
<growpotkin> infinisil: When I make a single PR is something like "pythonPackages.{foo,bar,baz}: init at {1,2,3}" an acceptable PR message? Within that PR should I have multiple commits to add each module/package individually or should I just do 1 commit to keep the log relatively clean?
<manveru> maybe something strange about how nix uses curl?
<manveru> something like that
<manveru> psque: i'd do something like `mkDerivation rec { ...; passthru = { inherit buildInputs; }; }`, and then `nix-instantiate ./whatever.nix --indirect --add-root ./keep-this-from-gc`
<manveru> gchristensen: something's really up with the cache today :|
<psque> I'm trying to prevent my build dependencies from getting garbage collected. Last night, someone suggested I could do something like `writeTextFile { name = "deps"; text = ''${foo.drvPath}'';}` and this would make a GC root to protect the dependencies. However, when I build a derivation like the above, it looks like it downloads a bunch of stuff beyond what was required to originally build the package `foo`. What's going on?
<manveru> it's a mess though, so i'd love something that helps me structure it
<manveru> i could use something like that :)
<stepcut> I am trying to use an ssh-ng:// substituter, but the ssh connection is not finding the right set of keys or connection to ssh-agent or something. Is there anyway to get nix-daemon to run the substituter with ssh -v and log the output somewhere?
<eraserhd> I'm trying to build something on Mac and it's getting an error that it needs 10.12... I thought that updating stdenv to 10.12 was merged already, though?
<clever> abbec: its best to use something like an overlay to do things like this
<abbec> am I missing/misunderstanding something?
<exarkun> I see there are a number of terraform providers packaged for nixos ... but installing them doesn't let terraform use them. are they meant to be used by the nixos packaged terraform? or are they for something else and I should let the terraform cli install plugins its own way?
<balsoft[m]> Is there perhaps some sort of mirror or something?
<karetsu> if its just me then I've probably messed something up somewhere
<Unode> clever: do I need to set some enable flag or something ? I don't even see the service with 'systemctl list-units'
<karetsu> is this a raising an issue or have I just missed something obvious?
<tilpner> Which doesn't really make sense, so it's probably something else
<Netsu> How can I check is something in store path? E.g. let channel = <channel> || ./channel.nix
<monokrome> or is it something I need to add?


<jtojnar> or something like `nix why-depends` that works on drv files?
<jtojnar> do we have something like `nix-store --query --tree` that is collapsible?
<ottidmes> m1cr0man: then you can import that string like so: import /path/to/file.nix { name = "something"; }
<ottidmes> m1cr0man: not quite sure what you mean, do you mean like ${name} in a file? you could do that by having a file containing something like the following nix code: vars: with vars; '' multi line string with ${name} ''
<karetsu> how do I find out what has added something to /nix/store? I have a /nix/store/yhxz0xblzjqixmf00y3x58bg4cjkv45d-home-manager that I can't find the cause of
<codedmart> So if I know the path of something I want to run when I start xmonad for instance `xsetroot -xcf /nix/store/ahz6yxdy0axrrl50994az7mhdr0dhyjr-adwaita-icon-theme-3.30.1/share/icons/Adwaita/cursors/left_ptr 48`. What is the appropriate way to do this. Obviously using that path is wrong since it can change.
<infinisil> Synthetica: You can even go something general like `options.variables = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf types.unspecified; default = {}; };`,
<yorick> I'm trying to package something which uses ldconfig -p (which errors because it can't find ld.so.cache)
<joepie91[m]> I believe it's sponsored or something
<manveru> karetsu: yo, i think i got something for you
<codedmart> Probably did something wrong for sure. Have tried so many things at this point.
<monokrome> if i set the device to something other than "nodev" I get progress


