
<jakobrs> Is there something like `pkgs.writeTextFile` but for writing multiple files?
<patagonicus> being out of date or am I missing something?
<dutchie> would be nice to have something like haskell's `infixOperator` syntax
<crdb> adisbladis OK - Trying to understand the examples.nix file first, to see if I didn't miss something
<maier> Where can I find out what `nix-build --check` does? I cannot see it in man nixÃ-build, but maybe itä's something that's mentioned elsewhere.
<bqv> Hm, think ive worked something vaguely passable out!
<jkachmar> yea that's something that I'm hitting a bit of friction with on the `impermanence` module
<matthewcroughan> you'll get something like undefined function pathto()


<HedgeMage> SomeoneSerge: I have not, but if there's something specific you are trying to figure out, I have access to the Singularity dev team, my local nix box, and a pretty big set of Singularity-supporting HTC and HPC clusters...care to fill me in?
<abathur> I can obviously use something like filterSource to exclude it, but it'll be quoted in the post, and I'd prefer not leaving meta tool-marks that only distract from the point of the post
<Taneb> Is there machinery in nixpkgs for making bootable isos that have various things preinstalled, but no package manager? I think dockerTools does something similar
* attila_lendvai has realized that in his boot menu there are only 8 generations, while there are 13 when booted. something goes to the wrong place...
<adisbladis> jsoo: I felt like I was mostly fumbling, but glad you figured something out :)
<adisbladis> jsoo: Something like `foo.overrideAttrs(old: { postPatch = "patchShebangs path/to/file"; })`
<cole-h> Hail_Spacecake: Assuming you're trying to package something using Crystal, you might have a look at https://danilafe.com/blog/crystal_nix_revisited/. I don't know if it'll help at all, though.
<samueldr> sounds to me what you want is "not our stage-1, but something else"
<colemickens> samueldr: have you ever tried something like this? or this seems like something clever might have done ?
<colemickens> yjftsjthsd: there's something else to consider, you'd need to verify if the SD image you create is ready to be used in-place.
<colemickens> "immediately apply that config" = use sed or something to edit /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to include a reference to /path/to/file, and then `nixos-rebuild ... `
<yjftsjthsd> which is to say... not 100% sure, but something like "boot using the default config, which should include a one-time task to check for /magic/path/configuration.nix and if it exists then once the system is "up" (probably just multi-user.target or w/e) immediately apply that config
<citadelcore> is there something special I need to do?
<gchristensen> I looked at making an LSM for something like that, and then a fuse filesystem, but I got tired of the idea before any real progress.


<colemickens> Is this is a NixOS image or something else you're running Nix on?
<Ankhers> infinisil: Quite possibly. I just want the most recent version of docker to test if the error is coming from the old version or if it is something else.
<Orbstheorem> Or does our wrapper do something different ?
<turion> lemsip: You said something about nested VMs?
<turion> adisbladis: Ok, I'm getting one step further, but now something crashes inside the VM: https://dpaste.com/7UYJ4UNHE
<simonpe^1> it's unstable since november or something
<simonpe^1> I mean I can spend 5 minutes investigating the nixpkgs repo, but I want something better than that so I can do it in 5 seconds through my tty instead
<simonpe^1> Something that bugs me with nix is that I don't have an easy way to show me the definition of a function. For example, say I want to see the source code for mkDerivation, how would I do that?
<Hail_Spacecake> okay that seems to be doing something, I"m not sure what
<gentauro> I'm doing to testing with `curl` therefore I'm using `--write-out "%{time_total}"`. I would expect to see something like 0.23 seconds (measure unit is seconds taken from `man curl`). But what I see is a number like this -> 300767
<Hank11> or do I need to chroot or something?
<DigitalKiwi> should probably make something that uses buildfhsuserenv
<Yaniel> is there something like llvmPackages_11.stdenv


<red[evilred]> something is wrong here :-)
<red[evilred]> does it default to something huge?
<microby38> Can I use them for something like systemd.services.myPodManContainer.fromFile = './podman.gave.me.that.service' ?
<abathur> no clue if the wiki for it is up to date since I've never tried, but I mean something like https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Creating_a_NixOS_live_CD
<infinisil> Are patches set in something other than `patches`?
<Reventlov> how would I go achieving this ? Retrieving dependencies via cargo, patching them "manually", or something else?
<samueldr> AFAICT this is not a Nix issue, but something about the build that's being run
<matthewcroughan> gives it something to do
<colemickens> hehe, something like this: nix run 'ssh+git://git@github.com:colemickens/redacted'
<siraben> Something like `nix-build -I nixpkgs="$URL" '<nixpkgs>' -A package` ?


