
<clever> steveeJ: i think i saw something about the build-in-vm script leaving a shell script behind in $NIX_BUILD_TOP
<i-am-the-slime> can I also do something like HEAD~2?
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but an integer, at (string):195:1
<mkaito> Myrl-saki: remotes/ikervagyok/wine 9m 11s — But I'm building something else at the same time :P
<srhb> arjen-jonathan: If you can share something minimally reproducible, more people may be inclined to help.
<adisbladis> pie_: You want something like https://ptpb.pw/T0km/nix in your shell.nix/default.nix
<adisbladis> pie_: Works for me. Do you have a globally installed python or something that conflicts?
<pie_> or you mean you already shared something?
<pie_> and add the password file to your gitignore or something
<elvishjerricco> clever: Fair. Is it possible to manually do one of these namespace mount things to mount something in your home directory at `/nix`?
<wdanilo> Btw, clever, I remember some time ago you've answered a question of mine and you always know all the answers <3 I'd love to ask you if you have any receipt for trully installing and using nix without root privileges? I was able to download nix binary, patchelfd it and run it, however when trying to run `nix run --store` nix still tries to access `/nix`. It seems like something hardcoded in the sources :(
<samueldr> sandboxed only at the filesystem level (something to keep in mind)
<samueldr> so my base system is probably not going to fail with random changes and version upgrades, but if I need something fresh, I can cheat a bit installing it non-declaratively
<samueldr> this will too, use a channel, this would usually be through something like nix-env -iA nixpkgs.hello
<gchristensen> a typical user: yes, has one, but there is no effort required to have multiple. just clone a different version of nixpkgs and install something.
<wdanilo> sphalerite: ok! And who controls the "revision of nixpkgs"? Is it some kind of nix committee or something? Or users are choosing it ?
<sphalerite> unless they're explicitly given something else in all-packages.nix
<wdanilo> samueldr: hmm, I think Im missing something here. If I understand correctly your messages, the nlooking at for example gimp nix pkg expr: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/d16a7abceb72aac85e0deb8c45fbcb7127baf628/pkgs/applications/graphics/gimp/2.8.nix#L1


<dhess> question about something that's been bothering me for awhile: in my experience, when a NixOS service has keys.target in "wants" and "after", it will always wait for that target to fire if I'm using NixOps to deploy that host.
<Mic92> alex``: I have something very simple that does work for me: https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/master/home/.zshrc#L603
<d1rewolf> exarkun1: I think you're right. The nix wiki isn't as full as an example...it cuts off. but now that you mention it, I think there's something in the nixpkgs manual. thanks ;)
<exarkun1> messing with run/keys via `fileSystems` does seem to have screwed up something and now I can't deploy keys to the node anymore 🙂
<realrokka> someone else is using electrum wallet and the build fails ? https://pastebin.com/q3wrEKse :( should I open up an issue on gh or something?
<gchristensen> something is fishy. maybe try a reboot. something is holding on to that old group info for some reason.
<exarkun1> the /etc/group file was rewritten to say tor belongs to keys but `systemctl restart tor` doesn't give me a tor process in the `keys` group... Possibly tor is doing something to throw out the extra groups... for security or whatever
<catern> is there something like steam-run for arbitrary random proprietary packages?
<Myrl-saki> aanderse: Yeah, I was going to tell you to check the pipe/socket or something.
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: Why was it removed or something?
<Myrl-saki> hyper_ch2: My guess is something along the line of runlevels.
<sphalerite> Phillemann: if you just want to use it one-off (as opposed to using it as a dependency of something else in nixpkgs) you can just use python3Packages.pysdl2.override { SDL2_ttf = (your SDL2_ttf); }
<srhb> tokudan[m]: That way a reviewer will see that it says "Should be 2.1.x which is stable" or something
<tokudan[m]> we could add another package burpLatest or something like that, but having it somewhere besides master would make no sense. especially in a release-* would mean the time it's released, there's already one newer version
<sphalerite> oh or maybe you could use xen or something like that? I don't know things about running a hypervisor "above" linux
<sphalerite> something like that? I guess I don't actually have a rational reason, I just "don't like it"
<kyren> I just couldn't put a command in shellHook because something was freaking out about impurity
<kyren> I'm also attempting to use cargo-web which may have something to do with it, it's bad because I'm new at both wasm32-unknown-unknown *and* nix
<slabity> Is there a way to run something akin to a `nix-locate` without needing `nix-index`? It keeps failing for me
<haslersn> Does fetchFromGitHub have something similar to the deepClone option of fetchgit?


