
<Greaka> i fear that something is missing in my drivers/kernel for the card and since im bloody new to nix, i dont know how to fix this
<Greaka> awesome! i broke something and dont know how to fix it
<elvishjerricco> paulvictor: The most lightweight thing would be to just put it in a let binding in your file. So at whatever scope necessary, do `let myPkg = import ./my-pkg.nix; in ...`. For something more robust, you'd want to look into writing an overlay
<sphalerite> Izorkin: additionally, readDir returns only the filenames so you'll need to do something like
<sphalerite> Izorkin: I think the problem is outside the code that you showed us, you're using the imports list wrong or something
<paulvictor> jD91mZM2: Thanks. The service which I want to manage is based on a package which I built by myself and installed with `nix-env -i` is not something from the official repos.
<ottidmes> AppAraat: /wheel/fork/nixpkgs-unstable is my nixpkgs checkout that points the nixos-unstable channel, so yes, it points to the local file, I could share it with your if you want, but a less complete implementation but something that probably would have worked is: nix-instantiate --eval --expr 'with import <nixpkgs> { }; tmux.meta.position' (which also includes a line number though) (and assuming <nixpkgs>


<ottidmes> AppAraat: so you expect it to return something, because your are supposed to be on the unstable channel which has version 2.8 of tmux? if so, are you sure nix-env is also using the unstable channel?
<jomik> ottidmes: Actually, it is something the user _must_ set :)
<ottidmes> jomik: is it something a user might set or is it just used internally by the NixOS module? if the latter you could just work around it with some runCommand and just using shell code to print it, no?
<ToxicFrog> ExecStart should definitely be something different as well, is lobsters in your nixpkgs?
<jomik> Then the user can do something like set the action to null, to have the keybind removed.
<simpson> Being hardcoded into your active system configuration *will* create a GC root, though, if you're doing something like pinning a configuration and its dependencies onto a remote machine.
<aleph-> simpson: Yeah No I remembered that. Had a new question though, if I'm building something and storing it in the path how would I address it? I can't use ${pkgs.NAME} since it's not from nixpkgs.
<Church-> manveru: But would that work if I'm doing something like ${pkgs.lobsters}/unicorn_rails -c ... in a systemd service definition?
<Church-> samueldr: For fixing the lack of a bundlerEnv, could I just do something like ${pkgs.lobsters}/bundle exec "..."? Would the bundled env still be contained in that nix store path?
<aleph-> infinisil: Yeah I know, was thinking something like: services.lobsters.unicornConfig = environment.etc.lobsters.unicornConfig.text = '' '';
<ivan> huh did something land in master today that required a rebuild of half the packages or is that because I gc'ed /nix
<jomik> Maybe something like map is more convenient. Complexity is O(n) either way it seems :D
<yosemitesam> 2. this library definition needs the imagemagick paths exposed (with propagated buildinputs or something like that)?
<pie__> well i suppose i could realpath . or something
<pie__> mine fails in seekfunctioncollection or something
<pie__> samueldr, hm. so the game ran for you but it doesnt run for me. this is the problem with WINE stuff. its very machine dependent :C or something
<samueldr> pie__: right, I must have been confused with something else :)
<samueldr> whenever "a derivation seems overkill" it's possible there's something made there
<Dagger> I thought the kernel defaulted to only allowing something like 15 v6 addresses per interface?
<pie__> not sure, only heard something like this from someone else
<pie__> hodapp, oh that gajillion ipv6 adresses has something to do with ipv6 privacy extensions i think
<hodapp> this inet6 stuff may be a router issue or something, I don't know
<samueldr> since my networking knowledge is terrible I'm thinking *waves hand* something happens with networking at rebuild time
<samueldr> hodapp: strangely the other day firefox exhibited something similar, often following links would show me an error, bur refreshing worked every time. have you nixos-rebuild switch'd since you booted?
<samueldr> aleph-: something to keep in mind: everything `nix build` related can only make things available in the store paths; it can't run servers, services, will never have privileges
<samueldr> give me 2 minutes I'll write up something
<pie__> needed something to test on
<pie__> or im messing up something else
<pie__> samueldr, probably makes sense. or i could just be horrible and import python unnecessarily or something
<pie__> maybe theres something similar somewhere >.>
<samueldr> let me find something better
<pie__> is it possible to get nix-build to dump all the scripts its going to use to build something somewhere?
<samueldr> (and in all honesty, I don't say this as a bad criticism, but something that may help other users reading the manual)
<duairc> Have I misunderstood something? Is there a difference one way vs another? Why are both allowed?
<samueldr> ouch, if so it's probably something going terribly bad at a level elsewhere than the running system :/ (but I don't really know)
<Church-> Yeah maybe somehow iundervolt did something funky?
<Church-> But I can see the irc terminal doing something
<samueldr> :o this definitely doesn't sound like something that nix can do


