
<jasongrossman> hyper_ch2: I've been told that it's better to use, but I can't remember why. Maybe because you might actually run something on
<johanot> is there a lib function or something for getting the hash part of a store path?
<tA> its telling me apppkgs doesnt exist, thats it evaluating those lists in alphabetical order right? do i need to put them in a let expression or something?
<thomashoneyman> i tried to futz around and see about disabling hardware acceleration or something to see if that's it, and install nvidia packages in configuration.ni
<thomashoneyman> ok, got something new: "a start job is running for DHCP Client (22s / 1min 31s)
<thomashoneyman> oh, wait -- getting something occasionally flashing on the scree
<tobiasBora> yl[m]: before reviewing I'm thinking about something... I think I need a mkdir -p $out/bin (no -p will make it fail)
<elvishjerricco> (I have something even more ridiculous for dual booting windows better but I'll keep my mouth shut because that's definitely many hours worth of trouble)
<elvishjerricco> Yea ZFS is surprisingly interesting and amazing for something as simple as a filesystem
<thomashoneyman> oh: something else i noticed -- i'm not able to just `reboot`, it hangs on `Starting mdadm-shutdown.service...`
<jasongrossman> thomashoneyman: If I were you I'd use plasma if you don't mind something complicated, and otherwise gnome shell.
<elvishjerricco> thomashoneyman: Ah hm you're not using a DE... Let me check something, you might not need the desktopManager.default
<elvishjerricco> sb0: I honestly can't tell you for sure. I think it has something to do with the fact that the new `nix` standalone command doesn't respect unlabeled directories in NIX_PATH like nix-* command do, i.e. `NIX_PATH=/somedir` as opposed to `NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=/somedir/nixpkgs`
<gchristensen> can you link me something specific


<noonien> `//` works, i was looking for something like `inherit` so i can place it near where it's more relevant
<tilpner> infinisil: Not urgent, but it always looks stupid when you try to demonstrate something, and {^_^} says CODE CODE CODE
<infinisil> Well, maybe nix repl does just something like this ^^
<noonien> hmm, in my case, the parent derivation is basically a compilation of all sub-derivations, is there something that help me define "this derivation is a set of all these other derivations"?
<noonien> i see, i'm trying to learn idiomatic nix, is this something common?
<symphorien> if the name is the same as something already installed (but possibly not the same version) it will remove the old version before installing
<infinisil> noonien: I'd think it's simpler for hydra to just set up a separate mirroring repo instead of making sure nobody can do something nasty in a very active repo with lots of people with access rights
<elvishjerricco> immae: Hm, yea it could be that systemd like kills the console or something. My service is a system service btw.
<immae> yes, I was trying to understand how it was ordered to see if something was "missing", but it seems all right to me now
<immae> ok, so you have something who asks for it, good
<immae> but still, it should ask only when he needs something
<elvishjerricco> How do I even debug something like that? :/
<elvishjerricco> Something is blocking me from typing into the prompt for systemd-ask-password in the console agent during boot
<srhb> Maybe something else is amiss.
<lejonet> so somewhere in the computation of the new sys.path, stuff gets lost in translation to the actual module code or something
<infinisil> clever: ah so there's something special needed on nixos for some reason? I see the c wrapper nixos uses for its wrapping
<srhb> ddellacosta: Usually, you'll have pkgs or something
<srhb> ddellacosta: So, overriding callPackage is something I do when i want to change the entire haskellPackages set in one fell swoop.
<hyper_ch> gchristensen: clever: something wrong with trim?
<Myrl-saki> That's something.
<Myrl-saki> Actually, let me ask a more direct question. Can I default to something if <foo> doesn't exist?
<ToxicFrog> Uma_: it runs it with "fsck -a" which should automatically repair problems; is the problem that / is already mounted when it tries to fsck or something?
<joko> tokudan[m]: you can do something similar with container tabs and the multi-account containers addon, I think
<joko> clefru: I don't want to bother you, only if you have something ready :)
<fendor> is that nix-related or I am doing something wrong?
