
<srhb> Unode: You probably did and I'm just blind. :) I guess cabal2nix is doing something bad for git-annex then. it does look bizarre, but that's probably because the package itself is bizarre.
<avn> lukego: you try to call something suid inside build sandbox?
<lukego> can it be something extreme e.g. the build is running in a userns where root doesn't even exit or something?
<TweyIII> It refers to something called nixpkgsFun that doesn't seem to be in scope elsewhere
<TweyIII> I want to make something like pkgsi686Linux
<jgt> but is there a way to download a binary from the nixpkgs cache or something?
<jgt> simpson: something is broken on nixpkgs unstable; it _might_ be to do with the most recent MacOS security update
<rawtaz> betaboon: ah, so it's not something that would normally happen as long as one clean up now and then :) good to know!
<TweyIII> So for context — I'm trying to build something with a llvmPackages.libcxxStdenv, but somehow libstdc++ include files get put onto my include path, which breaks everything
<Mic92> hyper_ch2: you would need to use something like secure boot.
<sphalerite> ptotter[m]: you can use Dezgeg's binary cache, if the router takes a removable medium or something you can install nix using another computer with nix on it by running nix build --store /mnt/usb nixpkgs.nix --argstr system armv7l-linux --substituters http://nixos-arm.dezgeg.me/channel --trusted-public-keys 'nixos-arm.dezgeg.me-1:xBaUKS3n17BZPKeyxL4JfbTqECsT+ysbDJz29kLFRW0=%'
<joko> Is there something special with the /nix/store mount? The stat system call inside an application returns that a directory there is not a directory
<elgoosy> https://nixos.org/nixos/packages.html#nodejs says it's 8.11.4 but once installed the version is 6. do i have to update something on my machine to get the version announced in this website?
<ekleog> now, if you encounter the case, there must be something somewhere
<Lisanna> would just a normal fetchgit or something be reproducible?
<alienpirate5> or is there some magic that lets me patch it or something
<nDuff> azazel, re: pipefail, that's something I can speak to -- basically, anywhere you're running some-important-command | logger (| tee, | gzip > output, etc), you care about some-important-command's exit status, not just the logger's. By default, only the last command in a pipeline's exit status is used to determine whether the pipeline as a whole is considered successful, but that's not always appropriate.


<jgt> did something happen to darwin on recent nixpkgs? I keep getting this error: http://ix.io/1rbm
<clever> and if it does break something, you where using things the wrong way
<aitch_> honestly, I think there's enough constraint solvers out there (I know the one in Ruby very well) so maybe it's plausible to build something that _emits_ a static .nix and allow nix to handle the build, distribution, etc
<exarkun22> nope, something still weird. here's a pretty darn minimal example: https://github.com/LeastAuthority/S4-2.0/tree/minimal-nix-hspec-jenkins-build-failure - starting to wonder if it's the cabal metadata in the package being overridden that matters here
<exarkun22> ... huh. stumbled over something while minimizing. when I re-generated my s4.nix it included my hspec-jenkins (unlike previously)... interesting.
<octe> i want to add a rust package that depends on another rust package that has a custom build process that clones something from github
<Taneb> I'm doing 'watch "ls /nix/store/trash | wc -l"', but fixing nix would be something I might do some other time
<betaboon> is there something like lib.recursiveUpdate which accepts a list of attrsets ?
<elvishjerricco> I want something like the /etc/static solution
<srhb> It's something like.. Put nix from the version of which nixos-rebuild was installed on path.. Use that to build nixos-rebuild (and thus nix) from nixpkgs.. If that fails(?) fallback. Not quite sure on the last step
<srhb> Guillaum: "fetch" something -- no. Presumably only the src changes.
<Guillaum> I'm surprised to observe that `haskellPackage.developPackage` need to fetch something everytime I'm changing the `.cabal` file inside my directory, even to change a comment. Is that normal?
<dmj`> yea, I just need something that works reliably, and is nvidia
<clever> but there is nothing setup to run something from nix, as root, when the machine boots
<ottidmes> clever: but I take from this that you do not use something like fail2ban?
<ottidmes> I see a few IP addresses attempt to connect to SSH quite often, they keep failing on preauth though, I probably should install something like fail2ban, is that the best or do people recommend other software for this (banning bot/hacker IPs)?