<aanderse> infinisil: gchristensen reasonably convinced me that `ensure*` options are "bad". the more time that passes the stronger i agree with his position. i'm trying to remove the `services.mysql\postgresql.ensureDatabases` and `services.mysql\postgresql.ensureUsers` options and replace them with something a little bit less damaging
<gchristensen> aanderse: something something pretends-to-be declarative
<matthewcroughan> bennofs: 18.03 works, so something after that broke this machine
<adyatlov> Is my MESA missing or something?
<bennofs> that's a weird error, never seen something like that myself
<lordcirth> Compilador, I wonder if something is changing the umask and preventing +x
<Compilador> I am sure I'm missing something obvious, anyone know why this might happen?
<simonpe^^> before I've used something like `printf "%s\n" arg1 arg2 | nix-shell --run "xargs app"` but that is a bit nasty and if I want to `exec` it I'm not sure how the pipe impacs `exec`
<kaba> Hi, I have some trouble installing cxxfilt , a python package. pypi2nix fails with TypeError: 'PrefetchedRepository' object is not subscriptable. Am I doing something wrong?
<clever> if you just want something built, dont use develop, use build!
<angerman> something is busted in there and I'm trying to debug what exactly is wrong.
<enteee_> was something bigger changed in how fonts are handled that I missed? After an upgrade of unsable my urxvt no longer picks up any fonts I have installed.
<clever> Mic92: my guess, is that ld and gcc search something like /usr/lib/<suffix> automatically, and all of the buildInputs and -L magic on nix is the problem
<pheoxy> what do you mean by android aarch64? they are the same thing as aarch64. The only difference is if you dealing with existing libraries and trying to bring something into that
<attila_lendvai> __monty__, thanks, that helps moving forward. but is there a command line invocation that can get my a path from the nix-store? e.g. something along the lines of nix-store --query glibc.out/lib/crt1.o ?
<__monty__> attila_lendvai: Pm {^_^} with such queries to figure out which packages provide the file and then add them to buildInputs one by one? Not sure whether that's enough though might need to set something like LIBDIR or somehow pass their locations to configure.
<pie_> i _just_ figured out something might be going on related to my NIX_PATH
<pie_> does niv pin weird versions or something? when I try to add the graphic``` ( (import ./sources.nix {}).nixpkgs + "/nixos/modules/profiles/graphical.nix") ``` to my imports it wants to build half the world
<samueldr> with lightdm it's under /var/log/lightdm/... something like x-0.log
<lovesegfault> but I meant something I can do easily
<samueldr> lovesegfault: do you mean something that r-ry//antm would run, and update to arbitrary latest revs, or something you as a user would run to work a bit faster?
<bennofs> btw, is there any flag for nix build to return the final built store path? I often use $(nix-build something) in scripts, but that doesn't work with nix build since it doesn't show the final path?


<itai> clever: so how do i do something like with pkgs; [foo] ++ with bar; [baz]
<itai> how does the lexical scope of something like `with pkgs;` work? just by the indentations?
<matthewcroughan> I want to use networking.wg-quick.interfaces.dns = [ "192.168..4.1" ], and if the name isn't found there it should fallback to something else
<tpw_rules> my assertion is that intel has constructed a system with so much power, and that has a history of vulnerabilities, that it's a relatively easy way for the NSA or North Korea to embed something on the PC of a particular person they don't like.
<iceypoi83> auto-snapshots, backups, etc. and also provide something like a web GUI for vms? (QEMU's command line is terrible, virt-manager was ok locally, but I don't know if this can be used remotely?)
<iceypoi83> Hey all, I'm looking for a way of building a home server. It's supposed to combine the roles of ZFS NAS and Hypervisor. So something like TrueNAS SCALE, maybe? I'm quite comfortable with nixos - even ran it as my main desktop for a while. My questions is basically, can I get the usual NAS-like features set up, like e-mails, smart monitoring,
<adisbladis> Something like this should work
<stolyaroleh_> https://git-scm.com/docs/git-bisect. Basically, go to good commit in src/nixpkgs, do git bisect good, go to bad commit, do git bisect bad, and then do git bisect run ./foo.sh where foo will attempt to nix-shell --run true or something.
<yorick> meta: should {^_^} move to #nixos-feed or something?
<pie_> but I figured you might be able to say something for this xD
<abathur> zeta_0: not at all familiar with that stuff, but I did find this comment on a previous issue about a doctest error; may not still be the case but it at least made me wonder if you need to disable something https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/47437#issuecomment-429657590


