
<philipp[m]> Alright, thought I had missed something.
<ircfreenodenetlo> hi everyone, I have a local fork of xscreensaver and I would like to install it system-wide (in place of the original one) on a nixos system set on stable channel. What would be the best way to achieve something like this?
<samueldr> sorry, it was a bit harsh of me, but this is something that can be looked up in the shell `type mkdir` will show that it's known to bash as a specific path
<evanjs> I'm more surprised there isn't a cachix health dashboard or something. Seems like something that might be useful
<zeta_0> how to i remove something from cachix, it is throwing errors on my rebuild


<andi-> arahael: likely reporting it upstream to the stable developers is the best long term fix. Short term you can import the kernel from a previous nixpkgs generation by setting `boot.linuxPackages` to something from a previous channel version
<kiloreux> > you must move the result of both fetchTarball calls into a let block, and then reference them in the output of something
<clever> kiloreux: lines 2 and 7 are IFD, if you want things cached better, you must move the result of both fetchTarball calls into a let block, and then reference them in the output of something
<clever> jared-w: the api is somewhat similar to the initrd and system-tarball stuff, so maybe something more like those would be suited for nixpkgs/lib
<sehqlr[m]> you could do something like a map to get all the attrs, but I don't know how to do that off the top of my head
<stites> hey all! I'm trying to overwrite a systemd ExecStart script -- is this something I can do?
<cole-h> Unless I'm misunderstanding something (which is entirely possible)
<simpson> hoppfull: But, like, mostly it's about either having Nix set everything up for you, or having direnv set everything up for you, or something along those lines. The combination is quite potent.
<fresheyeball> and everything was working perfectly. Very satisfying to see all my hardware get used at once for something
<ikwildrpepper> aaa_: or do you mean something like this: let nixpkgs = fetchTarball channel:nixos-unstable; unstable = import nixpkgs {}; in unstable.rustc
<emilazy> meaning, like... `import¯¹ ((import <foo>).bar)`, or something.
<mojjo> how can I eval a nix expression that does not result in a derivation.. Something like `nix-eval '1+1' # -> 2`
<cole-h> The docs make it sounds like you need to specify the package with `xsession.pointerCursor = { package = ...; name = ...; };` or something similar


<elvishjerricco> bogdb: There's also often something built into nixpkgs like `liblapackShared` or something
<cole-h> iqubic: You might have to do something like `systemctl import-environment DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS` every time you log in.
<zeta_0> rycee: ok, i can try out libreoffice, i just want something that can format the data in a way that is easy to read, because i am going to be reading through hundreds/maybe thousands of job applications
<zeta_0> does the nixpkgs support for emacs use elpa? or does it use something else like melpa?
<iqubic> Dandellion: Like do you use LightDM or something?
<iqubic> Is there something I'm missing here?
<lovesegfault> So something else must be going on
<zeta_0> cust0dian: thanks for the help, after going into a nix-shell with your script and running nix-build, it threw an error about scipy, maybe it is a version mismatch or something: https://hastebin.com/urocepipit.sql
<mikky> huh, I tried something similar at first but this looks promising < infinisil
<cust0dian> zeta_0: I think a more nix-y way would be something like this: http://ix.io/2caa (seems to build and run just fine for me)
<mikky> so, I'm trying to do something like this: https://l.termbin.com/nekj . That works as expected but I'm pretty sure there's a more elegant solution. I've tried may things (like import, recursiveUpdates, combinations) but none worked
<emily> plus if you're doing something that gross you might as well just turn off the sandbox.
<chpatrick> I really think all this stuff should be on by default, with a -lite version or something in case you want to save dis kspace
<chpatrick> it's really annoying when you want to do something basic with a package (like mplayer with pulseaudio/x264 support) and you need to configure and build from source, especially when it's a big package
<Taneb> arianvp: so e.g. you can use something which has a dependency you're overriding and it uses the one with the overridden dependency automatically
<infinisil> (to something different that takes a different number of arguments)
<newuser99> Is https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_Cookbook#Creating_Shell_Scripts the thing I want, or is there something else
<evanjs> There it is, gcc49Stdenv. Is it enough to do something like pkgsCross.armv7l-hf-multi-platform.callPackage { stdenv = pkgs.gcc49Stdenv; }, then?
<evanjs> Might be looking at some gcc5 compilation tomorrow... is that something that’s supported on 19.03/20.03 and up, though? Or is that just too old
<newuser96> I should probably do this with something other than the window manager so it's not as disruptive when I want to reload it...
<noonien> also, having relative paths would complicate things quite a bit, since they have to be relative to something


