
<infinisil> energizer: Which ideally would have something to make it work across many IDE's (e.g. via LSP)
<infinisil> energizer: I have a dream, that all projects have a working IDE configuration specified in Nix files, such that you can do something like `nix-build -A ide; result/bin/ide` and you'd get completion, jump-to-def, autoreloading environment (through lorri or so), etc.
<ornxka> i think making a new container is something like lxc image list images: and then you find the one you want and then lxc launch $IMG $NAME
<cole-h> energizer: It looks in your NIX_PATH, which probably contains a reference to the channels. If you see something like `/home/user/.nix-defexpr/channels` or similar, that
<mehlon> hmm, well something like that. but the package is not in nixpkgs, it's a NUR repo
<armin> gchristensen: i mean i clearly did something wrong there as i already had this setup working in the past, but on the other hand it's something that happens the 2nd time now and the error message is by bootctl so i'm pretty sure i did something wrong, especially since i'm trying to install with full disk encryption.
<Raito_Bezarius> I don't know if I got confused somewhere about something
<gchristensen> jakobrs: have you started by looking at the release notes? maybe it mentions something?
<Th4tGuy> headers. Am I going about something wrong?
<armin> zgrep: it's absolutely avoidable. openssh is not designed to be actually intuitive or something.
<Raito_Bezarius> warning, it uses import-from-derivation which is not something you always want
<Raito_Bezarius> something like `builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "from-yaml.json" {nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.yaml2json];} "yaml2json <${./foo.yaml} > $out"))` (stolen by grepping the logs) should work
<Raito_Bezarius> something like this
<infandum> I'm a little confused with haskell packages. I'm trying to use callCabal2nix. How do I specify something like blas and R as build and runtime dependencies?
<evertedsphere> oh. pbogdan, i don't know how i'd change that, something like export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/icu/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
<evertedsphere> hm, i don't know how to provide this runtime icu dependency. strace says it's looking for libicuuc.so in $glibc/lib, which makes me think i need to use wrapProgram or something...?
<jakobrs> where <path to ld.so> is something like
<evertedsphere> jakobrs: yes. i did nix-shell -p dotnet-sdk_3_1 or something and that gave me a shell where i could run some kind of dotnet build command, and i got a dir full of .so files and an executable
<argc> infinisil: okay, that makes sense, I think I had to do something similar when I went from 1709->1903; how can i upgrade the nixos modules first then?
<argc> infinisil: looks like it has something to do w/ an activation script?
<jakobrs> srgc: try something like nix why-depends maybe
<jluttine> something really weird in emacs wrapping: i have defined a custom XDG_DATA_DIRS in my desktop environment. it's effective everywhere, but when i run emacs, (getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") doesn't have my customization (so some of my directories are missing)
<DigitalKiwi> warp was broken or something i think
<peelz> srk: hmm alright but how do I run something through qemu?
<freeman42x[m]> justanotheruser: how new is it? I would like a solution so I will probably ask there also. At this point I would need something to post the question on all communications simultaneously
<justanotheruser> evertedsphere: maybe through something similar to what this package is doing? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/06159c66daeea79b76920b1a22927b4a5854bc81/pkgs/servers/jellyfin/default.nix#L45
<rotaerk> this keeps happening ... something that worked prior to updates stops working later and requires adjustment
<infinisil> But using something like `myOption.<name>.priority` sounds like a good idea
<energizer> i just used `morph deploy` and now something's wrong with my system
<dongcarl> infinisil: Just that I'd like to dynamically change nixos configuration options, like from a bash script or something :-)


<luna> energizer: So basically the only way to delete a file with that is to overwrite it with something else?
<ldlework> yeah i have literally never had this mythical experience of having to literally being expected to do something productive on someone else's machine
<ldlework> maybe it feels too inconvinent which just means you need a hydra or something
<energizer> evelyn: that's one of the options i'm considering. i wrote something yesterday to have hm install my dotfiles repo, but i'm still undecided about it
<kurnevsky> Just curious, maybe I miss something and it's still might be used somehow :)
<DigitalKiwi> henry_: always check github before you start working on something because frequently someone has already done it
<energizer> finnwww[m]: qtile is a window manager that offers a bunch of different layouts. i would recommend it if you know python. if you dont, maybe easier to use something else http://docs.qtile.org/en/latest/manual/ref/layouts.html
<cole-h> Hehe, to get something fixed faster, just misrepresent what someone was talking about! (cc samueldr hehe)
<negaduck> so in nix I can do something like "${coreutils}".arguments?