<clever> nly: you want something like: nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; linux.overrideDerivation (drv: { nativeBuildInputs = drv.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ ncurses pkgconfig ]; })'
<nly> # missing pkg-config -> something like this?
<jolicoeur> jonreeve[m], you could also have a look at pkgs/applications/window-managers/i3/gaps.nix and publish something similar for picom as this fork is quite popular and it would make it easier for other users to use this fork too
<supersandro2000> attila_lendvai: I think searx has something like that
<wiki_me> Let me try it anyway, i think i read something about this
<attila_lendvai> in my service file, i have realized that i cannot reconfigure e.g. dataDir just yet, because it is hardwired in upstream. is there a way to comment out my mkOption and fix its value to something? or make an mkOption "read-only" to force its default?
<Wulfsta> But I might be wrong, let me try something
<kini> I get that doing it all at once would cause a lot of git merge conflicts with open PRs, but maybe packages could be moved out bit by bit into a separate file which would be imported and inherited into the main attribute set, and then eventually that file could replace all-packages.nix, or something like that
<Yaniel> can I use something to iterate over a list of files to put into environment.etc.* ?


<Yaniel> are you sure you aren't still running plasma inside xmonad or something similarly weird
<Yaniel> try changing something xserver-related in your config to make sure it rebuilds that part
<__monty__> I'm packaging something which uses optional dependencies when they're found on the PATH. I've seen two ways to deal with this. Either adding arguments `optDep ? null` and every optional dependency that's not null is included. Or pairs of `optDepSupport ? false, optDep`, and then including all the optional deps whose flags are true. The latter is a bit nicer with callPackage I guess, at the cost of
<clever> systemd-boot is being impure by looking at profiles, and then randomly deciding "uh, no, ima do something different"
<gurkan[m]> henri: Almost but not quite 🙂 since most of the arguments are the same, I was wishing to have something like nix-build '<nixpkgs>' ./somefile.nix which will use the default store to get all needed stuff and evaluate the file.. But I guess I need whole checkout 🤔 Thanks for the answers btw
<gurkan[m]> <henri "gurkan: How do you want to call "> I am already doing something similar, which gives the error I mentioned: required argument 'mkDerivationWith'
<lordcirth> urkk, you want to record what user built something? I don't think the sandbox would let you do that
<henri> gurkan[m]: Maybe something like this: nix-shell -p 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./whatever.nix {}'


<cole-h> infinisil: What do I need to add to a `types.attrsOf` to allow something like `asdf = 1;` and `fdsa = "lol";`? `types.attrsOf (types.either types.str types.int)` doesn't appear to do what I want.
<noonien> maybe do something like `nix build .#cross.<system>.<pkg>`
<henri> levels: Can you post something that I can easily reproduce?
<gchristensen> something to consider
<rnhmjoj-M> have you ever seen something like this? https://maxwell.ydns.eu/~rnhmjoj/gcc-mistery.txt


<AWizzArd> Is there something that I could add to my configuration.nix (or something in Home-Manager) to let Gnome safe the connection and remember it the next time?
<dminuoso> We do something in between
<maralorn> But support rcs is something we can only do on best effort basis.
<AWizzArd> Is there something that I could add to my configuration.nix (or something in Home-Manager) to let Gnome safe the connection and remember it the next time?
<infinisil> It still requires you to mentally track something else. "Do I need to wait until it's done because something relevant changed or not?"
<Ke> wonder if this is home-manager doing something
<bqv> i want something like an attrset indexed by numbers
<jesystani> siraben: my guess wolud be that the binary is named something other than gambit
<matthewcroughan> I thought it'd just be `bspwm` and it'd pick up the default of .config/bspwm or something
<matthewcroughan> In fact, I think this readme is a really good reference example of all the ways you can declare something