<adamt> therealwaphire[m: For the record, you might want to use a pastebin or something like https://gist.github.com/ instead of uploading screenshots of your code
<ben> "import foo" is an expression, you need to do something with its value
<timor> etu: It will not be picked up by something like nix-env -u though, if not called with --eq, or --leq, right? So semantically speaking, is a version with a bugfix "newer" than the one without it?
<Ankhers> Is there something similar to nix-prefetch-url but for git that is installed by default?
<therealwaphire[m> are i965 modules not included by default or something?
<Taneb> It's frustrating when you want something very slightly less trivial than something in trivial-builders
<immae> (when I need to mount something quickly, I "always" use /mnt, because I know it’s there for that. But if your is permanently mounted then your usage is probably different :p )
<Dandellion[m]> If there is a irc side bot that is suppose to link something its not getting bridged to matrix
<Dandellion[m]> I'm new to kubernetes, and the docs talk about something called "kubectl diff" but when installing kubectl on nix that command isn't available for whatever reason
<jackdk> I have no idea. Maybe there's something in nixops, or someone who actually knows things is awake?
<CMCDragonkai> while I can see that hydra definitely does something like that
<CMCDragonkai> what if I want to build something that targets AMIs?
<Ashy> this is something i don't really understand with nixos, if i want to customize something in nixpkgs but not rebuild my whole machine against my fork of nixpkgs, how do i do that?
<clever> suzu: though if your baking its path into something, you can embed the result of $(which foo) at build time
<suzu> now if i wanted to wrap this package i've made with some additional things to do in the install phase (like copy some conf files to the binroot or something) what would be the right idiom to use?


<clever> what is an example of something its building?
<suzu> ok i will try that build flag and see if something different happens
<pie__> if the unstable had an update recently or something to haskell stuff then the binary packages might not have caught up
<pie__> are you building with a custom GHC or something for some reason
<pie__> question: i think i saw something at some point where you could have a template file and substitute named things in it with nix somehow, do i remember wrong, or what was it?
<simpson> You basically *are* making your own cache when you compile. If you're compiling a lot of stuff, then it likely means that whatever you're building isn't something that's built by nixpkgs Hydra.
<suzu> or make my own nix cache or something
<suzu> am i doing something wrong or is that just how it is?
<lejonet> srhb: so my guess is that the whole switcheroo around screws up pythonpath or something
<srhb> lejonet: It's a bit more complicated than that. Under normal circumstances, cherrypy reports the version correctly, so _something_ about the import/whatnot in mgr causes setuptools to barf out.
<srhb> lejonet: Did you change something else?
<srhb> lejonet: Something is still fishy in the test: mgr[py] Module not found: 'dashboard'
<iclanzan> Does anyone know how to install a package from a remote tarball using nix-shell? Doing `nix-shell https://url-to-tarball` installs the dependencies of that package not the pacage itself. I guess I need something like the -p flag but that works with remote tarballs.
<lejonet> I'm gonna add that and see if the testcase goes through, and then punch something if it does...
<srhb> I wonder if we can just dissect a deb or something
<ldlework> Anyone got some sweet dropbox nix expressions maybe including mounting some authenticated folder or something?
<srhb> tokudan[m]: So the logic is something like: Do the build, keep the link around, manipulate the path however you need, then remove the root.
<sphalerite> ramses_: what about a function like makeUser, which takes a list of roles or something, like yusuph = mkUser { roles = ["admin"]; extraGroups = ["docker"]; }
<gchristensen> something that ships with zsh apparently
<noonien> yeah, it does some really helpful things, such as load /etc/profile, or something similar, which sets the correct PATH
<ptotter[m]> is something like ${if foo} blah ${else} blop ${end} possible?
<etu> I thought {^_^} would say something smart about that now.
<pie_work> it worked earlier but i cant reboot because im in the middle of something
<jasongrossman> rkav: I don't know, but you should be able to find something about it in the Nix bug tracker on github.
<azazel> the NixOps "libvirtd" backend is local only, or am I getting something wrong?
<__monty__> What I miss is a way to --delete-generations --keep 3 or something.
