
<samueldr> it built fine, it's something after the build
<booglewoogle> hey. i'm trying to build something -- https://github.com/FasterMelee/Ishiiruka -- with cmake. it fails with this https://pastebin.com/UCDNhhMw telling me It can't find ALSA or OpenAL. i've got those in the store though. (packages AlsaLib and mesa - from what I understand, that's those). how can I access them for the build procedure?
<cocreature> I never had to deal with python and nix before so I’m probably doing something stupid here
<Berra> Ok ok - so I'm now suspecting that nix (I did not know this is something nix did) picked up some .nix in the dir I stood in and thus effected the install
<Turion> Jason_Grossman I thought you said something failed to build? Well, what happens with .enable = true;, amongst many other things, is building a derivation. This also happens when installing a package.
<Jason_Grossman> The problem is with something pulled in by a .enable option.
<Turion> sphalerit: Yes, I'll do something like that, as soon as I have proper stickers
<qyliss> Conference or something?
<cocreature> yeah probably something like that
<Turion> sphalerite: Yay, that does something! Although it complains about missing signatures and skips the two things
<juhe> sphalerite: hm, nice (apart from some lacking functionality), that's probably what I've seen during installation some time (a week?) ago - liked it. Can it do something like "nixos-rebuild switch" too?
<palo> srhb: well it happend before (and most likely will happen again) that if somebody hacks github and injects code in important repos. I was just currious if we have something in place to make that harder for our repositories.
<palo> I just read about the gentoo-github repo security issue from the 28th (eg : https://bit.ly/2KmNWJq) do we also have something inplace to not fully depend on the verfification algorithms of github ?
<Turion> sphalerite: No, the errors occur for other devices (e.g. my phone as well) :/ something wrong with the USB subsystem, I guess
<srhb> cocreature: Or maybe using something like buildEnv to combine a wrapper with the original.
<Turion> It would be cool if there was something like nixos code review where people show their configs and other people comment on how they can beautify it/fix bugs etc.
<Turion> Yaay ;) as long as it's fun stuff I can resolve by learning something, that's great!
<sphalerite> Turion: is OSX running on it? You should be able to get the model number like MacbookPro2,3 or something from the "About this Mac" thing
<sphalerite> Should be something like MacBookx,y
<joepie91> either way, if something produces magically different results on two systems then 9 out of 10 times it's going to be a matter of "machine follows a different release/commit"
<infinisil> Nix is deterministic, you have done something wrong somewhere
<aszlig> `_: might be a good idea to use imports = [ ./base.nix ]; or something like that


<tenten8401_> like with a seperate system user or something, or will I have to keep permitRootLogin to without-password?
<joepie91> I don't think a lot of people have (publicly) jumped back from NixOS to something non-NixOS-y so there's not an awful lot of data about what the transition would look like
<ben> (if im gonna complain about something in nixpkgs it's probably gonna be how the normal process doesnt let me use the new firefox version the day its released/merged into nixpkgs because its probably gonna take a week or two for nixos-unstable to move forward)
<joepie91> happens particularly in settings windows, it seems to be unable to access the declarative files that define the window contents or something
<dtz> seems like something I learned early on, forgot, and now can't find O:)
<dtz> is there a way to ask NixOS to print the current configuration? Mostly just want easy way to check if I have an option set/etc, not looking to get something that I can save/evaluate itself.
<clever> cocreature: can you post the URL to the binary cache, the storepath of something it contains, and the full nix.conf file?
<LnL> I made something that added a runPhase helper that does the correct thing, but that's not really help much
* pie_ mumbles something about disk space again
<infinisil> Something like that, I haven't used it really
<infinisil> Brings something new ^^
<Myrl-saki> Aside from GoboLinux, which does almost the same, what would you consider as "bringing something new?"
<hodapp> here, you can have my SMC Pentax something something something 35mm


<infinisil> I'm not sure what's the best way to wrap it with something is though, especially since it's doubly wrapped already..
<catern> presumably somewhere at compile time or something
<catern> infinisil: I mean, when I build something with Idris, it uses the 'cc' on my PATH, and gets a linker error
<slabity[m]> Does anyone know if there's a builtin/lib function that lets you build up a list by supplying a list of values and a list of booleans to decide if it goes in the list or not? Something like `buildList [ true false true] [ 1 2 3] => [1 3]`?
