
<yorick> srk: too resource-intensive, and also often fails when something changes
<yorick> is there something like spiped in reverse? servers phoning home so I can ssh into them?
<nefix_> Like to have all the configurations in a .nix file or something
<Mic92> also reviews are still fast in nixpkgs. I contributed to projects where it took a whole year to get something in.
<viric> I have my own scripts since 10 years ago but maybe something came to do that job
<srhb> jonge: Something in Nix, possibly the daemon? Not sure.
<srhb> And there's also the option of using a a ssh substituter, if it's possible to ssh in through a bastion or something.
<blankhart> is there something i have to do to trigger the overrides in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix?


<clever> dhess: and maybe also do something with config and overlays
<daveo_> clever: loving iftop but I only see ips. do you need something for it to resolve dns and show names??
<bigvalen> Is there any way to mutate something in /nix/store to fix this ?
<gchristensen> it is okay! I get in to the same mode sometimes, especially with something new to me.
<tilpner> gchristensen - You could always ask support, if this is something you care about: support@hetzner.com . Would you just tell them that there's demand, or do the work for them (as far as possible)?
<ixxie> but maybe I am missing another menu or something
<infinisil> Something like that, stack new doesn't work with an existing dir though
<Mic92> something that has a man page would be nice
<inquisitiv3> It seems that I can't sign in to Github using my Yubikey on NixOS. When I insert the key the error message "Something went really wrong". I'm using Chromium, and there isn't any problems with an similarly configured Chromium instance on my Fedora machine. I've checked open issues on Github in the Nixpkgs repo, but it seems that there isn't any reported issues with it.
<ldlework> like if you try to say this data file should be installed into /usr/share or /etc or something
<srhb> I assumed you copied it there during installPhase or something?
<Enzime> think it has something to do with OpenGL but I'm not sure if it's a slop regression or NixOS regression or mesa regression
<callipygous> something in my config is causing it to black screen me
<samueldr> callipygous: still in virtualbox? (would be interesting to know to verify if something broke)
<clever> then the update broke something, try nix-channel --rollback to undo the update
<callipygous> ugh something went wrong
<samueldr> [21:25:25] <samueldr> you could realistically, instead, add `services.xserver.displayManager.plasma5.enable = lib.mkForce false` and make sure at the top of configuration.nix `lib` is in the parameters (something like {pkgs, lib, ...})
<samueldr> you could realistically, instead, add `services.xserver.displayManager.plasma5.enable = lib.mkForce false` and make sure at the top of configuration.nix `lib` is in the parameters (something like {pkgs, lib, ...})
<samueldr> oh, then I missed something, when you said "the virtualbox image" were you talking about the nixos ova?


<genesis> something like that.
<srhb> callipygous: And even that will keep old systems around until you delete the generations with nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 30d or something like that :)
<pxc> previous efforts (many months ago) I was able to get a nixpkgs checkout defined in the way I wanted, but couldn't figure out a convenient way to get it into NixOS. I think maybe I found out I'd have to modify or override https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix or something
<tilpner> pxc - I have something close to what you describe, ping me tomorrow if you haven't found a satisfying solution
<pxc> in the Lumiguide presentation and NixCon 2017 they seemed to use something like this, and the iohk people use a nixpkgs-src.json file that they can update with a command: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-ops/blob/master/nixpkgs-src.json
<pxc> last time I tried it it didn't work the way I wanted it to or something, idr
<pxc> srhb: yeah, I want something like that. How can I declare that in my NixOS config? I remember they used something like that at Lumiguide and there was some stuff on the NixOS GitHub about stuff to do with that
<samueldr> pxc: your nutty flavour will have to come from something else :)
<lejonet> Something is clearly stopping weechat from setting the locale for some odd reason
<aswanson> anyone here have much experience building local R packages? I've been looking through how CRAN packages are built in nixpkgs but having trouble translating those methods to something local
<pxc> Mic92: Don't you ever star projects just because they belong to someone whose work you've seen before and you think something interesting might appear there later?