<samueldr> I wasn't certain that it would use the full path, due to how (1) `sh('nix-prefetch-url', ...)` was called and (2) the output of that `sh` invocation from bundix which showed only the basename; though yeah, it was something I had in the back of my mind: it's plausible it uses the full path
<colabeer> I'm using tmux with powerline, so I installed the powerline-fonts package. But the fonts dont seem to be available. Is there something else I need to do_


<pie___> like language packages or whatever. gonna try to make a bit of progress today on something for WINE
<orbekk> duairc: sorry, I don't actually know specifically, but I suspect dhcpcd (or something else) is taking some control. usually the way I debug these things on nixos is to look at the generated config
<duairc> orbekk: Yes, I'm using DHCP for IPv4... for now, just because the first time I tried to configure it manually I must have messed something up and lost all connectivity and had to reboot
<Baughn> Something in my UI is writing out ~2MB of data to disk every couple of seconds.
<Church-> Because here's something you can try as a stupid thought.
<samueldr> something like `nix-hash --type sha256 --flat --base32 <(curl --silent "$@")` probably could work
<samueldr> aleph-: though it's not "something" other than the fact that it will use `import` on something built using nix, instead of a path already available
<samueldr> so if you have something producing a store path, you could realistically import from it, it would build it first (AFAIUI)
<samueldr> I need to re-check something, but I believe if gemset.nix is not given, it will do something?
<ottidmes> aleph-: depends, is it something you want to keep
<_d0t> Something like cabal2nix but for snap would be ideal.
<wedens> ottidmes: thanks. I must've misunderstood something
<wedens> what's the difference between adding something to `buildInputs` and to PATH in `wrapProgram`?
<simpson> elvishjerricco: Hm, doesn't seem to work. I wonder if that's just something that happens with runCommand.
<samueldr> is it something that bumblebee can be used for?
<samueldr> :/ seems it's not something one should really play with, but really internal (duh) https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/b9fa31cea0e119ecf1867af4944ddc2f7633aacd/nixos/modules/hardware/video/nvidia.nix#L124
<pbb> something like that


<ottidmes> gchristensen: like right now I have a shell function that is able to retrieve the file defining a package, at first it too was limited to top-level/all-packages.nix but today I learned of something that allowed me to now make it work for pretty much all packages (except for things like haskellPackages)
<obadz> (like the name of the derivation or something/
<petersjt014> after this I'm trying nilfs2 and bcachefs, should be able to find something workable
<clever> dgarzon: the main way to cheat around that perf issue, is to have something like .bashrc do that initial setup when the user tries to open a shell inside the vm
<dgarzon> clever I can tell the performance is horrible, but I want the resulting image to be able to use nix commands so I need to setup a user and do something similar to: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/57c69ff78189132c5c0d9a835071876da3e88f06/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix#L810. Do you have any alternative solutions?
<ottidmes> sphalerit: the builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos solution is not perfect because I have no way to determine what attributes are just local and what are used by e.g. stdenv, right now I have something that works for most cases though (filtering generic files)
<ottidmes> Myrl-saki: you mean something like encrypting the LiveCD contents?
<Myrl-saki> I guess it technically can be done fully in Nix, but it theoretically can't be done fully in Nix, or something. I don't know.
<jD91mZM2> It must be something with the version of make or something
<duairc> I don't know if I'm missing something (this is my first time using NixOS), but when I set that and nixos-rebuild switch (is that the right thing?), the version of ZFS I get is totally useless, it can't create any zpools, with or without encryption
<ben> cryptsetup something something luks, zpool create on /dev/mapper/whatever
<jD91mZM2> Btw something I knows bypasses the first issue and gets to other build issues that once again don't reproduce on Ubuntu is using `make CC=gcc NM=nm LD=ld ...` etc etc
<jD91mZM2> A lot more pressing issues at the moment, but I can't compile redox and my question is: Where does the problem lie? Clearly not redox, it works on Ubuntu. So either my system is horribly broken, or NixOS is doing something else with gcc I should be aware of
<jD91mZM2> something else because $TARGET is wrong even though I've set it multiple times
<jw358> ...is there something else i should try
<Widdershin> I tried self.tmux = tmux; but I got undefined variable tmux, I'm clearly missing something important
<clever> either the source differs, or something malfunctioned during the build
<clever> which could be upgraded in the future and break something
<clever> runCommand "foo" { buildInputs = [ guile ]; } ''guile -e "make-rom forth.rom"'' or something
<clever> it will be something in the form of:
<simpson> siraben: Unfortunately, these can be a little out-of-date when it comes to exactly what's needed, so it's often faster to reverse-engineer these sorts of tiny failures after the big features of the derivation have been filled out. Still, it's a good find and might have something useful.
<siraben> Something's still causing it to fail
<siraben> so I can do something like for i in *; tar -xf *; in the build phase of another .nix file?