<rawtaz> hm did i just screw something up here.. is there normally a /sbin directory or link in nixos?
<rawtaz> haslersn: i dont suppse something like "CPPFLAGS=\"-flag1 -flag2\"" works?
<rawtaz> i wonder if it works to put this binary in other places, ill try that. i guess something like /usr/local would be fine to populate?
<samueldr> yeah, that's why I'm saying as of now, it may be a working workaround, but *something* probably can be done, I don't know what :/
<samueldr> it may be a better workaround to use that path, and always add it to systemPackages, but I'm not sure if that would be something mergeable as-is in nixpkgs
<rawtaz> yup. i will probably create an issue for this and see if we can get a discussion going, because as it is now one cannot add fstab entries for shared folders easily/without hackery. then again, perhaps this isnt something that's normally done, and instead the tools should handle it automatically (just having enabled shared folders in the VM settings i mean) - that is the next thing i was going to look into, because it doesnt work either
<rawtaz> nDuff: im totally ignorant but shouldnt you have a git:// url in there or something? just guessing out loud here.
<dtz[m]> oh! lmao someone pinged me earlier and this damn chat interface--well nvm my client problems, haha, now that you MENTION it LMAO today is not August 20-something or whatever hahahaha >>.<< no wonder you're calling me on the late reply :P
<LnL> there's also something with disks that have 4k block size, but I don't remember if that was legacy or uefi
<colemickens> I'm sorta hacking together my own nix cache thing and just hit something weird.
<rycee[m]> ixxie: For using HM as a NixOS module you'll want to put something like `imports = [ "${builtins.fetchTarball https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz}/nixos" ];` in your host configuration.
<rycee[m]> infinisil: As a work-around for now you could try putting the necessary systemctl --user commands as an activation script? You could even do something like `home.activation.reloadSystemD = mkForce (dag.entryAfter ["linkGeneration"] "my custom commands") :-)
<zduch4c> infinisil must be right, it's something in the udev rules
<rycee[m]> infinisil: Btw, you are using Emacs, right? In a sudden fit of insanity I did some form of HM module for producing an init.el file. That's why I wanted to put some dotfiles publically, since I finally felt I had something suitably interesting :-)
<rycee[m]> ixxie, infinisil: But I'm not wanting to be the person it all hangs on so anybody with interest in nixup should have a look at it and perhaps even try it. It's a bit old by now but I guess should work in a virtual machine or something.
<rawtaz> im onto something now at least.
<ixxie> infinisil: I use HM... I guess I was just hoping for something better integrated with NixOS in general
<infinisil> There is an implementation of something like this, it's called home-manager
<worldofpeace> gchristensen: Ever forgot you were ssh'd in a terminal and be like 'wtf' when you did something
<samueldr> worldofpeace: it would be something along the lines to additional boot parameters; though I'm thinking this could be delayed for an eventual rewrite of the bootloader options for the installer images... but when is this going to happen? (something I want to do eventually)
<worldofpeace> samueldr: I agree now that having the subconfig can be helpful as I've had that annoyence and it's something you can't ensure
<philipp[m]> Thanks for all the feedback! Now I've got a curious situation: I can connect outside from the inside but not the other way around... I think it's something in iptables.
<sphalerite> aah, no actually it should be in nodePackages.gulp or something
<maurer> Hm, that seems like something we eventually might want to change
<LnL> also that's something very different
<srhb> gchristensen: Wish we had something better, but it's hard to come up with anything.
<nekroze> I am wondering if it cached a build where I did not mangle the hash so it was still pointing at exa or something
<c15ade4> I can see libclang in the store, but not sure how to get that path into pkg-config or something similar


<rawtaz> octe: oh, you didnt ask for that package? i dunno then, maybe or presumably something else requires it?