<negaduck> yeah, I mean "${coreutils}" — it's a string, right? Or it's something else?
<luna> So, I'm somewhat new to nix things, but I guess something to ask is if you know where "autocall" is being called?
<jared-w> Taneb: something like this: https://github.com/shlevy/nix-plugins seems really cool, but it's complete inability to "one-click-install-and-just-work" for other people kinda kills the appeal for me
<lewo> ar: this could happen if you read a big directory since it is loaded in RAM. Are you sure your are not doing something such as `src = /` somewhere?
<ramses_> Seems like I'm still missing something
<symphorien> ornxka: replace the overlay by something which does not evaluate :)
<turion> Even if it were a simple type system like Hindley-Milner + row-polymorphic records, it would already help so much, because then we could have something like hool
<wedens[m]> I want to remove specific generations, not just something older than X
<manveru> pretty sure `mkDerivation` just uses something like: `{ out = placeholder "out"; }` to set the env var as well
<peelz> It needs to be something that gets evaluated when merging values
<turion> In tests, is there something like `machine.writefile` or so? Or do I need to do `machine.succeed("cat '....\n...\n...' > myfile.txt")?
<turion> peelz: You can probably cobble something together from https://nixos.org/nix/manual/#ssec-builtins and https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#sec-functions-library
<srhb> delroth: Sure you don't have some vm state cruft lying around in /tmp or something?
<cole-h> np, I just saw you pushed something else so I didn't want to eval something that wasn't finished
<emily> ok, something is seriously up, because it wants to rebuild gcc and bzip2 and coreutils
<emily> but i'm no expert, so it could be something entirely different
<emily> ah, that's more likely to be configuration, hardware, or upstream openzfs issue than something relating to nixos kernel versions
<emily> cole-h: mhm, I might open an issue or something on the discourse
<henry_> *on something
<henry_> Especially when I've spent as much time as something (like this) as I have.
<cole-h> Those kinds of things I would run in tmux or something just to be extra safe
<selfsymmetric-mu> cole-h: That's what's weird. I have all my Python sandboxed into shells. It might be something built with python.
<rotaerk> I love how every time I update linux, *something* breaks
<henry_> I'm sure it's ugly and inelegant, but I would feel uncomfortable if I knew my airplane was running something important in C++.


<MichaelRaskin> ornxka: things on the list of CVEs _typically_ are defined by compatibility with other garbage, not doing something in place… so it's mishandling one more broken format here, not speaking one more protocol correctly there
<bqv> I mean I'm not gonna force anyone to use linux but seeing people talk nonsense about it like its some crippled younger twin of windows is something I'll never get. I haven't even missed it, for decades
<MichaelRaskin> And CUPS gets happy if it can talk PostScript to something, and PostScript drivers for Windows are like unbelievable kludges
<est31> drakonis: I do a lot of open source development and often file PRs for something... when there's an error I google it and one of the first replies is which ubuntu package to install... so now I have to find the nix os analog and hope the env vars are set up correctly and everything
<cole-h> I'll stop suggesting things now. Moral of the story is: *something* changed
<MichaelRaskin> Because you never know if it also changed something in the headers
<MichaelRaskin> hlolli: let me tell you what, high-traffic channel logs are something you are not supposed to read in entirety
<kalbasit> how to access the nixos options.html on the master branch? Looking for something similar to accessing the latest manual at https://hydra.nixos.org/job/nixpkgs/trunk/manual/latest/download/1/nixpkgs/manual.html
<fabianhjr> Oh ok, thanks I figured I was doing something weird Dx
<cole-h> srk++ Interesting, something to look into. Thanks.
<clever> henry_: oh, was nix built by nix, or something else?
<clever> henry_: there should be an entry something like this
<clever> turion: so you want something more like `nix-env -E 'channels: (import channels.nixpkgs {}).agda`
<asbachb> Can someone tell me if nscd is trying to mount something?
<genevino> https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nginx <- so when using something like this, how do i control the contents of /var/www/myhost.org and its contents? is this strictly out-of-scope for nix and a job for the config management tool instead?
