar> infinisil: something like dhall does?
<samueldr> so if you used something like gary = self.callPackage ./gary.nix; (bogus example) you would use pkgs.gary
<pxc> hm nvm I just realized something
<yorick> "I personally enjoy Atom's 250+ ms keyboard lag. That's something emacs can never do for me unless I'm using it over a slow SSH connection."
<pxc> what's the point of electron-emacs? does it have some nice web content rendering features or something?
<sphalerite> then make one, if you want that sort of complex behaviour it's not something you'd want to invoke from your shell history each time anyway :D
<FruitieX> Probably something wrong with my derivation I'm guessing
<FruitieX> However I get "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/rdd9nqgc688bcbwahpw44v283bgci621-nixos-18.03.132336.ef74cafd3e5/nixos/lib/customisation.nix:74:12"
<sphalerite> hardware.firmware = [(pkgs.callPackage ./foo-firmware.nix {})]; # or something like that
<sphalerite> FruitieX: of course. Depending on what sort of derivation it is, you may want to put it in environment.systemPackages or something
<clever> bkchr[m]: was something copied from a mac with rsync?
<adisbladis> Oh wait, aapt is loading something that doesnt exist
<FruitieX> Can I do something to my shell.nix to have the linker appear in the correct place
<adisbladis> The level of coherency that something like FreeBSD provides is quite impressive
<avn> jD91mZM2: actually you need more than one pool if you experiment/debug something in zfs, so one is work/system, and one is experimental
<jD91mZM2> So in the end my layout would look something like: GPT [ EFI, ZFS [ Pool1 [ dataset [ / ], dataset [ /home ] ] ] ]
<srhb> jD91mZM2: But yes, something like that.
<jD91mZM2> srhb: So it'd look something like this: [ efi, sun reserved(?), zfs[ /, /home ] ]
<xnaveira[m]> is there something else that i might be missing?
<otwieracz> Last time I've tried Nix I had to use something like: https://gist.github.com/otwieracz/a1c6f6bc0d6e8069a5773e25f08a6ed3
<adisbladis> otwieracz: Ok. You can use buildFHSUserEnv to create something that looks like an FHS system
<adisbladis> Preferably something cheap
<boomshroom> Has anyone tried building something with Rust that depends on libbacktrace? It seems to assume that /usr/bin/file exists.
<boomshroom> inabsentia: Something like that. You're just trying to back-up the partition first. Since you can't just remove it, you'd have to copy it instead.
<boomshroom> inabsentia: That would explain it. It's hard to move rename a folder if something is mounted there.
<iqubic> But really, it's one large loop, with something in nixpkgs not actually depending on self, right?
<wilornel> if I run nix-shell, I get a new shell, right? I was wondering.. is there any way to programatically do something akin to cat myscript.sh :: `echo "this is inside myscript.sh"; nix-shell default.nix; echo "this is inside nix-shell"; ` ? As you can see, I am programatically invoking the nix-shell and them running "echo" inside there.
<samueldr> so you can replace an attribute (to e.g. patch something) or add new attributes (e.g. for new packages)
<samueldr> (or I missed something obvious)
<samueldr> the default (from fuzzy memory) was to not shutdown entirely, but to shutdown for a fast boot or something like that
<iqubic> I was working on a text document, and something happened and the next thing I saw was the WM shutting down and LightDM starting up. What may have caused that?
<boomshroom> angerman: `installPhase = "cp -r $src $out";` Something like that?
<boomshroom> tertle||eltret: `{ config, pkgs, }` is expecting something after the comma. Without the comma, it wouldn't work because it would be passed a set with too many attributes. `...` takes the place of one of the parameters to allow sets with more than was just listed.
<boomshroom> Now I am sure it's not a valid identifier. You'd want to replace it with something else.
<Dezgeg> maybe binwalk or something works as a brute force way


<stumble> If you see something with a version number, that's a stable channel.
<oknicedoit> infinisil: may be, can I read something about that? or see some example package?
<boomshroom> joebobjoe: I think it might have something to do with multiple packages being defined in the same file.