<samueldr> infinisil's is good if you want to do something else depending on null values
<Orbstheorem> Something might have happened. It's not responding anymore :)
<samueldr> though I *did* think about subjects earlier this year in case I could conjure something concrete
<slabity[m]> Is there a function that takes a variable name and returns the name and value in a set? Something like `getVarSet config.myVar` would return `{ name: "myVar", value: ${myvar} }` if that makes any sense
<acowley> nschoe: I wish I had a better answer, but docker will get you started, and it'd be great if you joined the effort to sort out something better
<booglewoogle> hey again. i'm trying to build something -- https://github.com/FasterMelee/FasterMelee-installer, via the curl command -- and getting some errors of missing libraries ( https://pastebin.com/V8Rt8u9A ) that I'm positive are installed via configuration.nix. now I assume I'll have to setup a nix-shell to access those for building, but I'm a little overwhelmed. does anyone have a moment to help me (learn using nix-shell) with this ex
<acowley> nschoe: So if an old Trust install or something has everything you need, it's definitely the easiest way to go. I never do things the easy way, so I've interoperated with ROS from pretty much every inconvenient posture there is.
<tenten8401_> either something is broken in the nginx module or I'm just being dumb... it doesn't look like SSL is being used at all on the second 443 port
<johnae> infinisil: what I don't get is why emacs-ac-rtags is even mentioned here, it's as if it's trying to install something completely different from my overlay - I don't use that package and my overlay otherwise installs fine
<ryantm> infinisil: https://gist.github.com/ryantm/44861c748e1ce2df9af14fdcd89ad36b if I add " ownere repo" to the last inherit expression, it works, but I'm not sure if I'm making everything rebuild or doing something else bad like making the derivation dependent on more stuff.
<ryantm> With a fetchFromGitHub derivation "d" you can do something like d.rev to get the rev, but d.owner, and d.repo do not work. Is that on purpose?
<samueldr> but probably something like swapon /dev/that/device/file
<samueldr> soysauce: maybe clear the swap booting something on usb?
<tenten8401_> something like [ 80 mkIf ${cfg.enableACME} { 443 } ];?
<samueldr> something like "trying to use unset variable"
<tenten8401_> that might be good, maybe I'll name it something like pterodactyl-qa or something, qa standing for quality assurance
<tenten8401_> Would it be impossible to just have a systemd service that copies pterodactyl from the Nix store into /var/www/pterodactyl or something?
<dgpratt> I am a bit confused about the instructions to use fdisk in the manual (https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-installation) because (a) fdisk does not appear to have an `a` command and (b) the result of following the instructions results in swap being on dev/sda1, which altogether makes me thing I did something wrong
<soysauce> myrl do you need help with configuration.nix or something else


<catern> anyway, I admit I'm not quite sure how that environment variable is supposed to be set by NixOS, but probably it's set by profile.d and there's something in your user environment that's unsetting it
<tenten8401_> friend of mine is working on something that should override it
<catern> even on the latest version of nixpkgs, nixpkgs.idris still fails to build. has it just always been broken or something???
<catern> something about *** abort because of serious configure-time warning from Cabal
<infinisil> Is there something to get a random open PR for reviewing?
<rardiol1> infinisil: that commands roughly replaces nixos-rebuild with something a little more informative, I want a command that replaces "nix-env -u"
<rardiol1> is there something like "nix build --no-link -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' config.system.build.toplevel" but for a user?
<ottidmes> Mic92: We do? Awesome, I will check them out then, was just Googling for a way to do something like that
<tenten8401_> would we need a new entry for the .env file in the nix store or something?