<thomasjm> clever: follow-up question from before, about initializing Nix after building from source. after doing "nix-env -f ~/tools/nixpkgs -i [something]" I have a working nix profile, but I'm still having trouble with channels. if I do "nix-channel --update" I get "error: path '/nix/store/p9b...-nixpkgs-unstable' is not in the Nix store". It seems to expect a specific nixpkgs-unstable to exist in the store. How do I bootstrap this--am I meant
<colemickens> I think I'm doing something else wrong anyway, it's not working when I symlink the overlay into an overlays/ directory, so something else must be afoot
<colemickens> does anyone have an example of an overlays.nix? I can't tell if I've got the syntax wrong, or something else..


<thomasjm> thanks clever. that's what i thought, but when I try something like "./bin/nix-env -i awscli" I get "error: selector 'awscli' matches no derivations"
<clever> thomasjm: ~/.nix-profile will remain broken until you first run `nix-env -i something`
<ottidmes> hyper_ch: yeah, those things should not happen, its what makes updating your system a pain sometimes. This was especially bad with Arch Linux years ago, there was always something that broke, making me have to invest time to search the internet for potential fixes, but that was just my experience
<ottidmes> hyper_ch: I had to accept something from the interface to make it find changes faster, and now it works again for me
<hyper_ch> something is really weird, I did tell it to open ports and I do run syncthing on that port but when I nmap it from another system, I get port closed
<fede_run> Thanks I'm going to look on the wiki maybe I can find something usefull
<pie_> fede_run: i heard theres something called fhsuserenv ...that might be easier...
<bobnormal> hyper_ch: could be DHCP lease not renewed by local DHCP server (eg. cheap wireless router). does other network traffic work? try tcpdump while resolving something or check logs.
<betaboon> ottidmes: i think i want to have something along these lines: https://gist.github.com/betaboon/1c09d90f911f59f5ebea7df8960dff97 (thus: i think i just figured it out)
<judson> I wonder if /etc/fstab could assert on "no spaces" or g/ /\040 or something
<emily> if you get something that hashes to all zeroes you should be, like, thankful that you didn't get hit by lightning, but disappointed that you didn't win the lottery a thousand times in a row
<Taneb> And I think if it is the hash for something, interested parties would like to know
<Taneb> emily: I think it would fail if that's the correct hash for something else
* grp would like every service to check it's own config for the generation to be built (unless a flag --no-checks is added or something)
<sphalerite> azazel: yes, that's only a problem if you do something like
<sphalerite> wirew0rm: sounds like something that could probably be achieved with grep :D
<eeva> Looks like something dead simple, just can't find what
<azazel> simpson: I remember something on this... wasn't pytest cache already added to the list of stuff to cleanup? I remember a similar discussion with someone and a lookup on the issues
<exarkun2> simpson (IRC): When I started looking into the issue, I saw that pytest has a hook that tries to do this cleanup. I didn't manage to understand why it's not working. Maybe something about doing it at the wrong time like me?
<adamt> Hiya. I'm having issues with setting additional sudo rules. I can add to security.sudo.extraRules, no problem, but the sudo module is hardcoded to add a SETENV rule for all of the wheel group, which ends up at the bottom of the list. Since sudo uses the last match, and not the most specific match, I need to something append my own rules to the end of the list.
<symphorien> did you try nix-build -vvvvvv something ?
<betaboon> is there something like `builtins.trace` but showing a complete attrset ?
<betaboon> can anyone tell me where i can find documentation on how something like this works: `{ pkgs, ... }@args : { .......}` i wonder about the @args stuff
<Arahael> There's the cabal-the-library, cabal-the-app, cabal-the-build-system, or something?
<gchristensen> the binary cache is checked for every derivation, so the cache issues a lot of 404s. it is not unexpected. it seems maybe something else is going on


<tilpner> Huh, something's wrong with accounting
<lukego> (Could it even be that my server is booting in BIOS mode when it should be booting in EFI mode or something like this? I must admit EFI is a mystery to me.)
<lukego> also: Googling for mysterious missing boot menus seems to lead to "reinstall EFI" suggestions. Is that something that makes sense in this context?
<clever> lukego: after you boot from something else, you can use `nixos-enter` to chroot into it (assuming you mounted everything right), and can then `nixos-rebuild boot`
<Mic92> gchristensen: something like this should work instead of networking.interfaces: https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/master/nixos/vms/eddie.nix#L42
<gchristensen> should I do something else? :)
<catern> how do I implement something like Python's package overrides for my own new package management system?