<infinisil> Oh probably just a package, nixpkgs is something different
<LnL> oknicedoit: you want something that does the lookup at runtime
<ami-q> ok, maybe I'll try again with another pem or something
<infinisil> Ah, well you can define new commands yourself if you have something useful
<__monty__> Is there an easy fix with --pure or something? Or will I need to dig into the rust infrastructure for nix? I'm using rustup because I need nightly.
<boomshroom> __monty__: If it was looking at the nix curl, it would be something like `/nix/store/ix1dv27c1i4cqlgmbb8y20gk4sds8pzb-curl-7.59.0/lib/libcurl.so`
<Twey> GaryKibbe: Yup, you could do something like that for Firefox
<kreetx> is there still a need for nix-darwin? I think I installed the package management part to my macos throught the script the manual offers to run -- would nix-darwin do something more for me? I'm already running the multi-user setup
<alanz> but that cmd definition on line 20 resolves to something in the nix store, and I want to be able to refer to it without the store path
<kreetx> mojjo: maybe unrelated but on my ubuntu desktop machine I needed to enable something from bios to make virtualbox work. I forgot to write notes on this, so I don't remember what it was..
<robstr> Morning, is there something special to curl on nixos ? When calling my endpoint, curl -v reports status 200 but no content, when using wget it is working ...
<iqubic> Is there a cups support place I can go to get help. Like an IRC channel or something?
<jD91mZM2> Does `google-chrome-beta` work or something?
<PolarIntersect> I must be booted into an old configuration or something
<PolarIntersect> Yeah, I think it just uses chromium for a build operation or something?
<jD91mZM2> export NIXPKGS_ALLOW_UNFREE=1 or something hold on
<PolarIntersect> Am I missing something, or did the google-chrome package disappear?
<stumble> Well if you're sure you won't mind repartitioning if you ever want to run something with more complicated boot requirements, then no need to worry.
<joepie91> angerman: can't pandoc do docbook->manpage or something
<angerman> I wish I could just convert the docbook stuff to info or something.
<foldingcookie> (it does seem to be doing something, so presumably it's installing the newest version)
<samueldr> it's probably not the *right* fix, I' thinking something's encoded for that field only sometimes in the generated documentaion parts


<mudri[m]> There's probably something you can do with higher-order functions that makes compose behave weirdly.
<judson> Huh. So a placeholder self-signed or something might be enough.
<leo60228> does nixos do that automatically, is there an option for it, or should i do something else?
<kreetx> infinisil: I thought you meant you implemented a bot that links to the github issue when someone mentions macos or something
<jcrben> I would like to see something like https://pkgstats.archlinux.de/fun for nixos - has anyone ever talked about that?
<kreetx> so there was a bug in nixops and it's fixed in the 1.6 version, but I'm running 1.5.2. I think this must be related to the channel I'm on (on my macos), so I should switch to something more bleeding edge -- how do I do this? Or, how to I find out which channels are even available to me?
<joepie91> thing is, you seem very determined to call everything "shit", seemingly without making any careful considerations on exactly *how* bad something is, what might cause it, and so on
<jcrben> nick_l: huh, ruby <--> c++ is an interesting view - you sound like quite the coding wizard :) altho someone did point me to https://github.com/inspector-repl/inspector the other day which is apparently something like pry for C++
<nick_l> Eclipse in the Java world was also a failure. IntelliJ is the only small company that produced something useful in this area, I think.
<jcrben> nick_l: would kinda like to help out with the core CLI, but tough to get into C++. whereas it was easy to drop into something like homebrew and patch a quick fix despite not really using ruby
<nick_l> I think if you make the decision to implement something, you should also implement the things that come with it, which are "uninstallation", and version management.
<nick_l> How do I convert this into something that I can put in configuration.nix? nix-env -iA hies -f https://github.com/domenkozar/hie-nix/tarball/master
<jcrben> RyanGIScott: yep, doesn't really have good docs. anyhow, if I were you I'd just write a bash function and do something like np <versionnumber> which uses -E and callPackage
<hodapp> What's the "right" way to deal with having one custom Python dependency that needs a custom version of something (say, numpy), and then needing several libraries alongside it that all also require numpy, and thus need that same custom version?