<dgarzon> I am trying something else and now dockerTools.buildImageWithNixDb fails with “error: creating directory '/tmp/nix-build-docker-layer-my-image.drv-0/layer/nix/store': Permission denied” I am inspecting the source code and see it happen after: “Generating the nix database..." Any ideas?
<Baughn> dgarzon: At a pure guess, there might be multiple docker layers and it's aliasing something from a previous layer?
<Baughn> Looks like a patched binary, not something we're building from source code.
<samueldr> not 100% confident it will work, but it's a good first step whenever something new is used
<samueldr> and it's something that's known, with a known fix, once kernel 4.20 lands
<samueldr> and AFAIK, it is required to have *something* like ATF to then boot into a more regular program like u-boot on aarch64
<samueldr> yeah, just something to keep in mind
<balsoft> Maybe I'm doing something terribly wrong?
<samueldr> ( I think it got caught on something )
<balsoft> Or did I misunderstand something
<samueldr> 2. zeroed out the section it boots from to re-test, in case something else was causing bad tests
<balsoft> Maybe I'm doing something stupid
<samueldr> no worries, I'll tell the bot to tell you, next time you say something
<Dedalo> Hi guys, I have an X1 Carbon with a WQHD (2560x1440) display and I'm using the i3 window manager. I'm having trouble to scale the dpi. I have added to the configuration.nix service.xserver.monitorSection = '' DisplaySize 338 190 '', but when I reboot I can't login anymore. It says: session cannot start, or something like that. Anyone using the same laptop can share his settings?
<balsoft> Or are you doing something outside of the build before?
<balsoft> jomik: I don't think this is a good thing to fetch something from a nix build
<jomik> The issue is that this jar file fetches something if it isn't cached, so I want to create the cache manually :P
<infinisil> Something like that, not tested though
<infinisil> balsoft: I think it's something like `options.home-manager.users = mkOption { options = { foobar = mkOption { ... }; }; }`
<ottidmes> balsoft: well the simplest solution would be to do something like defining a list that defines your home.nix attrset, that list would be a list of file paths and you just merge the attrsets, but this is not so nice, because it would not leverage the module system so the merging logic of the types would not be applied
<juhe> There should be default route and net routes, I'd expect you see something like in output of your "ip r" command
<psy3497> The meaning of "no route to host" is something that is outside of the VM?
<ottidmes> hyper_ch: if you are code golving, I rather use 10 lines of something that works well, than 1 line that I have to put a lot of workarounds in to make behave, if you count your workaround exports too, its not too different anyway
<ottidmes> hyper_ch: the first point would be to use something like: * * * * * eelco ${runCommand "..." '' ... makeWrapper ...''}
<dgarzon> So it means something is creating two ./nix directories
<ottidmes> hyper_ch: another solution, use something like makeWrapper or create your own wrapper that does those exports, or did you mean that you already tried that? Other than that I would suggest just to just systemd timers instead
<dgarzon> ottidmes I am using that, but still getting “Error processing tar file(duplicates of file paths not supported):” not sure it works for what I need. I think my problem is I am including for example two `bash` with different paths, but when they get added to /bin/bash they conflict or something :(
<dgarzon> Thank you very much Myrl-saki! Let me know if you find something :)
<gchristensen> maybe something with nix-store --export and --import?
<reivilibre> Is it possible to add it as a second source like you might do in Debian or something? I don't want to be a pita but if I can't even upgrade someone else's package then I don't think I have a chance of writing my own here..