<rawtaz> octe: something in it marked as insecure. if you think it's fine, try adding it to nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "thepackagenamehere" ]; in your config
<sphalerite> it's a hydra problem or something, that the listings were being uploaded with the wrong metadata or something, and thus not served in their decompressed form
<srhb> tobiasBora: Perhaps you can attach something like this search for clarity: gitlab
<rawtaz> ok so now i have my newly updated open-vm-tools package built locally. im wondering how i can test this in my system, equally to having listed it in systemPackages. doing $ nix-env -f . -iA open-vm-tools doesn't *seem* relevant in my eyes because this is something that needs to run on a higher level than my unprivileged user. pointers?
<PolarIntersect> Then pgenheaders.h must be something else... Sorry!
<rawtaz> sphalerite: right; and that's not something i should do, because that would affect a lot of things, right
<endformationage> elvishjerricco: A follow up question if I may re: nixos-unstable container on a stable host. Might you know the declarative equivelant? I looked to see if there was something like a 'channel' option for containers, but there's not.
<rawtaz> Mic92: yeah. but even if it does, i might have left things in there that should no longer be around, and might have missed something that should be there too, for that matter. just doesnt feel right. but perhaps this is pretty common?
<astronavt> might as well throw in a "how to uninstall something"
<jackjennings> sphalerite: everything back to normal. Thanks! Last question — is the channel something that I should be declaring in configuration.nix, or are they supposed to operate independently?
<sphalerite> samrose: something like users.users.roundcube.isSystemUser = true; should be enough to set up the user
<jackjennings> My issue came about when trying to get on a more recent channel to have access to node.js v10 — I think that I’ve managed to mess something up, just not sure what. Here’s the error that I’m getting when I try to run `nixos-rebuild switch (—upgrade)`: https://gist.github.com/jackjennings/9409019662d7017c850ac25141e20d74#file-nixops-rebuild-switch-L40-L56
<sphalerite> hodapp: I got something similar recently
<sphalerite> or hacking something together using nix-store --export and nix-store --import and pv? :p
<LnL> but this is an example where overlays are nicer, since this is something separate that doesn't care about any existing overrides
<LnL> in case eg. something is broken
<catern> (if I eventually have to tell them something complicated)
<selfsymmetric-pa> I should make myself a nixos-debugging checklist or something.
<selfsymmetric-pa> Do I still need to wait for something?
<andi-> I am also facing the challenges of "selling" (as in trying to convince) people to run NixOS.. One of the things people want are security advisories.. even thought they could just run a daily/hourly/quarter-hourly update and would receive updates in the same speed/faster then only reacting on advisories... But maybe it helps with the warm fuzzy feeling if you know someone did something to make it "better"...
<DigitalKiwi> if the bug is bad enough they'll probably have patched it, so by staying on the old (patched) version you'll "know" that no new bugs have been introduced by new versions that you don't know about, and less chance you'll introduce bugs by say misconfiguring something or w/e
<sphalerite> infinisil: shouldn't there be something inside the attrset though, since the stdenv somehow knows how to get the native version even though you passed in the apparently cross version
<rawtaz> if i were to code something to get it done it's better i spend that effort on an irc bot for it
<sphalerite> infinisil: I was thinking probably something using the same cache nix search uses (json)
<infinisil> sphalerite: Something like `nix-env -qa | rofi -dmenu`?
<rawtaz> is there an API for those options and packages pages? or if you wanted to program something to search on them, would you have to do it using regular "scraping"?
<viric> I guess something crashes, but retvalue is 0
<kreisys> Is filterSource executed during eval or something like that which makes it different?
<Myrl-saki> sphalerite: I'm just imagining pasta or something.
<Myrl-saki> And maybe -m something
<sphalerite> vandenoever: a lot of people here, myself included, run their system on nixos-unstable — and if something breaks you can always roll back, even at boot time :)
<srhb> waynr: You're rebuilding everyting, so something far down the chain is altered compared to upstream :P
<sphalerite> eeva: try adding -v to the command until you see something that might be helpful maybe?
<waynr> i've been wondering if it could be something about my multi-user setup
<srhb> waynr: So something else is going on.
<eeva> Or am I missing something?
<rawtaz> kai_w: i have nooo idea, but could it be that something is asking for paramiko 2.4.0 or higher, and the highest in stable is 2.1.1, so the solution would be to import/define paramiko 2.4.0+ yourself (i mean make an override for paramiko)?
<rawtaz> perhaps hashicorp has something that's usable for you?