<adamse> srk: I think I managed to cobble something sensible together: https://gist.github.com/adamse/a05ad49cd5548695167457445b8db4be, thanks for the info :)
<LnL> and the default would be something like nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-19.09 nixos
<numkem> I've decided to start learning haskell and I can't figure out if the packages just missmatch or I did something. Trying to use stack from stable ends up with an error saying it can't find the attribute ghc883, stable has ghc 8.6.5
<lux2> yeah. something is wrong. I would just prefer to know before I contact them...
<freeman42x[m]> and how could we fix this build? is this a package all-cabal-hashes-component-hedgehog? it sounds like there is something called all-cabal-hashes-component and hedgehog is the actual package in it or something
<hlolli> could you do something like this @nschoe https://pastebin.com/vwCquhvL ?
<hlolli> I mean you are correct, a db file wont make sense in the nix store :) but I'm reading bit better you comment previously so Im not saying something wrong
<nschoe> I've looked at the xorg.conf man page to make sure I had it okay. I noticed that in the generated xorg.conf file, the contents of the additional InputClass sections appeared *before* the contents of libinput configuration. I wonder if there is some over-writing or something :/
<jakobrs> correction: I _should_ try something like thhat
<jakobrs> I might try something like that
<jlv> clever: that should do it. Is there an existing function to get a value from a list of names, or something like that? I feel like that is common enough that I shouldn't have to write it.
<atemu12[m]> hugbubby: Though updates breaking something in the stable channels is very rare anyways, my system usually breaks because of me
<hr[m]> You just need to be comfortable tinkering but the ability to rollback changes is helpful. Something like fedora is probably more 'stable' if you don't make any changes
<niso> zeta_0: if you are planning on doing reviews you want to look through the open PRs in nixpkgs. pick something like e.g. a version update and review it with nixpkgs-reviews (as in run the tool, check if the expected functionality still works etc)
<niso> freeman42x[m]: something like this: http://paste.debian.net/1141233/


<Xe> did something change in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage with regards to how it hashes the vendor folder?
<numkem> it's my first time packaing something with patchelf and the likes, so I might have done something wrong: https://gist.github.com/numkem/08a6264e3d007da184097bdcf01b4d7f
<jtojnar> bifunc2 you would still need to trust nix and nixpkgs but you can do something like `nix-build --substituters '' nixos/release-combined.nix -A nixos.iso_minimal.x86_46-linux`
<infinisil> Something like that
<zimbatm> pie_[bnc]: but it does output everything. if something is not displayed then it must be because of something else.
<infinisil> Wait no yeah there's something more weird going on I feel
<infinisil> At the end there will be something like "note: keeping build directory '/tmp/nix-build-servant-auth-cookie-0.5.0.drv-1'"
<srxl[m]> ...i spent a full day, searching for something like that mixnix
<jakobrs> So you'd do something like `nix-shell --profile /path/to/temp/profile` and it'd launch a shell where everything in /path/to/temp/profile
<aiverson> IIRC, Lorri does something like that, wrapping the binaries as a rust API to interact with nix. Maybe some of that code can be useful to you?
<jakobrs> I was inspired by nixos-manager to try to build something ala that but command-line
<asheshambasta> wow this jailbreaking seems unpredictable for this specific package, and I'm beginning to suspect that either I'm doing something very stupid, or something is funky with this package.
<charleshd> My guess is that stuff packaged in Unityhub appimage allow unityhub to launch that binary. Is there a way to put me in an AppImage virtualenv or something similar ?
<nixguest> Can I somehow "feed" the input to an option of type "null or strings concatenated with "\n"" from a command? I'm trying to create a file in /etc by using environment.etc."myfile". I feel like I should be able to do something with nix, but I can't figure it out from reading about strings and derivations here https://nixos.org/nix/manual/
<joehh1> something like lib.writeNix "myfile.nix" (lib.importJSON "myfile.json")
<evils> asheshambasta: something like this? `src = "{pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { .... }}/foobar";`
<pie_[bnc]> Ericson2314: I saw you cmmenting on a HN bors thread, dunno how much you know about the space; do you know if there something I could set up a local copy of to do something similar? ideally with something I can set up with a plain git repository and taking merges from a staging branch or something, but im also open to stuff like gitlab I guess
<tom43422> I think something akin to NixOS modules in Nix (and thus available in NixOps, or any other layer for dealing with multiple machines) would solve this, but I don't know what that'd look like.


<gchristensen> it sounds like you changed something low enough in the system closure to cause rebuilds :)
<Raito_Bezarius> did I forget something?