<CMCDragonkai> I like to build it, and create something (and embed within itself the commit id of the checked out branch)
<CMCDragonkai> During a nix-build, is there some way to acquire the current Git commit ID that the build is occuring from? Something like `builtins.readFile` but instead calls `git rev-parse HEAD`?
<hyper_ch> isn't ubuntu pushing "snap" or "snappy" or something?
<growpotkin> did you recently install something new?
<adamantium> but i wonder if *I* broke something that needs manually fixed
<growpotkin> but things only break if you try and install something that is messed up at that time
<adamantium> gnome3 maybe does it pull in gnome boxes or something?
<adamantium> growpotkin: literally makes zero sense. something is bad. this system doesn't use any virtualbox or libvirt. nothing


<laalf> so either i am too retarded to type sxhkd in a terminal or something is broken
<charukie1icz> I'm trying to replicate something in the tutorial, running `nix-shell --run ghci -p haskellPackages.ghc haskellPackages.HTTP`, but it appears that the HTTP package never gets loaded. Running `import Network` or `import Network.HTTP` always results in: Could not find module 'Network'. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
<pbb> hyperfekt: thanks, but because it's a module I guess I can not use something like override, but I would have to add the complete module to my nix config?
<MichaelRaskin> One of the Intel-cannot-check-speculative-RAM-access-correctly leaks, where mapped-root-in-container would get mostly properly restricted, but root-in-VM would not and could infer something about host RAM
<pie__> ooh are we talking about qubes on nix or something
<kisik21> Oops! Seems like I forgot to add a module or two to my initrd! Does NixOS properly support booting from LVM thin pools? Adding "dm_thin_pool" to boot.initrd.something-something-kernelModules doesn't seem to help.
<exarkun1> I'm trying to build an armv6l kernel to boot a nixos system with qemu-system-arm but my efforts all result in a hung qemu-system-arm that makes no progress. I'm providing a kernel and the versatile dtb. Do I need something else? an initrd?
<weebull[m]> simpson: I'm not so worried about pinning right now, but wanting something that can be easily shared. Forking nixpkgs seems to be heavyweight.
<simpson> weebull[m]: Yeah. Something I'm considering for my $DAYJOB is an overlay with the specific packages and versions that we need, of e.g. some older Python packages. An overlay clips onto nixpkgs in a way that would let you treat nixpkgs as a sort of core component or abstract component which is pinned to a specific version and only bumped with care and planning.
<evanm> clever: only I blunder into something so weird
<evanm> clever: so happy that I brought you something more interesting than a typo :-)
<noonien> can i trigger a rebuild or something? or do i have to create a live os?
<pie__> symphorien, or is lazines somehow weird here and the inherit is doing something
<clever> fileSystems."/run/media/linarcx/C/" = { something = "/dev/disk/by-label/C"; };
<clever> Myrl-saki: something else, is that X11 errors are async, so it can be hard to pair an error with a request
<Myrl-saki> Oh okay, I think I'm starting to do something.
<Myrl-saki> clever: Something dirty.
<kisik21> what about Secure Boot? is something like shim would be present or would I need to enroll my own keys?
<pie___> it would be fine if i could just check later with lib.pathExists or something
<pie___> is it possible to do something like ./some_file lazily so that I dont get an error if the file doesnt exist_
<clever> jasongrossman: your trying to call overrideAttrs on something that lacks overrideAttrs
<boomshroom> Ie: tell nixos about a x86_64-linux-relibc target, but have it give something else like x86_64-linux-newlib and pretend that relibc is actually newlib?
<das_j> ottidmes: Is there also a way if I have something like this? ((import <nixpkgs/nixos>) { configuration = ./configuration.nix; }).system
<das_j> something like config.services.nginx.enabled
<suzu> is there something that can fetch it and import it?
<ottidmes> suzu: the -f (short for --file) points to the file defining the attrset you want to install something from, I just specified it explicitly, its necessary in my setup, but not in your probably, doesnt harm though
<noonien> do i use wrapProgram to wrap a python script? or is there something like wrapPythonProgram?