<infinisil> No, patch it to use something else for caching, not its installation directory, but maybe the directory its being run from
<tenten8401_> might try linking the cache directory to /tmp or something
<dtz> i really hope so, and look forward to that being something we can distribute + rely upon
<infinisil> hodapp: Maybe something like in https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/pull/269 works for you
<infinisil> steell: Oh, and if you want an easy way to uninstall something, use `nix-env -q | fzf | xargs -I{} nix-env -e {}` (needs fzf installed)
<infinisil> steell: And then, to actually get your contrib & extras packages, you'll have to do something else too
<jluttine> infinisil: no idea how to do something like that
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Maybe something to get with stdout/stderr
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Or, another possibility: I'm actually using something to (almost) reproduce a nixops build via nix-build
<infinisil> I'm not really in favor of trying to hammer Nix, meant for pure builds, into something that statefull does stuff, just so you can avoid using anything other than nix-* commands
<infinisil> fresheyeball: Try if you can do something with --build-only or --dry-run
<fresheyeball> is there a thing though? I recall something like `source $stdenv` or something
<tenten8401_> Anyone know how I'd make NixOps use a specific channel again? I know it's something along the lines of NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-18.03/" but I'm unsure what to put after the nixos-18.03 part
<infinisil> Something like `import (pkgs.runCommand "password" {} "<command to produce password> > $out")`
<ldlework> infinisil: is it possible to shell out to a command and store it's output as a value in something like that? I have my passwords in a password manager. I don't really want my passwords even in a private git repo.
<andi-> Orbstheorem: looks not to bad and I can see where the need for that change comes from. Is that something we should be doing for all the lua variant?
<srhb> mkaito: (World rebuilds being things like gcc or something)
<samueldr> Myrl-saki: booted debian or debian through something like linux deploy?
<clefru> Is there something like a good index of contributed nix package overlays? I'd like to start one for cryptocurrency projects, and share my .nix files for certain obscure projects out there.
<pyvpx> FRidh: so this is part of the immutable feature. if I need to add something later, I rebuild the entire environment
<pie_> there was the dude the other day that tried to copy something to a non-nix machine
<pie_> pyvpx, i dont think you're obtuse, there's a lot to learn in nix (i hope over time the learning experience can be consolidated a bit or something)
<cdepillabout> @adisbladis, I'm using startx on Arch Linux, although I don't know if have done something to make it work with systemd. Or maybe I set it up to work with systemd and I just completely forgot I did it.
<cdepillabout> To be honest I just wanted something super easy, like a NixOS configuration option I could switch that would just do everything for me.
<cdepillabout> pie_, Thanks for the link. I don't think it was that post. Although I guess I could do something like that.
<pie_> does nix provide somehing like post-rebuild hooks or something? i suppose you could alias the command or something
<pie_> though id try to do something about needing to run the script after every rebuild...
<cdepillabout> A few days ago I remember reading something that explained how to get NixOS to boot to the terminal without starting X. After booting to a terminal you could start the window manager like normal with `startx`.
<cocreature> how do I handle pinning of nixpkgs if I want to import nixpkgs/nixos? I tried https://gist.github.com/cocreature/be02d17401cfe0a3c4fdfc7a5504bf78 but that gives me "error: The option `system.nixos.stateVersion' defined in `<unknown-file>' does not exist." so I’m probably doing something wrong
<vasiliy_san> One more question. I am not sure if I understand the difference between derivation and environment. AFAIU build of a derivation will create some outputs (files). What about environments? When I execute `nix-shell` it can set some variables, but can it create files as well? Is there a way to explore the current environment? I can execute `nix-shell --pure --run env` to see set environment variable. Can I use something else
<muzzy> hmm, how can I update discord? Am I just forgetting something? I thought the package should update automatically


<tenten8401_> I wonder if my desktop is on at home or something
<tenten8401_> Do you think it'd be very hard to write a module for something provided I already have a configuration like this? https://hastebin.com/uxetixinej.bash
<pushcx> (also, I scrolled past you on lobste.rs/u while I flipped over to do something else, so, hi from a small world)
<{^_^}> pushcx: If a Nix file ./foo.nix starts with something like `{ bar, baz }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<infinisil> Much easier to find something and you don't have to mess with regex
<infinisil> And then something like '.*citeproc.*' if you wanna search for it
<pyvpx> is there something I should read thoroughly before attempting to use cabal along side nixpkg? I see there is no pandoc-citeproc in nixpkg, so I'll install via cabal...but I have no idea what I'm doing and I'd rather not mess up this environment
<rardiol1> I got this error trying to run a game on wine: "libGL: dlopen /run/opengl-driver-32/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (/nix/store/wc90gz2h64w6xb59rdavgvwii7wvkq0q-glibc-2.26-131/lib/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /run/opengl-driver-32/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so))" Do I need to update wine to one with glibc2.27 or it's something else causing the problem?
