
<booglewoogle> am I just not seeing it, or is this something different in fasterMelee's code?
<infinisil> So maybe that's something to do with it
<clever> hio: if you want something to happen on every new commit, you need something like hydra or travis
<clever> hio: it will be a broken symlink if you have never nix-env -i'd something before
<clever> hio: when you install something with nix-env -i, it will read ~/.nix-profile/manifest.nix, mutate it (add a new package), then build a new profile from that, and update the symlink that .nix-profile is pointing to
<ottidmes> infinisil: In the case of bitwarden_rs its also something I should create a PR for, but I am not sure how to go about Rust packages. I was only able to make it work with Rust on unstable (which probably should be ok, since PR are mostly done on master, but still)
<dramforever> nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./fasterMelee.nix {}' or something like that
<dramforever> If that prints the wrong version then yes it's 'something's different'
<dramforever> also, an idea that would take some time again: try doing something like your-thing --version at the end of postBuild
<dramforever> maybe it's something else
<booglewoogle> something's different
<booglewoogle> something's there
<ottidmes> booglewoogle: if you run installPhase via nix-shell, it executes the function that does the generic installPhase, you have to run something like: eval $installPhase instead
<booglewoogle> yeah, I've had all phases in there before with the same error. since doing only these 3 phases in nix-shell worked, I afterwards removed any other phases from the expression because I thought "ok, maybe one of the other phases I didn't run in the nix-shell messed something up"
<erratic> Something that kinda bugs me about the livecd is that it doesnt come with zfs progs and you have to edit the nix file and rebuild the live image ehich if you try to do without swap.. RIP
<erratic> And nix makes what would be a pile of cookbooks, settings, and a whole server something i can do with one file allbeit only to some degree, and not always without problems
<NinjaTrappeur> ottidmes, thanks. Yeah, I've already seen it, the install script radically changed since january 2017 :( But yeah, ultimately the problem is around the chroot namespace, that's for sure. I just can't find what's wrong. I need a personal server, so I'll ditch this whole test env and install something else
<NinjaTrappeur> Hey peeps. There's a problem with the nix store when used from within a chroot (https://discourse.nixos.org/t/nixos-on-ovh-kimsufi-cloning-builder-process-operation-not-permitted/1494/5). I'm giving up on this one, but I was wondering if a more experienced nix dev would like to have a look to the server where I try to install it before I erase the install env and install something else.
<andi-> so something like `super.PythonPackages // { my-pykgs = super.….override (... ) }` should do it?
<sphalerite> GiGa: did you have something mounted there or something?
<Acou_Bass> must be something else thats pulling it in?
<Acou_Bass> running nixos-instable) - probably a case of me missing something dumb, can someone assist? :D


<tathougies> but it looks like it's being built (based on ps output) and the jobset evalutaion says 'evaluating for 20 minutes' or something like that
<zduch4c> also, I noticed the musicDirectory option in services.mpd, can I change it to like, my home directory or something?
<infinisil> Ohh, that seems like something ldlework would do indeed haha
<dramforever> ldlework: Are you trying to build something that depends on fontconfig?
<tathougies> So if I want to inter a nix expression as JSON, I use builtins.toJSON, but what if i want to use pkgs.writeText to produce a nix expression? Is there a builtins.toNix, or something?
<dmj`> clever: thought I found something, there was a module re-exporting itself, which might have caused the linker to freak out
<ottidmes> ldlework: something like: patchelf --rpath "${makeLibraryPath [ SDL ]}" $out/bin/your-app
<Taneb> It seems to suggest that you don't need to do much at all by way of configuration to get something, but they had to essentially copy over the generated hardware-configuration.nix to where nixops is being run from
<turion> srhb: Yes it was, I thought you got something else interesting from the strace
<turion> gchristensen: Yeah :) that's quite something to swallow: https://paste.pound-python.org/show/caIloaMHt0Na6VA6asvY/
<Thra11> srhb: I suspect the pragmatic solution is to do something like git rebase "origin/master@{$(date -d '-2 day' +'%Y-%m-%d %T'\})" and adjust the '-2 day' until I find a happy value.
<kenshinCH> hi all. I'm having problems importing submodules for python packages. For instance, I can import matplotlib, but not mpl_toolkits. I also created an expression for rasterio, which compiles and installs fine, but when it runs the tests it cannot import rasterio.something, now I forget what. Is there something I should know in general?
<infinisil> colemickens: Getting rid of the odd categories we have today (what's tools/misc supposed to be? Where do i put something that fits in mutliple categories?) and replacing it with a tag based system (meta.tags = [ "networking" "gui" ])
<colemickens> infinisil: in favor of splitting it up into more description files, or using default.nixs or something?
<colemickens> nixos-option nix.trustedUsers includes my user, but `nix copy --from ...` still complains about a missing signature. am I doing something obvious wrong?