<ottidmes> ilya-fedin: for me, a fresh reboot and running `nix-collect-garbage -d` works, so I guess there is something else keeping it around, there are ways to figure this with nix-store, but I do not remember the details
<samueldr> so generally once it's mainlined, it'll be built as a module unless there's something stopping it from being enabled as a module
<ilya-fedin> slabity: I found this file, thought there was something else. :(
<ilya-fedin> But, in the example of using this parameter, the patch is in the package (ubuntu_fan_something), do they not exist?
<ottidmes> ilya-fedin: its added as one of the base packages here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/814319f1ae7665590e120db268e2aefe9f82458d/nixos/modules/config/system-path.nix#L33 so you will have to do something like clever suggests to make it go away
<Myrl-saki> I built something with
<marco_t> Mic92: Oh yeah, it was something like that, thanks!
<Mic92> tyang: mostly you can just set the GOPATH as usuall and do something like nix-shell -p go. If you use vim, you can use vimPlugins.vim-go and if you want to package your applications later you can use go2nix to get a list of dependencies
<Baughn> It doesn't have to be something that can work with nixos-rebuild. I just want to diff it against previous versions.
<ZaraChimera> Yeah, so I think something didn't take with my /boot partition and GRUB
<ZaraChimera> Stuck going to PXE boot so I misconfigured something, my BIOS isn't seeing GRUB at all.
<ZaraChimera> I like using Enlightenment as my primary DE followed by KDE5 Plasma or something like i3wm.
<jasongrossman> or else something else is already mounted there.
<jasongrossman> drager: It should be something like control-F1, from memory. Might depend on your keyboard layout.
<ZaraChimera> Last line reads: "warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration" but it doesn't say that it failed anywhere with the usual red text when something breaks in the rebuild.
<jasongrossman> The documentation is organised in a complicated way (compared to something like the Arch Wiki), so be prepared for that.
<ZaraChimera> Also, the fact that users can install stuff without needing sudo level priveleges and that at worst unborking something is reboot and select the previous generation.
<jasongrossman> ZaraChimera: Been discussed before, and the consensus is that something like that would be great, but it's not a trivial task.
<ZaraChimera> Do I need to add something to the liveUSB's configuration.nix and rebuild before creating ZFS formatted partition and the pools?
<ottidmes> ok, then it has to be something to do with the shellHook
<ZaraChimera> Or something.
<devalot> And, there's config.boot.isContainer. So I was hoping maybe something similar for the host being NixOS.


<buttbutter> Something like that :D
<dtz> hmm, router's pointed at fwiw . And maybe I have something slightly configured wrong, everything with ipv6 I'm suspect I got wrong lol
<Denommus> it's doing... something
<samueldr> looks like our grub config doesn't init for buttbutter; like grub can't read the config or something
<buttbutter> shapr: I get a GRUB panic terminal or something :(
<shapr> I had a bunch of problems installing ubuntu, everything worked fine once the nvidia drivers were installed, something flakey with the i915 graphics drivers
<ilya-fedin> If someone wrote me something, please repeat, my client has disconnected
<jomik> Umm... It seems like we are building something called android-8.0.0 and symlinking something called android-26 ? XD
<adisbladis> jomik: Something like that ^
<jasongrossman> drager: I think a lot of us use nix-env or nix-shell for speed when we're trying something that probably won't be permanent.
<neonfuz> oh, if you enable x I think it might default to something though
<simpson> Is there a better option than something like `--argstr uuid $(uuidgen)`? This isn't very elegant, but worse, it's not compositional with kubenix's modules.
<ZaraChimera> I wonder how involved installing a different BIOS with EFI support would be. Or if the MBR is something that is actually hardwired into my computer.
<ryantm> hyper_ch: I'm trying to think of a way to fix the nix-prefetch-url program that is currently broken for all sorts of fetchers. If I changed the outputHash to be something wrong, then maybe I could use nix-build to fail to build the derivation and extract the correct hash from its output.
<ottidmes> elvishjerricco: Thank you for writing it down :) I sometimes think I really ought to make write downs like that every time I tackle a problem that took a while to figure out properly. Like as if you were writing a thorough StackExchange answer or something similar, its useful for yourself and others, but I tend to only actually do that when answering my own questions on such forums
<etbe> I'm totally new to NixOS. What's the NixOS way of maintaining config files? I've just put "blacklist bochs_drm" in a file in /etc/modprobe.d, can I do something with /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to declare that?