<pie__> at least that would be the goal. some people might have something to say about influencing eval time, idk... (as long as nothing core depends on it its prooobably fine i guesss?) - and i havent benchmarked
<codedmart> Do I need to edit a global X file or something else?
<slabity> colemickens: Something like `services.xserver.enable`, except for wayland.
<nilsirl[m]> It talks about something about using C as default
<nilsirl[m]> slabity: something like 0-wayland
<nilsirl[m]> I get something about my locales and that's it
<pie__> * the virtual machine or something originally built for erlang
<slabity> Ankhers: The manuals goes pretty deep. Is there something specific you were looking for?
<codedmart> I feel like in Arch I did something with dbus or merging similar configs that gnome does before launching xmonad, but that was the wrong solution.
<jtojnar> clever: I have i7 laptop and downloading anything worked fine until recently. Do you really think that could be issue outside something like Pi?
<gchristensen> this is something that Firefox knows about
<Miyu-saki> clever: Yep, and there's also a __toString or something, right?
<asymmetric> something like a nix config file
<clever> tobiasBora: do you have the output path for something its trying to build?
<li_matrix> I recon hackage has a nice translator. The goal here is to do something similar; mirror a subset of crates.io
<jasongrossman> I mean, obviously the answer is "because it's broken"! But marking it as broken is done by a human, right? So someone might have said something interesting about why.
<infinisil> DigitalKiwi: I usually just use tab completion in a nixpkgs checkout, but you can also use something like `nix-env -qaPA nixos.nodePackages`


<clever> but i dont know what makes something eno0
<clever> dfordivam: i suspect you had an improper shutdown the last time you did something with nix-env, and the manifest.nix got corrupted
<clever> linux_: it should show something like this
<Ashy> chagra: then you could do something like this with your personal st repo: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cheatsheet#Reuse_a_package_as_a_build_environment
<chagra> i've been trying to replicate my current arch setup on a nixos vm as an exercise to further understand how it works but i've been having an issue, trying to compile suckless's st returns the two errors /bin/sh: pkg-conf and c99 are missing. I thought i got all the the base packages for compiling set up, am i missing something or does this have to do with how nix doesn't use /bin/?
<mac10688> I wonder what the key difference is between a nix-env and something like a python virtual environment
<pie__> ok ill check again but something was unhappy...


<Guanin> But in theory, you could just do something like virtualHosts."example.com".locations."/".proxyPass = "http://localhost:1234/";
<tA_> howdy, anyone know if im missing something installing fonts other than adding it to fonts.fonts? its showing in xfontsel fine, but i can only seem to access the bold version of tewi in my terminal
<pie__> something like that
<dckc-ho> right... `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myIdris` did something more interesting...
<infinisil> dckc-ho: Can you quickly confirm something for me? If you put `self: super: { myIdris = with self.idrisPackages; with-packages [ contrib pruviloj ]; }` in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/my-idris.nix, can you install that with `nix-env -iA nixos.myIdris`?
<dckc-ho> I'm more comforable with shell.nix, something evident in this directory, instead of global config.nix
<Guanin> Is there some tag that I can use to reference other options? So something like <literal> or <option>?
<tA_> howdy, im running fc-list, grepping for tewi (from tewi-font) and im only seeing a bold entry, but xfontsel is showing the regular one as an option, is there something else i have to do to get the regular? i checked the derivation in case it was an extra option but I dont think it is
<eyJhb> clever: yeah, it might not have set it in my overlay or something.. Buuuut, the fix doesn't work
<aanderse> Izorkin: definitely something that can be done, just something i wanted to mention
<day|flip> or it going be something crazy with services.udev.extraRules =
<lucus16> There's a bunch of hits for fixup, including a fixupOutputHooks which does something with patchELF


<hodapp> anyone know anything about building something like this beast on NixOS? https://github.com/espressif/crosstool-NG
<sindrip> I'm running into a bit of trouble trying to build something that I'm having trouble with
<zacts> would I rather build a local Nix package for my individual ruby or perl, versus using something like that?
<adfaure> Hello, I have a question about `nix-shell`, as I understand the command is supposed to drop us into a shell containing the buildInputs of a package. However, when I run `nix-shell -p simgrid --pure`, the shell does not contain cmake which is a dependency (declared into `nativeBuildInputs`). Did I miss something ? Thank
<clever> ashkitten: i remember once having an email addr at something like abcde.......com
<clever> if you are using something like RDP to get a 2nd isolated desktop
<Miyu-saki> Thanks. When was this added? I think I've asked something similar to this, in a different context, before.
<jasongrossman[m]> codedmart: You might find something here: https://search.tx0.co/?q=xmonad&i=nope&files=&repos=
<petersjt014> also not sure if you know this, but config files in linux are usually called dotfiles, so searching 'nixos xmonad dotfiles' will turn something up
<PyroLagus> probably something using nix-copy-closure
<o1lo01ol1o> yeah, I've been through the debug modules and used that one. I was trying to use traceSeqN or something and not getting anything other than <gamma:reflex>


