
<ldlework> probably thinking of F# or something
<ldlework> alright let me clobber together something wrong
<ldlework> did I miss something good?
<srhb> In you case, it's probably /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/inquisitiv3/channels or something like that :)
<inquisitiv3> Could someone please take a quick lock at my `default.nix` to check if I do something horrible wrong? It works, but I don't know if I've written the file the "right" way.
<srhb> You got cut off at "something in t"
<inquisitiv3> srhb: So if I'm understanding you correctly: Every derivate is stored in `/nix/store`. But to have access to something in t
<emily> I heard something about the "nix build" interface being unstable and thus unsuitable for that
<PolarIntersect> By "it even detected something different", I was referring to ` nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade `
<PolarIntersect> Any ideas? Is this package doing something that breaks the standard behavior here?
<PolarIntersect> It even detected something different and built it, but then kubectl is still 0.9?


<Zajcev> guys, have you seen something like this?
<clever> > writeScriptBin "scriptname" "#!${pkgs.stdenv.shell}\ncp -vir ${something} ."
<sphalerite> inquisitiv3: does the interface show up in `ip link`? It should be something starting with wl
<aanderse> should url be prefixed by ssh:// or something?
<aanderse-work> the error i'm experiencing something like:
<cmacrae> Thanks clever - I'll try and put something together from this
<aanderse> the error i'm experiencing something like:
<silver_hook> srk: Thanks. Hmmm, I think something’s wrong with Firefox’s search. I swear I searched the manual for it and it didn’t show it. I has some similar issue on other pages
<Taneb> It's something like "everything = pkgs.buildEnv {name = "everything"; paths = [{inherit everything we care about;}];};"
<Taneb> ocharles: srhb has got something similar working, so I've probably just made a stupid mistake
<hyper_ch2> Mic92: btw, with current zfs, it takes like 200 secons or something to import hte pool
<Taneb> By default, it's context for the thing is something like "continuous-deployment/hydra:reponame:jobsetname:jobname"
<srhb> interfaces.docker-bridge.ipv4.addresses = [ ... ]; bridges.docker-bridge.interfaces = [ ]; and then I think it's something along the lines of --bridge in docker.extraOptions.
<trcc> If I start a nix-shell with a particular x.nix file, then the nix-shell uses the packages/systemlibraries/whatever I have specified in x.nix right? Whereas if I do e.g. nix-env --install cabal2nix, then it is installed globally? Why would anyone every install something globally? Shouldn't it be part of the x.nix instead?
<disasm> can I pass args in a script (in my case haskell) that has a nix-shell shebang? for example, I have something like this: `!nix-shell ../shell.nix -A ci --run "runhaskell -iiohk scripts/ci.hs"` and I want to run `./myscript.hs --foo bar.conf`.
<growpotkin> first is was adding "allFirmware" or something, and then that finally I found that other bluetooth option


<pie__> hm, if i build something with nix-build is there a way to make it "active" or do i need to wrap the executable to to set its env vars?
<pie__> alternatively i also needed the intel drivers or something (i was switching from an nvidia to intel machine)
<elvishjerricco> For some reason I don't remember that being the case previously... Maybe I just did it with the minimal installer or something...
<pie__> symphorien, do you know if i can make a second store in like... /opt/myappgoeshere or something? that way root wouldnt be needed for installing
<ocharles> dhess: the next thing I might explore is DhallOS - basically something that compiles Dhall into a NixOS configuration
<ocharles> but thanks, this gives me something to start with
<dhess> clever: I've got all kinds of weird things like Ghostscript in the closures of many of my machines. Maybe it's docs or something?
<clever> gchristensen: oh, something ofborg could check ...
<clever> inquisitiv3: you can also try something like f12 or the boot order config and see if nixos is listed
<inquisitiv3> I ran `nixos-rebuild build` now before I had run `nixos-install` to check that I had done everything right. Did I do something stupid?
<acowley> bebarker: I wouldn't want to argue "better", but I rely on nixpkgs versions until something doesn't work for exactly the reasons you identify.
<dmj`> I just nix-build’d something and have a result symlink
<inquisitiv3> I asked this question yesterday, but I'm still indecisive about it. What is the cleanest and best way to version control configuration.nix? Is it to create a git repo as root, create a symbolic link to a repo located in $HOME for a regular user or something else?
<gchristensen> I wish there were a pkgs.withOverlays... fn or something
<ocharles> Can I do that with import (nixpkgs.src) or something?