<sphalerite> something like that should work I think
<realrokka> does rebuild compile virtualbox every 1.5 days on your machines too? Could there be something wrong with my .config? Or just a lot of small updates the last weeks? It's a little bit annoying ... Im on 19.03pre
<CMCDragonkai> What's the solution to this? A variation of makeWrapper or something that creates the executable script itself?
<Henson> clever: (late reply) I did use "extensions" on python27Packages to define some of my own python27 packages, but I want to create a completely new category with things inside. I'm reading through the definition of python27Packages in the hopes of finding something useful.
<elvishjerricco> I'm assuming there's an outdated lock or something?
<tobiasBora> But if I add something like environment.etc."ssmtp/revaliases".text = "..." then I'm good right?


<GiGa|Laptop> I'll try building it on my other computer another day. I don't want to PR something I've not tested
<infinisil> I'd prefer to use | tail -n1, but yeah something like that
<rawtaz> i am only suggestion steps to debug the issue, not suggesting something that developers using nixops should have to do in the long run.
<cransom> i don't think i've ever seen combining 2 package managers make something more secure. it would always be less so
<gchristensen> I must be doing something stupid :)
<samueldr> a drawback I had with autoUpgrade was that it filled a small VM's inode table with rebuilds and all the transient files... so it's probably better to enable it with something that cleans and/or optimises the FS
<das_j> there is also something that puts it to a tmpfs
<pie_> something about some udev loader check failed
<haslersn> Hi, fetchFromGitHub is something from nixpkgs, right? So why is it written in camel case?
<kiloreux> Is it possible to use curl to download something thing in postFixup ?
<manveru> kiloreux: something tries to create a file in $HOME
<oldandwise> something is still keeping running my systemd-timesyncd. Not sure what.. but in other boxes, these 2 are exclusive
<kiloreux> That's correct. But it's likely something about nix that is causing this problem. Since running "php -r "print_r(get_loaded_extensions());"" show the yaml extension loaded just fine.
<srhb> booglewoogle: When creating a new package it's just { ... newPackage = something that creates newPackage; }
<srhb> booglewoogle: When overriding an old package you usually do { ... oldPackage = something to manipulates oldPackage; }
<qyliss^work> See if there are multiple sets of sockets in different subdirectories or something
<srhb> mkaito: Hmm, I've experienced something similar.. Somehow I had two gpg agents running
<mkaito> back on topic. bumped my system to nixos-unstable this morning, and a bunch of weird issues cropped up. most notably, gpg-agent doesn't seem to remember the fact that I've unlocked my gpg key and keeps asking for passphrase over and over. `systemctl --user` fails because XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is unset. `poweroff` and `reboot` don't work, probably because something about polkit is borked. I didn't want to go and open
<sphalerite> Taneb: maybe I could hack something together with git blame
<matto> yes! Thanks, I was just wondering if there was something that works without workaround ...
<buckley310> will do something with it tomorrow.
<buckley310> I will do something with it. upstream sounds good, but its pretty hacky as-is and im very new to nix :D
<disasm> Ankhers: if I remember, you were doing some work with elixir a while back. Is trying to get phoenix to work in beam-packages.nix a fools errand that I shouldn't touch? Main goal is to try to get bors-ng derivation for nixos instead of having to use docker or something hacky, like a nix-shell building it on the production host.


<clever> infinisil: i just remembered, there is a package that will search $PATH for a given string to auto-detect support for something
<rawtaz> he said something about that, they essentially started using FUSE instead of kernel modules with kernel version 4, i think
<rawtaz> so SOMETHING that understands what vmhgfs is was actually run at that point
<rawtaz> (i might be talking something else than modules here, i realize - but i guess you get my point, that whatever needs doing should be triggered by vmwareGuest)
<rawtaz> ok so i should do e.g. systemd.services.?.path = open-vm-tools or something like that
<rawtaz> samueldr: cant be the first time something needed to be run by systemd :)
<JonReed> srhb: IFD will create something in store? Or will it just create a temporary out which will be automatically deleted after the expr will be evaluated?
<srhb> JonReed: The thing is, you can only operate on paths within the nix store anyway. So you will need to import whatever path in order to search through it. That's doable though, as long as it's something like a source tree.