<sambi> something wrong?
<simonpe^^> side note: that piece of software is terrible so I managed to whine enough to get IT to switch to something that had an open protocol which there are free clients for
<dutchie> you'll want something like `let nur = builtins.fetchTarball { ... }; in ...`
<bennofs> is there something to make nix-prefetch-url/git/... output nix-syntax for copy&paste?
<__monty__> Do you do something like `(buildPythonPackage ...).shell`?
<noonien> am i doing something wrong?
<mgsk> So uh I tried to update my nixos version doing something like https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/491727/how-do-i-upgrade-nixos-to-use-a-new-channel-nixos-version It didn't work out too well. Nevermind, I can roll back / undo the changes to configuration.nix. That mostly has worked, except I'm occasionally hitting segfaults when working in some environments. Namely, if my shell uses openssl as a library then I get a
<__monty__> I also want to ask that you clearly indicate your choice of libreSSL over openSSL in the README. That's fairly fundamental and not something I'd want to stumble over later as a user.
<turion> immae: Something like this would work in principle, but I get "nobuildPhase  This derivation is not meant to be built, aborting"
<immae> Something like: :b mkShell { buildInputs = builtins.attrValues your_set; } would work maybe?
<__monty__> I suspect pip fetches the latest setuptools or something. Which sounds boneheaded tbh.
<DigitalKiwi> can i nix profile install something and add overrides?
<tpw_rules> so i'm trying to package something which can optionally have a closed source firmware blob compiled into it. what should its license be? i was thinking unfreeRedistributable if that option is turned on and the original license otherwise. this is for a USB peripheral. is unfreeRedistributableFirmware appropriate? i imagine that's intended more for things like wifi cards which you need to have a working PC


<colemickens> I'm always surprised when I package something, find out it's dep is already in nixpkgs, but the project doesn't install pc files. I thought that was sort of table stakes for the c/c++ world?
<tpw_rules> so i'm trying to package something which can optionally have a closed source firmware blob compiled into it. what should its license be?
<dansho> im trying to set up a wireguard VPN on a nixos server. when i set the AllowedIPs to the server private IP, i can ping, but when i change to (route all traffic), the connection dies. is my config missing something? https://paste.ee/p/OSto0
<fps> hmm, fetchFromGitLab seems to not support the fetchSubmodules option. Or am I missing something?
<simonpe^^> my collegue deleted something manually from the nix store, is there some way to restore it somehow?
<supersandro2000> raboof: I merged the revert. You should now be able to continue your work. Let me know if something else is broken.
<lukegb> sdisavona: depends what you want; for direct dependencies, you can do something like "nix-store -q --references /nix/store/ia7sgmy18mbzs4mahpifbrs4928jnk4p-vim_configurable-8.2.1522/bin/vim"; for the full transitive closure, the same but with --requisites instead of --references
<siraben> Something about ld giving errors like
<DigitalKiwi> as soon as you disable the analyzer for something not a problem you're going to introduce something that is a bug it's a rule


<ldlework> something
<tpw_rules> how would i nix-env --install something from a flake?
<samueldr> but yeah, also verifying if it's the package itself or something more basic that fails can help as a first step
<samueldr> viric: I can't really help you much more, but at least that should help point towards something in the base toolchain vs. something specific to what you tried to cross-compile
<winternya> I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong in my udev rules list - but `chmod` in the generated file points to `/usr/bin/chmod`, which obviously doesn't work. I assume it has something to do with me having to add `coreutils` to `services.udev.path`, but already tried setting it to `[ pkgs.coreutils ]`, and that didn't work. What exactly am I doing
<virkony> I think something changed with packages search on nixos packages search over past days. It looks cool, but I miss ability to check out sources
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> If a package works only on linux, is it sufficient to put `meta.platform = platforms.linux;` or do I need to specify something else too like `broken` attribute?
<invra> lukegb: https://dpaste.org/8449 am i missing something in the config?
<virkony> lukegb: that's actually something that was bothering me. what is official way to have user scripts in nixos? (so far I was updating all my scripts with env so they work on any POSIX OS)
<invra85> yoirck i broke something it seems http://ix.io/2Nae
<maier> Do I have to configure a special mirror for that or something?
<bbigras> with shell.nix you can add cargo as a dependency and then you can build. you might need llvm too. to build a rust program with nix you might need something like crate2nix
<demize> Well, it should have everything that is required to boot rockchip boards, but of course it's possible that there's something broken about one of the boards that haven't been tested, sure.
<matthewcroughan> This is concerningly great. I mean, this is *your* creation right? You could have missed something here right?
<matthewcroughan> The "why" is very important. I'm confused by it immediately. Though I find it cool that I'm about to do something esoteric.