<Dedalo> clever well, something strange is happening, and this is not the first time. Is there some background task that is cleaning?
<tfc[m]> clever: are there any attempts to rewrite such stuff in any other nice language? i am not sure if python was much better...probably not. something statically typed would be great.
<sb0> isn't there something for it in nixos already? it
<sphalerite> sb0: since the default permissions on it are root:root, ug+rw, o+r, you'd need to set up a udev rule or something to set its ownership to a different group or set an ACL for it
<sphalerite> I guess it only supports LUKSed plain filesystems or something
<ongy> symphorien: huh? I see how to get something from git with this, but I don't see how it helps me getting a version from a different channel
<Myrl-saki> Is there like fetchChannel or something
<adamt> Is it possible to force the `nix` cmd to output as if it was attached to a tty? It seems like it does something different depending on whether it think it's attached to a tty, or not (like missing progress bar when not).
<ongy> huh, does the nix daemon run in a restricted cgroup or something odd? It's still running out of memory installing ghc, but looking at htop it's not even close to full at any point
<ongy> huh, that's weird. Maybe something can remap your Fn key? IME that doesn't even reach the system
<Lisanna> thekolb: usually you will either want to tell whatever program is doing stuff like that to not do that (e.g., by setting special environment variables / command line flags), or modifying e.g. the shell script with something like substituteInPlace
<PolarIntersect> Does anyone here use Amazon EKS or something else that leverages aws-iam-authenticator? Seems like kubectl has an issue that specifically doesn't work on NixOs
<elvishjerricco> clever: Yea something to that effect happened. Must have messed up when I tried earlier, but entering the password blindly worked
<vodurden> If it's a global override I guess you'd need to do something similar where you override nixpkgs.haskellPackages and then override the specific package
<vodurden> dmj`: How are you calling `dontBenchmark`? If I remember correctly you need to override the package in `haskellPackages` for the context you're running in. I do something similar for a haskell project here: https://github.com/Vodurden/arkmonoid/blob/58f3fdc1519bfcccc7dd54436b8ed7d343dced38/shell.nix#L8
<infinisil> Does anybody have some reference for the evaluation time increase of NixOS over time? I think I saw eelco say something about it in some issue, but can't find it
<selfsymmetric-mu> youtube-dl works great for downloading YouTube videos. Is there something similar for downloading Twitch videos?
<Dedalo> another question about the kernel: recently I had to update on a Raspberry Pi the BlueZ stack, and I did that from source, which has required a lot of time, because make was failing, I add to add some lib, than run configure, then make again, many times. Can I update something like that easily and just do a reboot I suppose, even if it's a kernel module?
<clever> in general, i try to use systemPackages for everything, but if i'm just testing something short-term i use `nix run` or `nix-env -i`
<clever> Dedalo: nix-env -i will add it to ~/.nix-profile, and it wont update on its own, so you can wind up with something years out of date
<adamantium> Thanks clever, something for me to think about now.
<adamantium> I suppose it would be safe though to append to that menu? it'll just get rewritten by nixos everytime it does something to it?


<elvishjerricco> Alternatively: What can I use instead of NetworkManager? :P I'm extremely un-knowledgeable with linux networking, so I prefer something like nmcli that just does all the complicated stuff for me.
<Lisanna> Hey guys, today I'm going to be working on an extension to hydra, and need a basic VPS setup or something so I can test my patch. Can't use my normal server resources since I want to be able to upstream the patch. Any recommendations on a cheap VPS solution I can use to quickly spin up a small NixOS + hydra instance?
<clever> Dedalo: and there is something else you can probably just google, to just allow it to auto-connect to any open wifi
<dhess> the name "c-a-1", is that just something you hacked in there?
<Dedalo> clever I did, right now. Is there something else that I need to do? Or I can just launch nixos install?
<dhess> clever: I need something like dump-debug-expression and/or infinisil's little hack to build my config in Hydra. I started with your stuff in your nixos-config repo, but my NixOps expressions are more complicated than yours -- logical machine definitions, physical machine definitions, deployment directives, network defaults, etc.
<dhess> I was trying to accomplish something similar with that mkMerge stuff but quickly realized that I really needed to call NixOps's eval-machine-info.nix with the right args, and that wasn't going to work.