<ottidmes> mizmorYodh: personally I still have something in place that installs certain config files in my $HOME directory, thinking that was the only way to do it, but I found out that all my cases are actually doable from /etc, since all (that I use anyway) always look at some location in /etc at some point
<jasongrossman> mizmorYodh: The priority in NixOS has been OS-level stuff plus getting important packages to work. One day, NixOS will proably make something like home-manager official, but that hasn't happened yet.


<jcob> are there any like, completions for nix or something?
<boomshroom> `doCheck = false` I just had to enable it for the package I'm working on now because I want to work on something more interesting.
<__monty__> scientist: Maybe there's an #X or #X11 or something?
<jcob> why is it such a technical challenge to get flash on firefox? genuinely curious. Is it something like eclipse where doing it would mess with where things are supposed to be stored?
<boomshroom> stack2nix is something to run when packaging, not building
<boomshroom> stack2nix is used before Nix to create something Nix understands
<symphorien> matix: dont use src, instead something like installPhase = ''mkdir $out; cp ${./file1} $out/file1; cp ${./file2} $out/file2'';
<pie___> via env var or something
<pie___> the-kenny, ping? @ https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/editors/emacs/site-start.el , I'm having a dumb time trying to start emacs with a nonstandard .emacs.d location. would it be reasonable to add something to site-start to enable calling some specifiable init code / file?
<symphorien> something like environment.etc."profile.d/foo".text = ''export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin'';
<srhb> linarcx: Something similar would be great though, sure.
<suzu> hmm something is real wrong
<laas> dunno how you'd debug it then, --show-trace or something?
<jcob> is there something like nixos-rebuild but for home manager?
<jcob> It happens when the x server is strained and you make a request to do something fancy with the window
<jomik> I can then do something like `init-envrc gnumake` to get a direnv with gnumake in.
<manveru> anyway, you can make a shell.nix with something like: `import <nixpkgs> {}; mkShell { buildInputs = [ gmake ]; }`
<jomik> Am I missing something to get that feature? - I am building a plugin myself (defx).
<__monty__> nix-env -q > toberemoved.txt; vim toberemoved.txt; nix-env -e <toberemoved.txt # or something similar might work.
<jcob> 2. Because I had to get something done last night, I went crazy with nix env -iA for a bit. How do I go back and remove all the packages I installed via that?
<aanderse> a non important production one... something that gets traffic
<le_jonge> manveru: i just registered freshly and logged in for the first time. it's running nixos 17.03 - wanted to upgrade to 18.09, but i run into problems if i just override the nixos channel and then do nixos-rebuild. is that something you have done successfully?
<emily> I can probably hack something together with https://github.com/kappataumu/letsencrypt-cloudflare-hook
<pbb> I built something :D
<kyren> ugh, okay I finally figured it out, it had something to do with stale channels? in root
<kyren> okay, so it turns out this is only a problem for my *user* account, root can use nix-shell, but my user account cannot nor can it install things with nix-env, the nix-env -i error is something like: Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) (77)
<pbb> okay, that's nice. I tried to build something with nix-instantiate, but lib.unique is quite slow.
<mvnetbiz> Oh the real one is .org. the guy is getting targeted or something weird
<tA> sorry for all the music questions, but does the version of ncmpcpp in the repos not have visualiser support? or is there something from my config ive got missing?
<srhb> Regardless, having *something* once you boot the real system is the important bit :)
<srhb> vivian_darkbloom: It really is an Arch thing, I don't think we have something like it.


<growpotkin> yeah when I googled `pdf2text` i didn't get any hits, but I am positive I've had it on an old machine or something
<jabranham> I dunno. I also used to use (on a different distro) "pdf2text" and have no idea if it's the same as "pdftotext" or something different
<gchristensen> something to mirror hydra's behavior , bgamari, of uploading everything built -- not just the end result of what built.