<aswanson> srhb: I did some research and it has something to do with the number of bits assigned to network identification vs. host identification. As to why those are the recommendations I am not the one to answer
<clever> wouldnt be the first time somebody has packaged something i made and put it on nixpkgs
<clever> ixxie: does something else depend on the non-overriden version? you may need an overlay to force every other package to obey
<azazel> hyper_ch2: yes, I would say that there is something strange about how that package was made, but unfortunately i cannot investigate further
<turion> hyper_ch2: What do you mean? Do you recommend something else?
<v0|d> the above is something that disables checks on prop..Nat..bui..inputs
<turion> Yeah, I guess I've written too much haskell because I see those two as not too different things ;) a build is a pure value and a task is something in the IO monad that possibly returns a build
<gchristensen> maybe systemd-boot's options have an extraCommands or something where you can make it work
<sphalerite> turion: a rescue boot thing is actually something where it makes a lot of sense *not* to manage it via nixos/nix directly, because otherwise you may get your rescue boot broken by the same thing that breaks your normal boot :)
<turion> Either way, I'll try and develop something like a boot.loader.systemd-boot.extraEntries
<turion> Well ok. I guess I'm just generally sceptical when I encounter something non-nix in a very central place in nixos
<elvishjerricco> turion: Yea it just use `nix-env --list-generations` or something when it's run, since it is run at activation time, not build time.
<sphalerite> turion: well you could write an expression something like (with import <nixpkgs> {}; writeText "extraEntry" (callPackage ./rescue_boot.nix).boot.loader.grub.extraEntries
<turion> Well, I need some entry point to create something in /boot/loader/entries
<{^_^}> hyper_ch2: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<__monty__> Oh, question. Is there something like a sym/hardlink that works for directories? And ideally across disks?
<turion> Oh so I'm not doing something totally stupid then :)
<turion> Something like initrd.prepend?
<colemickens> and then now that it's back to 1% load, it's at full speed. something is so wrong here
<CMCDragonkai> In the checkPhase of a Python package, I'm trying to run a shell script. But Nix complains that `/nix/store/6kz2vbh98s2r1pfshidkzhiy2s2qdw0a-stdenv-linux/setup: bin/test: /usr/bin/env: bad interpreter: No such file or directory`. Is there something I'm missing in the checkInputs or checkPhase to run scripts in the checkPhase?
<WhittlesJr> If my service creates symlinks, (like under /var), when is it expected to clean them up, if ever? If I disable the service and rebuild, does it leave that junk lying around, or does NixOS do something clever? I'm looking for cleanup steps in modules but I'm not seeing any...


<asymmetric> i'm using packageOverrides for the list of packages, but I'd like something more similar to modules
<asymmetric> i see. is HM currently the best approach we have for a declarative ~? or are people using something else?
<infinisil> So I'm just adding something to my init file (built with nix) to set the customization variable to the nix built dictionary thing
<worldofpeace> infinisil: Lol, I thought you were getting at something else. English is fun sometimes
<chrisaw> Has anyone had any luck compiling Oni on NixOS? I've got most of the work done but annoyingly - I can build it within a nix-shell but I can't seem to build it using my overlay. Seems to run out of memory - I'm wondering if nixpkgs does something fancy in memory instead of using disk and this is causing me to run out of memory?
<gchristensen> ottidmes: yeah, in systemd-boot you can go to the bottom, to "Firmware Setup" or something and get to it :)
<donguri> It exists, is that what you mean? Or should I be doing something with it
<__monty__> Hmm, srhb, can't seem to get any paths signed. I collected garbage because I figured maybe there was half of something left in the store somehow but it didn't help. `error: cannot calculate fingerprint of path '/nix/store/20wpnj8f7xa8yfrc1jmpxr3cgbas1yrj-acl-2.2.52' because its size/hash is not known`
<srhb> __monty__: Any way, re. corrupt key, it sounds like something's wrong with your nix.conf on the client side, did you pastebin that somewhere?
<srhb> Something fishy with the ghcWithPackages then..
<philipp[m]> Usually my setups broke after a few months because something changed. My kodi nix box is going strong for three years now I think.
<sphalerite> something something extra-sandbox-path
<inf> Hey all. This is mostly a question about systemd. My background: I have nixos&libvirt-based vm hypervisor for gpu passthrough (and some other things aside) purposes. I wanted to create a service that'd make my VM(s) go to S3 sleep before host suspend using something exactly like https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Power_management#Combined_Suspend/resume_service_file (but obviously rewritten in nix) - now the
<CMCDragonkai> Are nix store outputs designed to be always a directory or something else? Why can't they be a symlink?
<delroth> I've tried getting something to work with pkgs.runCommand and using that to just use sha1sum... but I failed hard so far
<delroth> I'm looking for a way to do something like builtins.readFile, but instead of reading the file contents I want its sha1 hash. Can't seem to figure out how to get that done, anyone got an example somewhere that's close enough I could hack it to do what I want? :)
<exarkun22> is EPERM trying to open /dev/mem as root something I should be looking into NixOS to explain or somewhere else?
<exarkun22> I thought I actually understood something but apparently not.
<Lisanna> ottidmes It works, you have to set the "mode" option to something that NetworkManager won't reject
<Unode> clever: I usually prefer to have /nix/etc and leave /etc untouched. Is this something easy to accomodate or do binaries assume /etc too much?


