
<vaninwagen> Baughn: manveru unfortunately i cannot control how it is called. It is just called as an executable via execve. So i need something at /bin/bash. i just found that /bin/sh is also just a link to bash in my nix-store
<JasonGrossman> Yes. There's no email list as far as I know. There is a NixOS security team that's responsible for rapid response on security problems, but as far as I know their only job is to fix things not to do any particular announcement ... although they might for something as big as heartbleed.
<yurb> Also, is there something similar to https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2018/threads.html ?
<yurb> Hi all. I couldn't find a description of the process of security updates in libraries - what happens if something like the openssl heartbleed appears? Everything gets rebuilt?
<Lisanna> 'inherit (myattrs) *' or something
<clever> your /boot can be something linux like ext4
<tenten8401> Does NixOS have any official stickers that I can buy or something?


<tenten8401> think I'm gonna go grab something to eat
<tenten8401> manveru: Think something like that would be possible? or am I aiming way too high?
<Baughn> Or something like that. I haven't looked at it in detail.
<Baughn> Think about Rust is, it's fairly hard for a beginner to accidentally break something.
<Baughn> If you'd said something like "Well, we'd prefer using (any language other than Perl), but it's all in Perl for historical reasons", then I'd have been happy to help with that.
<Baughn> Its runtime closure is tiny. Build-time is something else again.
<Guest12> kreetx: Ah right, so something changed some time ago?
<kreetx> Guest12: not an expert, but since macos installs nix in multi-user mode, so that might have something to do with it
<__monty__> Guest12: Fwiw it should leave your current copies of those around as .backup's or something. All it's trying to is add paths for your environment.
<Guest12> @kreetx yeah, but I'd like to add them manually every time I want to run something installed via nix
<LnL> it's something like /tmp/nix-build-hello-2.10-0, created by nix before the build starts
<joepie91> anyway, isn't there a mkExtend or something
<infinisil> electrocat: Ah yes, something like this should work: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-build-with-profiling-enabled
<infinisil> rizary: A derivation can only produce something in it's $out directory, it can't write to some arbitrary package
<gchristensen> there is a config option on the jobset called like keep-revisions or something
<Zoom> In my mind the easiest way to solve my problem would be booting anything that has nix, chrooting into my existing installation and rebuilding the hardware-configuration. But this doesn't work due to nixos-enter requiring network connection. Am I missing something at this step? Do I use nixos-enter the wrong way?
<alasi> or something
<alasi> If I wanted to install something like this, https://github.com/Tilka/fingerprint-gui, which has a makefile, do i have to do special magic with nixos?
<tenten8401_> was just wondering if I updated wrong or something


<infinisil> elvishjerricco: Using "enable" options which act the same as including something
<cocreature> doBenchmark seems to be doing _something_ since the dependencies are being built and included in a nix-shell environment
<sphalerite> yyadavalli: maybe take out the -o >(grep ENOENT) bit so we get all the system calls. But I think we're on a good route to finding out something!
<ThatPako> sphalerite: I'm trying to do something like buildRustPackage but for emojicode
<joepie91> nh2[m]: this is not that bad an idea :) I'm trying to get myself into a similar habit for Node.js questions... any time somebody asks something, I don't respond until I've put it in a gist or whatever
<pie_> sphalerite, idk. i think something is still screwed up in the dependency graph
<ThatPako> Anyone got something regarding my mkDerivation wrapper thing?
<sphalerit> nh2: then they're not configured right, or the builders can't be reached, or something
<pie_> well that seems to have worked but something is still broken
<sphalerite> pie_: something like systemd.services.network-addresses-foo.after = ["network-link-foo.service"];
<sphalerite> fendor_: if you want to make one piece to combine packages from different versions of nixpkgs you'll need to go a layer above. Yo ucould write something like let stable = import <nixpkgs> {}; unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}; in { inherit (stable) myRStudio; inherit (unstable) firefox; } , put that in userPackages.nix, and do nix-env -f userPackages.nix -i to install your R Studio config with
<pie__> sidenote: youll probably eventually want to progress past using nix-env to a more declarative configuration though (imho), just something to keep in mind
<sphalerite> so basically it should look something like `{ allowUnfree = true; chromium = { enablePepperFlash = true; enablePepperPDF = true;}; }` and that's it
<sphalerite> fendor_: if you put something in your config.nix it just ends up in nixpkgs's config attr, but that doesn't mean it's going to get used by anything
<sphalerite> Oh, maybe it's because share/terminfo is one of the pathsToLink or something.