<Mic92> srk: Is there something interesting on the master branch, that motivated you to update zfsUnstable?
<Peaker> currently to use nixpkgs <githash> I use fetchTarball "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/<githash>.tar.gz". Is there a better way? I want to try to fork nixpkgs to see if I can fix something and make a PR. But how do I refer to my fork?
<cocreature> Peaker: then something in that directory has probably changed
<cocreature> Peaker: do you have something like src = ./.?
<Peaker> maybe I have a poisoned cache, e.g: from something I did concurrently to the nix build?
<Peaker> can I say something like testing-feat = callPackage "testing-feat_1_1_0_0"?
<LnL> it should be something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/$USER/profile and that user directory should be owned by your user
<etu> Probably because something in nixpkgs needs mysql55, but nothing really needed mysql56 when mysql57 was introduced
<glasserc> Something is showing up in my nix-shell that I don't expect.. how can I figure out why? Is there a way to show the dependency graph for a shell?


<glasserc> maurer: Ugh, thanks! I had read that once but forgotten about it in the midst of trying something else
<Jason_Grossman> Does anyone happen to have a recommendation for a program that has a Nix package that will show me a menu of snippets, to be pasted anywhere in X11? (I know how to do this with stumpwm and with Emacs, but neither of those shows a nice system-wide menu. I can do it with ROFI if necessary but I suspect there's something better.) Thanks!
<maurer> (but since you're asking the question, I'm guessing you're experiencing something involving it not being there)
<infinisil> rycee is experimenting with something like this for home-manager: https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/pull/295
<bpye> infinisil: I know how to configure it that way, is that my only option? I was hoping something was exposed in configuration.nix
<tmplt> is there something alike setupHook but for non-hook files? Some function that substitutes @variable@s in the file with their values?
<ldlework> infinisil: is GC the proper way forward for something like that?
<matthewbauer> ariutta: something like (import (fetchTarball "channel:nixpkgs-unstable") {}).hello ?
<ldlework> probably something sensible
<ldlework> is it just config.virtualization.docker.storageDriver = mkForce "something else"; ?
<boothead> something about clocking node structures on CPU 2
<averell> maybe something in dmesg?
<winem_> holy this will create a 777mb file... that's the moment hwere I know that I do something wrong
<aszlig> kiloreux: okay, that looks fine for nix-env itself, so i'd suspect it's something in your shell
<gchristensen> something seems to be very wrong with your system
<gchristensen> it must be something about your shell?
<aszlig> gchristensen: mhm, probably every time something in nixos/ was changed
<elvishjerricco> fresheyeball: Either way is fine. I kinda default to `path` in case I need to do stuff with shell scripts or something
<samueldr> don't know if it could be caused by something like terminfo, inputrc or something else
<samueldr> :/ maybe an interaction with something from ubuntu that gets loaded along the way
<samueldr> andreabe_: something like this I presume https://github.com/manveru/bundix/issues/17


<hydraz> nevermind; something I just did made the file be fetched again *shrug*
<woohoo> Hi! Tell me if I want to make an existing package with other options. Do I have to use something like lib.optional. Or can I make a separate nix expression for this package? To be honest, my package should support fewer platforms,and overall I would like to do some things differently than the current maintainer. Are there any conventions on the name of the binary and the package itself in this case (snake case, underscores, hyphens, so
<samueldr> which is why I want that, I need `nix-shell -p something-in-my-overlay` to work
<mjrosenb> ahh, that makes sense. If I want to do this on OSX, I'll have to do something super-weird, like including something from nixpkgs/nixos?
<seanparsons> Has anyone had any success with npm packages (installed through npm not something like node2nix) that build native code and wire that up? I get undefined symbol errors when trying to use any of the native calls, but only on NixOS, not on Ubuntu or macOS. :/
<jophish> many of the lines *appear* to have their contents reversed by token, for example I can see something like: [ hardware-configuration.nix\NUL imports =\NUL
<fresheyeball> clever: I realy do owe you, I could use ongoing nix tutoring, and would like to work something out if you are willing.
<Jason_Grossman> jophish: In case you need this in the future (it won't help in retrospect), I see that it isn't a special option, it's just something that the Nix language lets you do:
<ambro718> should I just echo something into stderr, or is there something standard?