<jb55> does anyone know of a tool like diffoscope but for auditing dependency source code changes? I want something where I upgrade my deps and get a shortlog of all the changes across all of my dependencies.
<joepie91[m]> it's probably only a handful of things like this, but together it makes it really difficult to understand how and when the Nix tools decide to do something
<srhb> eyJhb: If you're talking about configuration.nix (as in NixOS configuration) then no, those overlays are only* used within the NixOS version of nixpkgs -- that is, essentially something like `import <nixpkgs> { overlays = ...; }` -- an explicit setting
<ajs124> how can I override/overlay something in pkgsi686Linux?
<gchristensen> or something like that
<fluffynukeit> my concern is that whatever I hack together will not match ubuntu as well as something that is hacked together for me and maintained
<fluffynukeit> lordcirth, right, but it's easier for me to point my derivation at this "ubuntu-like" layer instead of hacking together something
<aveltras> PirBoazo: might be something like that https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/20776
<pie__> or can i steam-run it or something
<pie__> so uhh do appimages work or something? because i need to get this working Real Soon https://github.com/plotly/orca/releases
<kraem> eyJhb: tried googling but couldn't figure out what base on staging means - care to explain? is there something i can do?
<__monty__> eyJhb: I think I saw something the other day along the lines of flatpack support is good, appimage can be gotten to run but it's hackish and annoying and snaps are not at all supported. Don't take my word for it though.
<eyJhb> Do we have something to patch appimages?
<kraem> etu: thanks! just did my first PR to nixpkgs - would you have time to review to see if i've done something wrong? I don't know how to do the testing using sandboxing though
<etu> So bump the version, change the hash to something that is probably wrong (and not the one for the old version because the store willll remember that) and then build the package
<LnL> something was changed to support cross builds IIRC
<Ashy> it's worth it though, nixos is onto something amazing that the whole industry is struggling with atm
<Gopal[m]> jackdk: can you point me the source of one nix file? like what something like services.xserver.libinput.enable = true actually does?
<jasongrossman> Temporary conclusion in case anyone searches the logs for information on this: there seems to be SOME sort of bug when NIXOS_LABEL_VERSION is set to something other than the default.
<jasongrossman> This is slow to test properly on my main machine. If I have time later I'll use a VM or something to test it more thoroughly.
<NemesisD> i'm building a docker image with nix and it seems like some tool i'm using inside of it is calling something like `whoami` (I guess, it is throwing `getpwuid(): uid not found: 0`). it seems like the image is missing /etc/passwd? is there something i'm missing here?
<PyroLagus> hm, is there something equivalent in nix already? https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/en/html_node/Security-Updates.html#Security-Updates