<gchristensen> Mic92: do I need to do something special to have networkd work for captive porals?
<callahad> tilpner: Yeah, that's what I'm actually using, but I'm curious about how to do that when -unstable doesn't have something, yet. Figured it'd be a good exercise.
<Zajcev_> gchristensen: looks like anythime I change something it's another hash ... there was my fault ...
<catern> is there an easy way to replace *all* instances of /bin/bash with the appropriate Nix path? I'm building something that invokes /bin/bash from its Makefiles
<ekleog> what's the option to make nix-build rebuild something already in the store and check for binary reproducibility? I can't find it again :(
<tilpner> Or something like that
<angerman> how do I build a package in `nix-shell` like nix would build in `nix-build`? genericBuild seems to do something different :(


<ottidmes> I am not sure how to packge the bitwarden frontend. I have npm setup in my NixOS, so I can use it the non-Nix way, then building is a matter of 'npm install; npm run dist' and the frontend is build, but how do I handle packinging something like that. Are there any advanced node packages examples that do things like patching and building webapps?
<stepcut> clever: that sounds horrible -- this is not something I have to do just once
<nschoe> clever, yes. But https://nixos.wiki/wiki/NixOS_on_ARM#NixOS_installation_.26_configuration says "Note: the default configuration.nix will contain something like imports = [ <nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/sd-image-armv7l-multiplatform.nix> ]; do not include that in your final installation or you will experience interesting problems. It is only for building the installation image!"
<clever> WilliamHamilton[: but you can do something like `nix-env -f default.nix -iA foobar` to install something into your profile, it will get merged into ~/.nix-profile/
<WilliamHamilton[> I'm still missing something. callPackage?
<gchristensen> oh yeah, haha, blinded by ... something
<gchristensen> something has broken my audio independent of changes to nixos. I've rolled back to a copy from a month ago and it is still broken.
<Mic92> duncan^: you might want to ask for access to https://github.com/nix-community/aarch64-build-box if you want to build something larger
<rycee> Mic92 (IRC): But it is possible to do something similar using a list as argument to the submodule.
<steveeJ> rycee: what's the sorting for the hm activation scripts? is there any way I can way I can run something before `Activating checkLinkTargets`?
<tilpner> elvishjerricco - Something is instantiating nixpkgs improperly. I would expect that task to fall into nixops' area of responsibility
<hyperfekt> hyper_ch: not if i change the checksums along with it ;) it's definitely hard and more of a theoretical property rather than something available in exploit kits (today), but the cryptographers aren't making this stuff up because they're bored
<hyperfekt> does that use a block layer? since zfs uses blocks instead of extents i don't think they have something like bcachefs, right?
<samueldr> slowly moving towards something like that, where everything will be in the system... it's hard to break the mold from >10y of use
<clever> samueldr: heh, need to switch over to something like environment.interactiveShellInit!
<clever> one moment, grabbing something else of use
<clever> ottidmes: and if you manually run nix-locate /bin/hello, it finds something?
<__red__> So, I'm a little confused by something in the nix manual.
<ottidmes> clever: (hiPrio (pkgs.writeShBin "command-not-found" ''exec ${pkgs.nix-index}/bin/nix-locate /bin/"$1"'')) this works, but I am not sure when it should be run, because I just get "command not found" whenever I try something
<ottidmes> clever: I just ran command-not-found in my shell, so internally it now uses something else?
<azazel> hyperfekt: bcachefs! I've read something but never used it
<rotaerk> so how does this work? can he spend this karma and do something evil?


<hyperfekt> what the hell. nix repl simply ignores my config i gave it with -I? is there something obvious i'm missing?
<hyperfekt> i was hoping someone could help me fix an expression i've been banging my head against several hours yesterday. when i add something with boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands from configuration.nix, it shows up fine in the init script, but if i try from bcachefs.nix, nothing happens. here it is: https://github.com/hyperfekt/nixpkgs/blob/bcachefs_cryptroot/nixos/modules/tasks/filesystems/bcachefs.nix compare btrfs.nix and nixos/modules/sy
<arianvp> but I wish it was something that was... shipped with nix by default
<nh2> arianvp: I seem to get "Current command vanished from the unit file" for both the situation where it updates correctly, and where it doesn't. But I suspect it's just a race. Also, I can't seem to reproduce it unless I put like a sleep 120 or something of that order in between the deploys, even though I've set my timer to 3 seconds
<Mic92> This is something I would expect.