<ldlework> like, if click needed something
<ldlework> though i just ran a command that is doing something :)
<srhb> mudri[m]: Yes it can. Something else is going on.
<srhb> But a cool example of something like that is snack.
<typetetris> hmm hunspell is really strange. It provides `libhunspell-1.6.so` so the name of the library is `hunspell-1.6`, but debian and ubuntu offer a `libhunspell.so` in its `libhunspell-dev` package, which nixos doesn't. I think debian and ubuntu do something strange here.
<jonreeve> Is there a way to check whether it's missing something?
<fresheyeball> usually when I have a linker failure with cabal its because my cabal file failed to document something
<philippD> I'm getting a strange error when trying to pin nixpkgs. Am I doing something wrong? https://gist.github.com/chisui/aac816e8592f0fbc9204eefb89bc7caa
<srhb> philippD: Why don't you try out *a* method, and if you have specific problems with that, you have something to start discussing with respect to what an alternative solution should do for you?
<Myrl-saki> I was thinking of getting a TR or something at home, but times like these make me reconsider that. :P
<srhb> So clearly I'm missing something.
<Myrl-saki> I had a use-case for something like this, but forgot what it was. :/
<Myrl-saki> I just realized something.
<Myrl-saki> srhb: Yep, but I want to have something like `gssSupport = false;` globally, something like Gentoo useflags.
<Myrl-saki> It'd be nice to have callPackage have something like mkForce.
<Myrl-saki> Just don't want to depend on unstable to cross compile for cygwin or something.
<inquisitiv3> infinisil: Thanks! But something is broken on my system, the /share directory doesn't exist... :(
<srhb> nix-shell -A and then genericBuild or something :)
<srhb> ij: Set some debug flags to find out exactly which command is failing. Maybe the make install is trying to change something on the /nix/store/name directory
<aldkgj> Thats my next plan, I was just wondering if nixos had something exposed like postBootCommands, since its only a single command
<aldkgj> if boot.postBootCommands is too early, whats my next option? Specifically I want to run something after /sys/bus/pci/drivers/*/new_id is ready?
<sphalerite> clever: I figure I could write a little program that opens and selects on /dev/input/eventX but I was hoping there might be something more ready-made
<clever> sphalerite: there is something related, that can hijack any input device and receive inputs
<sphalerite> 2018-04-06 10:41:00 hyper_ch2 M*c92: something in latest zfs is broken.... it won't import pool anymore
<Ashy> cool, just wanted to check i wasnt missing something fancier
<clever> philippD: something is trying to mkdir $HOME


<growpotkin> is there an eval function or something?
<nikki93> for exampl ei've done something like this before
<nikki93> what i'm wondering is how i could set up something like a nix-shell to run sbcl in where it can find these libs
<jonreeve> Should there be something in there?
<jonreeve> Hm I must've done something wrong to get on two channels, cause my nix-info says: `system: "x86_64-linux", multi-user?: yes, version: nix-env (Nix) 2.0.4, channels(root): "nixos-18.09pre149415.8395f9aa85e", channels(jon): "nixpkgs-18.03.133086.c1ef96ebdbd", nixpkgs: /home/jon/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs`
<rycee[m]> jonreeve: Yeah, I as well suspect it is something like symphorien says.
<samueldr> something like what follows I guess... ~/tmp/nixpkgs/nixpkgs $ export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=$(nix-build -A glibcLocales)
<qyliss^work> Can I put something in a shell.nix to disable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH inside the shell? `shellHook = ''unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH''` works, but wondering if there's something better
<pedroabreu> I did some installing and restalling trying to figure things out btw. I possibly screwed up something in between.
<rfold> says something about a missing user "pulse".