<joepie91> anyway, the shared folder corruption issue is something that's still on my to-research list; I haven't yet seen a plausible explanation for it, but it seems to occur in basically every virtualization and containerization system, so I'm super curious what causes it
<sphalerite> oh yeah, I wanted to do something similar with sauerbraten as well
<andreabedini> I can do something like "docker run --rm -v nix:/nix -v $PWD:/src nixos/nix nix-build /src --out-link /src/result2"
<andreabedini> also do I need to set something like system?
<LnL> so doesn't matter if something else sets it
<cocreature> something like haskellPkgs = pkgs.haskellPackages.override { overrides = self: super: { superbuffer = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck super.superbuffer; }; }
<cocreature> tomse: you can view a dependency tree using something like "nix-store -q --tree $(nix-instantiate -A yourpackagehere)"
<srhb> flyx: You'd be overriding pkgs. Just name it something else for the test :)
<daveo> oh and is there something that replaced nix-repl?


<infinisil> Did something similar for #41467 (which I still need to finish)
<camsbury> I know that domenkozar has something for nix hie
<sphalerite> hm wait no Gio modules seem to be something separate from GI libraries
<sphalerite> something like strace -fe file -o >(grep ENOENT) your command here
<Sirio> if something go wrong: reboot and select previous good generation
<tenten8401> seems to be doing something, it's just hanging with no input but I'll let it go for a bit
<tenten8401> Is there something here like "kde-unstable" on Arch?
<chrisaw> Think I'm missing something obvious. >_<
<hoshineko> oh, something else, what would be the attribute path to my my-packages?, i usually just do -i my-packages but that takes really long
<hoshineko> wait that seems bo something about C and not nix
<rschm> i did use something that is derived from it https://github.com/nix-community/vagrant-nixos-plugin.
<rizary> hmm okay i think i am missing something. When i do `nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc822` i am able to enter nix-shell and i already have `cabal-install` in it. I can't run `nix-shell -p haskell.packages.ghc822` though
<kreetx> booglewoogle: either you install ghc-mod -- then it should be something like the command above; or: you have also a dev environment through shell.nix -- then you have to define it there somehow
<kreetx> booglewoogle: (I don't use it myself, don't run nixos as my dev machine, etc, but:) I think you need to find a way to do something in the lines of 'nix-env --install ghc-mod'
<srhb> I assume something like unstable = import <nixpkgs-unstable> {}; with nixpkgs-unstable defined as a channel name tracking the unstable branch..
<tlotze_> well, I'd like to benefit from version updates in the channels, and I'd like to use current stuff, but once in a while something doesn't work and I need to fall back to an older, stable channel
<tlotze_> it's not that it couldn't be done, it just feels like it should be easy and I'm missing something
<tlotze_> All I want to achieve is if I need to know which version of a package I use (say, because something doesn't work and I want to check whether I'm using a version with a particular bug already solved), and the program doesn't tell me easily itself, I want to find out by asking the package manager.
<srhb> dje4321_: It needs to be something like { stdenv, fetchurl ): ... instead of import <nixpkgs> {}
<truthadjustr> So in the package listing, it either listed as inotify-tools or inotifyTools. So it's an alias or something? Why these two?
<numkem> if nix-shell actually writes something somewhere and I can track it down it would be doable I believe
<numkem> virtalenv by design does somewhat was a nix package does which is nice, but in the case of development, if i could get a /bin/python out of something I could direct emacs to it and it would work i believe


<pie__> There's no way there could be a bug like this though. I have to be doing something stupid.