<bqv> This is a paste of nix-diff's output between nixpkgs-unstable and what i have from my config: https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmdGvaU3R63diYjUKmAx6A5ynm9enZxjUTnaqSWxCsSUqo - Can anyone decipher what exactly is different here? It looks like it's saying i've made a completely new stdenv or something, just for this package
<bqv> is there something i should be doing that i'm not to get the right person to look at it?
<JJJollyjim> am i going about something the wrong way here?
<_d0t> ohai! Is there any quick way to convert YAML into a nix set? Ideally, something similar to lib.fromJSON.
<srhb> webstrand: You can probably build with something like `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; (nixos {}).nixos-generate-config'
<sphalerite> LambdaDuck: something with /ignore probably :)
<symphorien> fgaz: anything that provides something in $out/bin and depends on gtk more or less
<b42> stepcut: would something like nix.gc.options = "--delete-older-than 14d"; help your case?
<pause123> It's probably something to do with how nix alacritty resolves fontconfig
<vika_nezrimaya> Change it to something else. It might help, I've encountered the same after *somebody* broke the Noto font package by moving stuff to a subdirectory. Might've been an impurity in my system that made it search for the font in the default directory, but I doubt it
<Profpatsch> betaboon: if you taint something, it’s destroyed and rebuilt
<siers> but wouldn't something like compileBuildInputs/runtimeBuildInputs make more sense?
<sphalerite> should be in lib/modules.nix or something
<hyper_ch> so in case something goes wrong with the system
<Kyndig> always something to do with memory though
<Kyndig> so I'm wondering if there's something I can set in the nix env to point to the kernel source dir
<Kyndig> i suspect something isn't working right because packages may need to know about my local host's kernel config
<jbox> How can I do something like systemd.services.minecraft@test = {}; ?
<Wulfsta> I don't understand how I can pull something like deoplete into neovim and install msgpack-python: https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim
<morgrimm> Do I need to opt into a feature preview for it or something?
<morgrimm> qy[m]1 That's what I figured :P But shouldn't there be a 'use template' button or something near the finder to actually use it?
<zeta_0> stack-to-nix generated a default.nix that is throwing an error when i try to g into a nix-shell: error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /home/zeta/TaskLite/default.nix:5:10 , https://dpaste.org/42E4


<zeta_0> hello there, sometimes this shell.nix works and sometimes it throws an error, why is that? https://dpaste.org/Nm7M , i'm using the exact same shell.nix file that i was using this morning, i've never encountered something like this before?
<freeman42x[m]> weird, now I get: `<command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: libz.so (libz.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)` for `nix-shell -p zlib.dev zlib.out pkg-config` or `nix-shell -p zlib.dev zlib.out`. I probably changed something since I asked the question
<vxidd> Hello everyone, I am trying to "manually" write a autoconfig file to my firefox installation in the nix store from my configuration.nix file. My question is, can I use something like ${pkgs.firefox}"/lib/firefox/default/autoconf.js".writeText = '' from my config file?
<ultranix> i'm trying to explore nix expressions, what's the best way to see what 'config' is for example, given a something like pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}
<colemickens> Think I'd be better off just symlinking certain dirs to the store or something
<kalbasit> trying to debug lorri re-evaluating too much. `RUST_LOG=lorri=debug RUST_BACKTRACE=1 lorri watch` is not printing debug logs, am I missing something?
<esclear> How bad is something like `pkg.override { gtk3 = gtk2; }`? I personally dislike it, but it seems like the least invasive solution for the problem at hand.
<qy[m]1> the matrix irc bridge is something that should be burnt in a dumpster fire, honestly
<michaelpj> I don't think you can do this. You could do what I think you want if we had a content-addressed store: then you could e.g. write a derivation for the (unvarying) summary of your (varying) input, and then although the summary would rebuild, it would produce something with the same content and so not trigger further rebuilds
<JJJollyjim> cole-h: it's something append-only: by the time i'm using it, no future changes will affect the input
<JJJollyjim> i.e. something where i'm guaranteeing that while it will change over time, that wouldn't affect the output anyway
<catern> adisbladis: that sounds like there was a concrete decision somewhere? is there a mailing list thread or github issue or something?