<acowley> sphalerite: Hah! Well, that does work, except running something like `which locate` still returns findutils
<sphalerite> acowley: judging from nix-shell source, it sources ~/.bashrc so if you do something like export PATH="$(dirname $(readlink -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/locate)):$PATH" in there that might do the trick
<gchristensen> chrisaw: have you set boot.kernelPackages to something special?
<chrisaw> Thanks folks - much appreciated! Knew I was missing something dumb. >_<
<Mic92> sphalerite: otherwise one would need something like a DHT: https://github.com/manuels/wireguard-p2p
<arianvp> most machines that run something like NetworkManager dont
<arianvp> I did cancel the build thing halfway through so maybe something is racing
<sphalerite> arianvp: this typically means something else is trying to build thte same thing
<srhb> timj1: And by hash I mean something like actually running sha256sum on it recursively
<srhb> search for something like rebase remove commit :)
<srhb> jonge: nix path-info might have something
<Taneb> ...actually it might, I think one of my coworkers switched this computer to use nix-2.1pre while he was trying something out
<Taneb> I'm getting "error: unsupported function 'buildenv'" whenever I try to nix-env -iA something or nix-channel --update
<sphalerite> infinisil: yeah I'm already using something like that. Question is how to spacemacs it up
<sir_guy_carleton> i just want to test something
<cmcdragonkai> Or does it use something like `xdg-open`
<ashkitten> tertle||eltret: i haven't tested it yet, doom was hanging before because something about gnutls or whatever so i figured that couldn't hurt
<torq> Currently I'm just doing { target.deployEnv = "container"; } for each, similar to what I've seen in the docs. This is my first foray into nixops, though, so I'm probably missing something.
<[Leary]> elvishjerricco: runtime errors should be logged in ~/.xsession-errors; if you don't see anything there then the failure probably isn't logged. You can test it by doing e.g. `trace "xmonad test error" >> action` in a keybinding. If you're using `spawn` I think that discards any errors; you should be able to use something else to spawn and get output or log but I've never looked into it.
<Drakonis[m]> wine should output something


<clever> then its piped into something else, youll need to find another process with an id + or - 1 of that
<Drakonis[m]> something worth doing, creating a package for proton itself
<norfumpit> i think ill go with something based on home-managers gnome-terminal configuration
<emily> (maybe this should go on the wiki or something.)
<ij> clever, Great idea! I've apparently screwed something, because nix is complaining about inf recursion
<mkaito> but basically, I'm fetching something with fetchGit, wrapping it in mkDerivation, calling that with callPackage, and according to nix, the result is not of type package. so (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻
<mkaito> nix's error messages sure are something else. not only are they absolutely never even remotely helpful, they are quite often downright misleading. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
<clever> chreekat: when using something like `nix-env -qA`, it can check the binary cache to see if things are pre-built or not
<disasm> Izorkin: if it's not something I'm planning on pushing upstream, I tend to use pypi2nix. Give it a requirements.txt and it gives you fairly good nix expressions for building it.
<ldlework> I guess this is something that the python builder does >:
<mkaito> the value of those attributes is the derivation that describes how to build something. so by referencing the attribute, nix will do the right thing.
<ekleog> phry: indeed, that's something I had mentioned a bit earlier :°
<sphalerite> the oracle jdk one doesn't allow automating the download or something like that which is why we use requireFile for that
<ekleog> Lisanna: if you are making something in pkgs/, it's a package; if you're touching nixos/, it's a module :)
<ekleog> should check an already-packaged example of something that has a similar EULA to yours, though :)
<bkchr[m]> I'm unsure if it is a bug in NixOS, or if there CMake file is missing something
<cmcdragonkai> I see it does something in the postFixupphase, but is there a way to coinfigure the function to add extra phases?
<ldlework> something like " ... ${framerate 60} ... "
<elvishjerricco> kalbasit[m]: That's because when you give something to `imports` in the home-manager submodule, `config` refers to the home-manager submodule, not the NixOS config.