<thekolb_> (its something weird common lisp specific)
<Unode> thekolb_: sometimes you need to explicitly patchelf something. Can't remember when but I had to do this once or twice
<Unode> thekolb_: if yes, then instead of something from the environment you could be missing a dependency in nix
<Unode> thekolb_: are you on nixos? If not I'd guess something in your environment is causing the breakage
<clever> you just need something like nix-user-chroot from the nix-bundle package
<symphorien> maybe create a new configuration file in a special directory which you prepend to XDG_something_DIR ?
<kai_w_> as far as I can tell, nixos-unstable has no kernel packages in the cache for aarch64, or have I got something set up wrong? they were there a few channel updates ago
<typetetris> I would like to add something to the `nix` manual, but the section is reproduced in three different files in the repository https://github.com/NixOS/nix, there is `doc/manual/manual.html` and `doc/manual/manual.xmli` and `doc/manual/packages/binary-cache-substituters.xml`, which one should I adapt, is there tooling to regenerate the other ones?
<jackjennings> I assume something like this?
<clever> if you miss something like profiles/gcroots, one party may delete everything the other party needs
<jabranham> Is there a resource somewhere that walks me through updating something in nixpkgs?
<boogiewoogie> hey, I'm trying to package something. I think I'm almost there, except the build process isn't regular. instead, a script named 'setup' sitting in the source folder has to be run. I'm using https://pastebin.com/51Q6gewE as default.nix, and doing `buildPhase` in the nix-shell tells me there's nothing to build. what to change?
<clever> Taneb: but if no clients are connedted, it has to answer with something
<infinisil> tilpner: Eh, I can use something simpler for my specific usecase
<exarkun22> I guess it's only an hour of progress lost if something goes wrong with the cross compile
<cryptix> hi! can somebody tell me where nixops keeps it's db/state? i build something using nixpkgs master that I can't destroy... https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/1052
<schmittlauch[m]> thx a lot. I knew there was something missing when reading the paper (:
<srhb> schmittlauch[m]: If not, you need to do the wrapping, or something similar, to bring in the store paths of the dependencies yourself.
<schmittlauch[m]> srhb: Funny that something essential like this isn't mentioned in the paper. Or was this approach only introduced after 2008?
<hyper_ch> or something like that
<ottidmes> kyren: so if you want it to behave like nix-shell -p, it would become something like: nix-shell --expr 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; runCommand "dummy" { buildInputs = [ (callPackage ./. {}) ]; }' (untested)
<clever> slack1256: no real way to know what something was built from, but you can try running nix-build -I nixpkgs=/foo -A bar on each channel generation, to see which one makes the version you want
<infinisil> ottidmes: Wild guess: Could Nix interpret the `build` attribute as something special?
<ottidmes> also if I use nix-build rather than nix-shell the phases myself, I get: can't find file to patch at input line 3, I guess maybe something to do with srcRoot?
<ottidmes> infinisil: I already did initially, but then it fails on something similar, let me try again