<cole-h> If it doesn't work without it, then there is something wrong ;-)
<emily> and I guess it's not getting created because no user is using it or something
<emily> if that works, then you might want to open an issue in nixpkgs -- since either there should be a gnupg option for it too, or gnupg should pull it in by default, or it should be named something other than hardware.u2f
<emily> fionera: not sure then, sorry. my guess would be something messed up with udev that means you aren't pulling in the rules giving your user access to the device
<Ilya_G> or am I missing something
<samueldr> I don't know of any, cole-h, you probably want to use something like [yy.mm] same title
<Ilya_G> Folks can any one help untangle a simple config error. I am missing something in Nix I think: https://gist.github.com/ilyaGotfryd/530423b8e73c5d40b1a24eabdf07f39b
<niksnut> Profpatsch: redirect stderr to something that's not a terminal
<evanjs> surprised he didn't get kicked haha. Don't we have a spam-kick-bot or something?
<evanjs> I remember something similar happening before. I think the arm manual for nixos has some steps to work around that sort of behavior/get cachix on first run?
<evanjs> Sounds good. Glad you got it resolved! infinisil _is_ here in case something isn't covered in the readme, tho :P
<mdash> man. every time i automate something with a nixos module, I get nervous again about secrets management
<xa0[m]> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/build-support/build-fhs-userenv/env.nix#L166 build-fhs-userenv makes no attempt to link /home so that must be something you've added, right? I'm not sure how it's visible through the chroot, but if it isn't there early enough that could be your problem
<peelz_> I'm using LVM for all my partitions so maybe that has something to do with it?
<peelz> something's not right
<NoctisLa1> I also tried getting tftp from iputils but it was missing or something.
<clever> newuser99: use `-I nixpkgs=something` to map <nixpkgs> elsewhere
<bhipple> I still end up using nix-env to install something, but I can get back all my pkgs declaratively on a fresh install. I can also imperatively nix-env -i <something> as-needed, and it'll go away on the next declarative install so I don't accumulate cruft. If I decide I actually want it sticking around, I add it to src control
<infinisil> das_j: If you have something already then it's a good idea to mention it beforehand, then I wouldn't have wasted time writing that :)


<evanjs> regardless, I could make a PR for "-DLWS_WITH_STATIC=ON" "-DLWS_WITH_SHARED=OFF" being added to cmakeFlags if static is true or something
<evanjs> Like maybe something we don't handle properly. I notice openssl and etc have a "static" flag
<pie_[bnc]> ok so apparently its fine if you import as a trusteduser or something
<wild_buffalo> Is there a package like build-essentials where I can just nix-shell -p build-essentials and compile something real quick
<infinisil> The cool thing about this is that once something is packaged for Nix, impurities are eliminated, and everybody can profit from a pretty much forever working Nix package
<fes> it there a rule that non NixOS packaged files can't be executed or something?
<fes> bhipple: thank you. i noticed something too. i tried to open REAPER that has a precompiled package that I extracted to my Downloads folder and the executable file reaper does not want to open. In the terminal i get bash: ./reaper: No such file or directory when i do ./reaper
<clever> mikky: are you sure you are using lib.mkForce, the error would be something diff
<kumikumi> there must be something obvious I'm missing, but google is not being helpful at all
<heath> something is depending on xcode, and it seems like an ideal time for nix why-depends, but i honestly wouldn't know how to go about using it
<xavierm02> Hi. I'm trying to package something, using stdenv.mkDerivation. I run a Makefile from buildPhase, but it does not work because it tries to use /bin/bash. I added bash to buildInputs but it doesn't fix the problem. I remember reading somewhere that there's some way to patch Makefiles to make them use Nix paths but I can't find it. How do I fix this?
<evils> lol, ofc when i try my example with something bigger, it builds it
<colemickens> evils: hm, yeah, thanks, I think it just needed to build the drv itself still and builders were taken. or something.
<cole-h> Anybody familiar with home-manager know if it's possible to link something from `~/.nix-profile` declaratively? e.g. I want to link `~/.nix-profile/share/fonts` to `~/.local/share/fonts`, because it contains the aggregate of my font files
<evanjs> Not sure who put the google api keys in chromium for NixOS but thank youuuuuu. Just tried updating on Windows and realized it's not something everybody does https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/3efe39d2ccfda491b46c492151249a1b9ad9e5b2/pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/chromium/common.nix#L246