<infinisil> ldlework: I once polled 10 times a second from a script to put something up in the status bar. For some reason it was very very laggy. Turns out I used a nix-shell shebang in the script, and nix-shells are notoriously slow to start..
<rawtaz> grr. theres something seriously broken with open-vm-tools in nixos. the vmware service is running, yet when you try to mount stuff through fstab you get "No such device" for the .host:/ entry in there
<tilpner> exarkun1 - systemd.tmpfiles or something likes nur.repos.tilpner.modules.files
<samueldr> shreyansh_k: any particular question? (maybe there's something missing or you have an issue with something else)
<xok> I've got something like this: https://pastebin.com/kdNTnL3N
<clever> lesh: i would do something like services.nginx.virtualHosts."www.example.com".root = ./html_root;
<copumpkin> not sure if it's just something weird going on or if someone keeps cancelling them
<rawtaz> something like "Click <here> to go to the web based searchable options list"
<gchristensen> rawtaz: yeah, maybe what should be done is have the static page -- which is produced as part of the documentation generated from NixOS -- be more clearly marked as "this is documentation" or something
<infinisil> rawtaz: With the former one can Ctrl-F search something and doesn't have to rely on javascript
<greymalkin> Oh shoot... I knew I forgot something about -A.
<infinisil> catern: there is something like this, hold on
<srhb> catern: There is a shellFor function and a haskellPathsInDir (or something like that)
<catern> yes, I'm asking if something like this already exists
<catern> goibhniu: i'm not sure you are understanding but I do think you might be right that virtualenv using something like --system-site-packages to make the virtualenv use packages from outside the virtualenv, would work in the Python case
<catern> if you believe it does, then please point me to something explaining the technique
<catern> What I'm wondering is how to express the build environment given that some of the deps are coming from Nix and some from non-Nix; should I generate a shell.nix or something for just the deps that I want, and build inside that reduced nix-shell?
<atu> srhb: I'm already waiting for network-online.target, which should depend on network-pre.target, so I think something fishy is going on. :P
* etu has also had an UEFI system that only booted the bootloader that was named "Microsoft something something" so I had to copy my arch bootloader to that name to get it to boot :p
<atu> srhb: re sysfs: It does matter. EFI doesn't technically use fat32, just something that has almost the exact same spec.
<sphalerite> Anybody know of something like websockify that can wrap unix sockets instead of TCP sockets?
<nwspk> sphalerite: if I'll make it, I'd be happy to talk to you over a beer or something (:
<Ralith> it is the sound of something being flung into the distance by a spring
<lividsloth> Baud rate must be something other than 115200


<__red__> if I'm packaging up another application that has as a dependency something I already submitted in the PR - I have to wait until it's been approved before I build the next package
<__red__> oh! I just realized something
<rawtaz> ambro718: ok, i misunderstood, thought it was something in Nix that called a file that was a shell script, wondered why that was a problem.
<ambro718> perhaps it's not trying to call it but do something more interseting with it, I'll check right now
<rawtaz> ambro718: nice debugging there. if you look at the derivation, can you find a place to change something in it so that it tries to run it as a shell script instead?
<steveeJ> infinisil: look for something that's tested and known to work, use it, and by happy to have broken the curse :-D
<infinisil> So, the problem is certainly something about the program not finding such locale files
<Myrl-saki> Did something change on 2.1 that made sandbox default?
<infinisil> So, the problem is indeed in locale something
<srhb> __red__: By the way (just throwing ad-hoc information at you) it's usually best not to override standard phases like that. If someone were to add a patch to `patches` now, it wouldn't work because you've overwritten the automagic of that phase. Instead, something like preBuild would probably be better suited. :)
<infinisil> How could I compile something from gcc with debug symbols and stuff for gdb?
<__red__> is there a way to use substituteInPlace or something similar to just delete out a whole bunch of lines?
<__red__> now you said something about an editing in place function?
<ambro718> There is something wrong with the Wine packaging on NixOS. When I install Steam using Wine 3.16-staging, I cannot download any game, I always get an error "content servers unreachable" like this: http://pasteall.org/pic/show.php?id=5288a1616ebc8046fc54333c717dfda7
<Myrl-saki> Is there something along the lines of systemd-wait? :P
<Taneb> Gnome isn't picking up icons for libreoffice, is this something I need to install separately?