<bbigras> maybe there's blog post or something for nix flakes
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> Not sure if nixos issue or something else, but after upgrading on nixos-unstable, the following started to happen: Network manager just activates and deactivates my wired connection every about 5s. Just when it activates, it immediately deactivates. Then, after a few seconds it activates again just to deactivate immediately after that. And so it has been going on for a long time now
<c3hou> Yaniel: you probably want something like ${pkgs.pipewire}/bin/pipewire-media-session in your string
<esac[m]> <c3hou "esac: Yeah, I think so. I don't "> Good find. Something to learn for today. Thanks!
<c3hou> esac[m]: oh, does that do something with ~/.cache/nix as well? I thought both optimise-store and nix-collect-garbage worked on /nix/store
<tpw_rules> sure, but i can't put that in environment.systemPackages or something
<tpw_rules> is there a way to do something like a bash withPackages? i want to package a shell.nix so i can type a command and get a shell with everything set up that way
<kunrooted[m]> grub = { enable = true; blå blå blå something
<sterni> attila_lendvai: but which is probably simple you can always use substituteInPlace in postPatch or something
<Guest10532> Okay, `glew.out` has something.
<Jonathan> Hey, I need some help with something.
<woobilicious> do I need to import something? I can't find where fetchurl comes from.


<asbachb> Any ides how to disable systemd mount services: Something like: https://gist.github.com/asbachb/877d87a5e020bea064760ccdb6fcf8ae (which won't work).
<cole-h> If you don't know what that means, chances are you aren't using overlays. It'd make it easier if you post a repo with your config or something.
<cole-h> If you overlay something that loads of things depend on, you'll have to rebuild everything (that you use) that depends on it.
<hauleth> Is something like that possible - http://ix.io/2MTY
<DigitalKiwi> and if i did need something like that... https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang
<adisbladis> tmeusburger: Usually that means you need something like this https://github.com/nix-community/poetry2nix/blob/master/overrides.nix#L122
<Reventlov> I'm wondering something
<superloach> ah heck, is that something I'd need the gallium kernel for
<bqv> adisbladis: something's wrong
<samueldr> either it works or it's really something else
<samueldr> mmc_block must have been added by something else I figure
<samueldr> I would assume it's kind of a soft dependency or something like that, not too sure
<samueldr> sorry, had a something come up on my end
<c3hou> Fare: `services.printing.drivers = [ pkgs.mfcl8690cdwcupswrapper ];` or something along those lines
<superloach> samueldr: do you want me to put the whole lsmod in a termbin or something?
<superloach> I'd have a feeling it'll just be a kernel param from the grub menu or something
<KarlJoad> Since I can't seem to find quite what I would like to test with, does someone have an arduino who is willing to test something for me?
<colemickens> is the system architecture available in an ouptut attribute? config.system.build.system? or something?