<bhipple> BTW, once I'm done w/ this I'd like to do something similar for fetchzip, fetchgit, and fetchFromGitHub, so that they work with hashed-mirrors and archives like the Software Heritage for mirroring (as well as being much more efficient on disk!)
<bhipple> As you can see it's not particularly fancy, but the `nix edit -f . <attr>` cmd is pretty useful to find exactly what file/location something is defined in and then blast it with a targeted `sed`
<evanjs> don't see any open issues, maybe it's something you could file? haven't used it before so can't say whether it's expected on NixOS or not
<evanjs> Yeah I've been following that story for a while, and secureboot is definitely something I'd like to see in NixOS at some point
<Ianulus> Led me to think I'd missed something.
<cyris212> I'm trying to setup dual boot with Windows... So maybe I've screwed up something with the ESP partitions.
<Cadey> i'm trying to get something that lets me do something like https://clbin.com/djXcf in the shebang line of this file: https://github.com/Xe/printerfacts/blob/master/nix/deploy.sh
<gchristensen> can I gentl ytell Nix to stop thinking the binary cache doesn't have something?
<Andrey93> I want something like services.postgresql = { extraPlugins = with pkgs.postgresql_11.pkgs; [ postgis ]; };}
<Andrey6> Sorry did not understand yet tried to find something related to systemd.services.postgresql.after
<evanjs> Or declaratively, I think you’d want something like https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#systemd+targets


<pie_[bnc]> clever: is it possible to get the attributes of an mkderivation? i want to "override" something using stdenv to use libsForQt5.mkDerivation
<DigitalKiwi> dpaste.de is too if you want something more advanced
<amanjeev> I have never tried to build a package in Nix. Can you please point me to something on how to ?
<amanjeev> can someone please help me installing citrix_workspace? I am looking at https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-citrix and I run the nix-prefetch-url and get the path and hash. I do not know how to use that information to build citrix_workspace after. Do I need to write a build script? Or do I just use something like nix-build ...?
<emily> hm, might be some issue with the plugins setup for gst-launch or something
<immae> linarcx: something like that? https://paste.ee/p/nbIk5
<konobi> Does anyone happen to know of any good articles for nix/nixos that are more narrative heavy? ie: more step-through and have a concrete endpoint. For example, documenting the process of installing, configuring and running/supporting the users perfect desktop setup. I'm looking for pre-existing ones to use as a comparison point, as this is something I'm looking to write myself
<bhipple> filtering the failing job set, that is, ideally with some curl | jq magic or something instead of using the UI too much


<Dandellion> surely there must be some kind of pattern or function in nixpkgs to do something of this pattern?
<gchristensen> something beyond nix-collect-garbage?
<eacameron> samueldr: I must have done this wrong. It's failing to install GRUB. Something about Embedding not possible and only being able to use blocklists...
<simukis_> clever: I anticipate using this derivation as $PATH for something more involved
<simukis_> clever: I’m adding something similar to https://gist.github.com/nagisa/a4370f191a1ef7eaf680c0ffd87f3ce1 in my overlay
<emily> I think s is the same as in sda and then r is removable or something??
<gchristensen> I might have a slightly different version doing something more ... let me see
<fajP> anyone got an example as such? I feel something like that would be a common use case
<dansho> no, as long as i'm doing something else on my system it doesn't ramp up
<disasm> interesting... if you're doing something else that's not in keybase-gui does it spike?
<buckley310> true, if you want to keep some older generations you can use `--delete-older-than 7` or something like that
<evanjs> clever: so with your RPI stuff, and more specifically, the pure initrd system, is it possible to get EFI functionality without a full NixOS system? I guess manual entries like your recovery image might be something to look at?
<cole-h> Do you need special permissions to @ the ofborg bot to build something?