<Oyren> do I still have to do something to add it to ~/.nix-profile/share/applications?
<ambro718> Something strange is happening, can someone help me with this nixos module? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/66X5gjRHfW/
<jD91mZM2> desktopItem = makeDesktopitem { name = "something"; exec = "Binary" }
<Oyren> i tried to do something like this: desktopItem = makeDesktopItem { exec = "$out/bin/Binary"; };
<rizary> when trying to `override` ghc822. Is this something that nix fault or else?
<kreetx> in my override I try to do something like this: final.haskellPackages.callPackage ./path final.haskellPackages
<kreetx> I'm probably just doing something wrong..
<cocreature> I’m running "nix-store -qR --include-outputs $(nix-instantiate)" but for some .drv files the corresponding outputs seem to be missing. am I doing something wrong here?
<camsbury> nice. in that case looks like a problem with gnome. maybe you are expected to do something more for that desktop manager, but I'm unsure.
<samueldr> I think it's using the overlay's gcc6, replacing it with something else (e.g. hello) stops the build with something that looks legit (missing attribute targetPlatform)
<Zer000> Hmm I got a "access to URI 'https://github.com/muse-sequencer/muse.git' is forbidden in restricted mode" from the build bot in my pull request. It's a public repo, did I do something wrong?
<joepie91> and mostly unaddressed? unless I missed something


<__monty__> hodapp: Hmm, can you do that with blender? Sounds like you want something more like openscad/brl-cad.
<hodapp> would rather the renderer be a separate piece, and my scene be something simpler and text-based (even though the geometry won't be) that is actually amenable to things like diffing and version control and has some chance of being human-grokkable
<__monty__> clever: Ah, knew I'd seen something like this in the manual somewhere, thanks.
<__monty__> clever: Is there a builtin to go back from a string to something you can use as a field projector?
<__monty__> clever: Would something like this be accepted in nixpkgs? I wouldn't mind taking a swing at it, doesn't seem hard.
<philippD> __monty__: I know that Nix doesn't support versions but there has to be some way to do this. Like specifying something like ghc84 which always points to the newest minor version in the 8.4 range
<joepie91> as I understand it, deterministic = given the same inputs, it consistently produces the same outputs... whereas idempotent = applying an operation any non-zero amount of times to something will always produce the same resulting state, whether it's once or a hundred times
<Myrl-saki> If you search `groupId` in the .py there's nothing much. Must be something with my version.
<hodapp> yeah, that requires a bit too much interpretation to ever translate to something obvious unless it was just so obvious you didn't really need the docs in the first place
<hodapp> that's probably something that should be documented somewhere considering that ~95% of my normal Nixpkgs workflow consists of grepping for the nearest example I can find, and copying it
<nixosbootloop> init_6: So use an ubuntu live usb or something to mount this partition and look at the logs?
<rotaerk> hrm, wasn't there something like /etc/nixos/configuration.nix but specific to the user


<worldofpeace> elvishjerricco: Hmm maybe onto something there
<Lisanna> seems to be hanging, not sure what it's doing, but it's uploading something
<worldofpeace> elvishjerricco: the output will say 'index: somenumber newline name: <bluez_card something something'
<rardiol1> clever: nixos-rebuild. actually , I think it makes sense, I tried deleting something in the hope that it would just reset to default, but apparently not. What is supposedd to be in .nix-defexpr and NIX_PATH?
<elvishjerricco> My bluetooth headset tries to auto-connect to whatever it was last connected to when I turn it on. For some reason this doesn't work quite right on NixOS. My machine connects to it (preventing other machines from connecting to it), but it doesn't send any audio and the headset never makes the beep that it uses to indicate something connected to it.
<rardiol1> I suppose it's supposed to say something else? I think there has been a relevant update in the last couple years?
<samueldr> I'm unsure if something changed with regards to how `sudo` operates on unstable, as I don't recall similar issues earlier this year
<warbo> if it's an unmodified emacs package, you could stick them in your user config or something
<joepie91_to_go> has something significant changed in terms of power management or scheduling in 18.03?
<manveru> sry, can't really link the location since they're using svn or csv or something
<Myrl-saki> rschm: You should see something like
<Myrl-saki> Probably just parses the first line or something.