<jackjennings> ottidmes: nixops is running on a server — I can see that it's doing something… just no output other than the gcc command it's running…
<ottidmes> jackjennings: maybe something with your connection?
<exarkun22> v0|d: going from "the install-oriented setup" to "something useful" is the other 4 days 23 hours 40 minutes
<exarkun22> First thing I did was download the armv7l image to a flash drive and boot with that. That produces something relatively quickly.
<djahandarie> I imagine you could create multiple systemd units with nix expressions, or you could try to use instantiated services in systemd or something
<Mic92> nix-package based. Your best bet is probably to build something with nix without shipping the package manager.
<exarkun22> I kinda meant "I will only manage it with nixops" but maybe you meant something more like "burn a master image to media and then insert media into device"
<ottidmes> dmj`: that is basically the same as the Arch Linux wiki I pointed to, except for the NixOS config bit of course, so it seems OK by me, I did something similar
<exarkun22> My x86_64 machine already wants to build this derivation because it's already a dependency of something higher up
<ninjin> dmj`: Yes, but you can’t just jump from BIOS into decryption, you need something inbetween, that is what you have on `/boot`.
<Mic92> building something like kubernetes or docker should do it.
<avn> gchristensen: I prefer to do something, that would be adopted, if it works ofc
<v0|d> maybe they've got something useful
<exarkun22> something about different-platform substituters and a qemu-arm instance? I don't know.
<avn> I need to look for job, but better I do something more useful, like make PR
<exarkun22> yea you could make that case, though the Perl XML library author could have refused to implement something so insecure
<exarkun22> well, actually, I suppose I can guess that since nixos-system-rpi also depends on /nix/store/1hkp2n6hz3ybf2rvkjkwrzgbjkrrakzl-update-users-groups.pl it has something to do with that.
<tobiasBora> manveru: something like that, but I think to remember that on debian for example I can install it system-wide instead of asking to all the users to install this
<colemickens> for something like chromium?
<exarkun22> it's not something I wrote explicitly
<aminechikhaoui> exarkun22 maybe you can get something from `nix why-depends /run/current-system/ nixpkgs.polkit` on the target machine
<ottidmes> steveeJ: you do, I asked the same at the time, I was told something along the lines of, persistent names were introduces for a reason, you cannot actually be sure that what is eth0 now, will always be so, so its safer to actually be explicit about it
<steveeJ> ottidmes: it also seems that udev wants to rename eth0 to something and can't on the system


<imalsogr1g> I picked up an xps 15 at a great price open-box. I can't get any display manager working right with the graphics card. But the installer ISO runs KDE perfectly. It seems a safe bet that my hardware is good and I'll eventually find and fix my misconfiguration. Or could I be overlooking something?
<c0bw3b_> steveeJ: just something like `Address = "";` should work
<gchristensen> have you seen jD<...something...>'s Nix parser?
<nschoe> error: unexpected end-of-file". Am I doing something wrong?
<avn> exarkun22: I spent a year rewrtiting few very comlicated buildsystems to autocrap. Despite it was 10 years ago, I still remember something
<selfsymmetric-mu> I get the feeling that something is breaking in package description or something `'long_description': ' '.join(doclines[1:]),`.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Hmm. My `overrides.nix` must be in the wrong format or something.
<selfsymmetric-mu> Maybe it's not find my cache or something.
<aszlig> selfsymmetric-mu: maybe there is a flag for overrides in pypi2nix or something like that
<selfsymmetric-mu> Weird...did I do something wrong?
<avn> Purging .links take hours. Can we improve something here?
<exarkun22> v0|d: something somewhere seems to have figured out how many cores I have
<nschoe> Hi everyone, is there something special about `libz.so`? I'm in a `nix-shell` session with `zlib` as `buildInput`, yet when I try to build some Haskell dependencies I have `<command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: libz.so (libz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)`
<v0|d> interesting, so I though this propagation is done automatically via ldd or something.
<exarkun22> AIUI propagated means that if something else declares libskba as a build dependency, it will automatically get libgpgerror as a build dependency as well
<exarkun22> so is https://gist.github.com/exarkun/3a7c7f3ff27f71c85c35b626ea03b3f1 something worth contributing?
<v0|d> bennofs[m]: there is something called recursiveUpdate
<exarkun22> v0|d: nope. after you asked about cross compile, I re-tried that to remind myself how it failed ... and it doesn't seem to be failing this time (or maybe the build is going in a different order or something ... or maybe my nix store is full of corrupt packages that make it look like it can skip those builds ... I don't know)
<exarkun22> nixops deploy seems to spend a long time downloading something from binary caches every time I run it
<exarkun22> fix for the autoconf error I hit the other day? or something else?
<exarkun22> configure seems to need some help finding it, I guess it doesn't know about HOST_PATH or something
<aswanson> I've been trying to get wireguard working for a while and feel like I'm missing something crucial with how NAT works on nixos. The nixos wiki says it should be enough to just enable NAT and specify the external interface and internal wireguard interface but I don't see any sort of NAT chains in iptables after running nixos-rebuild
<avn> probably, it complained on something transparency related