<immae> scoates: just in case it might help, I had something like that: https://paste.ee/p/k7sLQ that permitted me to run pip inside a nix-shell
<evanjs> or is that just interop or something?
<ajs124> Minijackson[m]: no idea. Ma27 originally removed it. Seems like something went wrong when master was merged into staging-next.
<psyanticy> the script is something like this
<marek> clever: I'm trying to think about this the other way, what if I can do a version file somewhere in /etc that contains lib.commitIdFromGitRepo but I do not want hydra to cause rebuilds on each commit (which would change the derivation), do you think this is something sane to do?
<tilpner> jared-w: Why do you want to build something on a system this restricted?
<evanjs> unless there's something else in tree
<evanjs> clever: yah not much here unless I've been missing it the whole time---on top of which... looks like the build for 4.1.8 fails with something about gcc, wondering if I should start looking at a different thing
<clever> evanjs: something must be adding it to extraKernelModules
<clever> rnhmjoj: something is -9'ing the entire eval
<rnhmjoj> clever: ok, but on unstable something definitely changed in the last three day but no new build (failed or not) has appeared yet
<rnhmjoj> i have to ask something that i didn't quite understand: when/how often are the hydra builds of a channel started? for example, the numbers i see here: https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixos/trunk-combined/tested#tabs-constituents
<Soo_Slow> privacy question. Snap creates unique machine id (officially: for statistics). Iirc flatpak has something like that too. Does nix package manger suffer from that too?
<ashkitten> Rovanion: consider that most packaged programs do not provide their own service files and distros have to write them themselves. we only support service definitions on nixos for this reason, but i'm sure you could hack together something that uses the slurm nixos module code to generate and install a systemd service file on ubuntu if you want
<anohigisavay> after i install something else it becomes a link
<Yaniel> looks like it needs root permissions (duh) but nix-build can only have those in a virtual machine or something?
<instinctive> hi all - noob nixos user... just installed 19.09 onto a 2nd ssd following the manual, rebooted, appears to work, except I do `$ nix-env -qa` and get nothing... I'm sure I'm missing something obvious?
<pie_[bnc]> evanjs check the issue tracker i think there might have been something. or maye i created it. im not sure.
<pie_[bnc]> gchristensen well i found the iso part of the management panel, i kind of dislike how they dont show you any of this stuff unless you already paid for something
<pie_[bnc]> i only saw something for hetzner online so far
<gchristensen> ehh no I did an ugly thing instead. anyway, maybe the wiki has something
<bhipple> weird, I wonder if I was just running nix-build --check on $out or something and not one of the split-output packages
<pie_[bnc]> grrr but its still the same thing with just the json files! i must be doing something wrong.


<clever> Profpatsch: when something like sudo or ssh asks for a pw, it opens /dev/tty, which bypasses any redirections, and goes to the tty that spawned it
<xavierzwirtz[m]> I must be doing something wrong then
<pie_[bnc]> hey Profpatsch, you should do something cool with it
<WinchellsM> Something like `let var = $(echo 1); in ..` in pseudo-bash/pseudo-nix
<pie_[bnc]> joepie91: i guess its kind of ok that i can put node_modules next to package.js, i was expecting there be no way to do anyhting except have some globla folder or something
<joepie91> so it's basically doing like `node node_modules/.bin/grunt .` or something like that
<pie_[bnc]> joepie91: sorry, i keep talking past you; i dnt know how to build something without npm
<pie_[bnc]> or something
<pie_[bnc]> but i basically wasted all day figuring out something about tomcat, which ive never used, and the fact that figuring that out was unnecessary :p
<pie_[bnc]> joepie91: / anyone that knows: im trying to package something that calls npm via maven
<gchristensen> like do I need to add in an additional udevadm settle or something, maybe
<gchristensen> clever: did systemd do something recently to change /dev/stderr inside a unit? my just-do-it like thing is failing, with nixos-enter: line 72: /dev/stderr: No such device or address which seems ... strange
<pie_[bnc]> tbh i wish this was less of a pain, i need something that copies the correct amount of zeros in
<pie_[bnc]> or is fetchfromgithub broken right now or something
<LnL> can you verify with curl, It think something might be wrong with it
<eso> Hello guys, I'm stating using nix and i face a little problem using `nix-shell --pure`; I do need ssh commands but i havent acces to it, so i wanted to add the package that contains ssh but i didnt found it. Is this the way i should do it or i missunderstand something
<clever> ornxka: does it need to be a channel or just something you build from?
<pie_[bnc]> there was something like mkBefore for prepending to a module system string right?
<clever> that shell script must then do something with it
<evanjs> after some poking around in nixpkgs, I found this https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/295888c622d7a4a6190e6bf6881c07a6d9a5046d/nixos/modules/system/boot/stage-1.nix#L21, but that takes place in something wrapping the initrd, which I am not using here
<evanjs> Trying to add some realtek drivers, specifically, as those that are included by (AFAIK) default are staging drivers, and I think my coworker mentioned he couldn't get them working with hostAPD? Something like that
<rihardsk[m]> hi, i'm using Nix on Ubuntu and i'm currently getting "error: opening lock file '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/.../profile.lock': No such file or directory", when trying to install something like `nix-env -i nix-prefetch-git`. it's likely because the /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/ directory doesn't contain a subdirectory for my user. what's responsible for creating per-user subdirectories there? why isn't it happening? m
<fusion809> Tried something in that vein already, actually. I ran ffmpegthumbnailer manually and tried storing it in ~/.cache/thumbnails, in case it was an issue with ffmpegthumbnailer or the permissions of the directory itself, and it worked.
<vidbina> Running another nix-build with openssl added to buildInputs since I just figured that urllib.urlopen Errno -2 issues could have something to do with OpenSSL. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<sphalerite> eoli3n: that's something they should be able to get from the X server with RANDR
<dminuoso> eoli3n: The equals sign does not mean "assign something to a variable"
<clever> then it already worked, and something in your shell should be sourcing everything in /etc/profile.d/
<clever> sarna: did it make something in /etc/profile.d ?
<cole-h> If you're feeling adventurous, I have a gist with the overlay. Basically, just set your fish prompt to something with a unicode character (like '❯' or 'λ') and see if fish complains.
<infinisil> So it's something with: Some system.build.* attr is evaluated -> because of this all other system.build.* attrs are evaluated, one of which is system.build.toplevel -> this evaluates all assertions -> the assertions do some file system checks -> file systems are declared with system.build.fileSystems
<samueldr> just a sec, I might have been unobservant and failed at testing properly something
<samueldr> (searching is I can see something relevant meanwhile)
<infinisil> (with something like builtins.callPackage)
<samueldr> 17% increase in cpuTime, is this something that could be related or just noise?