<warbo> so there's something about 18.03 that doesn't like the non-overlays implementation of overridePackages
<warbo> did something substantial change in the way overrides are done between those 2 versions?
<Myrl-saki> ndowens04: Something related to waiting for port 60000 or the like?
<warbo> Myrl-saki: whenever I ask something in IRC, but find the solution elsewhere, I always come back and mention the answer
<Myrl-saki> nh2[m]: I asked something around a month agoin this channel, Googled it, and lo and behold, I found out that I asked(and got answered) 2 years ago. https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/16884#issuecomment-252873618
<warbo> that seems to be something for taking the fixed point of the overrides and any "overlays" (I don't use the latter)
<warbo> the error I'm getting is error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /nix/store/22h8f98hya17zh12prqnxkjlcf8bx0xs-nixos-18.03.132748.68e02f8ff21/nixos/pkgs/top-level/stage.nix:106:5
<samueldr> you probably can do something like systemctl --user link $HOME/.nix-profile/lib/systemd/user/[service_name]
<lejonet> hmm, so it could still be some type of sync between the devices, and the btrfs device scan returns too fast or something like that (i'd not be surprised of btrfs device scan is done async)
<lejonet> Are you using simple btrfs or any of the raid modes too? Because it might be something in the raid modes that does it otherwise (I'm running RAID1)
<rardiol1> weird, I thought I did that once and it just kernel panic. Maybe the fact I had scroll lock on the second time to try to see what went wrong changed something?
<rardiol1> lejonet: as a kernel parameter? just "boot.shell_on_fail" or "boot.shell_on_fail=true" or something?
<rardiol1> Someone here runs btrfs on /? I tried updating and now the system won't boot, errors during stage1 mounting / saying something like "failed to open_ctree", "failed to read ctree -5" "failed to read system array". I can use the btrfs fs fine from another linux or grub, so the fs itself is fine
<gonz_> That would be something like sv-dvorak-a5
<MichaelRaskin> copperhead sounds like something that should be quite insistent at disabling userns
<MichaelRaskin> Well, something else can set sysctl…
<lejonet> MichaelRaskin: I'm guessing runCommand isn't a cli tool, but something to run inside a nix-shell expression or so?
<lejonet> it kindof feels like the buildFHSUserEnv somehow has changed in what attributes it wants or something
<Lisanna> but it's also not my primary job, it's something I work on in the background
<Lisanna> never used them before, but sounds like something I should know how to do
<MichaelRaskin> Because when you need to let 3 UIDs read something, you just list these UIDs, and there is no latent group set
<MichaelRaskin> Had to restart, or something more complicated?
<flyx> Lisanna: I want to figure out whether I did something wrong in my configuration
<Lisanna> look at the output of your most recent nixos-rebuild and you'll see something like nixos-system or something
<MichaelRaskin> So you might need to clear out something from binary-cache cache on the client
<benny> I'm having my own problems trying to get something that works in a side effects heavy package manager and converting it into pure nix due to the complexity involved
<coffeecupp__> clever: so to build an emacs version I'd have to do something like nix-build -A emacs
<bluej774> When building nix, do you have to do something special to build it with statically?
<cdepillabout> Is this expected behavior? Is something strange going on?
<Lisanna> no way something like this would get overlooked


<infinisil> madknight: Nix adds something to the shells init script that should take care of setting NIX_PATH and adding the nix binaries to PATH, but apparently the former one doesn't work for you, but the latter did
<LnL> I think lisp/scheme is a great teaching language to get started with, but it's not ideal if you want to actually build something
<ariutta> ndowens04: come up with a project that'll keep you interested, and then choose a language that's good for that project. In general, I'd recommend Python, unless you really want to do something in the browser, where JS is your better option.
<infinisil> Ah yeah, I thought you meant something different with "reload"
<tilpner> Ah, I have something for that!
<tilpner> infinisil - "Automatically setting up a working openvpn configuration for my machines, each of them automatically getting a static ip address" sounds like something tinc might be useful for?