<exarkun22> it failed to build something... trying to remember what...
<exarkun22> avn: and `nixpkgs.nix` is just something like a github url to the revision I want?
<exarkun22> What's the right way to structure my nixops workflow so that it uses that git rev of nixpkgs? Pass some `-I` to the `nixops deploy` command? Set something in the logical definition of the host itself?
<exarkun22> psychologically difficult to abandon the 24h `nixops deploy` currently in progress to attempt something new :)
<samueldr> not that I know of, unless dezgeg added something recently :/
<steveeJ> did I miss something or is this part of the hydra gitinput undocumented? https://github.com/NixOS/hydra/blob/879333fd3ce481460fda74a19e26d5e16ff008f8/src/lib/Hydra/Plugin/GitInput.pm#L27-L45
<symphorien> I think there is something about module compression which might interfere
<infinisil> I use prezto but I think i messed something up because it's so slow
<exarkun22> alright, setting localSystem and crossSystem is definitely doing something new...
<clever> exarkun22: you need to set nixpkgs.localSystem and something related, in the nixos config level
<exarkun22> it seems like I'm missing something wrt managing multiple architectures w/ nix and nixops


<clever> run something like nix-serve on an internal box, that acts as your cache
<sphalerite> midori won't be much fun either, since it's also webkit-based. Something like dillo would be more manageable, but that can't deal with much of the modern web
<phigan> probably need Midori or something
<andrewrk> Twey, that's not how it works - that startup code has to be statically linked in if you want to dynamically load something that depends on dynamically linked system libc
<simpson> andrewrk: Oh, right, Zig. Sorry, you should have said something earlier. I think that my strategy would be to rewrite Mesa.
<panamaman> jabranham: That's look solid indeed. I thought it was more something like cairo option since it's a bit unstable but emacs from nixos shouldn't compile with it exept for darwin system.
<djahandarie> Can't say I'm looking forward to hacking carnix to generate something more efficient here... but thanks, that helped narrow down what is taking so long to evaluate at least.
<sphalerite> dunst uses fontconfig or something, so it should
<huevo5050> i need to import something i guess
<symphorien> but mkDerivation { gradle = something; nativeBuildInputs = [ gradle ] } will still use the old gradle
<Berra> srhb: I guess it's possible that both emacsPackagesNgGen/emacsWithPackages and node2nix does something strange. I can't really say - trying to figure out what it could be.
<colemickens> if I have something like https://github.com/colemickens/nixpkgs-wayland, should I make that into a package set and put it in NUR?
<ekleog> Peaker: oh :) so that's something there's a configuration flag about iirc
<ekleog> (though I must repeat I'm not used to the haskell infrastructure, maybe there's something else going on here that I'm not seeing :))
<ekleog> so `nix-shell default.nix` or something like that should do it to drop you in an environment similar to the build


<qyliss^work> if you work from nixos-unstable you'll get all the hydra caches apart from when you've changed something
<Peaker> can I have something like: tasty = error "Fool me once" somewhere? so I get the error quickly?
<clever> if you want to refer to something else, use self
<goibhniu> JACK will freak out on me if I try to stop it when something's using it though.
<goibhniu> sorry, I do have something very much like that :D
<Thra11> i.e. to build it with --allow-newer=something passed to cabal
<betaboon> is there something like mkAfter but for attribues of a set ?
<M-Gregoire> I was wondering what was the minimal install to which I could deploy something using Nixops.
<M-Gregoire> something like [ "ssh-rsa <KEY> id" ]
<ottidmes> Orbstheorem: what is the package name, and what are you trying to achieve? Is it a binary you are after, or something else?
<tnks> srhb: I suppose something like buildEnv, but I'm specifically interested in the unified Haddocks.
<srhb> tnks: buildEnv to join them all together? or symlinkJoin for something more primitive
<srhb> Myrl-saki: If you're trying to extend something, you should probably use the pre or post hooks. Assuming unpackPhase has any
<srhb> Well, there's something to be said for that by virtue of the composition of the user base, sure...
<boogiewoogie> hey, I'm trying to build something getting this error https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7412548/error-gnu-stubs-32-h-no-such-file-or-directory-while-compiling-nachos-source -- I can't seem to find a corresponding package (see 1st answer, libc-devel) in nixpkgs, anyone know if there is one?
<kingemp> I guess I could do builds in a nix-shell or in a buildFHSUserEnv, but perhaps I'm missing something from the usual workflow? I'm guessing there's a better way than compiling from scratch each time
<leotaku> clever: And "-I" with "nixops deploy" does that same thing but only for that deploy? Or something completely different?
<clever> leotaku: use `nixops modify -d something foo.nix -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/GITREV.tar.gz`