<Valodim[m]> emily: for observing, yeah. but it doesn't add a way to change evaluation semantics, no? or is something like that already present?
<Valodim[m]> right. ideally there'd just be a "not up to date" marker, and update blockingly with a "lorri refresh" or something
<Valodim[m]> conversely, when something external leads to a change, I probably don't want that to evaluate (and get a change) at all while I'm working in the directory
<evanjs> clever: any way you're aware of to add kernelModules to your makeInitrd invocation? Or do I need to use something less minimal if I want to do that?
<sondr3> clever: thanks, that brought me one step closer, now it's failing at something else
<{^_^}> sondr3: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<Unode> immae: so then I have something else causing issues cause I'm getting: "build input /nix/store/6ybmshna4fjc78ha6d00jslf94kwdgj5-nixpkgs-dev does not exist"
<Ralith_> would be nice if PRs by maintainers on foundational stuff were shortlisted, or something
<eoli3n> ah ok, maybe to be able to change channel or something ?
<cinimod> Do I need cd ${src}$ or something like that?
<cinimod> I am missing something very obvious but why does this https://gist.github.com/idontgetoutmuch/533c2fd80cbcae07db31d889ce5adb55 not do ./configure; make; make install?
<srhb> lovesegfault: You probably want something like -qR, but yes, to result for runtime deps and to the drv from nix-instantiate for build-time