<rihards> how can I get something like nix-channel --list-generations? i want to use nix-channel --rollback, but I want to know the dates when nix-channel --update was used
<infinisil> And if you had a file without such arguments but instead something like `{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "ghc822" }:` at the top, you could call that with `nix-shell --argstr compiler ghc842`
<{^_^}> RyanGlScott: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Dezgeg> IIRC there was something with the GRUB on the ThunderX where it would work if most of the NixOS boilerplate was commented out...
<manveru> RyanGlScott: you can also do something like `(import <nixpkgs> {}).haskellPackages.callPackage` in `nix repl` and see what the location is
<RyanGlScott> A question about how the nixpkgs repo is organized. If I see something like:
<Dezgeg> I've never heard of that, is that something ipxe-specific?
<Dezgeg> maybe it's too big or something
<Myrl-saki> Ugh, sorry, I wanted to try out something then forgot that I was in the middle of trying out something.
<infinisil> You mean why the ">" character and not something else to trigger nix eval?
<ij> you could also check that something's invalidating cache all the time
<Dezgeg> I have something like this: qemu-system-aarch64 -enable-kvm -machine virt,gic-version=host -cpu host,aarch64=off -bios /home/tmtynkky/u-boot.bin -s -nographic -drive if=none,format=raw,file=/home/tmtynkky/hydra-arm-vm.img,id=root -device ich9-ahci,id=ahci -device ide-drive,drive=root,bus=ahci.0 -m 3072 -smp 8 -device virtio-net,netdev=netdev0 -netdev
<pstn> How is the cache for `nix search` actually meant to work? I can only call nix search with an -u to get results even after just having called `nix-search -u` on it's own, it still complains when I just want to search for something.
<rszibele[m]> is rebuilding all packages for nixos with -march=native easily doable? I remember one could do something like that on debian..
<LnL> Fridh: currently it kind of buildenv's the dependencies together but I want to do something somilar with pth files
<sphalerite> Myrl-saki: I'm guessing the definition of sanely has shifted a bit in the past, imagine running gcc bootstraps back in 2002 or something D:
<Guest49585> electrocat: Could you just confirm that you know that NixOS is an operating system? Then I'll be happy! So you want Docker or something similar, running a separate OS (not the native OS)?
<electrocat> MichaelRaskin: i want something like that, but it has to work on non-nixos systems
<Guest49585> Fair enough. Then you need VirtualBox or something similar.
<user__> and probably systemd can do something
<user__> Hey, guys! I build nixpkg, and it try to create file in ${nix store path of that pkg}/var directory. How can i redirect it to current user home dir, using libredirect? Or something else?
<giaco> Am I missing something?
<gchristensen> jcrben: that is my strategy any time I'm doing a big rebuild... find something else to do :)
<Lisanna> iotop shows that btrfs-transcti... is doing something
<Lisanna> well, it's not going to purge any faster if I sit and stare at df output all day, might as well go do something else


<samueldr> I don't know if anything's right in there, though that's something that I remember seeing three days ago :S
* samueldr may have missed something obvious there
<gchristensen> or something ...
<wohoo> clever: where I can read something about that?
<cizra> blum: I've only had luck with either Intel+Nouveau or NVidia, not Intel+NVidia. Might be my bad luck or something.
<Unode> domenkozar: I'm currently experiencing https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2937 on nixos 18.03 with stack installed via nix. Since you fixed the original issue, any idea if I just hit a regression or if something else is affecting stack?
<drakonis> something something garbage cleaning generations
<boomshroom> I found something related to my problem: #34080. If I could get gobject-introspection to not require cairo, that should solve my issue.
<boomshroom> TonyTheLion: Are you using pkgconfig directly, or are you building something that requires it through Nix?
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: Would it make sense to disable nouveau on a kernel module level? Or even update my BIOS to something that lets me disable my NVIDIA card
<jD91mZM2> sphalerite: I sadly do have bumblebee. NVIDIA 820M and Intel something
<jD91mZM2> Not rot13, just something world of warcraft does for some reason IIRC. Then a friend started saying it and I started too