<LnL> infinisil: yeah, I want to put something in a builenv but with prefixed binary names


<clever> sir_guy_carleton: i'm guessing its something in the area of packages.nvim
<nh2> clever: another question in the same direction: I want to replace `(import <nixpkgs> { some stuff here })` by something that overrides a pre-given `pkgs` instead. What would be a clean way to do that? Would you consider `(import (pkgs.path) { some stuff here })` reasonable?
<fzer0> clever: it shows that x11 tries to start and then fails. is there something in particular i should look at?
<inquisitiv3> I'm running the above command to check that I didn't do something stupid with the syntax. The way I'm planning for it to work is to have the configuration.nix file in /etc/nixos/ only import the hardware-configuratoin.nix file in the same directory, and a configuration.nix file in my home folder that contains the real system configuratoin. How does that sound?
<toppler> Hey folks. I'm suddenly getting an error evaluating a line in modules.nix saying that 2^32-1 is an invalid integer. Is there something obvious going wrong?
<jonge> when i have something like " bla bla ${SOME_ENV_VAR} bla bla" in my bash scripts, nix of course tries to substitute that. how can i "mask" that so this lands in my shell script as-is?
<betaboon> hello #nixos. when doing `foo = builtins.fetchTarball { url = "..."; };` is it possible to retrieve the url later on? something like `foo.url` ?
<Lisanna> Ooh, it looks like I can shove something into config
<clever> now edit something in fdisk and save, so it updates
<qyliss^work> But just because something isn't maintained properly, doesn't make it proprietary.
<qyliss^work> Unless they've done something that completely contradicts the blog post
<hyper_ch2> d1rewolf: I had to do something to get autocomplete of pass to work in bash... let me check again
<Taneb> Something like NIX_USE_SANDBOX=0 nix-build thingy
<trevthedev> i swear everytime i say "nixos doesn't have something", unstable always has it, that's a life saver
<cmcdragonkai> I mean something like a nix function
<cmcdragonkai> Is there something that can scan shell scripts for runtime dependencies?
<trevthedev> steam on nix is fine and all, though i can't seem to get anything to work when it comes to steamplay, I can work with something like the Creation Kit, though when it comes to rendered programs, no input works
<cmcdragonkai> I'm packaging up something that has a Makefile that is intended to be used externally. I'm going to wrap it into a script. However the makefile calls programs that are scripts that is relative to the location of the Makefile. What's the best way to wrap the makefile and make sure its directory is set correctly?
<infinisil> clever: Didn't you have something like this once? ^^
<adamantium> So, i assume it must be something environment related. Does anyone know how to theme a cursor for a simple X application?
<Dezgeg> is there something you _really_ need from GNU time that the bash builtin doesn't provide?


<kandinski> I just updated my system and some work scripts that rely on ssh-agent have stopped working. This is my version of it: http://paste.debian.net/1038828/ Is this something other people have seen?
<elvishjerricco> palo: Well that commit isn't likely to be merged anywhere. It's a revert of something that I think is good. We'd have to simply replace that work with cross-compile-able work
<disasm> Dezgeg: ah, curPhase :) I knew there was something, was looking for the word current in the source code and nothing came up!
<disasm> say I have buildPhase and checkPhase. They both wrap someCommand, in someCommand, I want to output something that says time-build-real and time-check-real.
<kalbasit[m]> I tried several iteration of nix eval but it's not intuitive how to call something like that
<qyliss^work> It might be something subtle.
<tim_nixos> Hey guys, I'm struggling to setup local/temporary nix-shell environments for haskell. With Python I am specifying something like this: https://pastebin.com/SAUbD2j6 and save it as 'shell.nix' in my working dir. But I am not able to create a similar expression that will provide me the ghc(i) in a nix-shell.. basically I would like to have the first statement here: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#how-to-create-ad-hoc-environments-f
<ldlework> anyone ever run into something like that?