<deni> I imagine it could have something to do with the fact that I'm using nixops instead on building on the machine that the module is deployed to. And I have a remote builder ....
<witchof0x20> Is there something I need to add to buildInputs?
<deni> I initially just vendored in the repo and got that error above...so figured I was doing something wrong and had to use it from github directly....but that now fails with the same error
<ris> infinisil: whatever you come up with, people writing tests will come up with something else they start looking at
<infinisil> qyliss: I really wish we had something to eliminate these impurities. Build time, randomness, file ordering, etc.
<ris> the error message is something time-based, perhaps there really is some fixed piece of data in there
<gordon> something to a device UUID (probably the dm-0 device that doesn’t exist yet), so i guess it doesn’t read/respect the `encrypted` options
<cole-h> worldofpeace: Looks like you missed something on naming 20.09 -- rl-2009.xml still says Markhor
<hodapp> might anyone have a clue how to get GStreamer elements for decoding H264? I've been trying gst-plugins-ugly/bad/base/good, gst_all_1.gst-libav, libav, openh264, x264... and none of these are getting me to something like the 'avdec_h264' element, nor anything else relevant in gst-inspect
<shafox> I am trying to add allowBroken = true however the nix-env install command doesnt seem to agree with it. Am I doing something differently ? The error is attched in the above gist.
<evanjs> pmyjavec: shell.nix is something you can use to control your nix-shell environment https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Development_environment_with_nix-shell
<evanjs> What's the easiest way to use something like initrd.availableKernelModules with makeInitrd?
<simpson> Rovanion: Oh, I see. I misunderstood. Nix doesn't really have installation in that way. If you're thinking of nix-env, then there's no substitute for invoking nix-env; perhaps you want to put your package names in a plain text file and $(<packages.txt xargs nix-env -iA) or something similar. (As usual, I haven't tested that shell snippet.)
<evanjs> to phrase the question in a more generic way that others might be able to answer: Is there a way to pass arguments to something I'm inheriting?
<evanjs> clever: alright, final problem for me (again) with the intram stuffs. I need to pass something from default.nix to nixos.nix (re mini system stuffs), but not sure how I'm supposed to do that with inherit and etc.
<karantan> aha. then I'm doing something wrong I guess
<CRTified> Hi, is there a way to add something to ExecStartPre? I want to run a script before starting a docker-container, but as it uses ExecStartPre instead of preStart, the two values (default and my custom one) are not composed.
<Maxdamantus> If I run `nix-build -o netcat-openbsd '<nixpkgs>' -A netcat-openbsd`, it seems to make a symlink "netcat-openbsd-nc" (that's not what I passed to "-o") which points to something called "libressl-3.0.2-nc" .. how am I meant to normally install that package, because `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.netcat-openbsd` just installs "libressl-3.0.2", without `nc` and `nix-env -i ./netcat-openbsd-nc` replaces the usual
<eoli3n> I will, but i need a start and pills seems pretty hard, lets continue to read but i think there is a problem when you read something that want you to understand things, but you need to pass one much, expecting to understand later
<GrimSleepless> I have found something! https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-quick-start
<anohigisavay> now my desktop shows an error, something like "unable to create I/O backend. klauncher reply: unknown protocol 'desktop'"
<cole-h> Is there something else I should have tried?
<maurer> So, evidently at some point in my last several upgrades, I lost video acceleration (only noticed because I just now tried to do something that requires it)
<cole-h> Is it possible to transform a store path into something that can be string-interpolated? I want to access fontconfig/etc/fonts/fonts.conf, but ${pkgs.fontconfig} gives me -bin which doesn't have the etc path in it.


<CRTified> Okay. I'll try to get something working :)
<evanjs> gchristensen: ahh gotcha. wasn't sure if we had bots that kick or anything, like I've seen in the mozilla IRC. Though, there's a greater need for it there because you don't need a registered account, or something like that?
<evanjs> Also, anybody have thoughts on #73225? If it's something that should be fixed upstream, or with my system, that's fine, but I'd love to get this fixed in nixpkgs at some point
<chagra> I remember I had to do something to make it work
<LouisDK> I've installed "ephemeral" in 20.03 and most icons are missing under Plasma desktop while they're present in Xfce. If I install an icon set like "hicolor-icon-theme" do I have to do something to make Ephemeral able to use it?
<mikky> something like `defaults =` in nixops
<mikky> how do I propagate nixpkgs-overlays to declarative nixos containers? i.e. I have something like "nixpkgs.overlays = [ ... ]" on the host which works on the host but is not "active" in the guest container
<srk> look for DPMS or something like Option "BlankTime" "time"
<elux> does nix support conditional variables... ? like........... `let blah = "hi" mkIf (something == "yes"); ?
<danderson> Anyway. I'd like to make secure boot work with nixos, but in most setups that means the activation script has to pause during activation and say something like "insert and tap your security key to sign+install the boot kernel"
<sondr3> but cool, sounds like something I'd do if it was easy and straight forward
<danderson> speaking of which: is there any precedent for having something that pauses for human input in activation scripts?
<sondr3> when I've previously had something like this I've instead turned to configuration options, so I'm not really sure in this case
<elux> something is wrong with my syntax


<nh2> Maybe something is wrong with the wrappers? I am a bit lost.
<colemickens> sondr3_ I have been assuming that something may've accidentally been placed at /lib and /lib64 and now its there as a cleanup effort, but I have nothing to back that up
<mikky> Also, unrelated question, is there a way to do something like `nix-env -u --leq` and `nix-collect-garbage` via nixops?
<codygman> is there a function like throw that doesn't make the derivation fail? Something like a warning?
<silver_hook> When trying to compile something on Arduino IDE on 19.09 I get the following error:
<pmyjavec> Is there a helper or something I can run to setup the CPP flags properly?
<cyris212> I'm running into the following error when plotting something -> qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""
<tlater[m]> Hi, I'm trying to clean up my `configuration.nix` a little by moving docker containers that make up services into separate files. I want something like this: https://hastebin.com/razivawawi.nix
<pikajude> but it clearly has something else wrong with it
<kraem> clever: cool. will look into that more tomorrow.. finally have something working anyway :)
<sondr3> dashkal: at least we both learned something :)
<sondr3> but nice, now at least I can do _something_