<arianvp> And I thought we were onto something! Darn
<exarkun2> nh2 (IRC): Does it matter if I have nixpkgs from https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable ? (I usually forget about channels until something bad happens...)
<avn> nh2: I need rpc and something like process coordinator but on one host. To proxy from websockets to user sessions and back inside one machine.
<sphalerite> exarkun2: yeah that sounds like a packaging problem. Just rm -r $out/.pytest_cache in preFixup or something should probably do
<tilpner> No, this is something else
<booglewoogle> I lack the ability to make something of this. if anyone can, I'd appreciate it a lot!
<sphalerite> turion: it might be that you just need to add www.mydomain.com to the trusted domains for owncloud or something
<sphalerite> MasseR: you could manually delete all files beyond a certain age or something, but there's no guaranteeing you won't delete something that someone might still want
<locallycompact> like I just want to define something in the let block that can be a package that I can put in environment.systemPackages
<{^_^}> locallycompact: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<booglewoogle> "2.1.5"; } ))'. however, this still installs the nixpkgs version, namely 3.0.4. am I missing something?
<locallycompact> cool something is building
<locallycompact> is there something I can follow?
<Taneb> Is it OK to pass foo.src into a derivation if I want a specific file of something that isn't made visible in the output in nixpkgs?


<ddellacosta> clever: thank you. You pointed out something that made me realize the stupid thing I was doing. I really appreciate it!
<ddellacosta> huh okay. Makes me wonder if I should use something else (ext4?) in that case
<schopp0r> c0bw3b_, how can I determine whether it actually does something and is not just busily looping on something?
<dhess> something strange about its build system?
<Unode> hi all, I'm trying to use pygobject + gtk in nixos and I can't get past importing Gtk. http://dpaste.com/1Y1NZ0J am I missing something in my shell environment?
<nh2> arianvp: what if due to some systemd configuration, like `Restart=always` or something like that, consul is immediately restarted? So systemd queues the stop command, but then it immediately cancels it itself because something else restarts it?
<arianvp> but, something caused the "systemctl stop consul.service" to cancel still... but I can't figure out why
<etu> turion: Good find! Then I know for the next time I need something like that :)
<etu> I ran luksipc on a 12T raid array, took like 28 hours or something
<srhb> infinisil: Yeah. I remember it actually broke something semantically, so the alias was removed.
<adamt> srhb: Are the information in the nixpkgs manual not sufficient to get something basic working? It's just a quick proof of concept I'm working on
<ekleog> colemickens: hmm, something is weird to me though, you use kdelibs4support but kde is kde5 now… right? (not sure whether the “4” here refers to the kde version, though)


<catern> ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays or something I think
<Taneb> Mic92: something for me to think on, I guess
<arianvp> nh2: I need you to check something for me :')
<tnks> okay, not good that it's a bug... but good that my expectations about something basic is not upside-down.
<__red__> So I'm building a gcc port for a microcontroller and nothing compiles because the .a files seem to have been munged. Is that something that buildPhase would do? maybe with patchelf? Secondary hint is this: http://localhost:3000/build/6/nixlog/1 == look at the very end of that log for a mass of "wrong ELF type" messages
<arianvp> we should formally verify switch-to-configuration.pl with TLA+ or something
<arianvp> I think something is borked in switch-to-configuration
<clever> you gave it the hash of something else, with a similar name, and it kept using that file, because you claimed thats what the hash was
<Mic92> gchristensen: I also have a more sophisticated networkd example for dhcp/laptop, I have something in my history
<Mic92> gchristensen: personally I also use networkmanger on laptop as I found it more convinient especially for wifi. You can actually use both together networkd if you want something special with networkd it was designed to coexist. For example I setup my tinc interface with networkd: https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/master/nixos/vms/modules/retiolum.nix#L66
<srhb> locallycompact: And the error goes away if you delete the file and build something arbitrary?
<__red__> oh - he just got something to install - maybe he just got a dud mirror?\
<__red__> any ideas of something he missed?