<angerman> There might also me something like `pkgs.mingw64Pkgs.hello`
<hyper_ch> overlays are something closely related to magic (I still don't understand them)
<NemesisD> srhb: i'll take a look. i've been using it by passing it a derivation name, path to the dir or cabal file, and then an empty argument set, maybe the argument set has a `src` or something
<srhb> NemesisD: I meant instead of something like src = ./. have src = some filtered version of ./. with all irrelevant files left out
<srhb> ajs124: It's an unfortunate and hard-to-avoid usability issue. You change the source, forget that you didn't reset the hash to something impossible, the old source is in your store with the old hash, everything appears to work
<samueldr> ajs124: "how does something like that even happen?" "accidentally" I guess
<ajs124> how does something like what #63036 fixes even happen? someone seems to have bumped the version without changing the hash??
<matthewbauer> dminuoso: so you could do something like `patchelf --auto -L $lib1/lib -L $lib2/lib -L$lib3/lib my-exe-file` with patchelf
<joepie91[m]> erik-4levels: so if you have something to add to the package set that depends on nothing, you don't even need to use the argument(s) of that function, you just return an attribute set with the new thing. you only need to use the argument(s) if you want to refer to existing stuff in the package set, eg. dependencies of your newly added thing
<erik-4levels> So I'm just not sure how to add another elasticsearch version, since elasticsearch is integrated in the nixos options and allows only for one package to be declared (unless I'm overlooking something obvious)
<pie___> marek, good luck debugging, i gotta work on something else
<pie___> if it really is just a missing backup gpt table then gdisk -> expert menu -> write backup gpt or something like that -> write results worked for me
<pie___> (theres like...one at the begninning and end of the disk or something)
<pie___> i asked about fdisk because fdisk told me something about being broken
<pie___> i had a tangentially similar problem where it wasnt seeing my partitions for something else
<pie___> m1cr0man, idk how systemd works, maybe you can set the Before= service option or something?
<pie___> m1cr0man, maybe you can add a dependency on the mounts somewhere early in the boot process or something? of course if youre mounting stuff over the network and idk what not strange things may happen (?) ive no clue about this stuff
<etu> lorenzoi: We have a bot that can tell things like that, but I assume I made something wrong because it didn't :p
<Taneb> Well, then I've screwed something up somewhere along the road, time to figure out what
<Taneb> Is there something like trivial-builders.nix requireFile which will let me set permissions?
<tobiasBora> do you mind if I try to add something and do a pr?
<clever> immae: you can also NIX_PATH=something nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs
<tA_> another quick question, i need to add { allowBroken = true; } to my .config/nixpkgs/config.nix, i want it for nix-shell, is there a way to just put it in shell.nix or something thats project specific?


<clever> simpson: oh, something else, i have 2 entire SSD's in my desktop that are just totally unused
<o1lo01ol1o> I must be doing something stupid here. The following builds a project: nix-shell -A shells.ghc "ghc -Foo -Bar". How can I write an expression using mkDerivation that does the same?
<Athas> clever: thanks! It's a bit mysterious that the generated .drv file does not correspond in hash to the package. Guess I still have something to learn.
<clever> zeta_0: the broken flag is mainly to save you from wasting time building something that will fail to build
<clever> gchristensen: i also stumbled upon something interesting, windows can now boot from a .vhdx image on an ntfs partition
<clever> gchristensen: and at least on efi systems, thats trivial, and grub can then boot something like my kexec images
<hio> I mean that nix should offer me something like nix install debian
<clever> joepie91[m]: the error implies that something was calling builtins.fetchTarball and that has bugs with --store
<Athas> So... something is deleting the directory? But what is doing that?
<pie__> rPackages dont seem to have any sane way to override something
<pie__> what would it take to override a raw derivation to build something with a different src?
<srhb> eacameron: I think the right term is something like qemu frontend. I think qemu comes with tooling to convert most vm formats to something that'll run on qemu (preferably with kvm?)
<infinisil> newspecies: Well a shell.nix file that makes stack available would be something like this: `with import <nixpkgs> {}; mkShell { buildInputs = [ stack ]; }`
<aveltras> __monty__: nice, i'll try to do something similar, thanks for the help !
<jasongrossman> fschulze: I really am stumped. Your computer's behaving as though some other setting in your configuration is breaking your window manager ... but I can't see anything wrong with your config. And it's hardly a long file! I hope I'm being dumb and someone else will notice something. I suggest you show it here again, maybe at a different time of day when someone smarter than me is looking.
<pie__> its helpful for both you and for other people when you start reporting issues "oh i had a pain point there, maybe we can do something about this"
<iqubic> Now, time to learn something that isn't going to be on the Arch wiki.
<pie__> iqubic, do something for me, write yourself a todo list for this task based on what ive said above
<fabianhjr[m]> However, if there is something in my path or a library I want to know from which pkg it came from. Is there an easy way to de a reverse dependency search?