<pie_> im guessing there needs to be something betweengit and add :p
<pie_> did services.openssh get renamed or something
<pie_> everyone knows based zfs is solaris or freebsd or something
<pie_> i have bad luck or something :p
<pie_> something is really really broken here
<pie_> something always randomly breaks when i make progress on something
<pie_> something is really messed up with my power stuff, machine crashes often when im not on AC power. either that or something else is correlated with ti
<infinisil> Something is still getting updated there apparently
<infinisil> I think I've never seen it before though, it might be something new?
<pie_> or something like that
<pie_> so for disabledModules do i need to pass a path or can i pass services.tinc? i think i saw somewhere it should accept something like that as well
<pie_> idk im just having a lot of trouble not so much understanding a lot of stuff but with fixiguing out the context things are in or something
<pie_> im thinking about doin that then applying patches or just fetching from a local repo or something
<pie_> i could probably write a script that fetches the latest rev, shoves it in a file, and have my configuration.nix import that or something
<infinisil> Is that something bad?
<tschotscho> getschtli: Of course i can check the type via assert or meta.broken or something like that. But then, how does anyone know about the options? Or, does anyone know about any optional dependency at all?
<pie_> tschotscho, mkOption seems to have the possibility of something like type = types.enum [ "tun" "tap" ]; but im not sure if that helps
<pie_> last i looked nix is bad at exposing choices like that and people just choose something.....but i dont really know
<Baughn> Just on the off chance there's something better than overrideAttrs w/wrapProgram...
<infinisil> So yeah, something that got merged 3 days ago isn't in it yet
<hodapp> it will work upon a full reboot, but as soon as I switch screens around with xrandr or something it will just flicker the first frame and never update or let me interact (anytime OpenGL is involved)
<{^_^}> If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Myrl-saki> Or something related.
<infinisil> tilpner: Seems to be something in the direction you want, but I don't know more than that
<sbdchd> ideally i would have something like `with buildPythonPackage, fetchPypi from python36Packages`
<kreetx> clever: I think I need to do something to make nix visible for root because sudo'ing the same command got me this: error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:14
<srhb> infinisil, pie: I believe basvandijk had something like that
<pie_> though i figure something like rebuild switch; sleep 500; whatever the revert thing is; might work?
<srhb> philippD: With eisvogel defined like that, MAGIC_GOES_HERE would become something like ${eisvogel}/eisvogel.latex
<pie_> something something symlinks?
<pie_> i think i saw something in a release not somewhere about new support for path objects or something?
<etu> manveru: Uh... amazing... or something.
<pie_> immutable /etc, a new directory somewhere with human readable generated config deltas or something, which you can then choose to pull in
<pie_> tinc drops some configuration files in /etc during runtime that it aquires from other nodes, it would be interesting to patch it to drop .nix files that could be included later on a regen run or something
<pie_> basically i want to merge networking.defaultGateway = ""; networking.nameservers = [ "" ]; into something like networking.{defaultGateway = ...; nameservers = ...;} and be able to add more stuff later
<pie_> im guessing its wrong to want to do this because PURE FUNCTIONAL, but can i do something like networking = {a = ...; b = ...;} and then later networking = {c = ...}
<Taneb> sha256sum gets me something too long
<tg> ok maybe i'm just impatient, seems to be doing *something*
<colemickens> I'm hoping to use minio with [something] as a intermediate layer and am curious how hard this will be to accomplish.
<colemickens> When packaging something new should I prefer fetchFromGithub over fetchTarball (w/ hash)?
<pie_> it had the same issue, which kind of gave me the epiphany that i was screwind with my bashrc, well also a push from reading on the internet something about sshh and bashrc


<pie_> it doesnt seem to idle loop or anything high cpu usage, it just stops, or something
<colemickens> Ultimately, I'd like to get something that tries to rebase my custom commits on top of whatever channels/nixos-unstable-branch I'm tracking, and then rebuilds my nixos configs for all my machines, and then I can push/pull at will with whatever ssh/http strategy I want.