<adisbladis> Something like "openspin-unstable-2018-09-16"
<adisbladis> I used something like:
<adisbladis> cement: Hmm.. I have seen something like this before


<samueldr> I was mainly wondering whether I did something wrong, or something was overlooked
<haslersn> d1rewolf: I don't know how to properly search for something like go. Programming languages tend to have poor names
<tilpner> It's something you learn quickly with NixOS and then never forget. It is an unintuitive error, yes, because it implies that the to-be-executed file is not present, when actually it is the defined interpreters which is absent
<d1rewolf> tilpner: thanks. is there something which would indicate this is the problem from the command line? Without your help, I would've never figured out that vague error message
<d1rewolf> I will use the nixpkgs version for now. tilpner hodapp: is there something I could read which would help me better understand this problem?
<srhb> haslersn: That src is built, then you eval the nix within, then you build something else, probably.
<elvishjerricco> I wonder if there's any micro-git implementation or something
<srhb> Unless restrict-eval can do something clever about that.
<srhb> sphalerite: I don't see why not? Am I missing something?
<sphalerite> otherwise, maybe something like xidlehook ( jD91mZM2 😉 )
<sphalerite> jD91mZM2: it sounds like you compiled something with cargo, then gc'd away the dependencies
<Avaq> sphalerite: I got the shell! :) I have something to attend to now, but this is a huge help already and I will be able to go from here when I get back. Thank you!
<Myrl-saki> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at undefined position
<adamantium> nix.maxJobs = ${nproc}; or something ?
<adamantium> hi, do you guys know can i use nproc or something similar to just automatically set "nix.maxJobs" via my nix file.


<catern> it was a kubernetes controller or something
<colemickens> clever, have you ever seen something like that? I couldn't find hardly *anything* when I googled it.
<rain1> I think I did something wrong. I want to try making my own nix package definition so I followed this https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nixpkgs/Create_and_debug_packages I cloned the repo and am switching to it... but now it's building some C++ stuff from source
<colemickens> Am I doing something wrong? I even checked my nixpkgs to make sure I was building and considering the right revisions...
<grp> I was banging my head against the wall for a whole evening... to think it was something like that
<chaker> something like "nix-eval --arg repo '(builtins.fetchMercuial { url ="..."; rev=".."})'
<exarkun1> I imagine something like `deployment.ebsVolumes.foo = { ... }` generating a magic identifier somewhere that can be pulled off and given to blockDeviceMapping, such that the whole thing notices it needs to create a new resource, does so, and then uses that for the block device...
<sphalerite> d1rewolf: it's the overrides you want passed to the derivation — in this case none. But if you wanted to replace, say, the dpkg that gets paassed into the rocketchat expression, you could put { dpkg = something_else;} in there
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):193:1
<nwspk> symphorien: seems like libredirect only works with executables, and not with shared libraries. Or am I missing something?
<srhb> adfaure: I think we have something like rWithPackages... Let me check
<Taneb> exarkun1: nwspk is trying to change something before it goes into the nix store
<Baughn> It's fixed in newer nvidia drivers. Or something. Hmm, looks like -unstable is pretty far behind on those.
<lesh> I couldn't ssh into it anymore.. not sure what had happened. I'm being more careful now so will know if something goes wrong
<srhb> xok: I'm guessing it needs to manipulate a database or something?
<ldlework> Havvy: something about creating a gc-root


<roni> did it really eat my post or is it just awaiting moderation or something?
<clever> haslersn: let something = import (builtins.fetchTarball URL) {}; in ... environment.systemPackages = [ ... something.package ... ];
<rawtaz> emily: just on a general note, something being done often or much doesnt necessarily mean that its right or good. just saying, unrelated to this discussion
<JonReed> I would rather stumble on my own comment in the logs and become red and embarrased reading something stupid I said, than to loose the utility of having a search through logs
<rawtaz> on a constructive note, the channel topic could be much clearer on the fact that it does publish logs, than one url amongst a bunch of other urls, something like: "Channel logs: <url>"
<rawtaz> since there's literally nothing i can do about it, ill just have to accept it or something like that
<ldlework> i don't know how many times i've found infinisil or clever discussing something a year ago that solves my problem
<samueldr> good thing I had something :)
<samueldr> you want the upstream package or the overlay? (it's not something I made)
<pie_> but theres no rubyWithPackages or something
<elvishjerricco> And you built like 170 derivations or something?