<KarlJoad> V: I know I've asked a few times. I couldn't find anything in nixpkgs for it, so I didn't know if I was missing something.
<matthewcroughan> ? do I need to set something?
<eyJhb> If anyone else wonders at some point, one can do systemd.services."name".serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = "+"+(pkgs.writeShellScript "test" ''something''); :)
<samueldr> it really helps though when it's something like rust crates, ruby gems, or whatever python has
<etu> matthewcroughan: Not really, the /boot ones should probably be marked as boot or something. To be honest it was years ago I had a non-UEFI system
<viric> what about packaging something without any explicit licence? https://github.com/rkapl/btsdu
<matthewcroughan> so we want to do the same, but instead of ESP, we want something else?
<etu> matthewcroughan: Then you kinda want something like this: "mdadm --create /dev/md1 --level=1.0 --raid-disks=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1" to create that raid, mkfs.ext4 /dev/md1 to create a filesystem to have on /boot
<etu> matthewcroughan: Something like this... kinda: https://alchemycs.com/2010/08/mirror-ubuntu-boot-drive/ but with some modifications. So you need to partition both your disks to be identical, with sda1 and sdb1 for boot and sda2 and sdb2 for zfs.
<asymmetric> does the new nixUnstable have something like `nix-build -K`?
<V> It's a self hosted thing. I don't know if nix-community has something like this
<rmcgibbo> Is "TheLounge" something where there's a nix community server that people share, or does everyone run their own server?
<goibhniu> tad-lispy, I think you can restart a nix-shell without re-evaluating, if that helps. Something like `nix-build $NIXPKGS --run-env -A irssi --add-root` (via https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nixpkgs/Create_and_debug_packages)
<tad-lispy[m]> Flakes? That's something new, right?
<davidak[m]> was something changed about the exported packages list? we lost about 4000 packages 5 days ago https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/110348
<sterni> the major issue with flakes is that they are an _experimental_ feature which is not treated like one which means flakes essentially is something taht is not ready for release but already used as if it were released
<niksnut> V: strange argument. If you don't use the available mechanism for installing something, then it's not surprising that it's hard to install.
<bqv> infinisil: I have one of each kind. Iirc because I encountered something that didn't like the kind I had
<ehmry> ross`: I would just start with something simple that you want to build and go from there, nix code isn't easy to read
<bqv> nixpkgs is a community project, the community should be allowed to do things. specifically, i feel innovation is stifled if every effort has to be funnelled into a modification of an existing system. e.g. i'm constantly waiting for the next iteration of nix-likes, because while we can all modify nix, i don't think it's realistic to see nix modified into something optimal
<ehmry> knowing about build failures is useful, getting notifications that something builds can be annoying if you have already tested it
<supersandro2000> ashkitten: also I would appreciate it if you could give me constructive criticism instead. Something along the lines like if I could dive into a way to not post reports that are duplicated with ofborg would be really appreciated
<ashkitten> supersandro2000: if you have an issue with ofborg, that's something that can potentially be fixed, not license for you to replicate a part of nixpkgs infrastructure by yourself
<adisbladis> This is untested, but something along these lines
<adisbladis> Anyway, lemme hack something up.
<kunrooted[m]> just a quick question since I've decided to reimplement something to my personal needs lmao
<bqv> lol if you want stuff to not get redownloaded, pin it and add it as a root yourself? or make it a transitive dependency of something you know will be a root
<xinau> @c3hou it feels like i overlook something very simple.
<xinau> haven't found something like that in the description of the channel.
<bqv> my genuine opinion w.r.t messaging is that making something federated is currently the only way to be decentralized and actually successful. that said, it's messaging, so i really don't care if it doesn't have critical mass if it's fully distributed, which is why i'm quite happy with jami. i only talk to one person anyway so i just got her to get jami
<bqv> matrix is annoyingly successful for something with such terrible direction
<bqv> i'm slightly confident my config would actually automatically do that due to something else i do
<bqv> energizer: I'm guessing something about IFD in ci? But hydra does allow it if you patch that hardcoded restrict-eval out
<energizer> why is IFD banned, or something like that
<gchristensen> something ideally maintainers do