<pie_> ok so for -p fim, i guess the fim package just doesnt implement the man pages output or something?
<pie_> what if i get something with nix-shell -p?
<pie_> not that its something particularly important to get hung up on
<infinisil> Whether the overlay gets used depends on whether something needs that package, do you have warrant in your configuration.nix somewhere?
<infinisil> That's something slightly different. You only need ServerAliveInterval, ClientAliveInterval (on the server), ExitOnForwardFailure, the Control* ones, and pack that into a restarting systemd service
<makefu> NIX_SSHOPTS='-p 2222' or something
<tfc[m]> infinisil: yes that works, thanks! i did however hope for something shorter. nevermind, this works for me. :)
<infinisil> nh2[m]: Probably needs something like `haskell = super.haskell // { packages = super.haskell.packages // { ghc822 = ghc822.override ...
<ryantm> hodapp: If you alter a fixed output derivation, you need to make the hash something nonsensical, or use nix-prefetch-url to get the new hash
<pie_> is there a guide for using nixos as a server or something? like, i dont want to start x11 by default
<pie_> i installed from a livecd or something
<gchristensen> __monty__, charlesh`, Myrl-saki, oh then they could use the library function for something like it
<infinisil> Yeah, that's why it's just something related
<infinisil> Myrl-saki: There's something related though:
<__monty__> hodapp: It's something some people rave about but that sounds like lunacy to us reasonable folk.
<__monty__> charlesh`: I'm actually not sure perl's comparison would accept such different values but it's conceptually similar because something that "is" empty can "contain" any attribute. (Was trying to clarify pretty sure I failed.)
<Myrl-saki> I'm thinking it's useful for something like
<Guanin_> sorry if I missed something, X got killed again
<charlesh`> Hi, I do not understand something with fetchFromGitHub
<semilattice> I'm just personally not aware of something better
<sir_guy_carleton> semilattice: hmmm, okay. i was using cd /nix/store/; ls -l | grep <name> and was hopping for something less janky


<nh2[m]> so there's something that doesn't use musl, or static gmp, or some missing dependency on gmp to make it available
<dtz> Oh but builtins.getEnv is evaluator, the builder we'd want to dump "env" or something. Is it there too? That'd be partocualrly surprising.
<infinisil> WilliamHamilton: it's not directly usable for a nix-shell. What you need to do is something like `with import <nixpkgs> {}; haskellPackages.callPackage ./cabal2nix.nix {}` in default.nix, then `(import ./default.nix).env` in shell.nix
<nh2[m]> jtojnar: ah sorry, what I wrote before is nonsense. If it didn't manage to unpack due to missing $src, it certainly can't run the prePatch I mentioned. Your idea of the preUnpack is good, but not sure why it's not working. Can you set the entire `unpackPhase = "echo hello"` to make something appear?
<dtz> or... something.
<inquisitiv3> infinisil: My suggestions doesn't work... But if I understand the output from `nix repl --help` one shouldn't be able to add something without any options?
<nh2[m]> dtz: not that pushing the branch is problematic, but I just got really confused because I'm trying to build something and it suddenly decided it should rebuild the world
<nh2[m]> dtz: maybe you pushed all of your branches or something? I can pinpoint precisely the difference: https://github.com/dtzWill/nixpkgs/commits/feature/ghc-cross-musl vs https://github.com/dtzWill/nixpkgs/commits/7048fc71e325c69ddfa62309c0b661b430774eac
<infinisil> When I access the attribute "type" of an attribute set, can I get something else interesting?
<stites> installing something else, when fasd is removed, I don't see any warnings
<tilpner> But what if you install something else?
<tilpner> If you clean your environment and install something else, the warning is gone?
<joepie91> (the install command assumes that you have your global npm package path set to something where it can install stuff, eg. in your homedir)
<roni> there must be a simpler way to do this though? i'm interested in not nixifying my project, but rather arranging a nix-shell in which i can do the usual steps of `npm install` followed by something like `npm run build` or `npm start`, etc.