<catern> I assume the output derivations change every time or something
<jcob> Does nix have something where you can fetch a package but rather than fetching the package itself you fetch the recipie
<emmynoether_> waleee: Actually I tried to use that at some point but it quickly started to be more trouble than it seemed to be worth. Latex is pretty nice though but I'd like something more minimal
<srhb> vaibhavsagar: Try pkgsCross.mingw32.hello or something like that :)
<Church-> gchristensen: Just for building containers but it's something.
<martinb> tobiasBora: you could diff ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc between the old and the new account, maybe you find something suspicous
<goibhniu> my guess is something is cached in a dot file .local or .config perhaps
<tobiasBora> martinb: this does not seem to work... But I noticed something funny: kcmshell5 --list | grep kcm_networkmanagement gives a result!
<tobiasBora> I don't get something: I just installed plasma-nm using environment.systemPackages, but the command "plasma-nm" does not exist...
<__monty__> immae: Yeah, just mentioning it in case you wanted to do #! /usr/bin/env VAR=val bash or something.
<freeluv60spropag> clever: thanks! already something promising has showed up!
<emily> how should I set the noop IO scheduler for a block device? `elevator=noop` in the command line no longer works (see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=914758#10), as far as I can tell the options are just a /sys twiddle and I don't know the best NixOS-y way to toggle it on boot. Write custom udev rule? just add something to the stage1?
<bemeurer> Oh, I just thought of something else
<bemeurer> If there was something like that I'd make the switch this weekend
<clever> bemeurer: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/tree/master/haskell-init is something "similar" i did about 2 years ago, its basically a linux distro written purely in haskell
<clever> bemeurer: something like buildInputs = [ (pkgs.callPackage ./some_dep.nix {}) ]; maybe
<teto> hum.. right, I was expecting git fetch to output something but I removed the url (I need to specify one since there is no FETCH_HEAD), when putting it back it fetches the tag
<clever> gillmanash: then its in the $out/nix-support/propagated-* of something of something else the python-user-env depends on
<yl> clever: I don't want to fully use modules for the project that I have (overkill) so I have a something like `{ a = [ 1 ]; } // (import path/to/expr.nix)` where the expr.nix defines `{ a = [ 2 ]; }` and it's obviously setting it to `{ a = [ 2 ]; }`
<clever> ddellacosta: something was updated for a newer ghc, and it broke older ghc's
<ddellacosta> clever: oh wow, this whole time I figured it was something I had misconfigured. Thanks!
<adamantium> huh, i just found this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/42770 related to my question. i have something to try now
<mizmorYodh> Hey all! I have audio issues and i'm new to nixos in general. In my config, I have sound.enable and hardware.pulseaudio.enable set to true. Am i missing something?
<talqu> elvishjerricco, clever thanks, i saved cardano link and elvishjerricco elegent shellFor solution. learned something new :)
<elvishjerricco> talqu: Alright, then that's not really something shellFor supports at the moment. Sounds like a good idea though, so I may add such a feature in the future. Anyway, for now you can add turtle as a buildDepends of your package using `haskell.lib.addBuildDepend(s)`


<scientist> mudri: I don't know, the keyboard seems to working but some of the key positions are in different positions than my layout states and the other keys don't do anything when I press them. I am just glad I got something to work, I think I just need to fix the errors then add some things to the nix.configuration file to make the custom keyboard layout permanent
<mudri> infinisil: Ah, yep. Looking at the code, it just gets dumped into the symbols/ directory, so it needs to be something that'd fit there.
<mudri> infinisil: Ooh, that looks interesting. I probably am doing something like that, yeah.
<infinisil> mudri: I'm currently reviewing #47764, you're probably doing something like that
<averell> hmm. i get most of my caches from the cache. it's not as bad as gentoo or something.
<hyperfekt> clever: i see, so i do cp src/* . or something like that i guess
<hyperfekt> yl: i guess you'd call out to hydra via webhooks from github or something?
<hyperfekt> infinisil: The one of my package. I'm trying to package something outside of nixpkgs
<illegalprime> re: buildRustPackage workflow, I've made a issue https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/56544 but I feel like I'm just missing something
<ddellacosta> they really have captured something in their great wiki
<avn> sometimes would be nice to have something like `rust --explain` but for nix/nixos
<avn> scientist: I don't know what .xml does, it something specific to ubuntu
<tnks> yl: oh... I thought I dealt with this... but something I set up earlier must have been overridden.