<manveru> adisbladis: i wish it'd just use rlwrap or something...
<manveru> anytime i type something, it deletes the whole line a second later
<Myrl-saki> I honestly expected something along the lines of 95%.
<srhb> Or something similar. :-)
<srhb> At least use something like --delete-older-than 14d
<Enzime> gchristensen: is there a way to get OfBorg to build something ignoring the current PR?
<ekleog> something like “if you run (compiler+program) enough times in a row by considering the output to be the source code for a programe, it'll end up with a quine”?
<dramforever> Something something fixed point theorem
<Myrl-saki> I wonder if there's something information theoretic with quines
<ldlework> What's the easiest way to do something like writeScriptBin with custom build inputs?


<growpotkin> something like `nix-repl> lib.mkAliasOptionModule [ "foo" "bar" ] [ "foo" "baz" ]`
<aanderse> maybe something small i missed
<aanderse> i wondered if i needed to include a .bundle/config file in with the packaging or something...
<bigvalen> joepie91, That's for monitoring systemd and something on 9090 ?
<mpickering> netcho: It tries to write something to ~ which doesn't exist when running nix-build
<alech> symphorien: thanks, looks good. I made something along the lines of "mkdir -p $out/bin\n makeWrapper ${pandoc}/bin/pandoc $out/bin/pandoc" now in installPhase as in the nixpkgs manual and that seems to work \o/
<tim_nixos> thanks guys.. sometimes it is really hard to find the solution for something you don't know much about
<sphalerite> maybe the known_hosts initialisation or something?
<dramforever> Then there's something about EFI partitions
<ongy> ahh, then I did indeed do something wrong
<ongy> hm, I must have done something wrong then. I tried that earlier.
<srhb> Christ, were systemd timers designed by Rube Goldberg or something...
<techieAgnostic> Am I fine to put the script straight into $out, or should it be $out/bin/ or something?
<srhb> alech: the wrapProgram route will cause the wrapper script to contain something like PATH=/nix/store/xxxx...-pandoc-someversion/bin... yourApplication
<techieAgnostic> im trying to learn to do a derivation. its for something real simple but once ive figured it out would it be cool to post it here to see if i did it right?
<srhb> alech: At a guess, your application expects pandoc to be on $PATH, which is not something that propagatedBuildInputs will do for you. Perhaps take a look at wrapProgram and friends to make a small wrapper around the executable that takes care of this for you.
<srhb> And how does configuring it work? Does it take a command line argument? Or do you want to override something during the build?
<srhb> jepityr: So something like polybar.override { inherit (pkgs) libpulseaudio; pulseSupport = true; }
<srk> judson: something like this? https://paste.vpsfree.cz/4oC5+dVT/
<katrin> i notice how 31.3 container networking specifies nat.externalInterface, is there any way to set up NAT from a container's IP to an external IP (on a system with more than one IP), without touching iptables or something similar?


<Myrl-saki> Or something like that, I really don't know. :P
<infinisil> Well it will however fail at installPhase, but maybe that's preventable through setting out to something else
<booglewoogle> okay, i see, thanks. ill see if i can figure something out that way
<booglewoogle> im currently on generation 80 on that pc, so that exists and booting into it works. when i go "nix-channel --rollback 80" it says generation 80 doesnt exist. am i missing something?
<Myrl-saki> Er, badly stated. How do I add fonts to the environment? I'm thinking it has something to do with fc-* so it's.. erm. difficult.
<Zajcev> I'll have to talk with guys from provider, tank you, I needed to know if my config is wrong or something ot there :-)
<sphalerite> Zajcev: also, there may be some firewalling going on on the provider's side, which you can usually configure on the hosting control panel or something
<kisik21> I think it will be something between a container and a chroot.