<ryantm> edef: It's not something specific, just a feeling of trust that develops over years of seeing people around. Like I know you've been around the project a long time, so I trust you.
<energizer> tbh i dont know why breaking master is something that can happen at all
<supersandro2000> if there is something broken with a package a PR I merge send me a message and I'll fix it
<ryantm> Merging something doesn't magically make it unavailable to maintainers.
<ryantm> One thing I feel as a Nixpkgs committer is a responsibility toward whatever I merge, so if I merge something and it breaks something, I'll work hard to fix it later. If supersandro2000 feels the same way, I'm not too worried about this specific methodolgy.
<V> energizer: it's kiiiind of impolite to go merge a bot-generated PR without the maintainers getting to look at something
<DigitalKiwi> or break something :(
<supersandro2000> another random thought to move the discussion back to something useful: What to do with maintainers that deleted their github accounts?
<V> supersandro2000: just verifying that something builds isn't enough
<colemickens> but this could also potentially interfere with another bootloader if something else was in that location.
<KarlJoad> There was no real reason to use `patchPhase`. I just felt that those `sed` changes make more sense as "patches" rather than something to do during build.
<KarlJoad> madmaurice: It was building before (yesterday morning (CST), but the white-space change yesterday cahnged something) , but I'm using: `nix-build -E '(import /home/karl/Repos/nixpkgs {}).octavePackages.fits'` to test a package that needs a `patchPhase`.
<Nevoic> clever: hmm, extraLicenses still isn't working. I decided to just entirely replace `pkgs` with the unstable version in my shell.nix to make sure I wasn't missing changing something from 20.09 to unstable, and it's still not an available configuration option.
<pistache> I'm probably missing something particularly obvious..
<clever> Nevoic: you could also use something like niv, to pin your shell.nix to a specific nixpkgs rev, and it wont update on its own
<Nevoic> I saw something about `extraLicenses`, but I couldn't set it.
<clever> if you want to change something, you must apply an override to the package that made it
<lordcirth> Or make it download something you know isn't cached.
<kunrooted[m]> but I wanted to ask about something, my other Buddy mentioned flakes, do they change the config very much? or not? just asking, may want to start using them in the future too
<dutchie> no reason you couldn't use it on a foreign host, but sometimes the nixos channels lag behind a bit because something broke one of the tests that you don't care about
<itai33[m]> djanatyn: but like isn't there a way to have a `nix.shell` that you can use to build the project locally or something?
<djanatyn> if you're in your git checkout, you can do something like this: nix repl /var/lib/nixpkgs <<< ':b mpd.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { src = ./.; })'
<itai33[m]> up to changing the src or something
<KarlJoad> Ok. That was one of the weirdest things I think I've ever had happen on something like this. I didn't see it coming at all.
<samueldr> it was solely as a means to run something that was written in python
<KarlJoad> Wait, nevermind. Something changed without me knowing.
<KarlJoad> Fridh mentioned something about that in my PR, so I guess that's the way to do it.
<abathur> KarlJoad: there may be a better/more-succinct example, but I did something like this in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/misc/resholve/resholve-package.nix
<DigitalKiwi> can nix2.4 `nix profile install` install something that i used to be able to do with nix-env -i -f 'https://github.com/user/repo/tarball/branch' ?


<energizer> i switched to tty2 and ran something like `nix-shell -p sway --run sway` and it started sway but my x session disappeared
<matthewcroughan> this is something that happens in efi
<lordcirth> If grub points to a /boot on an mdraid or something, that should do the trick, afaik.
<bbigras> Is there something like http://people.tamu.edu/~luke.adams/doxygen-nixpkgs/group__lib.html#gabf7053bc4fbc834b5290e1ce7aa970c6 but official? maybe that link is. I'm stumbled on it.
<bennofs> pinpox: you can just do something like: (pkgs.fetchgit { src = ...; rev = ...; sha256 = ... }) and that'll expand to a path in /nix/store with the contents of that git repo
<aveltras> has anyone successfully used something like hdajackretask under nixos (or equivalent workarounds) to get a headset+mic connected through a combo jack working ?
<dminuoso> What Im trying to say here, is that I have something different in mind.
<wesleyac> but there's also something funny happening with dig, it's talking to my router (which is new and provided by my isp and probably the root of this problem) rather than (which is what i have in my config)
<lukegb> Case in point: I'm trying to run an ipfs mirror of something but a pin operation using the ref impl on the full list of hashes seems to hang indefinitely even if pinning individual things works fine (albeit slowly)
<ehmry> I'm working on my onw content-addressed storage now, but I have no intention of making it something that works outside of private groups
<Nickli> ehmry > saw someone mention something similar in HN about mounting a web page
<viric> there was also a python project for a global communications something. NAmed related to universe or planets, iirc
<Hail_Spacecake> I'm concerned if NIX_PATH is supposed to be getting set by something but isn't
<Hail_Spacecake> is something supposed to set NIX_PATH but isn't?
<Hail_Spacecake> also how do I make it say something other than "Unnamed NixOps network" in `nixops list`, if it's not `network.description`?
<Hail_Spacecake> \old => .... or something