<jomik> I am looking at something like for d in ./conf.d ./functions ./completions do if [[ -d $d ]]; then ...
<jomik> For some reason, when using a sha256 that is invalid for the downloaded, but valid for something else in the store, it will just grab that something else's files? O.o
<ldlework> infinisil: it also means that if something is working, it wont be broken tomorrow unless you do something :)
<infinisil> When something is broken I can be sure that it'll be broken tomorrow unless I do something :)
<dmj`> gchristensen: have you ever seen something like /nix/store/9pifap75pkb9ifmdqh0irn8wgc3q38s6-stdenv-linux/setup: line 1298: 18088 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
<kyren> okay, so setting the 'hostAddress' in a container works fine, as does 'extraFlags = [ "-U" ];', something else was wrong.. and it was oddly fixed by simply renaming the container... it might have been that the container name was too long.. which would be surprising and a bug, so I'm not exactly sure that's it
<aszlig> sphalerite: eg. if you want to use a http reverse proxy or something like that
<kyren> is this something that requires setting up a bridge? I'm a bit confused as to precisely what containers.<name>.hostAddress does
<jomik> I forgot how globbing works in bash. How would I match 3 files if they exist? That is, I want to do something like fish_{mode_,right_,}prompt.fish
<linkrage> tilpner, about acme+nginx again - will the acme cert renew & update itself automatically when it's about to expire or I have to do something about it? Thanks in advance!
<jomik> jonaswouters: can you dump the nix expression to something like gist.github.com ?
<kyren> okay, I understand now thank you! I see things like `import <nixpkgs/pkgs/...>` in a lot of places, I guess it's something to be aware of, and that maybe setting nixpkgs="an expression" is kind of limited?
<kyren> something like this happens: http://ix.io/1wmu
<kyren> sorry it's really early, and yeah I would hope rev makes it pure, I just figured I misunderstood some theoretical impurity around git push -f or something but that's not how git works, sorry it's early :P
<kyren> yeah... I was hoping to avoid it, and it just also shows that I don't understand something
<kyren> I had a nix file with (I've deleted it since then), something like import (builtins.fetchGit { ... }), and then I could do something like NIX_PATH="nixpkgs=./mynixpkgs.nix" nix-shell -p hello and it works
<jomik> Hey! Any clever heads around that could help me with buildFHSUserEnv ? I seem to need to do something like what steam-run does, because Cisco is demanding that I run some files that fail for some reason, even with rpath and interpreter set properly.
<clever> lucus16: there is a setup hook to add it to something like NIX_LDFLAGS, check `env | grep LDFL`
<pie____> clever, so on login i have the menu for choosing desktop managers or something, can i have it so kde and openbox work in parralel


<pie____> iqubic,re: i guess they might have specially enabled or fixed something for the web demo, does the web demo work with the controller in firefox as well?
<pie____> probably something in the way cc "browser mode " (i mean yeah node-webkit is still a browser though...) stuff is coded or something with the apis
<jomik> Would love if you could point me at something more specific tho :P
<jomik> pie____: Thanks. That gives me something I could google, I suppose - I need this to access my work's server. So it is a bit important. though, worst case I can just set up a docker container and route stuff through that. Lol...
<pie____> messed up something else
<pie____> yeah error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a list
<__monty__> djahandarie: I remember something about working towards a content-addressable store, maybe from a nixcon talk?
<pie____> iqubic, probably a lot of reasons? :P usually something relating to not being able to find the libraries it wants
<ldlework> gchristensen: it's like the only kind of debugging conceivable for something like Nixlang
<djahandarie> I wish nix eval had like a iterative deepening depth-first evaluation mode or something
<djahandarie> sphalerite, hmm.... and then like override them in or something, right. I was trying to play with nix eval thanks to your suggestion but just strictly evaluating the entire expression didn't work, so I'll need to do something more crafty
<unacceptable> Yeah, something like that
<unacceptable> I think that's the fifteenth time I've said something like "nifty"
<unacceptable> Is there something special I need to do to write a derivation that uses cmake first, before make?
<lo_mlatu> Twey: I remember Mic92 talked about something like that in NixCon
<tazjin> must be some odd profile configuration or something I did
<dgarzon> Not sure I follow cyounkins :( I am trying to do something like: `buildInputs = [ coreutils unixtools ];`
<nornagon> maybe with `nix eval` or something...?
<nornagon> yeah, i suspect that issue is describing something different. but since it's what came up in google for me, i thought i'd leave a trail for the next person :)
<samueldr> but it's something to look for
<samueldr> apparently something related to IOMMU
<samueldr> something like `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;` in configuration.nix