<MichaelRaskin> In our browser-centric world, why even bother installing something anywya
<jD91mZM2> srhb: I have no option but to install ZFS or LVM or SOMETHING soon. Oh boy. Erasing all my data, even if I keep backups, will be painful
<Myrl-saki> Basically, I want to nix-instantiate something on my ARM machine, but set the cross builder to x86_64-linux.
<Myrl-saki> How do I do something like `localSystem = "x86_64-linux"`
<ongy> can I not specify something closer to generation? days feels dirty
<srhb> ongy: And even if you never kept more than one system around (that's not really possible...) you'd need around twice the space for every time gcc is bumped, or something else far down the dependency chain. This is not necessary in other distros.
<MichaelRaskin> symphorien: well, if you have something prone to runaway growth, it won't grow unnoticed and eat all the space
<Thra11> jluttine: Try something like: nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: with pkgs; [ packageName otherPackageName ])" --run ghci
<jluttine> is there something similar for haskell as there is for python: i can launch a python repl with some deps as `nix-shell -p pythonPackages.numpy --run python`
<Myrl-saki> srhb: I am using both, just that I can't get the override without using something like, `let/in override { inherit foo; }`
<srhb> thblt: I don't think it's a direct fix, but definitely something we should bring in if possible :)
<dhess> johnw wrote something for emacs that can find them in some cases but I don't think it handles the "pin nixpkgs and fetch it" case
<mpickering> sphalerite says something about using `nix-store -q --graph`
<leotaku> clever: Hmmm, that's unfortunate... But if I managed to build something with a cross-compiling snippet nixops would pick it up from the local cache right?
<clever> i suspect the ExecStart code is doing something naughty
<vodurden> Maybe amd has something equivalent? I know the newer intel CPUs don't work with the old frequency methods and require a bunch of new nonsense through the intel_pstate driver
<vodurden> Though mine doesn't seem to use cpufreq either, it seems to set something under `/sys` to achieve the desired p-states. Not 100% how it works though
<vodurden> Would that be something that it would be appropriate to raise a Github issue about? Or just a PR?
<emily> the undervolting sounds like something appropriate for NixOS/nixos-hardware at least, if nowhere else


<samueldr> (hit a snag while verifying something)
<infinisil> Or I'm just missing something
<samueldr> infinisil: apparently your bios (or vbios) does *something* so it seems closer to 640x480 :/
<rhomboidcactus> clever, If I change the package back to `envionment.systemPackages` it installs fine, it's probably me doing something bodgy with the config.
* Brains is slightly fried at the moment from yard work and feels like he's missing something obvious.
<samueldr> infinisil: also note that once you select something in hidpi and accessibility, you will end up in a menu looking like the top-level menu; it isn't it's the choice of configuration *including* the option
<benley> *something in haskellPackages
<benley> anyone know how to override something haskellPackages to get a non-stripped binary with debug symbols?
<clever> tilpner: if it refuses to delete something, use `nix-store --query --roots` to see why
<jonreeve> (Also `nix-index` is giving me trouble, says it can't parse JSON or something.)
<samueldr> I thought this was specifically about *something*
<samueldr> clever: maybe I missed something, but how is this relevant?
<zimbatm> it was something around the display
<samueldr> (and when I say grub is messy with errors, is that it seems that something eats the initial errors when showing that menu)
<jD91mZM2> srhb: We're talking what something like `nix-repl` will identify as a path
<wucke13> I have a problem with steam. One game does not start, exiting with libGL errors immediately. However, other games and steam itself run fine. 32Bit OpenGL and Pulse packages are enabled. Had someone something simialary?
<tilpner> Something like that might be better for you
<maerwald> finally, something useful
<MichaelRaskin> And pure namespace separation is more or less known to have exploits more often than something grounded in different UIDs
<growpotkin> Oh wait I the "env" settings are actually in the existing zsh config module already haha. You don't need my module. Let me check my config for how I was doing that. its like "programs.zsh.login" or something.
<growpotkin> Okay so on the nix manuals, usually like individual articles, there will be a button on the right that says something like "discussion". But there is never any posts in the "discussions"
<growpotkin> I always wind up digging through github issues or something to find things that could have been discussed much more easily outside of Github's issue tracker
<joepie91> ie. how to get from your goal to something that the package manager expects with reasonable efficiency
<fresheyeball> so maybe I am missing something obvious
<trevthedev> I don't quite remember why or how but I did something and t installed perfectly
<ivan> if the TCP there is using something other than BBR, using BBR might fix the problem
<ivan> because I generally don't experience peering issues I wonder if it's something with my nearby cloudfront having a slow connection to the upstream host
<elvishjerricco> Hm. Alright. Was hoping for like `preAutotools` or something, but that'll work


<dhess> clever: ok I'll poke around a bit. It also said something odd about trying to fetch from http://ipxe.org/something, which was a bit alarming.