<PolarIntersect> Is there a way to use beta drivers or something?
<haitlah> But something very strange is there, it say X requires mtl-2.2.2, Y requires mtl-2.2.2-{HASH}
<azazel> but with that means loose al the merging capability of module definitions.. or am I missing something?
<infinisil> leotaku: I actually tried to implement something once which could solve this problem, but it turned out to be rather hard and I couldn't do it
<NickHu> clever: I tried to do something like that but I didn't get it working properly
<copumpkin> I'm guessing it doesn't like something about the nar or narinfo
<NickHu> ekleog: It's some out of tree custom kernel because the board isn't well supported... I guess I'll just start up a ubuntu vm and compile it or something, should only need to do it once
<ekleog> NickHu: something like (untested) `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --arg crossSystem ...arm -A linuxPackages.whatever`
<Taneb> hydra-queue-runner says something like "priorty of build 54986 increased; checking the queue for builds > 56382" when I bump one of the not-building builds
<Lisanna> I'm just looking for something to deal with annoying build scripts that feel that stamping the output of 'date' into a binary so that you can know when the build was done is more important than determinism
<ekleog> like “faketime my_command” or something like that
<romanofskiWork> something adds the libraries to be loaded during the start of the game via the LD_PRELOAD env variable... gotta find where


<hyperfekt> I've thrown something together that will create derivations for all specified extensions on the automatic rebuild, but I'm still looking for an elegant way to have it run before manual rebuilds - otherwise adding an extension won't have an immediate effect.
<hyperfekt> simpson: That's less what I meant, just that it may not be worth the burden of updating tons of packages manually that have their own package management already. I was thinkin of something like what R uses to automate the process.
<nh2> clever: I'm not quite sure where I have to stick the thing though, how I can turn my one haskell package into something akin to pkgsCross.musl64.haskellPackages.hello
<hyperfekt> So the idea is that if something goes wrong I have the generated derivations to tell me what happened? My trouble understanding here is that while the build itself may become pure, the two systems as a whole are still equally impure - where is the difference between reading the derivations from a file whose contents come from the network or reading them from the network, except that one of the two persists?
<hyperfekt> averell: The whole point is for the build to not always be the same, I'm trying to do autoupdating vscode extensions. My reasoning being that if I find something breaks, I can still go ahead and fix the version.
<ottidmes> clever: I could not make it work with LD_PRELOAD, probably because it itself is doing something similar (its a Core .NET program), with GDB I can make it close the fd to /dev/log or change it to /dev/null, but it restores itself afterwards. (I could of course loop and if its up again close it again, but thats just ugly)
<Lisanna> if a derivation isn't deterministic and it gets built on two different machines, could this ever result in this scenario? e.g., if one of the paths was garbage collected and got replaced by the other, or something
<arianvp> so nscd seems to be working fine, but something fishy is going on inside systemd itself
<jakub> ekleog: i am familiar with haskell, nix, not so much, i just try to extrapolate from haskell when there is something in nix that was not introduced by the documentation so far but it gets used like crazy in all the examples/instructions, like rec, _, ...
<ekleog> by passing your configuration with something like -I nixos-config=./configuration.nix
<ekleog> you're supposed to look for something like `lib.evalModules`, invoke it with `-E` and look at its `.system.build.virtualBoxOVA`
<tilpner> colemickens - No display manager, but I am doing something weird (trying to use sway-beta on 18.09)
<jonreeve> I can't seem to get on the unstable channel, unless I'm missing something
<colemickens> samueldr: okay, that's good to know, and feels like something I should've figured out. Thank you.
<colemickens> Can't tell if it's NM or something else being screwy.