<samueldr> inherit (nodePackages) something something imapnotify something;
<elvishjerricco> d1rewolf: It's oddly better on macOS. There's something on nix-darwin that lets you configure macOS in the same way you'd configure NixOS, so I share a ton of config between them. But there's no analogue for Ubuntu currently
<warbo> d1rewolf: on the other hand, it's *possible* to e.g. turn something into a user-extensible NixOS module which integrates into the NixOS config, but it's often not worth it
<d1rewolf> Lisanna, ah, k. thanks for the useful advice. I'm very experienced in linux, but don't want something which will slow me down from a productivity standpoint
<Lisanna> eventually you will run into something though, and then what are you going to do
<clever> it was already defined to something else
<bluej774> Other question, is there some kind of script or something to build tar.bz2 packages of nix? I don't want to `make install`, I want to build a portable build.
<bpye> ie. something in nixpkgs? Do I just copy the definition locally and modify it here?
<inquisitiv3> Otherwise it fells like the shotgun approach, and there's something in me that just doesn't like it.
<tilpner> tobiasBora - So by "a real app" you mean something in the root nixpkgs set? If so, you don't gain anything by doing that, now that you already know where it is
<tobiasBora> Baughn: what do you mean? Because it's programmed using node, it's not possible to package it as usual, and you don't have choice, you need to to put it into nodePackage (or I completely misunderstood something)
<inquisitiv3> So an expression is simple something that returns something.
<gchristensen> everything that can be done must return something, basically
<ma27> robstr: yes, I changed something in the `services.autorandr` module and I'd like to add a test for this %)
<tilpner> That looks useful, I'm sure I'll have forgotten all about it next time I need something like that
<Asmadeus> hmm install with DESTDIR doesn't fuck the path up, so I guess it's something in the build environment that's different
<Asmadeus> (wondering if something gets rewritten at install)
<elvishjerricco> svarog: FWIW, almost any nixos-rebuild you do is going to require building at least something from source; namely etc files and systemd unit files.
<Lisanna> if I have a makeOverridable as the result of something loaded with callPackage, which one will the result's override attribute override?
<bluej774> Is there a script or something somewhere that makes the tar.bz2 packages of nix builds?
<clever> something was probably mounted when you edited the partition tables, so the kernel couldnt reload it
<Oogieboogie> mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sda1 or something one second
<fragamus> oh I was expecting something more um functional
<infinisil> PolarIntersect: You need to use something like blueman or bluetoothctl to connect to it


<nh2[m]> remo: ah OK, then I missed something. What I propose should not fix hangs, only the explicit `out of memory` error from nixops. In any case, here's my workaround branch: https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/pull/972
<nh2[m]> Baughn: of course you also still have signed packages in both cases, but I'm assuming you're meaning meaning unsafe for something that's not related directly to packages contents?
<Baughn> nh2[m]: What stops an intrepid cracker from using this to break into your system? I mean, maybe there is something, but...
<Baughn> philippD: Something like that?
<nh2[m]> bpye: you can use use the Hetzner Cloud offerings if you want something comparable to DO
<PolarIntersect> Okay. Well, now I'm confused. Something must have been messed up w/ initrd. I ran sudo nix-collect-garbage -d && sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade ` and it replaced initrd and fixed it
<PolarIntersect> seems like my laptop keyboard driver isn't loaded at stage 1 or something?...
<hodapp> pinning versions isn't something I've done much of in Nix, at least not with something as central as GC
<tenten8401> Mainly just wanting to enable libvirtd to test something, but it seems that nix-env -i libvirt doesn't make a systemd service for it
<bpye> Baughn Yeah it looks like I should be able to just point that at gmail or fastmail or something and have it work
<bpye> Id be happy to just get emails or a ping over pushbullet or something
<leo60228> I installed gutenprint, and I must be doing something wrong, because it's not showing up in CUPS.
<leo60228> Am I missing something, or is there no PDF printer in nixpkgs?
<hodapp> there's no good way I can think of to test that something in nativeBuildInputs only needs to be in buildInputs, short of just trying it
<infinisil> Oh yeah that's something different
<infinisil> I wonder if there's a way to test whether something should be in buildInputs or nativeBuildInputs
<bbsl> Im trying to use fetchGit to download a repo with git in a shell.nix (for nix-shell) but now that Iv done that Id like to build what was in said repo with pip but I cant figgure out how to access what I fetched: https://pastebin.com/00riABkR id like to run something like "pip install -e lala" in the shell hook
<asymmetric> am i doing something wrong?