<clever> yorick: but it can also accidentally happen if your using something like iscsi to mount a drive, and you forget to umount it at another machine
<clever> dhess: this is something i had tossed together a month ago
<benzrf> so what seems to me like an obvious idea is using something like all-cabal-hashes to create a tool (not necessarily written in nix lang itself, i mean) that you can feed a package + version and which does actual proper dependency resolution to generate a derivation DAG with proper versions
<dhess> gchristensen: unless something has changed recently, libvirt is just a generic API for dealing with various VM subsystems in a general way -- kvm, Xen, etc.
<gchristensen> Dezgeg: you mentioned something about libvirt, is it faster than qemu or something?
<grp> I was trying something like that: lib ? import <nixpkgs> {lib}
<lo_mlatu> so that's a bug? oh something remains to be done?
<thoughtpolice> jgt: Like I said, there's probably something in their Makefile code that assumes they can use `pg_config --bindir` or something. So looking around for uses of pg_config might also be a good start.
<thoughtpolice> jgt: There's probably something in the build system specific to Darwin that wants to look for Postgres-related stuff in the "same" directory PostGIS thinks it will be installed to. This is a big assumption by the entire Postgres/PGXS infrastructure -- that everything will be 'colocated' together, by installing all 3rd party things right next to Postgres
<sigtrm> Yeah... I just wasn't messing with something I thought would ruin anything, I guess up I go
<infinisil> I've been wanting to make something that reduces your configuration.nix by removing all values you set as defaults
<akavel> Hm, would something like this work: `let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in { stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv, cmake ? pkgs.cmake }: stdenv.mkDerivation ...` ?
<akavel> something like this
<akavel> Something with "@" I think, but not 100% sure
<{^_^}> If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<clever> hyper_ch2: i think it took me something like 6 hours?
<clever> Dedalo: then you want something like `zpool create -o ashift=12 -o altroot=/mnt rpool /dev/sda2`
<Dezgeg> yeah, it's kind of annoying, there is some extremely minor change in $'' quoting or something like that
<srhb> ixxie: It basically involves setting only services.kubernetes.roles or something like that
<ixxie> I can try and make a wiki page... I find that when you are just getting to know something you know better what needs documentation ;)
<johanot> colemickens: Static pods.. But it is not part of what I'm doing now. I've been taking the pragmatic approach so far, in hopes of getting something done for 18.09.
<colemickens> @johanot oh cool, wasn't aware you were in progress on something.
<srhb> colemickens: Ideally I'm vaguely thinking something like (hand-waving) automatically joining all goDeps into a go tree
<dhess> Nix's type system should complain if the user tries to do something like adding other nix configuration to that list of public keys; but it would probably be really easy to create buffer overflows or things like that.
<dhess> tobiasBora: if you're super careful, you could do something like this: in your /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file, add an "import" statement that reads a list of Wireguard public keys from a file that is generated by your web app, and then use the result of that import as the list of client public keys in the configuration.nix file
<growpotkin> I'm sure it's "close" to something which does actually work though. DOes that look farmiliar to anyone?
<tobiasBora> say something like "this configuration file must be a link to this other configuration file in /home/root/myconf". Maybe nix can handle that?
<dhess> also, running something as powerful as nixos-rebuild using input from a web page that generates a configuration file sounds really, really dangerous.
<dhess> tobiasBora: something like that sounds well outside the scope of what nixpkgs or NixOS provides. You're basically building an app. There's no built-in mechanism for something like that.
<hyper_ch2> also, I just learnt something new... I can ping the broadcast address ping -b and then do arp -a to find all networked devices :)
<mightybyte> elvishjerricco: Aha! I think I'm getting close. It looks like it's expecting something to be in the environment that's not there because nix-build does a pure build.
<hyper_ch> headless [something] is always cool.... like headless horseman
<Xal> It has something to do with not including gcc's libstdc++ libraries
<joepie91> gchristensen: you needed me for something, or?
<fresheyeball> how can I pass something in there?