<ottidmes> clever: you would expect that there exist something that does this for you
<ottidmes> clever: can I shadow that just for the application, or something like that, or what do you suggest?
<nh2> clever: I have the feeling that it must be the sandbox, nothing else makes sense to me, but it really looks like it's on. But maybe it isn't on despite my setting or something?
<obfusk> hi! I've run into something weird when not quoting a variable in a buildCommand. I hope someone can help me figure out what's going on. https://gist.github.com/obfusk/44bdca9caf5ef89e7ef0f4c985363d85
<qyliss> Mic92: that’s awesome! I was thinking about proposing something like that the other day, because I have a bunch of shell.nix fils lying around for various FOSS projects.
<clever> NickHu: oh, and look at something like the old skype package, its 32bit as well
<qyliss> I’m guessing I need to do something with lib.types in the option declaration
<ottidmes> I guess I will just buy one then, they are not cheap, but not extremely expensive either, not an expense I should spare for something as important as getting access to all my other paswords ;)


<ottidmes> any way to supress the output of a program in journalctl? I tried wrapping it: `exec cmd > /dev/null 2>&1`, that did not work, I tried disabling it in the program itself, that did not work, so now I am thinking, surely systemd has something with which you supress or limit the output written to the journal? Any suggestions? Its not a systemd service, so I cannot configure it that way
<srhb> joko: I'm not surprised. Historically it hasn't actually worked for years. Maybe my commit truly did something to it...
<samueldr> so something like let arr' = "\${arr[@]}" in '' foo ${arr'} '';
<samueldr> (if I ever need to do something like that, I end up resorting to making a fragment string holding the desired string, makes it easier to understand the script)
<samueldr> so you probably want something like "''${arr[@]}"
<pie_> i guess i want some kind of imperative state watchdog or something :P
<ottidmes> pie_: environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ (hiPrio (writeShBin "nix-env" "echo 'How dare you go back to your imperative ways! Declerative configuration FTW! Use `nix-shell` instead if you want to try something.'")) ];
<pie_> ottidmes, i was actually hoping theres something to "turn off" nix-env somehow (to prevent accidents like this) but i didnt see anything
<stepcut> I am having a tough time getting ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix and overlays to play well together when overriding packages. I have added the package to ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix and `nix-build <nixpkgs> -A haskell.packages.ghc843.foo` builds that version. But if something in the `overlays` depends on `foo` it does not seem to use the version in ~/.nixpkg/config.nix. I've tried both overrides and extend. Is there some place that documents current bes
<infinisil> worldofpeace: I have ideas for having something like this for nixpkgs even :o


<schmittlauch[m]> clever: nice, why is something essential like this not in the main nixpkgs? Probably the same for virtualbox
<clever> schmittlauch[m]: line 5 creates the group, lines 6-11 makes the group actually do something useful
<mahakala> colemickens: hm, been trying to get it work now but fail... I guess I don't understand enough how the nix language work or something...
<sippeangelo> lassulus, Well right now I use this tool called morph that does some combination of nix-build and copy and activate under the surface, but I had the same problem when just running "nixos-rebuild switch" before. I "solved" this once by running "nix-collect-garbage --delete-old", but this also deletes my entire package cache... There must be SOMETHING I can delete to just make it rebuild that one "append-initrd-secrets" script,
<sippeangelo> lassulus, I've been trying to get the boot.initrd.network.ssh option to work, but it needs a host key file, and while the "hostECDSAKey" option worked the first time I built, if I change it to something else the build will fail when it still references the old file path which file doesn't exist on disk any more...
<ottidmes> and could I use buildFHSEnv to achieve the same as I am doing now with a service that does something like: cp -rs --no-preserve=mode $out/share/vscode/extensions/ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare ~/.vscode/extensions (i.e. copies the complete directory structure and symlink files, so it can write new files in the directories)
<lejonet> gchristensen: seeing as the ssh connection is dropped, by my desktop, before any auth even is done, I doubt there will be something there, but what logs would that be in? nix-daemon?
<lejonet> even if the buildmachine conf tells it to explicitly use something else?
<catern> I want to download something that requires user credentials
<srhb> (Or something similar)
<colemickens> and the patch doesn't seem to change much other than some timestamps and maybe an extra transitive dependency, but nothing that seemed like it would have fixed something causing that error.
<colemickens> I'm seeing if I can whip something up.
<colemickens> locallycompact: or just something that will "just work" right now?
<colemickens> so I think the ask i for something like `nix-prefetch-url --unpack` but for however buildRustPackage does cargo256
<kingemp> init_6, ah I thought you meant something beyond buildFHSUserEnv in nix manual
<ottidmes> kingemp: so if something has julia as a dependency it will be installed, but julia will not be available in the system environment (e.g. its /bin being on your PATH via a symlink to /run/current-system/sw/bin), only if it is added to environment.systemPackages this will be the case
<kingemp> ottidmes, thx makes sense. Is there a reason why this isn't needed for most packages? seems like I'm missing something
<ottidmes> kingemp: something like this? environment.systemPackages = [ (pkgs.runCommand "my-link" {} ''ln -s ${pkgs.hello}/bin/hello $out/bin/world'') ];
<kingemp> does anyone know how I get something in /run/current-system? Do I add a `ln -s` in the installPhase of mkDerivation?