<bqv> adisbladis: I think, as it happens, emacs-overlay needs to re-apply the pkgs passthru, so it uses the correct emacs? Unless I'm doing something else wrong
<madmaurice> KarlJoad, I don't find any mentioning of disable-static in nixpkgs. Are you sure this is not a default of the configure script? You could try something like printf "%s\n" "${configureFlagsArray[@]}" in the pre or postConfigure hook.
<KarlJoad> madmaurice: On that note, I need to override some flags that are passed to `configureFlags` by something, and I don't know how to track it down. By default, a `--disable-static` flag is passed, but I want to remove it to ensure my `--enable-static` flag is honored.
<levdub> Hey folks, I'm trying to package/run something with nix and am getting the following
<ahmedelgabri> Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with GUI apps on darwin when used inside a condition, for example something like this (if isDarwin then [a] else [b]) ++ [c]. a will get installed (I can see it in the store) but doesn't get symlinked, removing the condition makes it work & gets linked fine. No idea why this is happening, I have been trying to figure out why this is happening but I couldn't. more
<energizer> anybody able to `nixos-rebuild build-vm` for a system that uses home-manager? i think hm wants to build the user environment but it can't modify the store (or something...)
<hyper_ch> matthewcroughan: no idea... just a guess if stable doesn't work, try something else :)
<kunrooted[m]> okay, one last question, I think it's my last config for today, what packages do you recommend for a Haskeller? GHC? something else?
<Nickli> well i'd need to test something for now lordcirth
<rauno> Right, remembered something similar but what was the workaround?
<eyJhb> Would it ever be possible to have something like config.filesystems = someFunc config.filesystems, and not have a infinite recursive function? e.g. if lib.mkForce was used?
<JaakkoLuttinen[m> Is there some generic naming guideline for package derivation argument options? I mean, I'm adding `debug` option to a package, but should it be `debug`, `withDebug`, `enableDebug` or something else? I've found all of these in nixpkgs..
<bqv> something in my config is calling old emacs and i don't know what


<DigitalKiwi> in nix with flakes can i nix profile install something that is not a flake
<MmeQuignon> jolicoeur:don't know why, it seems I should have something installed : libpcre2-8.so.0
<kunrooted[m]> MmeQuignon: here it is, I'd be glad if you'd check that or recommend adding something/changing something
<abathur> supersandro2000: I don't see it as empty, so either someone already fixed it, or this may be something else (browser? incomplete styles?)
<__monty__> Yeah, HOME=$(mktemp -d) or something might work.
<hexa-> ah, then substitute my logic for something working
<bqv> Something about the stuff I'm upto has broken specifically that


<pbb> matthewcroughan: first I made something that recursively prints the dependencies of all dependencies of any package (like networkmanager)
<Ke> the error is maybe from some bootloader or something that depends on zfs libs
<ajs124> I tried modifiying the lua pkg-config .pc file to not output these parameters, but then it obviously just fails to link. maybe there's something wrong with dovecots build system
<Duponin> someone experienced something similar?
<supersandro2000> I assume ninja should have something like that which you should use
<bennofs> b42: thanks. I was just surprised to find that there was not special option for it (like networking.enableForward or something similar)
<kandinski> is this something I'm doing wrong?
<DigitalKiwi> something tells me i won't get more information...
<remexre> am I doing something dumb? https://p.remexre.xyz/XcKJkPYPoA4=
<adisbladis> I have a half done migration to something based on yours
<adisbladis> bqv: So I'd be super happy if you came up with something good
<attila_lendvai> is there something like dpkg's postinst script? i need to run a script when a service is "installed" (enabled for the first time). i know about preStart, but it's not ideal. this is about generating keyfiles for crypto stuff upon first install.


<supersandro2000> there is also a perl hook which achieves something similar
<attila_lendvai> aanderse, i noticed that if i remove that line, then the service barks that $HOME is not set. it's probably something more fundamental than what i thought
<attila_lendvai> in a nixos service module, is there something like a postInstall hook? alternatively, how can i tell nix that the binary should be available in the preStart environment? pointer to an example is also welcome
<viq|w> Mic92: the link should let you reproduce, if you want to try. I'd love for it to be me doing something wrong, and be told what is it that I'm doing wrong :P
<mikroskeem> i vaguely remember some forum post/issue saying something about changing release cycle
<kunrooted[m]> is there a log or something which new things specific version implements?
<simonpe^^> I have a habit of using buildEnv to "merge" outputs together, but when I do it with some python applications that I created it doesn't work because buildEnv (understandably) erases the shellHook for the derivations so when I try to run the python application in a nix shell its missing all of the enivronment variables so it can't find its dependencies. Is there something else than buildEnv that should be
<ymatsiuk> I mean the whole idea of review process is eliminated by someone just pushes something directly into master. Don't you think so? You can imagine what would be the impact on project integrity if anyone could just push to master directly:)
<bigvalen> Should that be /mnt or something ?