<evils> btw, is there a summation of the release history somewhere? i seem to recall seeing something before, but made my own, https://hastebin.com/nugorofuye.apache
<infinisil> knedlsepp: Note that you'll probably want to use something like `(import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix> { system = builtins.currentSystem; }).makeTest { machine = { <NixOS config of the machine> }; testScript = <python script to run>; }`
<manveru> betaboon: you could make a custom nix.conf for that project, and set NIX_CONF_DIR in direnv or something
<softaman> sphalerite: so, upstream has a set of functions and nixpkgs in their repository, I'm importing it as set of functions in my config.nix, in this config.nix I want to have a variable to overrite something
<softaman> something like buildins.isSet?
<asheshambasta> say I'd like to override the source of a Haskell package derivation, using https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/lib.nix#L306, am I on the right track with something on the lines of: https://gist.github.com/asheshambasta/59f3877f5837c1daa10797d5cc1d7338 where I'm trying to fetch a more recent tarball, swapping out the SRC of the build and attempting to build from that.
<gchristensen> podfinkx: yeah, I'm sorry, I can't help further right now -- but you might be on to something doing it in postCommands
<podfinkx> gchristensen: I tried with boot.kernelParams without luck, something like boot.kernelParams = ["ip="];
<ikwildrpepper> peelz: something like: to_string = attrs: attrs.to_string (builtins.removeAttrs attrs "to_string"
<jlv> Is it possible to pull in a specific value using `with`. Something like `with lib (mkDefault);` to only pull in `mkDefault`?
<peelz> srhb: what I want is probably something like `config.$foo.rules.javaFix.enable = true` and `config.$foo.extraRules = [ ... ]`
<peelz> but you'd need operator overloading for this or something like that...
<peelz> I was thinking of something like `options.$foo.javaFix.enabled = true;` but you can also do `options.$foo = [ ... ];`
<raboof> are you rebooting between rollbacks? it's painful, but (afaics) it's possible something changed but a running program wasn't restarted to remain in sync with the rest of the system.
<gchristensen> probably cargo or something
<zeta_0> it's probably something simple that i missed, but, nix's syntax error detection isn't that descriptive sometimes


<drakonis> qy[m]1: is there something i forgot to include in order to have my system locate the filesystem?
<cole-h> It's required if you don't do something like `with import <nixpkgs> {}` -- the packages won't be in scope otherwise.
<drakonis> source tree is unclean though, is this something you set or was it by nrdxp?
<qy[m]1> ah... something's out of the right path
<drakonis> "error: access to path '/nix/store/profiles/develop' is forbidden in restricted mode" now this one's something i haven't seen before
<Thra11> Why does the output from `nix eval nixpkgs.whatever.outPath` have double quotes around it (can a path have spaces in or something?)? It makes it harder to use with other commands. e.g. I can't do `ls $(nix eval nixpkgs.whatever.outPath)/bin`
<sonercirit[m]> hi, how long does it take for something merged into master to be available in unstable?
<turion> I'm getting something like this:
<jluttine> or is that something the desktop manager should read and export?
<Keith[m]1> how do I unzip something in a derivation? It isn't part of the src so I can't just use unpackPhase
<turion> Or is nix doing something strange to that configure.in file?
<turion> Normally, we'd define CFLAGS or something in the second argument, but it should be possible to have it empty as well..?
<pie_[bnc]> why dont we jus tpatch python to make loadlibrary work properly and search an env var or something?
<manveru> aranea: otherwise you can proxy it using nginx or something
<pbb> Most things on steam work without additional modifications, because steam basically runs in a Ubuntu 14.04 container or something like that
<Guest30> Always saying something has happened in lib...
<Guest30> I want have something like myUserSettings = { regular = {users.users.foo = { regular settings in nixpkgs };}; others = {users.users.foo = { other settings for home-manager for user foo};} }
<sshow> and that link looks like something that will be broken in a doc update
<ocharles> evils: thanks, I'll take a look that. For now I installed 2.0.4 and that seemed to at least install and `nix-env` did something
<xiaomat> I thought about doing something like this (not sure about the syntax): https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/2/code/edit/26JvHiFP9lDtDb1dvzGqioGh/
<srhb> codygman___: Well, at least that's the problem. The actual flymake needs to override the installPhase or something to point emacs at the new source. I don't know how to tell emacs to do that though
<jluttine> srhb: or i'm doing something wrong which is very much possible.. :/
<clever> energizer: line 31, something is made that points to the configDir
<zeta_0> when i add a haskell package and go into a nix-shell, nix builds the hoogle database and the haddock, so maybe it has something to do with lorri in emacs, i don't know, i'm just guessing
<zeta_0> oh ok, this same ghcide setup works fine in home-manager, so something might be wrong with nix-shell, or it's that i'm missing something
<ottidmes> dsal: I am pretty sure lorri has something for this for nix-shell's and for system related stuff that has no GC roots, you could always create a little dummy derivation that writes the out paths of the stuff you want to some file, making sure they are considered part of the system, even though they are not in e.g. systemPackages


<thequux[m]> TBH, though, this should all be invisible to you. While I understand the pathological need to look behind the curtain and see how the rabbit ended up in the hat, the only reason I needed to find that out was to rule it out in the process of debugging something else.