<judson> The service (iiuc) runs every 3 minutes and writes to ~/shellwarning/git. But I assume that _does_ something?
<lejonet> so it seems like something unxz'd it
<Dezgeg> so I guess something unpacked it when it shouldn't have
<Dezgeg> is it an error message or something then?
<lejonet> erh, wtf? It seems like it pulls down something completely different than what it is supposed to pull down...
<cransom> philippD: `command-not-found commandhere` will usually give you something.
<Dezgeg> full system crash due to e.g. power loss or something?
<samueldr> I wonder if something changed in `sddm` between 18.03 and 18.09, or its session
<gchristensen> are you using a DE or something which would make it actually do a thing?
<exarkun22> cool... something is happening.
<exarkun22> my best guess right now is that nothing is configured (in systemd) to want the sshd service but I don't have a clue why nixos didn't write some configuration so that something does want it
<exarkun22> system is just the https://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/tmtynkky/nixos-arm/installer/sd-image-aarch64-linux.img image. maybe it has something to do with that
<ottidmes> betaboon: could you not do something with pkgs.runCommand convert YAML to Nix, and then import that generated Nix file?
<fooinabar> I'm trying to compile something that requires both g++ and clang++, but if I add clang to the dependencies g++ fails with: g++: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-stdlib=libstdc++’; did you mean ‘-static-libstdc++’?
<chrisaw> Knew it was something simple - just couldn't remember what!
<cdepillabout> Being able to download something is a key functionality of our project, and we would like to test that when running nix-build.
<lewo> cdepillabout: moreover, as a user, once I have built something, I want to be able to rebuild this thing without having to rely on internet (the binary cache has to be sufficient)
<cdepillabout> The tests for that package actually do download something from a known-good URL.
<cdepillabout> lewo, So this is for work. We are writing software that has a feature where it can download stuff for the user (similar to something like git).
<yl[m]> also nix expresion in a gist or something
<catern> Unode: nice, but specifically I'm wanting something I can use in build scripts without taking a pointless dep on "which"


<exarkun22> is there something like nix-build but which only builds inputs of the target, not the target itself?
<mdash> overlays are really just a file-organization issue, you don't ever need them to accomplish something in nix
<clever> fooinabar: ah, then you want something like (llvm.override { enableSharedLibraries = false; }) in your buildInputs
<manveru> zimbatm: something like https://styx-static.github.io/styx-site/
<jgt> because you the page you linked to shows something different: https://releases.nixos.org/nixos/unstable/nixos-19.03pre158246.6141939d6e0
<infinisil> Something like that
<srhb> moredhel: I have a shell function for it called gwpi that optionally takes the compiler version too, but yeah, something like that.
<Lisanna> nixops is doing something insane here
<jgt> cocreature: it's split into a few different files; I'll make a repo or something. One moment.
<PolarIntersect> clever: I may have found something. There seems to be no "screen-nvidia[0]" in the xorg.conf it's using
<PolarIntersect> I feel like maybe something didn't build right, because this seems like a config issue
<acowley> It's something too search for more info on: a long-standing wrinkle about what nix supports and what hydra allows. I often get wrong what would be IFD, so I might be wrong here, too.


<infinisil> I'm thinking I might need to reboot to get the ACL's, because it might be used by something now so it can't change it?
<infinisil> Well a steam controller is something more than just a controller to steam
<jgt> I'm trying to install an old stack2nix by doing something like `nix-env -f https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/7283740218a5178185a8c1bf0ecfa861f5f9f0f7.tar.gz -iA stack2nix`
<rihardsk> hi, i'm seeing something weird in nixpkgs haskell packages - currently there's no stm package. theres only stm_2_5_0_0 available despite stackage nightly having stm-
<nDuff> Is there a way to remove something from scope? I'm accepting an argument I don't want accessible past the let block at the top of my function (think {bar}: let oldBar=bar; in with foo; doSomethingWith bar -- where I want the "bar" to be "foo.bar", not the top-level argument aliased to oldBar)
<clever> hyper_ch: oh, you turned on something that overrides the nameservers
<TweyIII> symphorien, b1000101: Looking at your build output it looks like something went screwy with ofborg's build attempt, rather than the package actually being broken…
<azazel> I was hoping to find something less...hacky.. my goal is to add the package of a python library (click), but just that package built for the same interpreter used for xonsh, so that I can use it from xonsh scripts