<hyper_ch2> manveru: ok, I have created a master and a branch and I'm in the branch right now.... but now i noticed I want to update something in master, so I checkout to master right. I do commit in master and then I checkout to branch again... once back in the branche, I just checkout master myfile... and then I do that rebase?
<samueldr> something like cp ${./wrapper.sh} $out/bin/atlauncher ; substituteAllInPlace $out/bin/atlauncher
<shachaf> Is there something I can put in my .nixpkgs/config.nix to keep nix itself up to date? Or does it need to be installed differently?
<shachaf> Am I missing something? It doesn't look like that file was updated very recently
<tenten8401> So something like "${jre}/bin/java -jar $out/ATLauncher.jar --working-dir ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/atlauncher" for the launch command?
<samueldr> tenten8401: something web-based? some users will manage the servers using nixos, but throw the towel and manage web apps the old fasioned stateful way :/
<tenten8401> Hey, so if I'm making a package that needs write access to the folder it's installed in, what would be a good way to go about allowing something like that?
<gchristensen> something good?
<gchristensen> sounds like you're in something deep. I wish I could help, but I can't help much now.


<worldofpeace> Ok somethings wrong with the plasma5 test or the machine because upon running the vm locally I clearly see `Alice Foobar` :D
<infinisil> mpickering: I'd try using something like `haskell.packages = mapAttrs (old: old.override ...) super.haskell.packages;`
<{^_^}> "$something"
<samueldr> > let x = "something"; in ''${"$" + x}''
<worldofpeace> Hmm, any Idea what's going with the plasma5 vm test on hydra? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/76214695/nixlog/16 . Something with sddm...
<jlm66> I'm wondering if anyone here wants to take a stab at something... I'm playing with NixOS as a kubernetes node and I
<worldofpeace> Hmm, any Idea what's going with the plasma5 vm test on hydra? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/76214695/nixlog/16 . Something with sddm...
<catern> no, putting a package in Debian while it's still in development is something that doesn't make much sense
<GiGa|Laptop> My trackpad's right click has stopped working (GDM, Gnome3) and it must be something to do with the software. My config from March it works.
<gchristensen> by Nixpkgs I mean Nix on like macos or debian or something
<ij> right, but it doesn't for a couple of months, so I was wondering maybe that's intentional and now expected or something
<tenten8401> I feel like I did something wrong
<Turion> Maybe I'm fundamentally misunderstanding something. I'm assuming that gpg-agent starts when I log in (or restarts when I do home-manager switch) and that it is in principle able to serve ssh keys
<Turion> jD91mZM2: Yes, xmonad currently, might change back to KDE or to i3 or something completely different
<tenten8401> do I need to copy over configuration.nix locally or something?
<tenten8401> Anyone know why NixOps would be complaining about something that nixos-rebuild wouldn't?


<tokudan[m]> tenten8401: you can specify the version when you create the raid, something like --version=0.9 or something similar
<tenten8401> am I going to need something else?
<tnks> clever: I ran down that route. there's something special about NIX_PATH, though that doesn't allow overriding.
<clever> i'm guessing its something to do with /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc
<tnks> I wonder if the build recipe for sudo hardcodes something for default environment variables.
<tnks> I'm just trying to reverse engineer how some things work in Nix, and I encountered something unexpected.
<infinisil> Oh wait, worldofpeace linked something
<meowmeow> The thing is that is also affects something like running bash from tmux or nvim terminal
<samueldr> unless something changed on unstable, it shouldn't be necessary for nixos
<LnL> Turion: it's a common pattern, there's something similar to make a python interpreter that's aware of a set of pypi packages
<Baughn> ...probably a good idea anyway, we need something fast.
<joko> LnL: I know, I remember doing something similar in the past, but I am at work and I don't have my notes. If I recall correctly, I had to add an expression to Nix path, so that the builders get the key. But even then, there were issues with the file ownership and permissions and I don't remember anymore how to deal with them. Set a specific number of builders? I don't remember...
<Baughn> That "something" can itself be run via steam-run.
<Baughn> Point is, there's something that calls this script.
<JasonGrossman> Baughn: You can have something at /bin/bash if you don't mind recreating it every time you rebuild NixOS. And of course you can automate that. Inelegant, but it would work.
<Baughn> vaninwagen: You can't have something at /bin/bash, but you *can* run the whole shebang in a chroot via steam-run.