<iceypoi> but at the same time they can lock you up for 3 days or something without a reason
<infinisil> energizer: I mean the "somethings wrong at /nix/store/...-setup-etc.pl line 120" error
<energizer> when i rebuild it says "somethings wrong at /nix/store/...-setup-etc.pl line 120
<noonien> is this a packaging error? or am i doing something wrong?
<energizer> my display manager provides a list of sessions (or something) that can be started, and iirc xterm used to be in my list but it is now gone, and now i can't log in graphically. i'm trying to remember what setting caused xterm to appear in that list. any ideas?
<infinisil> energizer: Is there something specific about rollbacks you want to know more about? Or the general process?
<{^_^}> callpackage redefined, was defined as If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<infinisil> ,callPackage = If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<{^_^}> nopsled: If a Nix file foo.nix starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, you can build it with `nix-build -E '(import <nixpkgs> {}).callPackage ./foo.nix {}'`
<nopsled> whats an example of something where "with a; [ b ]" is != to "[ a.b ]"
<zustalo> I need to use something or something else if that is set
<foomanchoo> Im a bit of a nix noob, so please forgive my ignorance. I have a dev environment that is working great using `nix-shell`. Im on OSX, and I want to enable some services via `launchd`. I was hoping to utilize nix-darwin's launchd module. I was trying something like `import <darwin/modules/launchd> { inherit config lib pkgs;};` but it wasn't working
<zustalo> sorry, I think I'm doing something wrong so to summary: I have config.myapp.use-nginx and I somethings set it as true, but often it is not even defined
<jeromelanteri> ottidmes, yes, correct. The first iudea is to not write something wrong, and to increase the "first concept to learn and to manage". And then, to next make in form. Content first...
<thequux[m]> <lledtok "and I want to rewrite only that "> You might be able to get away with something like:
<DamienCassou> I like so many things about it :-). Finally a package manager that is not just a patched version of an old broken stuff. You get for free what others struggle to get: rollback, installing multiple versions of something, no root required to install stuff, reproducibility
<etu> Then it use the keyring or something of the user, I usually check a box named "available to all users" or something like that, that makes it store the password in that file.
<aanderse> are there any lutris users here? i'm wondering what the state of lutris is. today i installed it and tried to get it to install a game and it said something about can't find ssl something or other, so can't download my game


<Cadey> bqv[m]: the default model of discord lets people get scrollback, which helps for people that don't have a bouncer or matrix or something
<pie_[bnc]> (src.url or something?)
<pie_[bnc]> clever: to be clear i want to use the src from something like clang-unwrapped.src
<notgne2> and the glibc change broke some steam stuff or something
<bqv> energizer: say someone wants to debug something you're experiencing, you point them to your config, they can't solve the issue because something relevant is in hardware-configuration.nix that they can't see.
<b42> Cadey: afaik nix-build doesn't use the system channel unless you give it something like <nixpkgs> as an argument - with no arguments it builds default.nix in current directory
<nikola_i> colemickens: your approach hints me that probably something is wrong with fsck on my setup which can be corrected through install media. but what if i reboot again? will fsck succeed in that instance.
<deni> pie_[bnc]: TBH I'm not sure how virtualenv would even work on nixos ... but I haven't tried it. I do have a philosophical opinion that I do not want to install dev tooling just to use something written a particular language. Even though I was a Pythonista
<pie_[bnc]> hodapp: aha. all i parsed out of the about is something something python somethin something bluetooth
<deni> hodapp: hmmm.... then it would seem that there is something wrong with my setup. Do you know if there are any sysctl settings (like timeout) that I can tweak to get a more stable connection if this is infact not normal?