<joepie91[m]> this feels like something that should be upstreamed at some point?
<matthewbauer> it might, i'm not sure how ghc decides whether it can run th or not, you might need to override something
<m1crOman> nice way to deprecate something
<mac10688> I don't know. I never heard of a xorg.conf until about 10 minutes ago. I think the page was talking about how to get rid of it or something.
<THFKA4> mac10688: isn't this something that goes into xorg.conf?
<adisbladis> aveltras: What I'll typically do is to create a file called deployment.nix that looks something like http://ix.io/1LqZ
<nschoe> Is there something wrong with the way this derivation is defined: https://github.com/airalab/airapkgs/blob/nixos-unstable/pkgs/build-support/ros/default.nix#L19
<nschoe> aanderse, I'm trying to do something similar, too (and also failing). So... have faith!
<nschoe> Argh did anymore ever managed to package something with sip and pyqt5? I'me constantly getting "sip: Unable to find file "QtCore/QtCoremod.sip" and I've tried about 73467 different things :/
<ToxicFrog> You can also just set it to something obviously wrong in the .nix and then see what error message you get~
<selfsymmetric-pa> I think something's wrong with my cache...
<mpickering> hmm I am doing something a bit wrong I think because it does two builds
<mpickering> something looks very wrong
<Gopal[m]> something on my side?
<Gopal[m]> Should I be getting something else?
<Athas> Did I get something wrong?
<das_j> simpson: I now have ${old.postFixup or ""} and it seems to work. I'll just leave it as-is until something breaks ;) thank you
<das_j> simpson: Basically something (from within an overlay): myPackage = compressWeb super.myPackage;
<tokudan> I'm probably missing something obvious right now: "df -h /" shows me 55% usage with ~11 GB free, but "mkdir /whatever" fails with "No space left on device"
<joepie91[m]> Right. Unfortunately I have no idea how you would solve that, other than something like patching in a different glibc version in your nixpkgs. But I feel like there has to be a more streamlined option...
<pie_> samueldr, i was thiknig more along the lines of if my root was on sdb or something
<samueldr> because the message sounds like something that would happen if you had a drive without media in, like a floppy drive
<pie_> the question is why is it even trzing to do this, because i want to make sure i didnt misconfigure something
<samueldr> or something like that
<pie__> worst case file an issue if you think its something that should/could be handled reasonably, and you could look into bypassin the fancy configuratoin stuff and just generate one manually - though i dont know how that will interact with the rest of the system
<pie__> zfnmxt, sometimes theres osmetihng like an extraArgs or something that lets you put literal stuff in it