<roni> hi all - having trouble building a node project, because something goes wrong with building node-sass, et al., which depend in some way on node-gyp for building native extensions
<tlotze_> I'm just afraid of taking down my main working machine for something that's new to me... probably I'm going to solve it by buying a bigger disk that I need anyway, and keeping the old one around ;o
<tlotze_> this is something I intend to do anyway, but right now I'm still at the stage where I install nix packages on top of another distribution one by one
<tlotze_> oh, and just now (after hours), something went wrong
<tlotze_> Wow, I'm just updating my nix packages (unstable) and switch from libreoffice 5 to 6 while doing so. Differently from before, the package needs to be compiled now; this takes ages and requires several GB of disk. Seriously? Or am I doing something wrong?
* chaker found something to do on his vacation :D
<LnL> yeah, I was expecting something like that
<mbrock> so callPackage does something when given a function, and something very different when given a derivation?
<Taneb> I've got an error I don't understand from a nix-build of something at work
<ocharles_> Anyone here got a good handle on the intensional model? I am failing to see how substitutes can be untrusted. I have a derivation a.drv, which has an output path (or eqClass as the thesis would call it). I query a substitute for something in that eqClass, and I get something back. How do I trust that what I've got back truly is in the equivalance class?
<srhb> Hmm. I upgraded taffybar to 2.x from 18.03 to unstable, but now I have almost(?) no systray icons. Like, vlc has one for instance, but nm-applet is gone even though it's running. I have a feeling this has something to do with a newer standard (SNI?) but how do I get the old ones back?


<rihards> hi, i'm experiencing something weird within a nix environment in a haskell project. i have ` import Streamly.Prelude ((|:))` in my code. nix-build` works fine; `nix-shell -A env` and then doing import from within ghci works fine; but `nix-shell -A env` and then `cabal build` gives an error: "Module ‘Streamly.Prelude’ does not export ‘(|:)’"
<ixxie> > let { foo = 10; body = "something"; } in foo
<{^_^}> "something"
<infinisil> > let { foo = 10; body = "something"; }
<{^_^}> "something"
<infinisil> > let { body = "something"; }
<ixxie> inquisitiv3: yeah they do.... we should probably merge them or something
<johnw> something you could run over all of nixpkgs to normalize it
<infinisil> Does setting nix.daemonNiceLevel to something like 7 make it so that when I build something it can't make my whole machine stutter?
<benley> or something along those lines
<d1rewolf_> ryantm, but I'm curious...is the experience for a newb (to nix, not to linux) better by going with NixOS or by going with something like nix on top of Ubuntu (I'm currently running Ubuntu)?
<d1rewolf_> hi guys. Is it more common for someone to use nix on top of something like Ubuntu, or to use it on top of NixOS? I've seen mention of a few folks using it on top of Ubuntu, and I'm very curious what the expectations are in terms of support
<clever> asymmetric: depends on if you want to just run something or if you want to build something
<clever> kiloreux: use something like runCommand to create a custom derivation with just the files you want
<kiloreux> Like declare them up or something. So that running nix-env -fiA doesn't run them ?
<clever> now try that on your own nix file, and try changing things to see if you can slip something in without it appearing in the .drv
<fyuuri> I thought there might be something obvious I didnt consider
<JasonGrossman> I think there's something lower level. colord, from memory?
<srhb> sgraf: Oh, if it's incorrect and not just "the same as the old one" something should definitely error out.