<growpotkin> I was trying to do something like `echo -e ":l <nixpkgs>\n\"\${proggyfonts}\"" | nix repl`


<elvishjerricco> If your test is reaching a deadlock or something, maybe it'd get killed?
<elvishjerricco> mightybyte: Whoa. So something is killing it, yet the nix-build runs to completion? Are you sure nix-build is exiting successfully? Even if it fails, it'll still leave build output in $out, for some reason. Though I guess checkPhase comes before installPhase, so that shouldn't be relevant
<mightybyte> elvishjerricco: Looks like it's something in the test binary.
<dhess> With this kexec trick you tell Nix to build you something that's customized for the machine you want to install to, you upload the image, kexec it, and bam, you're at the NixOS prompt a few seconds later.
<dhess> This might have something to do with HFS+ or APFS however. I still run a 1-pass shred from /dev/urandom on Linux box SSDs, myself.
<gchristensen> something having to do with built-in encryption?
<dhess> something to do with Robot I think.
<infinisil> clever: I feel like you're the kinda person that would know something about this :P
<p_l> Any suggestions on how to setup wireless without either Network Manager *or* rebuilding every time I change something in wpa_supplicant?
<fresheyeball> its going to be something liek
<mightybyte> elvishjerricco: The reason I put all those intermediate timestamps in the output was so that I could narrow down what was taking a long time. But it's starting to look like it's not the test suite itself. It's something that nix-build is doing.
<infinisil> Or something nested is a function
<Henson> not this exact problem, but something similar, rather.
<Henson> I seem to recall encountering this problem many months ago, and I needed to include ".lib" after the package name, or something unusual.
<elvishjerricco> So unless the machine was originally provisioned by something other than nixops, this shouldn't be the problem
<fresheyeball> The general methodology seems to be to do something like
<sigtrm> Great, the thing I like about NixOS so far is that if I ever want to change something like that I only need to make changes to some files, it's really nice
<Henson> I also figured out the problem with Nuitka. It should have "dontWrapPythonPrograms = true" in its buildPythonPackage arguments. Is this something that should be incorporated into nixpkgs-unstable?
<sigtrm> But for the rpi I really wanted something that used musl, and both Alpine and Void supports wireguard on aarch64, just couldn't get it working
<gchristensen> maybe something is wrong in users.nix?
<otini> and in the header description there is something like: version 0x002
<srk> maybe I'm hitting something similar with netboots (toplevel is copied for some reason with squashfs images)
<tilpner> Oh, maybe that's something else
<tilpner> You didn't mention --option builders earlier. Is that something else entirely, or when is it used?
<srhb> Something like the following
<ekleog> you want something like buildCores :)
<neonfuz> man I feel like I'm missing something here
<growpotkin> instead of the normal config lines that write a file to "etc" the module for libinput does something I have never seen before.
<sigtrm> So far I've added services.openssh.enable = true; to my configuration.nix file, but I just get errors, am I missing something?


<wak-work[m]> Unless I’m missing something
<colemickens> Hm, after the conversation last night, it really does seem like it ought to be easier to build a system configuration and push it remotely. Something like nix-deploy or nix-employ? I guess they're already out there, but something officially sanctioned would be nice too.
<clever> mikky: i have something like a ~5 line entry in configuration.nix to boot windows via grub
<mikky> speaking of declarative package management, I'm using something similar on system level but I was wondering if it would be possible to just include the package list from a file so that the packages could be declared just by, say, "echo pkg >> /etc/../packages"
<mikky> hi, does nixos somehow embeds any configuration to grubx64.efi in any way or is it (supposed to be) just a static, stateless file? because for two different builds I get two different files which is something I didn't expect
<nek0> clever: can I do something to fix it?
<tobiasBora> clever: ok, so same problem. And if I don't mind to recompile, the new deps, can I do something?
<tobiasBora> elvishjerricco: and if on a usb stick (say) I've a /nix, I can still do something without root access ???
<elvishjerricco> clever: --substituters daemon was not something I knew you could do :P
<Henson> srk: ok, thanks for the info. This gives me something to run with
<Dezgeg> I'd guess the dependency chain is something like ncurses -> python -> libxml2 -> {some xml documentation thing} -> libX11
<elvishjerricco> Something I don't understand about trust in nixpkgs: If untrusted users are allowed to do arbitrary builds, why can't they pull arbitrary, unsigned paths from binary caches?
<leotaku> So... I seemingly have managed to lock myself out of my system... I did a nixos-rebuild with "--install-bootloader" which must have messed something up. What options do I have?