<rycee> mbrgm: Assuming your scripts are in ./bin then perhaps installing something like `(runCommand "my-scripts" {} ''mkdir $out/bin; cp ${./bin}/* $out/bin;'')` would work.
<__red__> Can someone link me an example of something that would be a good model for me to adopt for how to apply mediawiki please/
<sphalerite> mojjoo_: can you gist it or something?
<mojjoo_> sphalerite: I would expect something like ` fileSystems."/" = .... ` and ` fileSystems."/boot" = ` in there... but none of it..
<cyounkins> I must be doing something stupid. nix-shell should build the dependencies for the target but not the target itself, right? Why does `nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/root/nixpkgs/ -p mupdf --pure` try to build mupdf?
<nDuff> Hmm. I think I've been misunderstanding something fundamental.
<samueldr> here I'm thinking that *somehow* the bot got a build right (looking at its PR body), but *something* made the hash wrong? after all, after `nix-store --realise`ing the build it works :/
<pietranera> for example, I'd like to do something like `nix-shell --arg myList [a b c]`
<Synthetica> betaboon: Shouldn't be too hard to make, just `fold either void` or something like that
<betaboon> infinisil: but i might be able to do something like `either bool (either int (either string ...)))` !?
<fusion809> goibhniu: do you mean with something like nix-shell -p 'python37.withPackages(ps: with ps; [setuptools])'?
<LnL> that discards dependencies, which unless you're doing something very specific will be required for the result
<petersjt014> there was one called asciicinema or something but it mightve just been a terminal input replay thing
<petersjt014> it was something like...aerc?
<petersjt014> something like: nix-build '<nixpkgs>' --arg crossSystem '(import <nixpkgs> {}).lib.systems.examples.raspberryPi' -A wget
<petersjt014> any way I can more explicitly set what I want to build via cross compiling? I got that to sorta work for something else
<petersjt014> any was I can workaround this by forcing a manual compile? I seem to remember a no-substitutes flag or something


<__monty__> samueldr: Also, are you claiming a security problem with something systemd *needs* isn't a systemd problem?
<samueldr> I uh, don't understand the fuss? the bug isn't in systemd? unless there's something I didn't understand in reading the issue
<nschoe> run500, okay, then something more fundamental must be going on. For instance `nix-shell -p hello --command "sudo hello"` work on my machine
<nschoe> hum, am I missing something: I have used flag `--arg crossSystem '{ config = "aarch64-linux"; }'`, but 1) I can run the resulting executable on my laptop, and 2) when I use `nix copy` on my raspberry pi, it complains about wrong executable format
<buttbutter> Isn't it easier just to use something like yadm?
<buttbutter> srk: I saw that, but I'm a bit weary of converting alll my dotfiles to something that may be useless in the future >.>
<arianvp> any idea how to figure out "why" something is being built from source?
<Unode> xmonad probably has something for this, otherwise ~/.xprofile
<Unode> Looking for something similar to: `restricted_run --mem X --cpu Y command_to_run`
<simpson> __monty__: It's a popular idea! I want Monte to have something similar; the entire idea is that one should be able to *try* a package upgrade, automatically run all of the unit and integration tests, and then decide whether to commit or rollback.
<__monty__> Ah, so the problem is there's a conflict between the versions several dependencies need. One wants ==0.13 the other >0.15, those can't be reconciled. So you'll never fix that by picking a different version. The usual solution is to use `doJailbreak` in the override, which basically removes all version constraints in a package. Something like this: `doctest = doJailbreak (haskellPackages.callPackage ...);`
<nschoe> This is why I asked how to get the dependencies of a derivation. But unfortunately, what I get with nix-store -q --tree doesn't correspond to what hackage lists for the package, which is something that I don't understand either.
<symphorien> something related to fsck ?
<symphorien> it could be that if /usr/bin exists then it only looks for m4 in /usr/bin/m4 or something dumb like that
<schopp0r> symphorien: afair, the kernel doesn't support sandboxing or something
<etu> Izorkin: I didn't get much of what you said there, something about nox-review and not nix build?
<srhb> __monty__: I doubt it. Something else is going on.
<srhb> __monty__: Maybe you've altered mkDerivation or something?
<qyliss> it will if the dependency is a shell command it runs or something
<edef> romildo: hmm, odd, that shouldn't be something a regular package refers to
<sphalerite> edef: I think it'd be a matter of making an overlay that looks something like self: super: {linuxPackagesFor = kernel: let superLinuxPackages = super.linuxPackagesFor kernel; in superLinuxPackages // { wireguard = superLinuxPackages.wireguard.override {…}; }
<fresheyeball> what tools are available in nixos to debug something like this?