<multun> cole-h: you'd have to do something like (import ./yourfile.nix) {pkgs = pkgs}
<cole-h> How do I evaluate something from a hand-written .nix file? Say I have helper functions like stripLeadingWhitespace in a let block, and something that calls that in the in block. How would I get the result of that call?
<wolfjb> cole-h:maybe something like `sed 's/^ *//g'`
<multun> wolfjb: you can ask your questions here, reading a manual an efficient way to learn something as different as nix
<fooooojasdflkj> clever: I'm using it to make two different versions of a home manager nix file. I don't think I understand how to use mkMerge: nix-repl> (stdenv.lib.mkMerge {a=[0]; b="foo";} {a=[1]; c="bar";}).a #result: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):1:2
<sondr3> (and open sourcing something is never not good :))
<flokli> sondr3: yeah, I know about the tooling we have that extracts stuff from these images, in case we want to package something and it gets distributed that way. I'm talking about the other way round
<ramses_> Hey guys, is there any way to do a conditional import insode a module? Something like "imports = mkIf condition [ <nixpkgs>/.../module.nix ];"
<__monty__> It's for ssh substituters I think. Before building something nix'll ask substituters whether they already have it available in their store, then copy it over if they do.
<LnL> you can setup something with nginx or bigger things like artifactory also work
<disasm> I'm trying to get udev to name a usb network interface (usb tethering) something recognizable, but it's not working. This is my extraRules: :ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="net", ATTR{address}=="06:cf:d2:6e:be:01", NAME="verizon0"


<clever> pbb_: that sounds like something you just want to build normally in nix-shell
<pbb_> Hi, can anyone tell me what is the difference between running something in a shellHook and running it in nix-shell0 of the same derivation?
<samueldr> if you did "tofu" on both for the same rave, and got different results, I would nix-store --delete that path and retry just in case something weird happened, but that's also a bit unlikely
<sondr3> hang on, I have something like that configured once upon a time
<evanjs> mmyup hush is gone like I configured. Fiiiiiinally. Now to move onto the systemPackages, I think? Something like that
<gustavderdrache> ma27[m]: in case it's useful to you, here's a variation i cooked up when i was experimenting with something like this
<evanjs> clever: figured it was something embedded/impl-specific
<evanjs> clever: by the way, I'm probably doing something dumb, but what's the easiest way to share the overlayed package set from default.nix -> nixos.nix based on your example?
<flokli> for that to happen, we need to tell the build system to allow using something else
<flokli> I'm not very keen on vendoring a custom GHC just for bsv. I did import an older nixpkgs and picked it from there, but that's cleanly not something for nixpkgs either :-D
<thoughtpolice> flokli: I thought we just used the default GHC for building? What is that, these days? 8.6 or something?
<evanjs> clever: yeah I figure it has something to do with the rest of my expression as I just get a black screen when launching :D
<evanjs> clever: I was trying to do that with your example but couldn't get the example working with a basic x86 host on qemu lol. probably just doing something dumb wrong
<clever> evanjs: i find that INITRAMFS_SOURCE is a pain to deal within, within nix, because you have to rebuild the entire kernel every time you change something
<evanjs> Might just be doing something dumb here
<q3k> is there something i should know about cros accessibility issues?
<simpson> So I'm suspecting that there's something built, some environment or shell hook, something like that.
<__monty__> You might want to change something that *is* a dependency one day.
<__monty__> I think you have to explicitly list overlays if you want them to apply to the nixpkgs your system configuration uses. Something like `nixpkgs.overlays = [ overlay1 overlay2 ];`
<zeta_0> i'm thinking something like this:
<zeta_0> how do i set JAVA_HOME in nix? is it something like this?
<matt`> is there a way to manually edit the shebang to just $out/bin/perl or something?
<zeta_0> iqubic: i use the packages in my home.nix for my personal projects, but when i have to do a project for work or something, i'll use default.nix, is this an ok workflow?