<Guanin> x86, but I have patched something in libpam, so I basically need to recompile everything that depends on it :D
<ldlework> Myrl-saki: you should access pkgs for something
<Myrl-saki> I think this has something to do with how I declared things
<rfold> Yeah, there appears to be an unmaintained driver on github :') Guess I'll have to look for something else then, thanks!


<jonreeve> I'm trying to do something like: `dots = "/home/jon/dotfiles/dotfiles";`
<mpickering> It seems to be something to do with cross compiling
<JonReed> Is there a way to specify another `/boot` location for `nixos-rebuild switch`? Something ("systemd-1 on /boot type autofs") has mounted itself to /boot, so I can't mount my usb device there and want to mount it to another path and supply that path to `nixos-rebuild`.
<JonReed> Is there something on nix that has the same functionality as `locate` (finding a package for command that you haven't yet installed)?
<kisik21> something bootable on both BIOS and UEFI?
<kisik21> nice! expecting something awesome to land in the $out dir
<kisik21> I'm starting to think something is wrong with the handover to Linux kernel
<kisik21> something like --option no-sandbox? i'm not sure
<ambro718> Am I doing something wrong? How is this supposed to be one? Note that just using nixos-install from the host system would not be good as it would use the wrong nixpkgs and it would download lots of unnecessary things because it would use the host's nix store.
<kisik21> Dezgeg: how the source package you mentioned gets called? nixpkgs.kernelPackages.linux_something?
<kisik21> Oh, that looks like something one can build on
<emily> I think the argument is that they're tiny enough that they're legally unproblematic or something
<Wizek> clever: yup, I got as far, but something somewhere then is missing src
<LnL> magnetophon: fyi, you can do something similar to what you had before by making nix copy the file instead
<monad_cat> I've just added `haskell.compiler = super.haskell.compiler` but it compiles about something else
<foldingcookie> I think I must have misnamed something and now nix-channel --update does nothing
<__monty__> lorilan: ghc861 is just a name for the package without dots because those mean something in nix.
<ongy> so different question: is there a "strict" mode that validates all keys against matching something?
<ongy> hm, is there something I need to set up, before I can use nixos containers?
<__monty__> Is there a command to have something built on an ssh-substitutor? So it can then be ssh-substituted?
<LnL> that's basically the same then, unless you need something incremental
<symphorien> BlessJah_: when something installs config to /etc you can use this installFlag: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/b9fafcfc3020580be1cefac93d8fe4cefe9135f5/pkgs/applications/audio/abcde/default.nix#L40
<c00w> Anyone able to help with translating a nix-build command to nix build? I think I'm missing something but I can't figure out what.
<Enzime> gchristensen: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/43754#issuecomment-413902598 did I do something wrong?


<sorbet> Looking through my declarative configs, I don't have anything about python2, so it might be a dependency of something else... Or would an explicit path to the nix store entry indicate it was from nix-env run imperatively (and not NixOS)?
<nek0> cransom: it has specifically something to do with 'nanovgNeko'
<ldlework> johnw: some strange behavior with hnix, i only get half the file printed -- its almost like my shell is evaluating the output of the pretty print or something
<LnL> don't see any comment or something I'd consider wrong indentation
<gchristensen> go make something new if that is how you want to do it
<symphorien> something like emacs.override { withGTK3 = false; }
<ivan> https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/issues/589 - how does this even happen for something like python3.6?
<gchristensen> at any rate, you're probably fine joebobjo1. if something breaks come ask for help and we can get you sorted :)
<joebobjo1> now I'm gonna cry. I just started using nix and already I messed something up
<joebobjo1> did I install something worng?
<jD91mZM2> Thought it was created or something, and now it's failing because it's already there
<Denommus> but more than one module defines something like users.extraUsers."${cfg.user}" = { createHome = true; home = cfg.storagePath; }
<Lisanna> (that gets multiplied by two or something later)
<Thra11> If a build succeeds without a sandbox, but fails inside a sandbox because it can't find 'g++', does that mean it has some (probably generated) files that refer to g++ when ideally they should have been substituted to refer to something like /nix/store/some..hash-gcc-7.3.0/bin/g++?