<detran> does anybody have any suggestions for how to do an encrypted drive? I'm going to do a reinstall because the 18.03->18.09 upgrade can't read my boot drive, and I want something more stable


<__red__> btw - is there a general logfile for all of hydra's activity? All I seem to be able to find are specific logfiles per build. Looking for something more global I can tail instead of hitting reload on a browser
<Lisanna> OK I think it's doing something
<ocharles> ok, `-Wl\,-dynamic-linker -Wl\,/nix/store/fg4yq8i8wd08xg3fy58l6q73cjy8hjr2-glibc-2.27/lib/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2` at least gets me something that I can run, but it crashes with `[1] 31067 illegal hardware instruction ./a.out`
<Lisanna> clever but ok, do you still see something odd with the nix-prefetch-git cmdline? since it's clearly parsing out clone path vs. revision
<clever> Lisanna: oh wait, i think something has changed..
<catern> anyone have any idea how we could do something like that
<yorick> Synthetica: } // something // {
<booglewoogle> hey! the HLearn libraries in nixpkgs seem to be dependant on dlist version 0.5, package search only reveals version though (nix-env -qa can't seem to find any for me). am I missing something? will I need to write a nix-expression for dlist-0.5 myself?
<romildo> How is gnome3.updateScript supposed to be run in order to update the gnome3 packages in nixpkgs? I want to implement something like this for other software bundles I maintain in nixpkgs.
<wirew0rm> it was was something about expecting JSON instead of a function
<ddellacosta> I guess I could try starting w/ubuntu or something, supposedly that works "out of the box"
<Acou_Bass> i think ive found something that might give me an idea... lemme test!
<locallycompact> no I want something I maintain
<locallycompact> like just 'somethingsomething = cabal something'
<locallycompact> oh no that does something wierd
<clever> nix caching can help, but if something deep in the dep-chain changes, its a mass mass rebuild
<wagnerf> something like:
<schopp0r> --without-something
<elvishjerricco> Lisanna: Someone must've introduced a `builtins.currentSystem` somwhere where there should be a `x86_64-linux` or something
<Lisanna> elvishjerricco I'm holding out for something being screwed up in my code... it's having trouble evaluating one of the nixops-specific attributes (deployment.keys), so worried that there's some kind of nixpkgs dependency in nixops or something that's manifesting itself differently with 18.09
<Lisanna> is evaluation of linux stuff on darwin with nixops something that is supposed to work?
<Wizek> `hspec-core = f "hspec-core" "2.4.4";` to something like `f "hspec-core-2.4.4"`
<Wizek> E.g. I am thinking of something like this: `nix-shell -p 'haskell.packages.ghc822.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [hspec])' --run "ghci"`


<jackdk> tmplt: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/os-specific/linux/acpi-call/default.nix seems to be the thing i want to include, but I don't know the correct invocation. Something with boot.extraModulePackages?
<LnL> but it could be something totally different
<LnL> that sounds weird and is why I'm suspecting something weird in the activation scripts
<simpson> There is a way to encode those expectations. I think that the Docker packaging would be something to look at, maybe, as an example of that.
<Lisanna> Is nixpkgs doing any funky imports that I don't know about that might be impurely stealing something from my NIX_PATH?
<simpson> It's kind of amazing that that works. Maybe those LSB-using folks are onto something~
<jonreeve> Unode_: Hm I don't suppose there's an easy workaround that a commoner would understand? Something like `nix-shell -p super_big_package --please-dont-overflow-memory`?
<rycee> steveeJ (IRC): Hmm, no haven't seen such an error before. Seems to be some form of problem with the lightdm setup. Like a missing dependency or something. Which NixOS version are you on?
<catern> so what do people usually do to build something from git, using Nix, if that something has submodules in its git repo?