<iqubic> But really, installing java globally isn't something you should be doing in Nix.
<nohTo> Hey guys, I'm getting started with using nix and I ran into something I don't understand
<evanjs> I know I'm missing something dumb lol
<__monty__> Ok, so mpv no longer works on darwin. I need a recent channel for pass to work. So I want to pin just mpv to january 1st or something but still hit the cache because my machine's too old to get it compiled in a reasonable time (30min was not enough). How do I do this? My attempts so far have been fruitless, evaluation has my system become unresponsive no matter the pin I try.
<__monty__> Hmm, must be doing something else wrong. My system grinds to a halt when evaluating my configuration with this overlay added: http://ix.io/2aOO
<Synthetica> You could do something like `(old.patches or []) ++ [ ./your.patch ]`
<infinisil> eximiuss: Something like that yes
<infinisil> incognito9999: I suggest you to search for the error on github https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues and in the logs https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixos , I think I've seen that error before, it's pretty common, maybe you'll find something
<eximiuss> so, something like `services.xserver.config = builtins.readFile '/home/wherever/x.conf''`
<jackdk> is there something similar to haskellPackages.callHackage, that can download packages with a hackage metadata revision?


<cransom> if you are doing something new, i'd nudge you that way instead of of the customness of this one.
<infinisil> This would also allow an installation method that always chooses the latest successful build of something. E.g. you could say "give me package hello", and it would go through the build history of the master channel on hydra and give you the latest one
<dminuoso> infinisil: The part between { .. } is sort of a Haskell expression, think of the $1 as something similar to TH splicing.
<arianvp> this sounds like something that should be in nixpkgs.lib
<clever> logand: something ive done is `let template = { ... }; in { "foo.example.com" = template; "bar.example.com" = template; }
<logand> is there a way to write something like rec {"x.a" = 42; y = "x.a";}.y so that it returns 42?
<tester123> `error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set`
<clever> tester123: you need to do something like run callPackage on the return value of fetchFromGitHub
<pie_[bnc]> meanwhile, there was something for cleaning a git repository when using it as a src but i dont remember what?
<infinisil> Maybe that's it yeah, or something like it
<clever> evanjs: which phase in the default.nix does something with extraConfig?
<clever> evanjs: if the option depends on something else, which is disabled, then it entirely vanishes from the .config
<clever> evanjs: something i noticed while playing with the kernel lately, is that it only says "# not defined" if the option can be enabled but isnt
<DigitalKiwi> Might be able to compromise and delete everything over like 2 weeks or 30 days old or something.
<pie_[bnc]> yeah the container just has the same resolv.conf as the hst or something :(
<four> Hello, what is the easiest route to go to be able to install something that's not in nixpkgs? I have a binary right now, is there any way to run this without needing to write a whole nix expression to install it?


<clever> WinchellsM: it would be more pure to spin up your own X server inside the build, something like Xvnc would be an option
<brano543> clever: having just those two lines actually builds something too
<clever> brano543: services.postgresql.extraPlugins = [ something ]; services.postgresql.enable = true;
<virus_dave> gustavderdrache: yeah, that was why i was asking. OK, knee-jerk recoiling aside, this might not be so bad. Something like a wrapper derivation which isn't FOD but does the patching, which takes as buildInput the unpatched, FOD derivation.
<AmandaC> I'm trying to make an arm32 image for my raspberry pi3, and it's been going since last night, appears to be compiling something?
<WinchellsM> Is it possible to pass a file path as an argument to a nix function? Say the file path is `file_path`. Then can I just make it an argument to my function and, in the function body's `preConfigure` do something like `cp ${file_path} copy_of_file`?
<permissionshelp> I'm having issues with a docker container for application development that mounts a volume. My co-workers using ubuntu aren't having a problem. Is this because in Ubuntu the user id/group ids are something like `1000:1000` whereas in nix they are `1000:100`? Has anyone dealt with this issue?
<karantan> am I doing something wrong?
<Raito_Bezarius> I wanted something with nobrain security


<bhipple> Ah yes, that was it! Something was echo'ing in the user's zshenv
<bhipple> but if I recall, it may have had something to do with `nix-copy-closure` not using a login shell and sourcing the bashrc to setup PATH to find the remote nix (?)
<jtojnar> but the bad command sounds like something needs to be patchShebangs-ed
<astk> which it does even if this new .bashrc file is renamed to something else
<evanjs> okay whoah I see something now. stuff outside of hm. what is this doing here
<evanjs> mkg20001: did you try something like `nix-shell -p 'python3.withPackages(ps: with ps; [ your-python-app ])'`?
<wedens[m]> does it sound like something that should be solved in nixos? /cc fpletz (or who else knows about networkd in nixos?)