<woffs> and get the .drv from a non-existing $out path? I use nix show-derivation "$out" | perl -ne 'if(/"(.*\.drv)"/){print$1;exit}' but I wonder if there is something more elegant
<sphalerite> Xyliton: because something is passing -stdlib=libstdc++, which I'm guessing is a clang option
<elvishjerricco> Taneb: You could write a second derivation that just runs the test. It can be fixed output and just output the hash of the source or something
<Xyliton> do I have anything special for clang to allow me to include something from the include path of another project?
<ocharles> is __nixPath something special?
<ocharles> obviously something is doing `import ./blah`, but I dunno where the source of that import is
<clever> gchristensen: something at instruction pointer 7ffff748d796 ran an invalid opcode
<srhb> inquisitiv3: But I suspect you meant something else :)
<clever> but which 1gig it selects is random, so the chance of loosing something important depends on how much garbage you have
<ldlework> when something that is firmly a system package requires a user config!
<infinisil> Seems to be something wrong with your homemanager version, not sure
<ldlework> it says "trying to call something which is not a function but a set"
<ldlework> must be doing something stupid... but what


<samueldr> though suse seems to have something
<Mateon2> Hey, does anyone here know where the default backgrounds for xfce are stored? Something got messed up when I moved computers, and my background is now a solid color.
<clever> adamantium: this is something i did back when i wasnt commited to nixos, and i was still using the gentoo grub to source the nixos grub.cfg
<LnL> cabal2nix is a package not a function so adding whatgoeshere would result in error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set
<inquisitiv3> samueldr: `nix search -u sublime` doesn't show me any search matches. Something I miss or misinterpreted?
<adamantium> nix is reallllllly something man ..
<neonfuz> I tried 'systemctl start redshift', got 'redshift.service not found', tried 'systemctl --user enable redshift', says something starting with 'The unit files have no installation config'
<inquisitiv3> clever: You learn something new every day :)
<clever> adamantium: ive not tried zfs support in grub, so it may need something like that to deal with zfs
<timokau[m]> sphalerite: It probably does some fancy sanity checking of core counts or something that is broken by the chroot / needs some additional dependency
<inquisitiv3> I've ran `sudo nix-collect-garbage`. Is there any way to verify I haven't deleted something I shouldn't?
<adamantium> yeah but if you keep them rotated with something like zfs-auto-snapshot
<adamantium> but im still a little lost about something then
<adamantium> Hi, using zfsonroot here, it does something i have not seen: why is the root dataset mounted in two places?
<growpotkin> Hey I'm sure somebody can help me with this. I am trying to patch a src directory immediately after fetching it. I'm imagining something like `my-derivation...; src = myWrapper { src = fetchFromGitHub {...}; patches = [./mypatch]; }; rest-of-my-derivation...; }
<infinisil> Ah right, I'll just make it a timer though (e.g. have the bot say something max every minute)
<gchristensen> how about make a list of people who have said something, and every time someone new says something, send the notice
<gchristensen> infinisil: every 2-5min send a message to #nixos-unregistered: Hello! You've been sent to #nixos-unregistered due to the recent spam attacks on Freenode. Please register and identify with NickServ to join #nixos (/msg NickServ help). Sorry for the inconvenience! (I thought about asking something fancier, like the first time anyone says something, send it, but eh)
<inquisitiv3> tilpner: Is that a derivate one need to install, or it something else?
<Mic92> Has somebody nixos configuration for kubernetes that I can copy and paste to check something quick?
<fdietze> Hi, is there something like a fold in the nix language? I want to iterate over a list and construct one set out of it
<srhb> There's something really perverse about it -- but nice!