<jonreeve> I figure there must be something easy I'm overlooking
<grp> simpson: well, I could just add it to $out/etc/dhcp/ddns-script or something, so it gets merged, but I'd like to do that with another path. I don't like storing scripts in /etc
<boxscapeR> hm, actually I guess it might be something that I'm doing *inside* my shell.nix that's causing this
<locallycompact> ok using nixpkgs.nixopsUnstable made something a bit more sensible but it had to wait for user input in the graphical window in virtualbox before it installed which was wierd
<hodapp> I don't use pip2nix but sometimes must write a custom derivation here and there for something that's in pypi but not nixpkgs
<shlevy> Is there a good list of options (or maybe we've all settled on one?) for managing user config/environment? My main requirement is that it work on NixOS and darwin, so it can't be wed to NixOS, but I'd be fine with something that can use NixOS and nix-darwin as backends
<ekleog> (and/or use IFD as it sounds like something that won't go through hydra anyway)
<ekleog> betaboon: oh yeah you likely need `builtins.toPath "./src/.git"` or something like this
<globin> gchristensen: I remember something about that being a problem in the same module
<dramforever> It sounds like something that shouldn't be that large
<tazjin> to write a docs lookup function or something
<LnL> this is like the 3rd attempt to build something like that
<srhb> leotaku: So that the dev workflow is something like, pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {} -- try evaluating something, then :edit pkgs.somepackage ?
<elvishjerricco> Basically trying to write something that wraps an arbitrary NixOS module with `mkDefault`, but the functionArgs of the module have to be preserved otherwise the module system won't pass them.
<Myrl-saki> elvishjerricco: Something like that, yeah.
<elvishjerricco> Myrl-saki: I think you're solving something else. I'm trying to write a function `compose` such that `builtins.functionArgs (compose g f) == builtins.functionArgs f`
<Myrl-saki> elvishjerricco: So `compose = g: f: { inner = f; _functor = x: self: g (f x); };` or something.
<boxscapeR> is there something like realpath that I can use to get the path a symlink actually points to?
<boxscapeR> is there something similar to haskell's Debug.Trace that I could use to debug a script?


<srhb> I guess you'll need to rerun whatever command you're trying with higher verbosity to get something useful out of it
<srhb> chris-martin: Which hardcodes the cache to something other than cache.nixos.org ?
<makefu> steveeJ: i have something like that for managing state on my machines: https://git.shackspace.de/krebs/stockholm/blob/master/makefu/3modules/state.nix
<steveeJ> something like passthru in derivations
<boxscapeR> With something like nix-prefetch-git, why does it output the data in what looks like JSON rather than something you could use in a .nix file
<srid> one day I hope to see something like `nix-darwin` but for chromeos (`nix-chromeos`?).
<jophish> could put something in postbootcommands
<clever> feep: there is also `nix-store -l /nix/store/foo` to view the logs of something that has previously passed
<clever> jophish: next thing 'm thinking of is maybe a systemd timer to do something on /dev/ttyS0 at regular intervals?
<nikivi> I assume it's something rust related due to `Compiling rustc_data_structures v0.0.0 (file:///private/var/folders/5l/5s7qw5ld1xxglm0094_hyh_c0000gn/T/nix-build-rustc-1.30.0.drv-0/rustc-1.30.0-src/src/librustc_data_structures`
<feep> I was copying something that said to just do { stdenv }:
<clever> jophish: that can happen if you hit the max-jobs on nix.conf, or are depending on something another nix cmd was already building
<clever> jophish: using a combination of localSystem and something else, you can rig up cross-compiling
<Lisanna> so if I dump something to NIX_LOG_FD with the prefix @nix, it'll get handled here? https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/6924bdf2bf8f50f2e6ec5d490571594450aba13a/src/libstore/build.cc#L3426
<colemickens> It had been working fine in `google-chrome-*` but never in Chromium (I assume it has something to do with the Chromecast keys, but I thought they were only needed in the receiver side). Anyway, it doesn't work in VLC in NixOS for me either. Looks like it's working in Windows+VLC though


<clever> but then handleJSONLogMessage will handle it internally, and do something
<clever> correct, only happens if something within the channel's tested set fails
<catern> Hmm, thinking about the interface more, I think ideally I'd have something like a path-augmented-with-dependency-information object,
<Profpatsch> ekleog: Feel free. I’ve watched the repo, so I’ll get notified when something changes
<clever> pie_: that will build something in /mnt/nix/store and deal with all the chroots for you
<hyper_ch> Profpatsch: something wrong with rss2email packaging?
<pie_> clever, is it possible to manually put things in the store? say if i want to edit something and add it back to the store
<jonge> is there something specific that i can do now? i have no clue. is that because of the latest macos update?
<aki_k> I've just setup NixOS and nixos-rebuild is not working as expected. Is there a place where users/newbies can ask I've they're having issues with Nix(OS), something like archlinux forums or ubuntu forums?