<karetsu> I seem to have messed something up getting xmonad working, I can't compile my xmonad.hs -- do I have to set it up with a shell.nix/cabal?
<mac10688> I want to download xmobar and when i search online for nixos packages, it has an attribute name of haskellPackages.xmobar. Do I type out all of that to install xmobar or is something else going on? It feels like it might go somewhere else in the config file.
<pie__> (would have to do something about not losing error messages though)
<clever> its hard to react to something failing like that
<pie__> i was thiking kind of in the other direction, change something if it fails - so if your boot doesnt work anymore for some reason it can retry older boots
<pie__> clever, ever thought of / seen something to make grub use a previous nixos config if boot failed
<pie__> clever, i can just nixos-enter into a mount or something right
<pie__> elvishjerricco, can we confirm it actually is the hostid and not something else that the export from livecd fixed
<hyper_ch> if something goes wrong, just boot into an older genertion
<tilpner> reverend: But these graphical tools often try to be smart and do something else
<reverend> This is in something like "Phase 0" of the install process, before I'm presented with a prompt
<{^_^}> alex```: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<eyJhb> Is there a way to do something like... unpackPhase = old.unpackPhase.replace("1", "2")?
<pie__> i have something weird with my fs though, apparently i was able to export a zfs pool that still has a cryptsetup mapper thing mounted?
<pie__> clever, my prok has luks_script or something like that
<pie__> unless im blanking out on something
<pie__> clever, uhhh so i found something weird
<pie__> but it says unlocked slot 0 or something like that
<pie__> eyJhb, i *think* lists are merged for configuration.nix stuff (not sure how that works, probably mkOption related), unless youre doing something special in which case idk
<eyJhb> When I set.. `services.xserver.videoDrivers = ["something"];`, does it then override anything else that might have been added to that? - And, how would I go about appending to lists
<clever> Athas: if you want to modify something in its output, just `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A thing` and see where the files are, and then use $out/thatpath in postInstall
<fabianhjr[m]> Oh ok, yeah I have been playing around so I wasn't sure if it was something I messed up. Decided to leave my config / system to track 19.03 and my user nix-env installs to track unstable.
<markasoftware> i see that package derivations often have multiple directories, like /lib and /bin and something for documentation too
<v0id72[m]> thanks thought that you meant a file or something
<Henson> v0id72[m]: so you're trying to boot your Mac into something other than Mac OS?
<v0id72[m]> Henson: it's a good learning experience but I really wish that I could just find more info. Especially since I have an issue that tells me to do something like put a line in a file. I do it - but get the same error. It's like Nix is not reading from the directory it told me to have the file in.
<v0id72[m]> Hi all, Can anyone point me to further information about nix-shell and running nix on macOS - or even some tutorials or something. I'm finding that there is a lack of info. Read the manual but would like to understand things more. Can anyone assist?
<gratin> also full screen ends up with glitchy artifacting and doesn't work so something smells fishy
<Henson> gyroninja: would that even work with something like xmonad, though?
<mac10688> hi all. I'm working to move my /home directory to another partition, but seem to be having issues. It keeps going into emergency mode. I'm doing something similar to what Gabriel439 describes but I keep getting sent to emergency mode


<Henson> what default mechanism does NixOS use for dhcp address acquisition? Is there a daemon, or a udev script, or something that does the acquisition?
<clever> eyJhb: you appear to have something invalid in nix.buildMachines
<eyJhb> Ran before and after I added name = "something";
<pie__> eyJhb, i probably messed something up then but i did test it in the repl...
<eyJhb> But, isn't overrideAttrs something that can be used in a overlay?
<dhess> but rather than using IPs, I would like to set up something in either computer A or bastion B's ssh_config to give it a symbolic name
<Miyu-saki> Am I doing something wrong here?
<mk_modrzew> and I after time spent on trying to solve that I have no clue if I forgot to update some env var or I didn't wrote something in configure.nix?
<Miyu-saki> Something like this should actually work
<jackdk_> I should have been clearer. That's what I'm currently doing, and until reflex-platform goes to ghc 8.6 (cabal-install >= 2.4), that might be all I can do. It would have been nice to provide something for non-nix cabal new-build users though
<joepie91[m]> I get the impression that something about the vscode package is non-deterministic...
<pie__> maybe im mixing it up with something
<elvishjerricco> pie__: Did you remember the `boot.initrd.luks.devices` option? I think even with a keyFile, it still says something about waiting for the device or something like that.
<elvishjerricco> You should see a line about a LUKS volume or something
<pie__> maybe rebuild didnf finish properly though or something
<pie__> i probably broke something else
<pie__> elvishjerricco, whelp i get dropped to the efi shell i think so something's messed with my config
<pie__> and functionBody needs to be something that returns a derivation
<pie__> iqubic, does the builder need network access to retrieve dependencies or something
<clever> pie__: haskell has a nice one, but you still have to tell the parser if something is a file, enum, or whatever