<rycee> As long as there is an escape hatch using something like extraConfig for those cases.
<fyuuri> And how can something go into the "default" profile? And can multiple profiles be loaded at the same time (Because the system profile is loaded as well)?
<LnL> the narinfo metadata gets cached pretty aggressively, copying something to a cache the second time assumes everything is still there for example
<djahandarie> Is the way the install script sets up the PATH bash-only or something? (With the build stuff using a different shell, maybe? Just guessing...)
<djahandarie> (Remote Ubuntu box. I want something automated, not this random doc of how to do a multi-user install by compiling stuff on the remote box by hand...)
<gchristensen> maybe something you could experiment with :)
<Baughn> Laalf: Ah. Ok, it's probably a systemd timer so... Let me have a look. That sounds like something that should be solved generally, not just for you.
<steveeJ> ghostinthenet: it's probably possible to do what you want I've heard from a couple sources that rkt is not really something to bet on for k8s support
<ben> I think it evaluates <nixpkgs/nixos> or something?
<simpson> I haven't experienced Packet's offerings, but likely there is an allocation minimum of something like 30min to prevent their scheduler from thrashing.
<inf> I checked, and looking at process list, it's not getting anything like SIGSTOP/SIGCONT. (I haven't really played with Xorg/Xsession that deep, so I might be missing something)
<srhb> ben: Right, but if it breaks, say, docker or something, it's bad.
<ben> I have also wondered about something else, but I want to make it clear that I'm not asking out of impatience or to accelerate my PR in particular: The update to go 1.11.3 was treated with some urgency in my organization, with a decree to update locally by end of day and a mandate to redeploy recompiled binaries, and I imagine a lot of people are in a similar hurry. How does the nixpkgs project feel about
<ottidmes> lo_mlatu: something that does something like this and probably fits your needs is used in callPackage, namely lib.functionArgs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ac22b8db0945d977d5b37f64acbcbaabee333383/lib/customisation.nix#L111
<florianjacob> ToxicFrog: just to learn something while I have you on the line, ”internAndFixPlugins”, “intern” like “imprison”, or what does that mean in that context?


<ottidmes> fresheyeball: ow you want to append it in that particular file, thats easy enough to, just mkForce the source and set it to: ''${lib.fileContents "${pkgs.xf86_input_wacom}/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/70-wacom.conf"}\n...your stuf...'' or something like that
<gchristensen> something needs to create $out, so like your installPhase might be "cp -r $src $out"
<eyJhb> Are you on Hawaii or something?
<djahandarie> Haha, no worries. I actually fixed that one locally, but am running into other stuff, which is why I dropped by to see if I was doing something wrong...
<manveru> just waiting for something to have that hash :)
<tilpner> Note that the nginx stream approach prevents you from using identd, if that's something you want
<fusion809> Or is this something I should mention at NixOS/nixpkgs?
<fusion809> I have SDDM enabled in there. Guessing it's something GNOME enables by default.
<ekleog> I'd suggest you open an issue against nixpkgs related to that, hopefully it's possible to do *something* to handle this