<jakobrs> If I just want to quickly write a prototype of something in Haskell
<ornxka> hm something weird has changed in nixos boot process since 19.09
<yorick> deni: yeah, there's no hope for these tools, I think, best use.. noble or something?
<philipp[m]> Is there something special blocking the release of 20.03? Is there help needed?
<WinchellsM> When I try to isntall something with nix-env I get
<clever> WinchellsM: it will be remade automatically next time you install something with nix-env
<ornxka> or is there something better
<infinisil> ottidmes: I think qyliss is working on something like that with https://spectrum-os.org/
<infinisil> But anyways, something *like* IPFs, which uses hashes to identify files and directories
<infinisil> Could use something like IPFS to cache stuff
<srk> I've considered something like that with e.g. mega.co.nz, just point tool to right url, enter password, enjoy your data
<gchristensen> and something else mus tbe going on
<hsngrmpf[m]> I'm wondering how to securely setup Postgresql with remote access in NixOS. The wiki's example for specifying a password is insecure and stores the password in /nix/store. Am i missing something?
<asheshambasta> it cannot find a shared object file, could it be an issue with a missing entry in path? Or something similar?
<asheshambasta> am I doing something wrong here or is this a missing dependency? Googling about this doesn't help since I end up on related issues but these seem specific to stack.
<yuuki_> ix-env` command, I get error getting attributes of path '/home/myname/.config/nixpks/overlays/rust-lang/rust.vim' no such file or directory. It seems like `nix-env` is trying to do something relative to the overlays folder where my overlay is specified. I'm a bit lost at this point where I'm doing something worng
<asheshambasta> okay, thanks a lot, that clarifies things. I thought I was doing something wrong
<dsal> It's just so close to right that I feel like I'm missing something.
<srxl[m]> because you'd end up relying on like a cloudwatch alarm or something to tell you "hey, we scaled up and added a new instance, go run nixos-rebuild on it"
<srhb> energizer: If so, I'd suspect vscode is not finding the agent socket and caching the key itself or something.
<glittershark> that'll give you a cross-compiled nix you could hypothetically just toss over with `nix-copy-closure` or something
<cole-h> "you can learn something (??? not sure what exactly)" lol
<numkem> gchristensen: that did something as I saw the key disappear but it's still prompting for password :/
<numkem> I'm trying to delete keys from ssh-agent and it doesn't cooperate, it says it did delete the key but it doesn't do anything. I see there are user entries in systemd for something that looks like an ssh-agent emulation... What can I do to remove the key? even ssh-add -D doesn't do anything


<dsal> simpson: Well, $NIX ? Something with a slightly later binding that could be runtime relocated.
<codygman__> to play around with something immediately working: https://github.com/utdemir/hs-nix-template/
<simpson> codygman__: "We do not influence the course of events by persuading people that we are right when we make what they regard as radical proposals. Rather, we exert influence by keeping options available when something has to be done at a time of crisis." http://www.erights.org/
<codygman__> energizer Everyone didn't have python or perl on their systems at one time. If something provides enough value and gains enough adoption, you can expect everyone your software targets to reasonably have nix. I think you get there by showing developers how they can develop more reliably with nix while not breaking their current distribution method
<zeta_0> i posted something that i'm stuck on in reddit, if anyone wants to help(thanks in advance): https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/g078pf/ghcide_nixshell_setup_fixing_shellhooks_ghcides/
<bqv[m]> or something like that
<sshow> Is there some sort of spread operator to do something like this: `allowedPorts = [ 80 ...config.services.openssh.ports ]`
<energizer> nixpkgs will have even more understanding of the state of its packages if something like https://discourse.nixos.org/t/please-fix-all-packages-which-were-broken-by-the-qt-wrapping-changes/6444/20 goes through
<michaelpj> It would be great if there was an asset for that or something
<AmandaC> That sems to be doing what I wanted. Wanted to make a recording of a change I'm making to something, to share and get feedback on. :P
<AmandaC> clever: ... I feel like I'm missing something. I'm still getting the version of this package I have installed in `nix-env -i` of this program, not the newly-built one
<pie_> ok that make sense, i was hoping for something nice but thisis a start
<sonercirit[m]> I was looking for something new to try, maybe I'll give Guix a go.
<pie_> so either i write scripts ro keep a state file, or theres something simpler i can do?