<sphalerite> tobiasBora: you could run nix in one of the various apps that let you run some linux distro or something
<tilpner> And since you promised this new source would hash to the same as that existing path, Nix did not bother refetching something, because it already had the result available
<tokudan> how do i convert an integer to a string? something like "limit=${2*1024}"
<o1lo01ol1o> I want something like { reflex-platform ? import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGithub {repoinfo};) {} } but this doesn't seem import the default nix in the way I want
<lordcirth> tilpner, what if you wanted to remove something from systemPackages in the merge? How would you do that?
<manveru> DigitalKiwi: looks like it wants to fetch something during build time :(
<DigitalKiwi> can someone direct me to information (existing project, blog, wiki, manual,...) about including something from a foo2nix (in this case node2nix but any will do) in another project?
<marek> with -E or something
<dminuoso> marek: Have you ever done something like `pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};`?
<tilpner> juhoh: But you can do something like dwm.overrideAttrs (old: { prePatch = (old.prePatch or "") + "cp ${./config.h} config.def.h"; })
<dminuoso> Interesting. autoPatchElf doing *something*.. and quite a lot of it..
<juhoh> Hi, I just started using NixOS. Usually on my Linux distros I use dwm as the WM. I've had a lot of difficulties in learning how to set it up on Nix, though. I've got it working with the `windowManager.session` and setting it to dwm but I have yet no idea how to configure it myself. Do I have to use overlays or something else? Any blog posts or tutorials are gladly welcome, didn't find too much info on that
<tilpner> Even though the web UI can display something
<eyJhb> Yeah, that is the best part :D - Now to get another 30 error messages about not being able to compile bash or something because `prove command not found`..
<zfnmxt> Now the symlink is correct. I don't know what happened. I screwed something up in my user env, obviously. =/
<zfnmxt> I'm guessing that "Unrecognized line" stuff in the config file has something to do with it
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: it just runs a chunk of bash to make something
<clever> o1lo01ol1o: something feels wrong for nixos to have this issue
<tobiasBora> clever: hum... why does adding something to the path helps??
<tobiasBora> clever: and if you want to compile a module, you need to run something like "nix-build <nixpkgs/nixos> myconfiguration.nix"? That is supposed to create a new unique derivation that contains the unit files?


<Baughn> pkgs.nethack evaluates to a mkDerivation call. You want something similar.
<catern> Henson: (btw, the direct answer to your question is "specify the path as something like pkgs.nethack" but I'm not sure why you think that isn't suitable)
<Henson> if I specify the path as something like pkgs.nethack, then the package paths are present).
<Henson> If I want to specify an entry in services.udev.packages in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, is it possible to specify something in /nix/store? I'm trying to deploy a custom package on a remote computer and it isn't present in nixpkgs, but all the contents are in /nix/store. If I specify the nix store path it doesn't work (the paths of the package aren't even present during nixos-rebuild. But...
<growpotkin> We bumped into something a bit unexpected about Python packages. I wanted to see if it sounded odd to anyone else. When we list python modules in our build dependencies the order that the modules are listed will lead to wildly different derivations. It seems like modules that are listed first get to set version resolution priority for all later packages.
<o1lo01ol1o> Do I need to set some user rights or something?
<manveru> really wish there was `nix build` that only outputs the path and `nix build-result` that only makes the symlink... or something like that :)
<tilpner> You can do something like: system.extraDependencies = [ (import <nixpkgs/nixos> { ... }).system ];
<clever> Avaq: is /nix sharing the FS with something else?
<clever> zfnmxt: is it building something or just chewing cpu?
<zfnmxt> I did nix-collect-garbage -d; nixos-rebuild switch and the nix-build command has been running for over 8 hours now and still isn't done...any idea if something's gone awry?
<Henson> if I trying doing something like "nix-store -q -d ./2cai0ankbxbdhg0mvjdvr370gnfm2za9-nixos-19.03.172801.1a27474d474/nixos/pkgs/misc/vim-plugins/vim2nix/autoload/nix.vim" it says "unknown-deriver"
<pie__> a derivation is (usually) the result, not something containing the nix files
<pie__> so you could have something like the.file.option."/etc/wat" = generateConfigForThing {}
<risson> Can I change the cache server to something in plain http ?
<azazel> I would be much more prone to enable such functionality if nixos had something like a "security updtates only" channel
<gyroninja> okay found something
<etu> Maybe plugins needs to be enabled or something... It was such a long time ago I set up weechat
<gyroninja> I don't seem to have the /python command though, maybe there's something else wrong
<gyroninja> am I missing something?
<clever> mjrosenb: was trying to think of something thats on both
<clever> let me try something...
<aanderse> anywho, samueldr you have an existing mediawiki instance you want to migrate to nixos or something?
<simon_weber> would it be blasphemous for me to manage app servers through nixos, but deploy their code manually? or is this something of an accepted pattern?
<Matthieu_> I'm writing a mail to the maintainer (I'm not sure he'll be able to make something about this)