<sphalerite> manveru: then you probably have an overlay or something which modifies it
<ldlework> something is wrong here
<manveru> but it's something i wanted to do for a long time, it's just not the nixpkgs convention atm
<srhb> Something I can include in a configuration easily and start making changes. :)
<srhb> I think we need this bundled up in something easily experimented with, I can't see the problem immediately.
<ldlework> but something is not right with my own options as defined. I can't really read nixos tracebacks
<clever> other code in the same file should use something like map to iterate over all values, and apply them to another config option
<sb0> how do I install something from a local copy of nixpkgs?


<clever> but with linux, is it init.d?, systemd?, something else?
<LnL> it's a rename in this case but same goes for removing something yes
<samueldr> LnL: though, *other* than documentation, I feel there's still something that needs to be done proactively first and I don't know what
<sphalerite> jiaew3: something like `cmakeFlags = ["-Dassimp_INCLUDE_DIRS=${assimp}/include" "-Dassimp_LIBRARIES=${assimp}/lib/libassimp.so"];`
<samueldr> as I said: maybe overlooking something basic
<samueldr> LnL: still genuine: why can't it be solved? (I'm beginning to think I'm really overlooking something basic here)
<samueldr> I'm possibly overlooking something obvious
<sphalerite> I think it also tries *Config.cmake or something
<samueldr> LnL: for compat reasons, this is something I think already happend; backporting a new library function
<samueldr> if you're using something at stateVersion 17.09, that "thing" using the deprecated version could still make use of it
<LnL> using something similar to stateVersion would make sense I think
<sphalerite> seems like something that could be part of nix really
<erickomoto> Is there something in apt that would prevent it to install another package manager, or is it that people haven't been interested (people are busy with something else) in packaging nix in apt? (This is just me being curious, I can talk to who controls the admin account and see if I can convince them to install it regardless of the installation method)
<erickomoto> Also, apparently my admin is ok installing nix but he wants something similar to `sudo apt-get install nix`. I am assuming this is not possible, right?
<bkchr[m]> sphalerite: no, you are correct. Tested it on my laptop and it works. Will need to test it via command line on my rpi3. Maybe the bindings for rust doing something wrong.
<Xyliton> I remember there being some hook I can use for that which can iterate over all deps or something and then append stuff to an env var, right?
<sphalerite> I suppose I could hack something with nix-store -qR and some manual symlinking
<infinisil> Xyliton: That would be something like `attrs: mkDerivation ({ buildPhase = "foo"; } // attrs)`
<Xyliton> infinisil: I want something that wraps mkDerivation and sets some stuff as default
<Myrl-saki> The boot.vfd could have been auto downloaded or something.
<worldofpeace> It would also nice to have something somewhere clear the ambiguity of `nix-repl` and `nix repl`. An irc bot isn't consistent explainations :P
<clever> something like this to start with maybe?
<Myrl-saki> I think it's something more like `foo.buildInputs[0] != foo.buildInputs[0].out` that I encountered.
<srhb> ldlework: It just seems that emacs knows nothing about it. Specifying the path to dash with -L doesn't help either. Clearly something is missing :P
<tinco> srhb: should the directory just exist? I can make it and then chown it to myself, but I'm not sure why something is trying to mkdir it everytime I log in, when it's not supposed to be able to anyway, or should per-user be a+rw?
<tinco> is that a mistake in my nixos config somewhere, or did I do something wrong and should I just chown something?
<ldlework> srhb: don't we override something with emacsWithPackages?
<srhb> probably based on the targetEnv or something.
<srhb> ocharles: Somewhere in the nixops source tree there's something called.. eval-machines or something
<srhb> Otherwise we've done something wrong.
<srhb> The most trivial way is to just import it in the systemd-service or something. let sophos-wrapper = import ./youremacsthing { inherit pkgs; }
<ldlework> i'm doing all this to just learn, elisp network services is a terrible idea; i just wanted to build something a bit bigger to practice out my elisp
<ldlework> something like ${emacs}/bin/emacs ?