<pie_> how can i get a path relative to the build root so it still works in nix shell? i need something that wont change during multiple invocations in a build
<bkv> i could build something, then build it again and it fails
<clever> vika_nezrimaya: it will only auto-detect the hash if you have a hash name at the start of the hash, like "sha256-something"
<clever> __monty__: oh, that, it modifies the .bash_profile or something, and you need to copy it to the .fishrc
<Orbstheorem> Hi! I think I remember something about a special string that nix replaces with a unique string during build and will scan for that string after building the derivation and replace it with the derivation path/
<dwagenk[m]> I'm trying to package something, that consists of source code and some prebuild libraries, that it links against. I get it to compile and link against all the dependencies, but it won't find the prebuild libraries. How do I do something like that?
<zeorin53> hyperfekt: something like this: https://pastebin.com/dgSXiK9d?
<hyperfekt> whenever i try to look up how another distro has solved something i am very grateful that our source is a git repo
<jeromelanteri> hey guys, i break something in my user logged. I did "nix-env -S 8"
<evils> basically, "F closure size, give me something that works"
<energizer> i forget the syntax but it'll be something like `poetry add file://foo.whl`
<jlv> Is there something like `replaceStrings` to act on files?


<energizer> do i need to reboot or something?
<clever> peelz: na, its something that happened several years ago
<ottidmes> cole-h: no dice I am afraid, but again, it might be something amiss in my system/environment, so definitely get a second opinion
<cole-h> OK, I think I'm missing something then. If I run it in a pure shell, I get errors as well. One moment.
<energizer> pikajude: whereas you want to make a derivation per file or something, like snack?
<cole-h> ottidmes: Hmm... is that something I should fix?
<pikajude> i have this backwards, then. so addEnvHooks belongs in like, a cc wrapper or something
<kreetx> infinisil: hi, infinisil -- I re-read what I wrote previously and accidentally wrote something that may have sounded mean (repeating the word "ideally"). I was on the phone and wasn't paying attention..
<visl> well, what's the appropriate config option for installing something as the visl user
<pie_[bnc]> the simple case is no big deal, just put something from pkgs in the appropriate config option
<pie_[bnc]> btw im trying to build against i686-unknown-none, or i686-none-elf or something like that
<pie_[bnc]> so i figured, well uhh ok i can try running xargo in a nix build sandbox or something
<pie_[bnc]> arcnmx: fwiw im confused , clueless, and trying to do 10 things at once, because if something doesnt work i try something eles
<clever> avn: and auto will test if you can write to something under /nix, then decide between local and daemon
<jeromelanteri> ok, so nixpkgs is inside nixos channel ? or is it something different ?
<hyperfekt> is there any way to include something like a hosts file in a build environment? i'm trying to package software that wants to resolve a hostname in its tests
<clever> ixxie: just boot the ubuntu iso in something like virtualbox
<jeromelanteri> i was supposed to have a channel for my nixos distro (something like nixos-09.09 in the list...
<ixxie> clever: would it be something like this: https://pastebin.com/Bfh0gMhC
<clever> ixxie: you may need a script that wraps ssh, or use something like screen+nohup to launch something on the remote end, which keeps running after you close the ssh
<CptCaptain> clever: Something like this myPath = ./prefix + "/${myVar}";
<nh2> slight correction I just found, `man-pages` also gives me sections 0, 1, 2 etc, but the POSIX man pages are something else (sections "0p", "1p" etc.)
<CptCaptain> clever: How do I force something to be of a type? Is there documentation on the difference?
<aanderse> amf: if you just want a quick and easy shell which has that perl in it try something like this:
<zeorin36> definitly something from the nix store.
<nschoe> So I am wondering if maybe I messed up nix syntaxt with the builtind.readFile or something
<nschoe> Hi everyone, I´m trying to use Suckless st terminal in my systemPackages. I can successfuly override it and apply patches that I get with fetchurl from suckless.org. This works perfectly. But now I´m trying to use the `conf` argument to use my own config.h file (derivation is here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/applications/misc/st/default.nix). So I currently have something like: st.override { conf = (builtins.readFil
<jakobrs> nh2: Something like documentation.dev.enable = true; maybe
<jakobrs> I like test because I don't get a dozen separate boot entries when trying to get something to work
<MichaelRaskin> «implicitly enabled» — wow, I fully agree with systemd defaults on something? — «and cannot be disabled» — ah no
<nschoe> Should ´patches´ contains a list of files? Or should I use `builtins.readFile`s, or something else?