<demize> Would be neat if there was something liket the packages or options pages for all the functions, hmm.
<exarkun1> do I have to do something special to get mkDerivation not to do that
<hodapp> hmm. I should put NixOS on my NVidia Jetson TX1 that sits idle, and use it to compile stuff for my Raspberry Pi. or something.
<betaboon> can anyone suggest something for CI different than hydra? I'm not happy after trying to get at-least-something work in a day without succeeding :(
* Henson suspects he's doing something wrong
<infinisil> Or did I misunderstand something
<Myrl-saki> ldlework: You said something about Yasnippets and regular forms on /r/emacs, what do you mean by that?
<Henson> I think I found something wrong with the Haskell stack builder derivation here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/generic-stack-builder.nix
<sphalerite> jasongrossman: yep. According to the minimals, it's not the WM's responsibility, and you should use something like https://github.com/jceb/dex
<jasongrossman> Phew. Thought I was missing something. Thanks.
<Taneb> That's something I've been frustrated by
<exarkun1> Can I make nix-build re-build something that already exists in the store?
<cement> unless something's changed since April
<srhb> Taneb: I think it's called toList or something.. It's either in the attrs lib or the list lib
<ryantm> Well, there are not too many. Looks like vim-plugins should get something like top-level/aliases.nix to stop people from using aliases within that file.
<CMCDragonkai> clever: That's a great idea! I've been working on something like that, but in a more distributed setting.
<clever> .override lets you change the inputs when callPackage is loading something, so you dont have to map over the buildInputs like that
<exarkun1> does a consumer need to do anything special to deal with multiple output derivations? eg libsodium has out w/ the libs and dev w/ the headers. Another package w/ libsodium in its buildInputs is failing to link against libsodium (can't find it). is that to do w/ multiple outputs or something else?


<adamantium> Okay guys, for vaapi and vdpau on my intel integrated gpu i use hardware.opengl.extraPackages = with pkgs; [ vaapiIntel libvdpau-va-gl vaapiVdpau ]; ... for my amdgpu workstation, should i change vaapiIntel to something other?
<rawtaz> vaibhavsagar: could it be that this is something that should be started when i *log in*? if so, it doesnt seem its triggered by my logging into i3
<rawtaz> well there's something to be said about asking clear and accurate questions :)
<Dezgeg> eh, now it started doing something
<betaboon> hi #nixos, i am currently looking into continuous build/integration/delivery and just looking into hydra. are ppl using something else than hydra ?
<Alling> I have enabled services.printing, but I can't add the printer in the GUI. I get a notification about "a printer needs drivers" or something, but when I click "Find in software", nothing happens.
<clever> sphalerite: i wrote something very similar
<symphorien> but if I use something on the long run I try to package it :)
<bennofs> I was just surprised since this was already in discussion like a year ago or something :D
<exarkun1> So I thought I was doing something like what you suggest ... use buildRustPackage to build blake2-rfc so that I could pass it as a buildInput (I guess?) to a buildRustPackage for libzcashrust
<srhb> tobiasBora: It's a bash function from stdenv, you can call unpackPhase yourself if you really want to. But instead I suggest using postUnpack or something
<tobiasBora> something like (oldAttrs.unpackPhase or default.unpackPhase)
<tobiasBora> I can do something like (oldAttrs.unpackPhase or "")
<srhb> tobiasBora: Otherwise you'll most certainly have to use something other than unpackPhase
<mpu> sphalerite, this blog post does something kinda like tracking a git head automatically: https://garbas.si/2016/updating-your-nix-sources.html
<Dezgeg> because I have seen something similar
<lukego> and I don't have a machine with Nix 2.0 so I am trying to work out how to back-port your 'nix build' command line to something that I have :)
<colemickens> I have a nixos module that computes something in the `let ...` at the top. How do I access that from another module?
<sphalerite> so phases = [ "buildPhase" "installPhase" "fixupPhase" ]; or something
<srhb> mpu: all-packages usually just is a small wrapper to name something and callPackage the file, so you can just pull that bit out :)
<srhb> pyvpx: iow on NixOS, you could do something simple like... let myLinuxPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_4_18; in boot.kernelPackages = myLinuxPackages; ... environment.systemPackages = [ myLinuxPackages.dpdk ]; ...