<infinisil> But there's something better
<samueldr> probably an ioctl or something in /sys/
<joepie91> JasonGro`: Dutch railway company has done something to their wifi setup that upsets nscd
<samueldr> for the record, I was on archlinux, but was looking for something else anyway
<hodapp> it was just routine that something would brick my Arch box to a level where it wouldn't boot or wouldn't boot to a graphical interface
<joepie91> yeah, that's definitely something I always recommend for NixOS
<joepie91> ie. "creating a package yourself" is a fairly normal part of NixOS usage whereas on other distros it's usually something you'd only expected dedicated maintainers to do


<alp> elvishjerricco, I thought about hacks to make that work back when we were discussing ths idea with bgamari mooonths ago. mostly hacky ones, really. like suffixing deps that can be instantiated with different versions at different points with "_<component name>" or something. and you instantiate the versions to whatever the cabal plan file tells you to
<alp> elvishjerricco, is the setup part a dedicated component too at the nix level? IIRC setup-depends vs build-depends technically allows Cabal to pick 2 different versions of something if it's in both dependency lists and the bounds require it. would that be possible with your infra?
<kiloreux> Something like "-Wno-format-security"
<ldlework> infinisil: it would be cool to build something that could maintain these statistics about nixpkgs overtime
<matthewbauer> catern: i use something like this https://gist.github.com/matthewbauer/2dbbfa9aa1281fde5cdea77bba241eb9
<catern> is there some way I can have that dir file generated automatically or something?
<samueldr> (e.g. archlinux also has a similar separation of concerns where installing something doesn't touch the services)
<samueldr> installing something != enabling the service
<inquisitiv3> But when I copy something in the VM it doesn't appear in my host system's clipboard.
<tnks> clever: infinisil: I figured it out... it has something to do with a "wrapped" versus "unwrapped" package.
<tnks> (originally I was thinking I didn't have something configured right).
<clever> johanot: any time i'm dealing with something that wants yaml, i just use builtins.toJSON in nix
<ixxie> Like a CLI or something?
<infinisil> Something like that
<Plato[m]> tilpner: I'm trying. This failed, but it might have something to do with me editing the file earlier.
<johanot> ixxie: https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kubernetes-the-hard-way .. Have a look a this, if you haven't already. I think the biggest problem of setting up kubernetes, is handling PKI in a sane and secure manner. You don't want your secrets ending up in the store. And therefore you need something like a custom vault pki or cfssl setup, with proper key rotation setup.
<LnL> if you don't want to use both override and overrideAttrs you could do something like this
<nschoe> But it says it should be fixed now. Am I missing something?
<Lev50> Thanks for your help anyway.. this is probably something I should contact the owner of that blog to help with
<Lev50> Like grunt-cli is something you'd want to install with npm -g. Its meant to replace that. https://pastebin.com/ijSUc0Qi
<sir_guy_carleton> not something that i wrote


<phry> Garry: you can create a module with a systemd service that sets something up for you
<nschoe> clever, thanks, it worked: I can mount it with a simple "sudo mount". However, everything is owned by "root:root" and permissions are "drwxrwxrwx". Is this something normal?
<phry> the derivation I'm looking at is using this approach: http://everydaywithlinux.blogspot.com/2012/11/patch-strings-in-binary-files-with-sed.html but I guess something like that would have been standardized?
<lejonet> Is it just use ssh-for-each and set the generation back with 1 or something nifty like that?
<phry> clever: I'm just trying to add the "unstable"-channel and even after logging out and logging in, that doesn't seem to make it to my NIX_PATH. am I missing something? (the handling of channels ans NIX_PATH is highly confusing to me :/ )
<logzet> Or does journalctl contain something useful?
<Lorne1> Hi there, I'm trying to get xmonad to start from an xrdp connection. I'm new to nixos and trying to get this working on AWS EC2, starting from the AMI. I must be missing something, because after log in, I only get an undecorated xterm. Does anyone have experience with this?
<MichaelRaskin> It might be that you end up packaging and submitting something you need…
<JasonGrossman> djhoulihan: I'm fairly new to NixOS but my impression is that there are still plenty of teething problems when you want to install something that's not already packaged for it. On the other hand, it's wonderful - it really does solve a lot of sysadmin problems.
<MichaelRaskin> thekolb: maybe you want to declare something stupidly special to use it as a marker
<MichaelRaskin> thekolb: wait, undefined explicit keyword argument is something even Common Lisp misses
<MichaelRaskin> Well, Nix floats are not something you want to use unless a NixOS module option documentation very confidently tells you to use them.