<ottidmes> rardiol1: I believe nix serve has become somewhat obsolete since Nix 2, its basically a HTTP wrapper around something that can now be done more directly with SSH and by connecting to the nix-daemon of the other machine, but I remember having trouble with it because my substituters were not always online, causing it to fail, so I had to supply the config dynamically by creating wrappers around the relevant
<kvda> nDuff I think that's my answer, it's not something that NixOS provides for. And that's fair.. I'm just checking if there's some notion of it addressing that..
<nDuff> but it's something I was able to throw together quickly, and there's value to that.
<catern> or something like that, I don't recall exactly
<Twey> nDuff: Or you can use indirect references on the bash side and define something like attrsetname_keyname=valuename and pass a list of keys
<leotaku> How can I check why a specific nixops deployment depends on something?
<infinisil> learn to use udevadm, read up on udev rules, something like that
<ToxicFrog> But I guess (toString list) is just something like (reduce (strJoin " ") (map toString the-list))?
<Twey> #What pulls in libstdc++ when I compile something with gcc-wrapper?
<cbarrett> It's reporting an outdated version. But let me check something, maybe the package wasnt updated in unstable, I dont think I actually checked
<mightybyte> srhb: I would expect a symlink to be created in result or something
<jomik> Unless I make it handle push/pulling, but that's not really something I want to get into :D
<rardiol> ottidmes: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/pull/2554 apparently changes the manual to something similar (I was following the manual that apparently is out of date), although it doesn't request running 'nix sign-paths --all --key-file <secret-key-file>'.
<ottidmes> Should I use a session manager? I am using no desktop manager with just a window manager (bspwm), but this causes the message about SESSION_MANAGER not being set, should I be using something for this, if not, can I just set it to e.g. '${coreutils}/bin/true' to silence the message?
<etu> romildo: Try adding something like: boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; to your configuration.nix if you're fine with using the latest kernel at all time
<`_> security through obscurity or something like that
<ekleog> so knowing whether it crashes with something else than gnome would likely be useful for debugging this
<ekleog> if it does then the gnome error is the byproduct of something else
<fresheyeball> ok I learned something
<ldlework> do I have to restart or something to get openssh server going?
<Guest41637> jackdk: I have no idea what the Sha actually is, the doc's said just put something there and run it, then correct it
<gchristensen> I wish it would tell me something. anything. about progress.
<Mic92> cool. learned again something about bcc.
<Growpotkin> but I imagine i need to add them as overrides to nixpkgs or something to have them documented


<Mic92> fresheyeball: something might block icmp in your home network
<Mic92> if that does not return anything something is blocking the access on your network
<cyounkins> (Do you have to bounce something to read new resolve.conf?)
<Mic92> in ip route there should be something like: default via dev wlan0
<Mic92> but something is still wrong with your DNS
<Growpotkin> So by default is my Nix store available to other users when I'm connected to the internet? Or is that something that has be be manually enabled?
<clever> dgarzon: something like this
<srhb> bbarker: builtins.fetchGit? I think that appeared in.. Nix 1.12 or something? So I guess late 17.09
<rardiol> symphorien: you know if there's some way to use the new "nix build" to do something like that? like "nix build --no-link -f '<nixpkgs/nixos>' config.system.build.toplevel", but with a "-I nixpkgs=/path/to/checkout" ?
<catern> is there any built-in way in Nix to build a tarball containing the closure of something, plus the necessary information to load it into the store? without using perl to use the pathsFromGraph script?
<jomik> clever: Yaah. Happens with systemd launching stuff... I was mostly thinking of cutting off the /nix/store/[hash] and maybe replacing it with something readable :P
<clever> Jomik: prefix PATH correctly when running something, and then let PATH do its thing
<Mic92> When I have permanent mounts I use sometimes something like /data
<CodeKiwi> The right version of zfs not working on live disks, broken live images, bad internets, I think cache.nixos is broken or was..., slow ssd or something I dunno nix is a lot slower than it should be...xfce and kde and xmonad and ugh
<djahandarie> Is there a way to disable the nix sandbox for a specific derivation I know does something unpure?
<mkaito> or rather, write a nix function that runs something in the shell