<srk> but something like --substituters https://cachix.cachix.org --trusted-public-keys cachix.cachix.org-1:<hash>
<{^_^}> Henson: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<colemickens> what's the process for adding to development/node-packages/* ? I tried to add something to the json and regenerate but the diff is rather huge
<dhess> so I guess I want a "catch-up" mode or something.
<clever> dhess: this is something that i was planning to cover with https://github.com/cleverca22/cachecache
<srhb> So whenever user A builds something, it's sent to the server S, which also acts as a cache for everyone.
<kiloreux> FRidh, is there a way to generate a file from requirements.txt ? Something like bundix and go2nix ?
<colemickens> Did I do something wrong?
<tobiasBora> does it provide something like the great nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-disk-image.nix ?
<ekleog> for a standard install (ie. X11 etc.) you should expect something along the lines of a few GB, I guess, like other distributions
<elvishjerricco> Survey: Was it something a static type system would have prevented?


<domenkozar> if you'd like to publish something on nixos weekly, now is the time: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-weekly
<clever> you want to do something like this
<Drakonis> i think i'm missing something with makewrapper
<Sonarpulse> fresheyeball: `map (f: import f { .. }) imports` something like that probably
<LnL> yeah, buildRustPackage doesn't use separate dependencies so you rebuild everything if something changes
<Sonarpulse> something like that
<clever> it may also take you several hours to install something from source
<elvishjerricco> bobvanderlinden: Or replace the peel script with something more amenable to cross building
<elvishjerricco> If anyone wants to rewrite switch-to-configuration in C++ or python or something, that'd be nice :P
<tilpner> Playing the next song can take 5s if my HDD shut down, make sure it's not something like that
<infinisil> Although, I think python can be slow because of something with dynamic linking
<infinisil> I'm pretty sure this is something with the terminal/shell and nothing with NixOS specifically
<srhb> Alright, then you should be able to just switch profile and it will be created whenever you add something to it
<techieAgnostic> if i install tewi-fonts and theres no problems with the installation, do i need to run fc-cache manually or something? its not showing up in xfontsel
<viric> in one computer kdenlive stays at 100% cpu usage because it keeps on trying to load something (perf top shows something about Qt load pixmap icon)
<carlosdagos> arrrhhhggg something's weird @srhb, it's clearly in the repo: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/all-cabal-hashes/tree/hackage/cassava
<srhb> maerwald: You want something like pkgs.nixGL to exist?
<tobiasBora> so I was wondering if something similar can be done when I'm interested in x86_64 nixos
<Drakonis> there's something else though
<clever> kisik21: so you need to use self if you want something from a future overlay


<infinisil> chessai: It seems that th-lift-instances is the problem, did you override this or something?
<ldlework> boy i hope i never run into something like that haha i would never figure it out
<infinisil> Maybe NixOS needs something to declaratively manage state :P
<ldlework> mailing list or something
* infinisil doesn't see the problem, or is missing something
<srhb> And breaking the guarantees of the system is not something undertaken lightly. :)
<ldlework> sure, i can't point qtile to use something in /etc as its config though
<srhb> ldlework: No, home-manager just hsa something similar for /home
<srhb> It is not something we can do in general.
<symphorien> so you are trying to properly package something, right ?
<LnL> something that's more like buildEnv but updates the expressions for you would be interesting
<bobvanderlinden> basically the thing Nix stands for (reproducible) is something that nix-env doesn't completely adhere to
<bobvanderlinden> LnL: I hope something like home-manager will be integrated and `install` will be: add package to your home file. Command line could be `nix home switch`
<philippD> Is there something like `tex2nix` that creates a nix expression for a given tex file that only depends on the packages used in that file?
<AntonLatukha[m]> emily: Depending if you making some custom service, or you configure something that is already in https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#. Those options most times have `extraConfig`, then you can add custom services config there.
<qyliss^work> That's not supposed to be code you can just paste in, because I haven't tested it, but something along those lines should be what you want.
<qyliss^work> maerwald: something like i3.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { preConfigure = "autoreconf -i"; buildInputs = [ autoreconf ]; }) ?
<Taneb> (I struggle sometimes because I learnt both nix and Elm as "like Haskell but different" so sometimes there's something I don't use often in one that I occasionally reach for in the other)
<clever> Kim: oh, i think i see something
<Kim> I think it may have something to do with the really weird package layout that weechat has in 18.03
<ldlework> like different versions of the dependencies or something?