<tobiasBora> gchristensen: do you have some documentation about how internaly nix build the dependency graph? I was thinking that it was only using buildInputs or something, but apparently it's not at all ^^'
<tobiasBora> so to clarify, only the grep is used, or it's a mix between grep and actual stuff like nativeBuildInput or something?
<eyJhb> Can anybody remember the command, to rebuild using a specific directory ? I remember it something like.. `nixos-rebuild -I nixpkgs=DIR boot`, but doesn't seem to work
<Matthieu_> Should I do something about this, like reporting a wrong URL or something ?
<gchristensen> aye, just something to keep in mind
<pie__> nbp, i think one of the main points of my thing is to have .withPackages return an object that can be further .withPackages-ed or .extended (thats where the "rooted" comes from - some probably bad name I came up for it). It's mostly about providing a homogeneous interface to users. This also lets you chain things if for example youre using something in a library but want to still expose it to the user.
<thomasd> I feel like I'm missing something easy.
<xok> to use use it something like this:
<xok> I want something like that...
<xok> and we can pass something like this: [ "www.analias.com", "www.another-alias.com" ];
<gchristensen> I want to test something against the same bash which macOS uses
<simpson> xok: Oh, sorry, that second parameter would be an attrset, and it'd be something like { myCoolVHost = { root = myCoolWebroot; enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; ... }; ... }
<xok> simpson: looks something very close to what I want...
<alexarice[m]> If something is needed in the build of a package should it always go in nativeBuildInputs
<Baughn> Just, all of these are conveniences. buildInputs isn't fundamental to the functioning of Nix, it's something layered on top.
<simpson> Sure. Whether or not something is "unfree" doesn't matter; what matters are the specific rights granted in each license.
<NYXT> I'm writing a package locally (which I'm new to) and having an issue where when I enter a shell with my package, the binary (copied into $out/bin) cannot be executed, instead I get a "no such file or directory", it has r-wr-wr-w permissions. It seems that whatever permissions I set it to while building get reset. I'm sure I've done something wrong somewhere, any ideas?
<tobiasBora> as a first step I tried something as simple as "let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in pkgs.steam-run", but it wants to install the full steam, which I don't want
<rprije> manveru, actually, bundix is the reason I wanted to do this (I believe you're the maintainer?) I really wanted to generate gemset.nix via a derivation to automate away the updating of it. I saw mkYarnPackage looked like it achieved something like that.
<tobiasBora> On skype page, they put dpkg in buildInput, but for me this is required only at compilation, so it should be in nativeBuildInput. Am I right, or did I missed something?
<Ashy> Synthetica: that's also something i've been meaning to look up
<petersjt014> something i'd be less familiar with
<petersjt014> I should ask tho: is it wireless? because if it's wired and not connecting that's something else
<mac10688> am i supposed to connect through command line or is there something in the config that i fix this with?


<inquisitiv3> I'm trying to implement something similar to the Roles & profile design pattern that is/was used with Puppet
<warbo> I'm not sure where to look for that; would it be in the build script, as a gcc arg, or something?
<genesis> i wonder i'm missing something to get them , "python > from twine import *" works
<Baughn> --again, not something I think I could do in a reasonable time.
<Baughn> I've dreamt of writing something like that.
<dminuoso> joepie91[m]: So if you think of an expression as a graph of application nodes, then something like `foo (bar quux)` has two ways of reduction.
<joepie91[m]> okay, so it's about forcing evaluation order by forcibly evaluating something that would otherwise have been evaluated lazily?
<joepie91[m]> simpson: I know what 'lazy' means, and I understand the general lazy evaluation model in Nix, but 'strict' does not register to me as something that is an opposite of that, no
<gchristensen> simpson: I guess I'm (and joepie91[m] is) looking for something more concrete
<exarkun> just unsuspended laptop and connected external monitor. something decided the displays should be mirrored this time. joy.