<clever> dramforever: ah, you could also just run something like a caching squid proxy
<symphorien> Well downgrade to regular stable 18.0something which supports nix1
<hyper_ch> I'm on 18.03 unstable something
<gchristensen> hyper_ch: do you have the nix.package option set to pkgs.nix1 or something?
<siers> gchristensen, no prefixes of "functions." or something? :)
<pbogdan> boomshroom: no /usr/bin/env in nix-build sandbox IIRC? (or something)
<ottidmes> boomshroom: keyword being "almost", it might just be your nix-build environment that has something bleeding into it causing problem, which is circumvented with nix-shell pure


<adamantium> Something to that effect..
<ottidmes> adamantium: I can give you something that works well, but I am quite clear its not the "right way" to do it
<ottidmes> bpye: and for auto updates, I believe most people just use a cronjob, systemd timer, or something similar
<akavel> do you have some fancy way you'd like to be credited? some, I dunno, real name or something? ;) or do you like me to mention you by nicks?
<akavel> I thought it's something else
<akavel> hm! didn't know about man 3 system, now that's something notable to remember / TIL
<akavel> freebsd seems to recommend something called "procstat" (https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-fs/2011-February/010760.html) instead ?
<akavel> no citation to find out if they replaced it with something
<akavel> I mean fd3 or something?
<akavel> symphorien: also this reminded me of e.g. "rc" which is IIRC some Plan9 shell or something, there may also be some worshippers of that
<symphorien> This way you are sure the part of the script you execute will work (even if the user uses something non posix)
<akavel> and actually now I see another advantage of using straight $SHELL: it's easy to change it to something different if someone would want so, by just temporarily redefining the variable. Cool!
<pie__> lunik1, i never learned how to use kexec yet but maybe you can kexec to a ramdisk or something
<lunik1> Hi, what's the best way of moving a currently running nixos system to another hard drive? Can I do something like copy the config and basic tools across, chroot, build the system, and reboot?
<rycee> pie__ (IRC): I think in general something like that would be nice. Like for programs that you can configure through a GUI.
<__red__> how long does it take for something after it's been merged into master to end up in the channel?
<pie__> rycee, basically im wondering if there would be a point to trying to make something with git or overlayfs or somesuch to have a generated but mutable config that can be diffed and maybe merged later
<__red__> or do I have to do something else more specific ?
<jabranham> adisbladis: great, thanks. I'm trying to set up a little raspberry pi home server and something I want depends on mono.
<arianvp> by the way " ui = true" is the default. So the nixos modules should be something like ui = ${cfg.enableUi}
<simpson> astronavt: Two packages in the same interpreter? Nope, that's something that Python itself can't deal with. The bug is in Python's module design.
<Neo--> hey y'all, i was planning to include https://github.com/dano/aioprocessing/ into nixpkgs, but I'm not sure what to select per license - https://github.com/dano/aioprocessing/blob/master/LICENSE.txt. Should I add a license or mark it as BSD (that's what it's marked on pypi) or do we have something else in place for such scenarios?
<catern> is the format of that, something which I can easily translate back into kernel configuration options?
<catern> so I just want to go to a shell inside the VM that has a few derivations available (so I can test the custom kernel with my custom code), can I specify something like that in configuration.nix?
<catern> clever: yes, but I want something a little more pure-Nix
<avn> git builds third time, so I propapby suspect something wrong
<pie__> mdash, but i thought there might be something in base nixos
<pie__> manveru, i havent poked around much yet, mainly just wondering about making my home directory immutable, and perhaps using something like overlayfs to gather changes
<pie__> rycee, is there something somewhere that explains how home-manager works
<pie_> clever, any hints on what to look into for why this wont work? well i mean i guess it has something to do with being in a chroot, but this is supposed to work in a chroot...
<Lisanna> (killing them is dangerous if something has gone wrong in the test, specifically)
<Lisanna> I would rather just modify Nix to listen for a secret code or something from any of the children that forces a cleanup
<Lisanna> wondering if I can do something like artificially send an EOF or something
<Lisanna> Hey, need to do something a little strange here
<pie_> my NIX_PATH seems wrong, is the chroot possibly inheriting env vars or something?
<srhb> cinimod: you probably want builtins.fetchTarball or something for the nixpkgs import..