<clever> ldlework: you may need to reboot after adding that overlay, it sounds like its doing something funky
<clever> ldlework: line 66 shows that the problem comes from something you put into systemPackages
<ldlework> could unstable be broken or something?
<ldlework> clever: fetchFromGithub should probably have an option to do shallow clones or something
<pie_> (I dont know why you would *WANT* to do something like that but...)
<srhb> They have no impact on nixos-rebuild unless you've done something special to include them.
<pie_> srhb, this is something I always get hung up on >_>
<pie_> but it looks like i need to wrap it in something like python3.pkgs.callPackage
<pie_> this seems to use docker or something, anyone have advice on how i would make a build script for it?: https://github.com/Ulauncher/Ulauncher/
<ekleog> Havvy: for per-user programs/service, you likely will want something like nix-home, nixup or I again forgot the latest name for the project is :)
<Drakonis> where's that "learn something every day" video
<aszlig> ldlework: it *might* have something to do with pkgs/applications/window-managers/qtile/0002-Restore-PATH-and-PYTHONPATH.patch


<aszlig> techieAgnostic: it should be something like /dev/mapper/vg/root
<samueldr> any trickery with nix-shell shebang on something building your session?
<Drakonis> docs is something we direly need
<tnks> I feel I did something wrong with advice to import the `path` attribute, which I think loses the first overlays.
<kisik21> nix-channel --add something? what's the something?...
<samueldr> BUT, this could be related to something I included in my config
<petersjt014[m]> It's something like `/nix/store/flc...broadcom-rpi3-extra.drv`, but I dont see a corresponding nix file
<clever> its doing something like buildPhase = ''\nfoo\r\nbar\n'';
<petersjt014[m]> I'm trying to build on aarch64 and I'm getting an error that says something like `/nix/store/1894k...-stdenv-linux/setup: line 1290: $'\r': command not found`. any ideas?
<jonreeve> Dumb question, but which is better, nix-home, or home-manager? Or something else?
<Drakonis> that's something
<nand0p> symphorien: thanks will do. i was thinking i had to change something in configuration.nix, instead of changing the nixos code.
<jD91mZM2> You know how kids sometimes think they will never move on from their favorite hobby? My hobby was making stop motion animation with legos. So LEGOlord208. Decided to change it to something that looks and pretty much is random
<rain1> I want to contribute a fix of this docbook thing to nix is something you'd want
<infinisil> ToxicFrog: Yeah I thought about doing something like that before
<ldlework> symphorien: would you have to do something more than that in some cases?
<ldlework> infinisil: can you help me change this file such that it becomes a systemd service that get's run on a daily schedule or something?
<infinisil> Also, you need to assign the package to something
<infinisil> ldlework: something like `pkgs.writeScriptBin "foo" ''#!${pkgs.stdenv.shell} /n echo hi''`?
<infinisil> Enzime: yeah, but I feel like this is something the pull requester should do
<FRidh> It's the Qt plugins. An earlier solution did not have this specific problem as it was using symlink trees, but there was something else with that solution.
<ldlework> something i dunno
<Drakonis> i am however curious about something else
<witchof0x20> I'm thinking it *might* have something to do with GL drivers, but I'm not sure
<jasongrossman> Drakonis: I had it working in unstable previously, but I had to do something non-declarative to get it to work, and now I've lost that. :-(


<pie___> samueldr, i feel like i need to rever to an older haskellPackages or something...
<samueldr> infinisil: you see this with your developer eyes, where a "page reload" is something tangible
<drakonis_> i don't get something
<pie___> half the time i just cant figure out how to read the source of something in nixpkgs because i just cant find it
<samueldr> a backwards incompatible change from nix makes it so you need to do *something* (don't remember what off the top of my head) to use nix-repl
<pie___> so uhh nix-repl should be marked deprecated or something?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a path, at (string):165:10
<pie___> well, i guess it could be the wrong version of base or something...
<pie___> idk much about this but something seems screwy with the sourceRoot
<drakonis_> infinisil, i think i'm mising something here
<samueldr> oh, in my case it's probably something else
<samueldr> judson: I'll probably have to figure something too
<__monty__> samueldr: Imo something that works basically everywhere unless someone's (mis)configured a couple very shell specific files is a better default than something that *only* works with two specific shells. Maybe it's just me though.