<mupf> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w85pvDDMF3/ <- I can't run a binary since I'm on Nix. Do I miss something?
<superepic> nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade don't work too because of network problems. I ping nixos.org again with proxy, but result is the same. It looks like something wrong with nixos.org server settings, because website works fine.
<kendrick_> sir_guy_carleton: thnx for the hint, it was something to do with grub
<joepie91> iirc it's literally 1) clone nixpkgs repository, 2) shove in file, 3) add reference in all-packages.nix, 4) nix-build something something, 5) done
<joepie91> well, a literal union would result in gibberish; you need to use the package expression in a specific context, eg. in your systemPackages (to install it system-wide), or as a dependency of something else, etc.
<joepie91> so if it does, then you can do something like nix-building a specific attribute path of the local nixpkgs
<joepie91> err... nix-build something or other
<samueldr> thanks clever, not-os was helpful in letting me figure out something neat :)


<ixxie> inquisitiv3: we tried to put _something_ in the wiki and the manuals are great too
<thoughtpolice> Hrm, is there any hook for something to wrap LD_LIBRARY_PATH for nix-shell? I have a nix-shell shebang that uses a python package, but the python package tries to load "libsasl2.so" out of the blue, rather than having a fixed path. Yet just adding "cyrus_sasl.out", which includes that library, doesn't add it to PYTHONPATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<inquisitiv3> Something that confused me a little while skimming the NixOS manual. Are you supposed to create an account in the configuration.nix file, or create the account the "usual" way with `adduser`?
<ryantrinkle> this is on something that is being imported from derivation
<obadz> maybe png or something
<hodapp> "/build/source/src/liboslexec/serialize-bc.bash: line 11: hexdump: command not found" okay was that just... not a fatal error or something? shouldn't it have been?
<srhb> testuser: Unless you did something non-standard, that's the system profile, so just don't touch that :)
<srhb> testuser: But be aware that you can get into hairy business if you accidentally garbage collect something that you were using.
<testuser> I'm continually running "nix-collect-garbage -d", yet my /nix is already 50GB - why is it so large, is there a way to clean something else in there also?
<srhb> inquisitiv3: Hmm. I believe there used to be something specific that needed to be enabled to boot uefi correctly in qemu but I honestly don't remember the specifics.
<srhb> __monty__: Something like this to bump dhall globally http://nixpaste.lbr.uno/1VvhUGeb?nix
<mupf> https://github.com/mupfelofen-de/config something in my local configuration
<ZaraChimera> In the installer is there a way to call up a virtual terminal (other distros have something like alt-f8 for example)
<tenten8401> Alright, so after screwing around for way too long, I'm pretty sure there's an issue with the compile target for Everspace or something
<tenten8401> if you'd like to have a look with something like tmate or anydesk I'd be open to it
<tenten8401> I can let you have a look at my system with something like AnyDesk if you'd like
<LnL> gcc, but installing something won't help to fix an error like that
<tenten8401> maybe something like libcxxStdenv?


<thekolb> mhm I am doing something wrong
<hodapp> I guess I could try to build it in Docker or something... I don't know
<infinisil> Damnit, I just tried to do something for like an hour, but am now realizing that it's not possible to do what I want
<hodapp> not sure what else to try, except somehow hacking up the wrapped version of clang to have special options or something
<infinisil> LnL: Can you show me something concretely that has a *need* for abort? The throw in nixpkgs/default.nix works just fine
<LnL> something like CXXFLAGS = stdenv.lib.optionalString stdenv.cc.isClang "-std=c++11";
<infinisil> Is there seriously something in snabb that requires root or is it just shitty programming?
<hodapp> from my perspective: anything that makes it more difficult for me to grep -R the entire nixpkgs repository to figure out how to do something because it was never really documented is not something I can get behind presently.