<ogle> I cant seem to override stdenv in my custom overlay. I have `self: super: { stdenv = super.overrideCC self.stdenv self.gcc6; }` which yields an ininite recursion. I suspect this has something to do with the bootstrapping process, but what is the appropriate way to acheive this?


<sphalerite> as in it's possible but fiddly and you'd probably waste a lot less time just setting up a nixos VM or something on your ubuntu
<hodapp> do cards still even support VESA modes as a vestige of DOS days or something?
<bigvalen> Does anyone know how to change the resolution of the linux console ? I'm looking to set it at 640x480, but though I can do it in Grub, something resets it late in the boot process to a higher resolution.
<vaibhavsagar> jonge: that sounds like something you want to do in a bash script/body of a runCommand
<jonge> hey there, when i want to create a zip archive of some files in a nix expression... what would be the best way? the zip functions in hte lib do something else obviously
<exarkun1> I am trying to build a new librustzcash but it has a Cargo.lock that references a git+https uri (blake2-rfc) which I think causes the build to explode trying to ... eh, I don't know, do something. I don't know Rust. What do I do about that?
<elvishjerricco> tilpner: I guess I can make sure it prints before the process releases the lock or something, but ultimately I'm not going to focus on making it safer than `nix-build` currently is
<xok> how do I do something like this in a main file: include ${cfg.package}/conf/fastcgi_params;
<sphalerite> rawtaz: maybe it decodes it to UTF-32 or something, making each character take up 4 bytes rather than one. Just a completely random guess of course, but 340*4 = 1360 > 1024
<rawtaz> im pondering if there could be something with the patches nixos presumably does that changes the size of that buffer to some really small value?
<manveru> seems like something related with platform changes? https://hydra.nixos.org/build/81199744/nixlog/1
<jasongrossman> Hardware purchase time. My old MacBook has just died, and I'd like something non-Apple but don't really know where to start. Any NixOS hardware issues I need to know about, please, anybody?
<rawtaz> i think a good thing would be if the note in the configuration.nix added something like "see the FAQ for more info", so people are directed to https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/When_do_I_update_stateVersion to understand this fully
<tobiasBora> let me see if i can do something with it ;)
<Taneb> Is this something that exists or did I make it up?
<tobiasBora> manveru: yes, people seems to recommand to put in the file "/etc/sddm.conf" a line "Numlock=on" in the section General... But I've no idea how I should do that in Nixos, should I manually edit the file (looks dirty as it is likely to be erased on next update), or change something in my configuration.nix?
<clever> tobiasBora: only if the new shell is launched by something root (sshd, login shells)
<tobiasBora> I don't understand something: I put in my user configuration " extraGroups = ["wheel"];", to make it sudo, but when I start a new bash with "bash", "groups" only return "users"...
<sphalerite> I linked something?
<mpu> sphalerite, I do plan to develop something with LLVM and it'd be handy to stick to a given version given how often they break their api.
<adamantium> I do not think it is possible, it seems that nixos is baking the root dataset into the initramfs or something.
<LnL> Edes: if you want to use pip directly you'll need something like virtualenv, take a look at this for the nix approach https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#python
<adisbladis> avn: I intend to add something to the pulseaudio nixos module to make loading out of tree pulseaudio modules easier
<rawtaz> colemickens: did you check if something is using a lot of cpu etc?


<sphalerite> rawtaz: nope it looks like the problem is that nixos's version string is too long for it or something
<sphalerite> adamantium: I don't think so, this seems more like something that should be done by nixos-rebuild
<kalbasit[m]> I see, so it's not something that would go in nixpkgs build-support derivation
<kalbasit[m]> do you see something obvious that makes it fail?
<Mic92_> Is there something that can generated a sandbox-enabled nix.conf on non-nixos systems?
<bkchr[m]> Does a derivation needs to reference something of the buildinputs, or otherwise it will be deleted?
<tobiasBora> I installed emacs using something like emacsWithPackages = (pkgs.emacsPackagesNgGen myEmacs).emacsWithPackages;
<semilattice> because I want to build something in nix-shell, and be able to run it outside that shell
<exarkun1> symphorien: hmm okay _something_ is happening when I use `cargoPatches` which is more than I can say for my other attempts