<jomik> How long is a sha256? I forgot, google says 64, but that doesn't seem right, it was 50-something
<mikky> avn: I'm still quite new to nixos but this is something I've been also thinking about, just didn't have time to figure out how to do that yet :)
<jasongrossman> adamt: What would be the point? Maybe I'm missing something.
<avn> Folks, I have funny question -- how safe is to bump stateVersion to something better than 15.09? ;)
<mikeplus64> (i mean, i thought i would need the latter to work to do something like nix-env -iE 'let nixpkgs = ...; in nixpkgs.haskell....dontCheck nixpkgs.haskellPackages.brittany')
<srhb> pmiddend: (-p is something like having a mkDerivation that has your derivation in buildInputs)
<shachaf> Looks like it's opening and reading every file in /nix/store/ or something? (?!)
<kiloreux> so I can do something like fakechroot -- chroot somecommand
<srhb> I don't know it specifically, but making changes to every package seems wrong. It should be a change in buildGoPackage or something, if we must enable that feature.
<srhb> That sounds like something we'll probably have to patch out.
<jasongrossman> wolfmantjg123: There's something about setting the keyboard layout in the manual (and IIRC also something on the wiki).
<attente[m]> Ashy: yeah, something is missing. but mako still doesn't pop up notifications
<Ashy> seems a little hacky to just set that envvar, im guessing there's something missing from our configuration.nix
<dtz> Ashy: I am dtzWill and sometimes wdtz. Not sure about mako, apologies if I broke something. I think I touched it recently, will look into it shortly...


<monotux> I'm probably missing something obvious here :)
<monotux> that much I get, but how do I actually do that? would that require a overlay or something similar?
<monotux> clever, sorry but there's no extraConfig in the ssmtp module, so how do I create something similar? that's the part I'm not understanding :/
<clever> pie__: you want writeTextFile { name = "something"; text = ''....'; destination = "/foo/bar.txt"; }
<pie__> scientist, thats something you set in configuration.nix
<matix> something along the lines of boot.cleanTmpDir?
<matix> Is there an option that does something along those lines?
<clever> sounds like the new udev rules, will chgrp something in /dev/
<thblt> Hello, I have a small issue with latest unstable. I have programs.light.enable = true; in my configuration.nix, which is supposed to install light with a "setuid wrapper". But light -S [percentage] only works with sudo, and requires root password, which I assume is not expected. Am I missing something or should I report a bug?
<slabity> clever: Is there an easy way to extract that optionsJSON using `nix eval` or something like that?
<clever> bgamari: --export doesnt generate a plain nar, but something else, that contains a list of nar's
<samrose> probably obvious to many here, but what would cause something like `bash: result/bin/<binary>: Permission denied` when I am patchelf-ing an existing binary?
<srhb> bgamari: So yeah, the quick way is something like stat $(nix eval --raw nixpkgs.hello)
<srhb> emily: Switching to grub is trivial when you're not doing something exotic fwiw :)
<dmj`> bgamari: derivations have a string representation I believe. So if you do something like foo = "${theDerivation}" it should work
<gchristensen> I learned something sort of interesting, which is if you plug USB hub which connects to the host with USB-C, like this one: https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.mhint/product_images/162746/162746pro_2.jpg
<sphalerite> yorick: maybe if you blacklist it it'll stick to only the efifb graphics or something
<tA> if the source for something im installing is a local git repo, how do i define that?
<adamantium> so an override for lets say, firefox or a text editor or something from unstable should be fine
<isobit> ajs124: Something like that, I'm in over my head here but I was avoiding it because I didn't want to have to try to reconstruct my /boot/efi if it broke it, since I don't really know what I'm doing lol
<samueldr> wolfmantjg123: tip I wished I knew about when I started: there are three manuals, they are all complementary; and they are not necessarily something to read in order
<samueldr> no worries, I think sometimes asking for a review or explanation of "why is something 'like that'?" is good


<gchristensen> systemd doesn't start anything until something asks it to
<asymmetric> but no builtins.currentPlatform or something?
<adamt> callahad: Keep reporting issues when you run into something :-) As a counterpoint I haven't run into any issues like that (at least none i remember) after more than a year of NixOS on my laptop and servers, so just hang in there :-)
<samueldr> smells like both should be something like "$package-mkfs.fish" or something
<lejonet> srhb: in an off chance that something behaves differently on python3, I'm trying that :)
<sphalerite> did I do something wrong?
<mog> it was cool to have $HOME set to something other than home, i dont think id ever done before
<mog> so i dont see how to point ssh config to something other than .ssh/config
<mog> i want to do something dumb via nix-shell. i deploy to some machines from a nix environment. the machines are completely dynamic so the keys and ips never match so when im in nix-shell --pure environment i want ssh to have StrictHostKeyChecking=no UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null enabled for all calls to ssh
<lejonet> symphorien: yeah, I'm thinking about that, to get it to shut up, just sed something in, but I want to do some basic debugging just to see if its something stupidly easy to fix that is causing it
<ottidmes> samrose: ERROR: The Cargo.lock file doesn't exist for conductor, which is something you host
<samrose> srbh: yes it is a cargo file trying to use git to fetch something
<srhb> samrose: Like, it's trying to fetch something outside of a fetcher.
<srhb> samrose: Probably something trying to use $HOME
<srhb> Actually that's an else.. So.. normally somewhere through distutils. Anyway, something to dig at.
<srhb> This feels like a dist thing where we just need to replace something
<lejonet> The controller should be smart enough to not do something if it doesn't have to, even if you spam discard
<srhb> therealwaphire[m: Or something like that.
<therealwaphire[m> no what i mean is, see I have a local tmux conf with home manager right? so then I want to add something which isn't present as a nix attribute
<therealwaphire[m> for example, a package or something in emacs
<srhb> ninjatrappeur: If your reluctance is because you want to rename it or something before adding it to the store, there's builtins.path
<rkav> srhb: I'm just happy to contribute something, thanks for your feedback!
<goibhniu> I don't really know if it's something they've fixed recently, but AFAIK intel were being shy about documenting this stuff for a long time
<krav1> srhb: I think maybe it just uses npm to build and we can snatch if from a deb or something, trying to fix it is a nightmare it's full of compoents downloading other components. I originally thought the dashboard server was node, but I think it might actually still be python.
<siers> srhb, so it must be something like 100TiB at least
<therealwaphire[m> I've thought a lot of times about keeping a rescue system that way but I always end up using it for something else
<therealwaphire[m> I'm used to having a 512 MB ESP at /boot but want to try something else for a change :P
<countingsort> gchristensen: i am. but im also lazy sometimes. also dash is still faster. (im not exactly sure this is a 100% rational choice, and not just preference because it feels cleaner or something)
<hyperfekt> countingsort: just curious, why would you want to switch away? is changing your own shell and the shebangs in your scripts not sufficient? or is there something about bash that you dont like for executing others' scripts?
<betawaffle> does lib have something to convert duplicate newlines into one?
<gchristensen> sphalerite: need something from me?
<johanot> Taneb: So if you just wanna build the system, you could do something like: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' --show-trace -I nixos-config="$conffile" -A system
<fendor> I am having regurarly problems with stack on NixOS that the PATH is modified in a way that a lot of executables can not be found. Does stack run in a pure nix-shell or something?
<Taneb> I could do something with stdenv I guess?
<Taneb> Is there something like "writeFileThenRunThisSedScript"?
<adamantium> sphalerite: Yeah. I don't get this! I think i'm getting old or something
<rodarmor> My relationship with NixOS is like that of a primitive human worshiping their vengeful god. Sometimes I get the incantations right and the harvests are plentiful, but sometimes I must mumble or something, and I get rekt by lightning strikes
<rodarmor> srhb: I just noticed that `nixos-install` takes a `--channel` argument. This then gets passed to `nix-env <STUFF> --set $CHANNEL`, but I think it's expecting something like `/nix/store/8xbgvck01ajp25h3jgh73pr7mfi53pgi-nixos-18.09.2203.9bd45dddf81`, and not `nixos-unstable`


<dgarzon> It is building something else!
<JonReed> This function, for example, will echo first the dd commands with all parameters calculated and ask if you want to execute them, not to accidentally make a mistake or wipe something you don't want
<JonReed> wolfmantjg1234[m: Otherwise, you have to calculate where to seek in `dd` command or accidentally do something wrong.
<ottidmes> hmm, Google Chrome really leaks memory, I have to restart it from time to time to get it from 13.5G to 2.5G or something (20-30 tabs open)
<betawaffle> wolfmantjg123: is there something wrong with the commands in the manual?
<adamt> wolfmantjg123: The period in my life were i learned the most about Linux, was when I installed and maintained a Gentoo setup. If you want to learn Linux, I'm sure NixOS can do something similar for you.
<yl[m]> I need help deciding something: At work, I'm currently installing Nix in multi-user mode for all machines. It works well, but there are a few issues: a) I hit the https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/2523 and had to workaround it b) I hit https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1759 which lead me to believe that a large configuration will eventually break. What would be the cons of moving to single user installation?
<betawaffle> can i query something to find out what binaries are part of a package?
<wolfmantjg123> I copied exactly what is in the documentation and it didn’t work, am I missing something.
<kreisys> pinned version of nixpkgs just for that package? am I missing something obvious?
<rcshm> it has something like /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/va/profile-11-link
<lfish> srnb: oh! this is something I've been wondering for some time... is there a general way to get the options for these things? Thanks!
<WhittlesJr> Is there a way to tinker with packaging something with a long build process without triggering the long build each time? The only thing I'm changing at this point is postInstall.
<jluttine> pie_: yep. just would like to understand is there something broken in nixpkgs now or has something changed so that i just need to do something differently
<pie_> jluttine, alternatively you can downgrade/roll back, if you dont need something from unstable
<jluttine> has something changed recently in nixos-unstable regarding environment variables? inside FHSUserEnv, my postgre DB init has started failing complaining something about bad environment variables. initdb failed: b'initdb: invalid locale settings; check LANG and LC_* environment variables\n'
<kyren> is something like nixpkgs.sambaMaster overridable? I ask because that package is the result of calling samba4.override { ... } and what I want to do is enable printing support for sambaMaster
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):218:1
<__monty__> adamantium: Maybe pull the plug on your router or something?


<noonien> maybe yarn2nix does something similar and is better, i've not used either tbh
<tilpner> Not quite something I can put into a git repo though :/
<noonien> earldouglas: a fixed output derivation is a derivation that checks the hash of the result, usually you have something like "sha256 = ...", our "outputHash = ..."
<earldouglas> Something about DNS not working during mkDerivation.
<jonreeve[m]> clever: cool, that seems to have worked! Thanks! Is that the easiest way of jailbreaking something, just out of curiosity? Seems like there's a lot involved in circumventing a package that won't build
<jonreeve[m]> I think there's just something about these nix files I don't understand
<clever> noonien: i was using this when testing something similar: nixpkgs.system = "armv7l-linux";
<Xyliton> infinisil: is there something I can set to pass that flag to `configure` too? looks like that is where it actually has to go :/
<infinisil> NickSeagull: Yeah something like that
<[Leary]> Ah, if you're only using it for something like which then yeah.
<betaboon> DigitalKiwi: the need to wrap something in wine just disappeared ;)
<betaboon> gchristensen: i would love something like a mk
<aanderse> something... i can't remember
<kyren> I feel like I'm missing something basic, but I'm writing a script with nix-shell where several packages are made available, and I need a file out of the nix store for one of those packages
<clever> so it would have to use weights, and prefer something with more of the inputs, but not force it
<clever> then you need to build something, which slave do you pick for the job?
<clever> sphalerite: something ive thought of, that would improve the perf of hydra