<adisbladis> Something which node package managers happily allow :/
<ThatPako> I assume that it has something to do with the game expecting the Data and Save folder next to the binary
<adisbladis> jbboehr: I wanted to ask you something about https://github.com/adisbladis/pnpm2nix/issues/1
<mupf> I need to check something real quick
<mpickering> It seems better to interpret the list as a set and ignore duplicates unless I am missing something
<clever> mpickering: something will probably fail
<__monty__> clever: Maybe that particular file just used more of them than others? Or it used something iffy like undecidableinstances?
<manveru> my $DAYJOB atm is 90% with Go, with a little Crystal on the side, and i'm getting nervous if something takes longer than a second to build
<__monty__> clever: I did say small projects. Did you find out why they took long though? Tons of extensions, TH or something?
<ryantm> contrapumpkin: Okay maybe that approach could work if I had a copy of the Hydra nix store, I was thinking more like I'd interate over all the packages in all-packages and try to do something.
<gchristensen> ryantm: I think copumpkin has something about that, but nothing formal
<LnL> cross compiling is something completely different
<LoneTech> something like UML or some other virtualization to run a linux layer on the darwin host should work
<adisbladis[m]> Or with something like dockerTools you should be able to cross compile for different arches
<srhb> It would be nice to try and run it on something faster than an RPi and see how long it takes
<srhb> steveeJ: A lot of packages do have this, but it would be excellent if we could define something akin to NixOS tests more easily in the actual checkPhase, or post that. Maybe something containerized
<etu> srhb: five days ago it switched to something that is 14 days old or something ;)
<Akii> giving networkmanager on kde another go. unfortunately something seems to be missing "Could not find module 'kcm_networkmanagement.desktop'."


<shachaf> Maybe I'm missing something about how to use the intel driver? I wouldn't expect it to be too problematic...
<tazjin> try just commenting out that line, it'll default to something (slim I think?)
<shachaf> I have no special attachment to sddm, happy to use something else.
<tazjin> shachaf: ah, hmm, that's a bit impractical :) I'm wondering if it has something to do with SDDM as the display manager
<henrycrutcher> I think I'm just missign something simple, but forwarding does not help, nor does nat
<henrycrutcher> o false, but neither privateNetwork nor networking.privateNetwork exist, documentation be darned. Is this something that nixos container networking can do? If not, how do people use this facility?
<epsonscanner> Is there a package in nixpkgs that has something like transset, so change the opacity of a window in compton?
<infinisil> bebarker: Not every nixpkgs can be identified with just a version, only the nixpkgs from channels have that set to something reproducible actually
<infinisil> bebarker: .drv files are really just a realization of nix derivations, which is the result of a nix expression. So to make something reproducible, you can just pin the nix files
<fresheyeball> something is wrong, but I dont know what
<fendor> hi, does it make sense to use something like home-manager on NixOs?
<maurer> WilliamHamilton: Have you upgraded your system but not updated something in your user profile?
<maurer> Something I don't see mentioned there is how testing will be approached - right now, since packages basically have "one configuration" (mostly, there are exceptions), if someone builds them successfully, it's probably OK
<JasonGrossman> samueldr: I guess we can keep backups or something in the spare space.
<LnL> andreabedini: this means building something on 10.10 or 10.13 is 99% the same
<tilpner> More likely, you're looking for something like home-manager, which doesn't require root to do anything
<manveru> __monty__: something like `cat /proc/$(xdotool getwindowpid $(xdotool getactivewindow))/cmdline`
<srhb> Or something similar to that :)
<sorixelle> Am I missing something?
<gchristensen> robstr: checkInputs = [ pylint ] or something like that
<Plato[m]> Strange though that I don't find any special treatment in nixpkgs for sdl2 applications. I assume I'm doing something wrong then.
<Plato[m]> Am I missing something?
<andreabedini> is that something that happens?
<sphalerite> If you don't care about potentially doing something illegal (if you want to be sure I'd suggest getting a lawyer to look at it) you can enable exfat support anyway, let me dig up how to do that…


<Guanin> What is the nix way to include something you'd install via pip? I want to keep this requirement within one project and want to switch to that environment by nix-shell and a default.nix. Is this right?