<mdash> i don't quite understand what it means for programs to "assume" something
<Arahael> mdash: Right, because you have decided to remove something it has assumed it has.
<Arahael> If it uses something outside of that contract, all hell breaks loose.
<Arahael> (Could've been 800-something MB actually, but regardless)
<elvishjerricco> travankor: I would not think that the host using musl would have any effect whatsoever. I'm guessing it's something else...


<truh> now that's a good question aanderse, the Generation number in the boot menu is actually 69... is it possible that I configured one mechanism in the configuration.nix but my machine actually uses something else?
<ocharles> yea, thanks - it must be me doing something weird
<jabranham> GiGa: you can check "systemd-analyze blame" to see if something takes a while
<clever> exarkun1: that happens any time something like src = ./.; imports 256mb
<clever> haitlah: thats usually handled by something like nix.sh
<jophish> clever: can readelf tell me if something is dynamically linked?
<clacke[m]> if you want nix-daemon running in your docker while you do something else, you should look into s6-overlay
<Phillemann> Damn, is there "nixfmt" or something I can use as a pretty printer?
<shlevy> Looks like some missing support in gdk pixbuf or something?
<srhb> schopp0r: I was thinking about something like that, but I'm not too sure how to proceed with that line of thought really.
<schopp0r> srhb: the thing is: compilation is not really documented anywhere, and asking questions about compilation errors is mostly useless (even though I tried it in this new discourse (hail capitalism!) thingy) because nobody seems to compile nix anymore or something.
<ocharles> let me try something other than githubstatus though
<ocharles> it's just so werid that all of a sudden something caused the queue runner to change behavior everywhere
<pie_> well, the rescue stuff definitely exists in the boot directory so somethings screwy with the cfg
<clever> or, `ssh box1 'cat /boot/grub.cfg' | xclip -something`
<clever> pie_: ssh box1 'DISPLAY=:0 xclip -something'
<pie_> (might have been something i messed up)
<CMCDragonkai> I'm trying to put something in a python project rooted at `PROJECT/libexec/foobar`
<pie_> (not that i have any idea how something failing to shut down would take down a system but eh....
<pie_> though if something errors in a slightly non obvious way ¯\_(>_>)_/¯ (i mean could the script detect everything without previous testing?)
<pie_> (fml i should have just made a separate live sysstem or something)
<aleph-> Wonder if something is broken on the vlc package
<ottidmes> pie_: I am actually keeping that on my system :P I only added "Use `nix-shell` instead if you want to test something.", so I am reminded that it often is just as easy to test some package with nix-shell as it is with nix-env


<rycee> That couldn't find Qt plugins when they were installed in the user-pkgs directory, or something along those lines.
<_kwstas> I'm working on a haskell project, i have already configured project.nix and default.nix. I want to configure shell.nix as well, but I want shell.nix to have some extra dependencies (e.g. hlint), but I do not know how :(. I tried to do something like: devEnv = (import ./project.nix).project.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { libraryHaskellDepends = oldAttrs.libraryHaskellDepends ++ [ pkgs.haskellPackages.hlint ] ; }); but it seems that thi
<ottidmes> disasm: I guess you meant something like: nix-build --no-out-link --expr '(import <nixpkgs/nixos> { configuration = { imports = [ ./foo.nix ]; services.foo.enable = true; }; })'
<ottidmes> where hosts is something I have defined in one of my modules
<hyper_ch2> I'm creating my own snapshot tool and I still wonder what format I should use for the snapshot naming.... I'm currently pondering something like: @1540380794_2018-10-24-13h33-CEST_easysnap_hourly --> the unix time in the beginning will allow easy sorting; the time representation will give an impression when the snapshot was created; the last part "easysnap" "hourly indicate my tool was used and which kind of snapshot it is... but it seems s
<Mic92> Izorkin: can you remind me later about that, maybe in the weekend? I need to prepare something.
<Arahael> srhb: So how do I pull that in? Do I have to enable a non-free stream or something?
<Arahael> srhb: Yeah, failed while restarting systemd or something like that.
<srhb> Arahael: Failed during activation? As in systemd service failed, or something like that.
<Arahael> sphalerite: I think there's something I'm clearly missing, and I don't think I'm going to understand it from IRC without more real examples, so let me show you the output of the commands you asked for earlier: