
<tilpner> Unless it's building something, then it would be fine
<srhb> Learn something every day..
<srhb> rycwo: So I'm under the impression that there's firmware and there's kernel driver. Firmwares get.. loaded onto the "board" at runtime, but one lives on the "board" at all times. Without newer firmwares, the old one is loaded? Or something. I may be talking out of my arse and this is just how cpu microcode works.
<gchristensen> emily: good point. I'll increase that from 200 to like 10 billion or something :P
<gchristensen> AWS probably took out a sick node or something
<tdammers> then again, if you're micro-optimizing your workflow at that level, I suggest you get a job or do something more meaningful with your life
<fmsbeekmans> As part of a build process in nix I need to parse and modify a JSON file, is this something that I would want to do in NIX or should I outsource json modification it to a different language/tool?
<hyper_ch2> at least with windows guests it was like that that you had server share virtualbox or something and inside that server share you had the shared folders
<Shados> Amusingly, this broke something


<elvishjerricco> e.g. if you accidentally link against a lib you don't need, and something else wants to validate that all your libs exist, you're in trouble
<elvishjerricco> er, it should never result in Nix determining that something is a runtime dep when in fact it is not, is how I should put that
<elvishjerricco> it's definitely faulty, in that it's possible to make derivations that don't get their runtime deps correctly determined, but it should never result in something being a runtime dep that isn't
<jtojnar> scientist: does `nixos-option networking.wireless.enable` command tell you something?
<jtojnar> scientist: well something must be setting it
<sphalerite> ryantm: it caches in a git repo, ~/.cache/nix/git or something
<eyJhb> gchristensen: the repo was last updated 2017, and I have included some additional stuff in my own, and I think his is already a fork of something else.. :p
<elvishjerricco> Is there something like bind mounts that lets you hide some paths from the target dir, or only show a certain set of paths?
<NemesisD> how do y'all handle importing nix expressions that you'd store in a private git repository and share between work projects? do you just submodule it into the project or is there something in nix itself?
<laas> maybe something else in my configuration.nix is causing it to not work
<gchristensen> Avaq: it sounds like you're doing something that is not really encouraged in Nix
<jasongrossman> noonien: You can get rid of the colours by piping the output through something. I'm not sure what's best though. Personally I pipe it through lolcat.
<arianvp> rnhmjoj: euhm i remember Mic92 showing me something like this on 35C3
<jasongrossman> I've done something similar ... but not using USB. Isn't ZFS very unreliable on USB? It always has been for me.
<thedavidmeister> so that seems to do something
<thedavidmeister> do i need to import something?
<clever> any storepath that appears in your output, is something you depend on at runtime
<tobiasBora> clever: but there is something I don't get: for now I can't both switch and remove older generation right?
<aszlig> ah, yeah, that's actually something commonly used in wrappers
<aszlig> like eg. calling something like: wrapper 'foo bar' will pass 'foo' and 'bar' seperated
<CMCDragonkai> I think the wrapper would have to do something like `$@` instead of `"$@"`
<aszlig> but something like this is not the scope of DynamicUser
<aszlig> maurer: well, usually the same uid is allocated for the same service, so while it's not impossible that something like this could happen there is the possibility, yes
<maurer> consider something like that in your module
<tobiasBora> I was thinking to do something like that: http://paste.debian.net/1073698


<growpotkin> scientist: also you could just modify your `cd` command to look for `.functions.sh` or something and source it if it's found. Without `direnv` altogether
<Dandellion[m]> Maybe I can do something silly, like package a bash script and add it to PATH :P
<growpotkin> Dandellion[m]: OH. I thought it was fully broken or something
<Shouou> Can I run something like `node2nix` or `pypi2nix` inside a Nix file and then import the result?
<srhb> Church-: No, something broke..
<srhb> Something like that :P
<srhb> No.. I wanted to make something simpler and beat you :-P
<srhb> It's just so easy to accidentally refer to something you didn't mean to.
<srhb> where foo.nix is something like a mkDerivation?
<scientist> it just says starting x server, glitches out and then turns off, i know it has something to do with the xkbDir option, but i don't know what to change
<andi-> scientist: how does turn off your computer look like? Shuts down? just powers off? Do you have something in the log after rebooting?
<ekleog> oh right… well, I guess xkcd archive-reading or something then :p
<ekleog> yeah ISTR something about it, it's likely I was involved in it somehow :°
<ramses_> srhb: that option does not seem to change anything and is also not documented in the nix.conf man page... Am I missing something?
<Church-> Hey someone see something obviously wrong with this? https://paste.rs/XXX Getting the error; "error: attribute 'nginx' in selection path 'nginx.nix' not found"
<mdash> I put pkgs.bolt in services.dbus.packages -- is there something else I need to do to hook this up?
<elvishjerricco> This honestly seems like something that could be written in straight Nix
<srhb> Yaargh. I have this really annoying issue where every virt-viewer console I have, regardless of guest OS, tends to suddenly be unresponsible for like 10 seconds. It appears to happen more often when I'm actually typing something into the console. I have no idea where to start debugging this, any great ideas? :)
<bemeurer> I just wanted a way to apply something like that globally
<pie_> how can i get the binaries of a built package to be in my PATH if i run something like nix-shell mystuff.nix#
<bemeurer> Which is not something I want to give up
<pie_> samueldr, dunno what id have done if you hadnt said something about the pixbuf stuff heh


<emily> bs=4M or something
<balsoft> scientist: yep, xmonad, i3, sway, something like that
<everybodyHertz> I tried switching the branch I PR'd from, but same result- the Travis build keeps telling me that the source archive is something other than nixops
<pie_> did there ever end up being an rfc or github issue or something for extending package meta info with other conventions?
<LnL> yl[m]: yeah it means it's broken which we should fix, but those builds are not a hard requirement to merge something
<tilpner> thomashoneyman: Something went wrong with that line. "e of writiguration.nixing a text f"
<clever> hyper_ch_: it should be on by default, so something else may be turning it off
<colemickens> It seems to be related to something in ffmpeg, possibly? I'm not sure how to investigate or what to expect.
<srhb> pie_: I can only imagine you've set up your repl in some nonstandard way.. Or maybe running it from somewhere where something is loaded?
<pie_> hm. im trying to monkeypatch pywebkitgtk so it doesnt fail on a security assertion, is there any way to get something like this to work?: lib.remove webkitgtk24x-gtk2 python27Packages.pywebkitgtk.buildInputs
<palo> or something
<Yaniel> finding out what something depends on is always a bit of a chore, unless the developers provide a clear list
<anon156> Oh ? Did I misunderstand something then? I thought rPackages would mean using as library but not the software itself, I'm wrong @sphalerite?
<Ashy> yeah i'm using linuxPackages_latest, can't remember why but probably was something to do with ryzen or rx580 at some point
<srhb> Ashy: I'm sure they'll figure out something.
<aaronduino[m]> useOSProber might only do something when installing NixOS (or at least such is implied by the NixOS manual)
<aaronduino[m]> HatesLongFiles: It sounds like you don't need to configure the boot entries through NixOS. So maybe treat the missing boot entry as something independent of NixOS?
<aaronduino[m]> HatesLongFiles: It sounds like you don't need to configure the boot entries through NixOS. So maybe treat the missing boot entry as something independent of NixOS
<pie_> so maybe something like that


<delroth> I'll look into it probably tomorrow, I was trying to get something done originally and just got nerd-sniped by the problem :) faster to just build locally for now.
<delroth> clever: I can probably look into it, I just wanted to double check I wasn't indeed missing something obvious :)
<srhb> linarcx: (What I do is something like git rebase -i HEAD~5 and then move around commits so they are grouped together and use f for fixup to squash together the ones I don't want in the final PR)
<therealwaphire[m> has anybody tried something like this?
<srhb> ar1a: So something like virsh autostart --disable yourdomain
<klntsky> Is something wrong with fetchPypi or is it a problem with pythonhosted.org? I get 504 when downloading sources.
<srhb> linarcx: The process is something like... Checkout a fresh nixpkgs master. checkout a new feature branch based on that fresh master. Make your commit. Push your branch to your fork. Open PR.
<srhb> scientist: So what you need is something like: { fooName = let someName = someValue; in fooValue using fooName; }
<srhb> srid: Unfortunately, due to the wonkyness of extend, you should do something like: self: super: { haskellPackages = super.haskellPackages.override (old: { overrides = self.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (selfhs: superhs: { ... }) })}
<schmittlauch[m]> packaging question: If a program needs to call some external program binaries as run-time dependencies, I guess I have to wrap it into something that adds the dependencies to the PATH, right?
<jomik> linarcx: You probably have to add something to your buildInputs.
<andi-> yet another issue with them :/ We must really do something about it


<Fare> so, should qiv use wrapGAppsHook or something?
<LnL> pie_: that's something pretty small you could contribute yourself https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/fc32780cdfcdc05d20877d6c7c346f773a6fcb80/doc/stdenv.xml#L2631-L2655
<vaibhavsagar> if you mean on a running system, I think nix-store has something for that
<elvishjerricco> Hm, trying to reproduce that hash manually. I can never match Nix's hashes... must use a fairly different format or something
<hakujin> which makes me think I'm clearly doing something wrong
<aanderse-work> libbonobo or something currently
<aanderse-work> tokudan[m]: hmm dang still compiling something
<srhb> jomik: I believe node2nix generates a default.nix (or something like it) that does the whole thing for you.
<jomik> srhb: Oh, I have to do something like this srhb ? nodeEnv = import ./node-env.nix
<ddellacosta> clever: ...so it sounds like you're basically proposing I essentially bypass adding something like nativeBuildInputs, and build some substitute for cabal with the ghc I'm baking in, and then re-configure dante and whatever else to use that?
<srhb> slabity: Maybe you can share that part of your override in a gist or something.
<angerman> danbst: the direct (submodule is parametized over something) feels more natural to me than the indirect passing via _module.args
<angerman> I'll try to see if I can use config.global. or something.
<Izorkin> infinisil: should I fix something else, before you accept this PR #56423 ?
<xantoz> so likely something is broken on that machine. I'm not surprised, as it's running both NAT64 and 6to4
<teser> Does anybody know why, has something changes in regards to virtualbox?
<chaker> So if I understand you correctly, I just need to stop the daemon service (and the socket ) and run `nix-store -r .....`. Because I tried that yesterday but it didn't work. Probably I did something wrong.


<clever> noonien: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/simple-test.nix#L48 this is a simple example of how to create something with an overrideScope
<pie_> LnL, do you know if theres an easy way to get it to just pre-dump all the urls it will want to download so i can script it trying to fetch stuff off ftp or something instead of doing it manually
<pie_> infinisil, like, it seems to be a problem with how it was build or something (???)
<noonien> i was wondering if it was feasible to run something similar to nix on windows, then i remembered how much i dislike windows
<noonien> i wonder if windows has something similar, which denies networking
<sphalerite> DigitalKiwi: you can also do something kinda hacky like environment.systemPackages = [(lib.hiPrio (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "nixos-rebuild" ''REAL_ARGS=() ; while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; if [[ --upgrade = $1 ]] ; then nix-channel --update ; shift ; fi ; REAL_ARGS+=("$1") ; shift ; done ; exec ${config.system.build.nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild ''${REAL_ARGS[@]}'' ))];
<noonien> well, or something equivalent
<pie_> infinisil, i need eclipse 3.5 probably, thats from like...2010 or something
<NickSeagull> I'm not sure if I screwed my NixOS installation or something
<pie_> infinisil, yeah the firewall blocks zip files if they come over plain http or something
<Izorkin> infinisil: should I fix something else, before you accept this PR #56423 ?
<pie___> i need to use an https mirror or something for this stuff https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?r=1&nf=1&file=/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.8-201806110500/org.eclipse.jdt-4.8.zip , not sure how i would do something about that...
<infinisil> gallexme[m]: Btw, here's something you could do too: https://gist.github.com/4d35ab3747c20261f748bcc0223e7170
<betaboon> gallexme[m]: you can use the same mechanism to have something like `nixpkgs-master=https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/master.tar.gz` if i am not mistaken
<ajs124> ggpeti, I thought/hoped there might be something more elegant.
<jomik> Oh, disregard my last question - can anyone tell me how I can pass an argument to a derivation in nix-shell? That is, I have something on the form `foo = arg: stdenv.mkDerivation { ... };`
<hyper_ch2_> so run diskcheck or something
<socksy> something like how https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/a4d6e2cf163202b438b2b1af732fa47ea5db5cce solves it for atom would be great. I don't even know how to approach things like patchElf though if all I want is a `default.nix` file to specify a nix-shell environment to run an app
<avn> I'd like to see something on top fo cabal2nix/stack2nix simulating `stack --nix` workflow
<aminechikhaoui> cachix might be doing something similar as well to garbage collect, domenkozar should know better :)
<sb0> now that gives me something to grep the source for ...
<thomashoneyman> DigitalKiwi: oops, tried something and rebooted and lost the chat history
<infinisil> Alright :). I think `wrapFirefox (firefox-unwrapped.override { libpulseaudio = throw "hi"; }) {}'` does something too
<growpotkin> DigitalKiwi: did you disable tests or something? I couldn't get it to build without it
<infinisil> Ah yeah something something legacy
<DigitalKiwi> clever: oh i only do one at a time but i have distributed builds so it's probably got something to do with that but i've tried lots of different things and it more or less is always there the only thing that seems to fix is sometimes --builders '' gets it passed
<lbb> hm, i was wondering if the symlinks have something to do with that, but you're probably right


<infinisil> sm: I personally would recommend a pinned nixpkgs version, but if you don't want to do that, there's something else you can do, which will work very well
<noonien> i would prefer something that's in go, because that's the language i'm most productive in nowadays
<jtojnar> noonien: what about something like relm? https://github.com/antoyo/relm
<sm> if this is only happening for me, I probably screwed something up and am willing to wipe and try again
<noonien> nah, that was unrelated, something was using ~5GB of memory that was not showing up in htop
<Yaniel> how would I go about packaging something that uses meson to do some extra setup and invoke cargo?
<clever> noonien: looks like something is breaking with the 9plan stuff to mount /nix/store into the guest
<infinisil> azazel: If I were to distribute a package, I'd want to make it as easy as possible, not require something like that
<pie_> help i broke something with nixos-container and i dont know what or how to fix it: https://bpaste.net/show/c438b8785e3f
<ajs124> seems like something's wrong with my overlay(s) or something. It works after I unset NIX_PATH
<ajs124> azazel, thanks. So there's something wrong with my systems then -.-
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):222:1
<clever> terlar: not really, you have to be running from something else to image the usb
<betawaffle> you know what would be great... a series of articles walking through the internals of nixos. something like linux from scratch, nix edition
<noonien> that might mean something is blocking port 53 UDP
<betawaffle> can i say something semi-related to that nixos-weekly ticket? actual constructive criticism
<ajs124> Am I doing something wrong or are there some problems with haskell stuff on master (or rather nixos-unstable-small) right now?
<ddellacosta> musicmatze: oh jeez I just actually looked at that article--I accidentally found the exact same piece searching for something else last week, and immediately left the page because it was clear that it was a pretty dumb rant without a lot of useful criticism. I'm disappointed it was actually promoted by anyone associated with Nix/NixOS itself. Maybe I'll comment on your github issue in support...
<noonien> cryptomonad: try using something like ix.io or vpaste.net
<noonien> or, you can do something like
<noonien> joepie91: hmm, maybe try `nix why-depends /run/current-system nixpkgs.<name of package>`, maybe that'll show up something
<Ariakenom_> was I supposed to have made that before and I forgot? or is it something else
<makefu> just imagine trying something similar with an ordinary distribution
<therealwaphire[m> I thought what nixops does is ssh onto the machine and downloads an image there or something
<clever> so just blindly +s'ing something that isnt meant to be, wont actually give it full root
<catern> more generally, if I know the location of some binary cache whose signing key my Nix daemon trusts, but which isn't configured in my Nix daemon, what's the easiest way for me to install something from that binary cache?
<catern> hey #nixos, suppose the Nix daemon user can't access the configured binary cache for some reason, but I as a regular user do still have access to it, and I want to install something that's cached in it (and all the artifacts are signed)
<samueldr> or something like that
<slabity> Or get a list of variables that are evaluated in the system? Doing something like `nixos-option --xml services` just gives me a bunch of `<unevaluated />` tags
<adamt> maybe there's a .drv file describing the system that can be used for something
<symphorien> so it could be that your prompt overwrite non flushed lines with \r or something like that
<adamt> mikky: Yeah, I figured it would only affect the app if it called out to zsh to run it, which would be something. :-)
<adamt> So something funny is going on, since only adding "all" works fine.
<goibhniu> Android: FWIW the musnix project does something like that, for audio production
<Android> are they machine dependant or something?
<Android> like KDE.nix or something
<clever> adamt: something you could add to the PR, is to have the efi binaries enabled within nixpkgs
<adamt> alj[m]: Not really. But wouldn't it be better to use something like keepalived, which takes care of moving an extra IP between servers?
<alj[m]> I'm planning on doing a redundant server setup in two locations and need it to switch the routing (or something, it's rough in my head right now)
<adamt> Something changed in 19.03, and it broke zookeeper: Apparently 19.03 hosts get a line like " $hostname" added to /etc/hosts. That's probably all good, except that zookeeper ends up binding to that address for its leader election port, instead of the external address.
<hyperfekt> Something you would find in trivial-builders.nix
<petersjt014> gotta know what exactly you wanna do and test it before you can make something into a macro. besides, multiple cursors would help get you in the macro mindset I'd imagine.
<DigitalKiwi> dammit i pushed something i didn't mean to :|
<ekleog> … there's definitely something I'm misunderstanding: `faketime '2000-01-01 00:00:00' sh -c 'date; sleep 5; date'` returns 5s diff while faketime was supposed to freeze the time


<infinisil> Something that indicates it existing?
<infinisil> mankyKitty: Does `systemctl status bolt` output something?
<reilithion> Ok, I think I was just doing something stupid there. Keeping clam and carrying on now.
<infinisil> thomashoneyman: You can put something like `let wrappedFirefox = pkgs.symlinkJoin { ... }; in { environment.systemPackages = [ ... wrappedFirefox ]; }` in your configuration.nix
<infinisil> thomashoneyman: Then you need something like this
<thomashoneyman> i was thinking there is a way to override the package so this flag is always present or something like that
<ddellacosta> as always, there's probably something basic I'm missing
<ddellacosta> something to do with propagating dependencies with overrides?
<eyJhb> configuration.nix clever , but I changed something at the top. https://termbin.com/39f2
<srhb> srid: It'll be something like /root/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixos/nixpkgs
<noonien> i see, which one to use when installing something?
<lewo> avn: "generally" but the devil is in the details! FYI, I'm trying to do something similar with s6: https://github.com/nlewo/nix-container-images#systemd-support-of-nixos-modules-
<etu> siraben: I think one of the news in linux 5.0 was that it would support HiDPI consoles or something. Otherwise you are on the right track with changing font
<mvnetbiz> I need to overlay pkgs and inside my pkgs overlay I have my python overlay? then I will be able to get self.pkgs or something?
<Orbstheorem> Hello, `man -k` is not working in my system. Do I have to do something to enable it?
<thoughtpolice> So you'll probably have to just write a simple systemd unit that does something like 'echo scheduler-name > /sys/block/<BLOCK_DEVICE_HERE>/queue/scheduler' after the device mounts
<thoughtpolice> Maybe there's something in fileSystems you can use to do a post-mount/post-attach command, and just run 'echo ... > /sys/...' instead? There might be. Then you wouldn't need a custom unit, probably.


<__monty__> Just ran into a python issue I don't know what to do with. Looks like maybe I need something like haskell's dontCheck? http://ix.io/1Dgj
<clever> reilithion: i'm guessing that --without-headers made something lack vital headers, and then a later package (probably gcc) gets upset over those headers being missing
<camsbury> but assuming there is something similar in nixos rebuild
<clever> noonien: let me check something...
<noonien> yeah, that's what i'll do untill i get something similar within the nixos config
<charukiewicz> The default NixOS AMI size is 3GB, but we're looking to bump it to something higher.
<srhb> reilithion: Fwiw, it's often sensible to start from something like nixos-unstable (from the channels repo) for two reasons: 1) it has a test set that ensures that certain packages do build and 2) it'll have more binary cache coverage a lot of the time. Also, it's usually not far behind master so it's often trivial to rebase to master, if you need to contribute a PR. :)
<stammon> do i need something more in the nativebuildinputs?
<JonReed> Is there a version of `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos` which works for lists? I.e. something that enables to where element of the list was defined?
<Taneb> infinisil: ooh, that's something I was trying to do a while back
<jasongrossman> dminuoso: I agree with you that terminology should not mean something not quite the same as it does elsewhere. But I'm not sure exactly what the problem is. Does the function defined in 17.3 not give a fixed point of pkgs?
<__monty__> Hmm, I've heard you should use .extend rather than .override for haskell but can't find anything about it in the nixpkgs manual. Is there a wiki page or something?
<laas> dminuoso: I am pretty sure that it should be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH or something if you nix-shell the derivation
<pie_> is there a way to implement something like modules depending on other modules?
<pie_> tfw something relies on an old internal interface of pip.../me downgrades package, waits for probably the world to rebuild
<pie_> I just packaged something that uses autotools and a lot of deps...well that was really easy >_>
<pie_> nix would be even more amazing if it was capable of handling something like this relatively fracefully
<semilattice> So that seems to go poorly with other symlinks, git or something to that degree


<makefu> ar1a: thanks for the contribution. i am thinking about where to put this information, maybe into a general Xorg article or something? or into an input article
<DigitalKiwi> so for this package i'm adding i had to bump a version of something and so i'm testing all of its referers (right word?) and anyway pythonPackages.weboob doesn't build for me and it doesn't build without the version bump either soooo :| there's a new version of it too but i don't even know what it is :|
<neminis> is there something like fetchurl but for a local file?
<das_j> noonien: Should work if you call it with bash. Something like `${pkgs.bash} /path/to/script`
<__monty__> siraben: Maybe something like feh combined with ranger's open_all_images? Afaik it has a tiled thumbnail view.
<siraben> jasongrossman: wdired is something to not miss out on though.
<__monty__> siraben: You can kinda get that with dragon or something. It's on the wiki.
<talqu> srhb, thanks, i see now at least why that is happening. anyways, purescript uses pulp which a bower/npm tool, something that is not on nixos packages site :) i will have to install purescript/pulp through npm/bower/psc-package then. thank you again
<siraben> No but there was a command something like sudo nix-env -e ...
<Guest44936> Was there something I should've been able to notice?
<Guest44936> I'm trying to figure out how to create a package for something, anyone with the know-how to help?


<lucus16> Either I misunderstand something, or at least one of those flows
<noonien> hmm, i think i'm nissing something, is there a way i can get a grimpse into a .drv?
<symphorien> gchristensen: if I read https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/systems/examples.nix#L20 correctly, something like import <nixpkgs> { config = { crossSystem = { config = "x86_64-linux-gnu"; platform = { kernelTarget = "vmlinux"; }; }; }; }
<pie____> is there a way to configure a temporary sql server for the duration that im running the python test phase of something?
<dacuna> I already have something in /boot, is that ok?
<locallycompact> or referring to something else?
<delan> would the revision be something like nixos-19.03pre170287.19eedaf867d?
<manveru> what you could do is something like `stdenv.mkDerivation ({ your = default; stuff = is; here = and; } // (import personal))`
<mog> ya. i stole the if block from something similar to what im trying to do
<mog> how do i get the default.nix to add and import something like that
<wedens> if it was in a let binding, you'll have to modify `buildInputs` directly (if it's the only place where this dependency is used). filter it by name or something
<wedens> `callPackage ./foo.nix { dep = dep_1_0; };` or something like that
<pie___> is there an idiomatic way to remove something from the buildinputs when overriding a package?
<infinisil> therealwaphire[m: noonien has been working no something cool regarding that :)
<pie__> i have an annoying situation: im building something that needs network access at a certain point to fetch some stuff from another repo
<yl[m]> if you're willing to put something like circleci or travis on top of ofborg, I can do the config
<disasm> samueldr: so my motherboard did something funky when I installed using efibootmgr where it lost the path after reboot, but installing as removable worked with that flag, thanks!


<selfsymmetric-mu> In other package managers (say, el-patch), conflicts coming down the pipe notify the user. Is something like that available here?
<gilligan_> don't care about CVEs for `python` and `patch` but that is something that needs to be addressed in vulnix itself i guess
<LnL> gilligan_: depends on the expression but something like vulnix $(nix-instantiate -A contents) might work
<gilligan_> LnL, well i'm talking about spitting out store paths directly from a dockerTools.buildLayeredImage call - or even wrapping the call in something which then calls vulnix - having a different Nix version is not a concern of mine
<catern> there's something impure in my build, is there a way to ignore config.nix for one run? setting the environment or something?
<samueldr> when you install using -iA nixos.$something, it installs from the nixos channel, but (I assume) that nix-env -u doesn't really care about channels and finds the most up to date package *as named* in all the channels
<catern> it's something obvious I know, just don't remember
<samueldr> the pocket chip concept had some legs, with the integrated hardware + gpio; probably a neat thing to easily "get" into something to debug
<ToxicFrog> (and something that appears to be an ARM-based Arduino board, not sure what to do with that either)
<JonReed> I miss a debugger with step-by-step execution for Nix. Right now debugging something like a stack overflow error in a large codebase with trace statements in lazy execution is like crawling through a Shawshank Redeption sewer that loops back into your prison cell.
<glasserc> It might be a mismatch between Wayland versions or something
<simpson> Something something, "functions are compressed data"
<ardumont> i have something that looks like that but more basic ;)
<adamt> If you need something more crazy or advanced, you could consider having a look at networkd.
<jackdk> fiddlerwoaroof something like `nix-env -iA haskell.packages.ghc844.darcs`?


<infinisil> noonien: Usually you'd use something that generates a nix expression first
<noonien> perhaps someone else might need something similar in the future
<clever> reilithion: https://github.com/cleverca22/thermostat_firmware/blob/master/default.nix#L4 so you just start with something nix-build can cross-compile
<elvishjerricco> thomashoneyman: It sounds like the mointpoint may not exist or something?
<timor> noonien: something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; hello'` is a pretty common way...
<DigitalKiwi> gchristensen: is there a way to do that nix-store but for not installed things? something like this https://dpaste.de/rUJ6/raw
<DigitalKiwi> https://dpaste.de/68Ju/raw usually something like this
<mikky> clever, thanks. I'll fill a bug with datovka as this looks like they're doing something wrong (i.e. assuming a path exists without any reason to)
<wedens> is there something like nvidia-xrun (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nvidia-xrun) in nixpkgs?
<mikky> the problem is the one path I need (i.e. -I /nix/store/...libxml-something/) is not there at all
<Shouou> A package relies on something relative to cwd during execution, how do I accommodate this?
<symphorien> as content, something like:
<AtomVelvet> simpson: Perhaps, and something I'll consider in the future, but unfortunately I'm stuck with Yotta for the moment. Was looking at Nix purely as a way to isolate its dependencies and get it working
<DigitalKiwi> speaking of, can anyone help me package something? i spent a few days on it and couldn't so i just patched around it... it's a dependency for something that's a dependency for something else...the only package that uses it in nixpkgs patched it out too >.>
<betawaffle> are there still benefits to something like freenas over nixos with zfs?
<Taneb> If I've packaged something in a nix file, what's the easiest way to get a shell with what I've packages?
<srhb> elvishjerricco: I think I'm just missing something obvious tbh. Like, the device nodes don't exist :-P
<ryantm> spikebike: nix-shell without any arguments expects a shell.nix or default.nix file to be in the current directory to do something.
<spikebike> maybe a PPA or something
<azazel> as suggested by garbas, look into nixos-hardware, I bet it's something similar to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dell_XPS_15#Graphics
<LnL> garbas: 1st part is something to generate a repo of pypi metadata that could be used by more than one expression generator


<sheyll> this is really something for the companies deployments.
<sheyll> and nix figures out the exact paths of the totally isolates derivations, something like that... right?
<infinisil> Yeah something like that
<elvishjerricco> infinisil: Something like it needs to be in the manual, but it needs improvement and probably needs a good sized chunk of it carved out and moved to a cross compilation chapter
<noonien> i've got `boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest;`, combined with `boot.kernelParams = [ "zfs.zfs_arc_max=5368709120" ];`, when doing a rebuild, i get `modinfo: ERROR: Module alias zfs_arc_max=5368709120 not found.` am i doing something wrong?
<pie__> garbas, ty ^.^ i will try to occupy myself with something else meanwhile...hmm
<pie__> garbas, the problem is I cant get pillow to work and its a dependency of something else, so I cant just not include it
<ddellacosta> srhb: oh hey guess what now that I fixed my nixpkgs-unstable channel name it builds without any overlays or cabal file tweaking. Wow, do I feel dumb...at least I learned something...a lot actually. I still feel stupid though, haha
<ddellacosta> wait until I actually produce something, haha! But I'll ping you when I have something to show...
<srhb> ddellacosta: To be fair, it's caused by two things: The default channel in nixos being called nixos instead of nixpkgs, which is a historical mistake, probably, and the fact that user and root channels can share names but be different, which is probably not something we want to change.
<srhb> ddellacosta: Maybe I missed something :)
<srhb> ddellacosta: On a clean 18.09, it looks like chell builds for me. So something is fishy.
<infinisil> It's like naming something thingThatDoesFooYetToBeNamedProperly :P
<infinisil> Izorkin: If there's something I want to say I'll do it in the PR
<infinisil> nh2: I feel like ideally Nix should have something like this builtin, instead of the really inconvenient and confusing builtins.filterSource
<ddellacosta> infinisil, srhb : on a positive note this patch finally worked! So thanks so much for all of your help. Unfortunately I'm now seeing this: https://gist.github.com/ddellacosta/4f4b4341c72fd9596e333a97c5436f12 Any chance either of you know what this could be? Seems like this may be a more haskell-specific issue though, something I need to include as an explicit dependency or something
<noonien> and ease of code documentation, something i see nix has as well, which a LOVE! havinng to write documentation independent of code, or having to go through painful rituals and convetions makes writing documentation even more of a chore
<timor> noonien: Do you plan to use nix for something else besides system configuration and package management?
<ddellacosta> or are you talking about something I need to be doing that I'm not?
<ddellacosta> so I'm thinking I need to somehow "import" the file into the nix work directory or something, somehow
<ddellacosta> infinisil: so I simply naively substituted "haskell.packages.ghc844" everywhere "haskellPackages" appeared in that overlay and now I'm getting "attribute 'packageOverrides' missing," so I'm clearly still not understanding something
<timor> rnhmjoj: you probably set sourceRoot to a non-existing directory or something, and then the chmod failed