
<balsoft> Works for me on unstable (I'm not using X though, maybe something in your i3 config is inhibiting the suspend?)
<balsoft> That sounds like something RMS would hate... Non-free version of libreboot, built by an non-GPL-licensed toolchain...
<ldlework> clever: can you try something for me real quick? can you install "sunvox" and tell me if it crashes on open (if you're running unstable)
<clever> awepfijas: but if you do `nixops modify -d name foo.nix -I nixpkgs=something`, it gets saved into the nixops state file, and will affect all future deployments
<clever> awepfijas: currently, that includes an `import <nixpkgs>`, so you would need to `-I nixpkgs=something`
<ircuser5678> Hi. Is something wrong with the sshd service? I've added a RSA public key to my users.users.<my username>.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys entry (generated by putty on windows) but when I try to login it refuses the key. I'm using the correct private key file in putty, though...
<clever> keithy[m]: set serviceConfig.User = "something";
<energizer> is something wrong with nixpkgs-unstable poetry2nix?
<ldlework> I've just booted back into an old 19.0something and it's completely gone.
<energizer> ldlework: take a screenshot and draw an arrow or something
<pie_> numkem: whats probably happening there, though you could check the source, is something like map (v: if isPath then ... else isFunction ...) over { imports = [ stuff ] }
<keithy[m]> so... I am ready to try something in shell-nix --pure text.nix
<{^_^}> mpiechotka: 4 minutes, 49 seconds ago <pie_> we also have infrastructure for testing stuff in a VM / qemu, so you dont hav eto reboot for everytihng (helps if you have good performance though). I migrated a machine across disks using the VM testing and booting a vm off the copied drive once - almost worked flawlessly but i messed up something with zfs, cant remmeber :P
<matthewcroughan> 168M, wow, that really is something lol
<pie_> ,tell mpiechotka we also have infrastructure for testing stuff in a VM / qemu, so you dont hav eto reboot for everytihng (helps if you have good performance though). I migrated a machine across disks using the VM testing and booting a vm off the copied drive once - almost worked flawlessly but i messed up something with zfs, cant remmeber :P
<pistache> ex-parrot: I think you'd want something like "pdnsutilWrapped = pkgs.runCommand "pdnsutil" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; } ''makeWrapper ${powerdns}/bin/pdnsutil $out/bin/pdnsutil --add-flags "--config-dir ..."''"
<abathur> eadwu[m]: Guessing you mean something like (extra)postFetch=''rm stuff I don't need''; ?
<abathur> eadwu[m]: I can gist something if you think that'll help, though I'm really just trying to find a real-world working example that combines a a fetch*git* with a *filter* of some sort
<ex-parrot> if you want to use sudo you need to explicitly do something like "sudo wpa_supplicant -B -i interface -c <(sudo wpa_passphrase 'SSID' 'key')"
<matthewcroughan> Now, I will make a bit of a joke. For something that is supposedly so stateless and rigorous about "keeping the playbook documented" or known, the fact that things like this are not configured to work properly is quite funny :)
<emily> I swear it has nm-cli or something
<abathur> cole-h nod, I'm aware that they are there; I just haven't found an example of them being used with something like fetchFromGitHub and am having trouble getting it to work
<matthewcroughan> as it has something to do with chroot..
<cole-h> abathur: Also see `cleanSourceFilter` in that same file for an example of something to use
<cole-h> abathur: Maybe something like `lib.cleanSourceWith`?
<simpson> emily: I am not willing to accept "nobody wants to write docbook" anymore. The reason why *I* have not contributed much of anything to the docs is because, frankly, I'm not sure what's missing that I'm supposed to be able to provide. That is, the docs are sufficiently complete that I don't have the experience of needing to add something.
<matthewcroughan> It gives the example of `loadkeys de neo`, so I think "okay, great, so all I have to do is `loadkeys en qwerty`" or something of that nature.
<dxtr> I suspect I'm missing something else :D
<{^_^}> If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix


<mpiechotka> How to skip installing bootloader? I'm trying to install dual boot but nixos-install seems to insist to install something.
<bdju> Yaniel: pcmanfm's right click menu has never worked for me on NixOS either. I'm sure I've got all sorts of GTK brokenness or something
<ldlework> Yaniel: how do I make QT apps working then? Just add something?
<Yaniel> or something like that
<iqubic> So, something there is screwing me up.
<bdju> for some reason I'm still on firefox 75 even after running updates again. is something wrong with my setup?
<c4rc4s> Do I need to do something special to make that available..? Other derivations are found OK, e.g. obs-ndi
<clever> numkem: ah, was it saying something about how qcow2 in search path does not exist?
<clever> numkem: something is doing <format-config> somewhere, and it probably wants you do `-I format-config=./something`
<evanjs> maybe using nixos-generators or something, hrm
<evanjs> Hey guys, any advice on how I might be able to easily test #86893? Need to do so in a VM or something with a clean config >_>
<balsoft> Oh, RE: OCaml, is there any work on making it cross-compile to windows? I tried to do that with 4.09 and failed miserably because apparently mingw doesn't have enough libraries or something
<pistache> iqubic: I get this error when HM tries to install something that was already installed through nix-env
<adisbladis> zeta_0: I need to eat something first
<chaoflow> I'd like to use a shell.nix file for multiple projects and use the directory basename as derivation name. Is there something like: stdenv.MkDerivation rec { name = basename { ./. }; }?
<MichaelRaskin> I mean, Common Lisp is not a high-churn ecosystem, if something works with it, it will probably continue to work
<staydownchamp> taffybar seems completely broken on 20.03, but haskell packages generally aren't supported on major releases or something
<monokrome> compiz became compiz-something which became compton which became picom
<bqv> Yeah the issue is out of date, he pushed something yesterday
<pxc> iqubic: looks like this is something a compositor can also help with, by enforcing vsync: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm/issues/397#issuecomment-372387791
<pxc> one other useful WM compositing thing is thumbnail view, basically picture-in-picture for arbitrary windows. It can be kinda nice if you want to keep an eye on something (like maybe just to see that there's still new output in a terminal) but you don't need to see the whole thing on your screen
<bqv> I'd like if it did fallback to ncurses but something something cake eating
<pxc> bqv: where's the action for your bqv-flakes branch of home-manager? I want to add home-manager to my config but I don't really wanna have to use a special branch or fork. Are the flake changes required to make use of home-manager as a flake.nix input, or is it just convenience stuff that allow you to refer to flakes inside your home-manager config or something?
<colemickens> I had to also delete stale socket files or something like that
<pxc> colemickens: yep. A friend of mine did that same thing but killed the cli-tools-started agent ungracefully (like I told him not to, lol) and something weird happened with the file descriptors gpg-agent opens and long story short, we couldn't start either gpg-agent anymore after that
<pxc> I'm wondering if there's something equivalent here or not really
<kyren> Are melpa updates regularly backported to stable releases? Is that something that I could potentially help make happen?
<pxc> what I'm wondering though is if I'm using flakes instead of channels for my local NixOS configuration, how do I refer to whatever copy of Nixpkgs my NixOS configuration does, if I want to just directly run a bit of Nix via like nix-instantiate --eval to count how many things I have in systemPackages, or something like that?
<eadwu[m]> The file in `nix-packaging` can already be evaluated without any changes so it should build fine (which doesn't because it doesn't create a bin output but that's a problem originating from morph) while runtime would use <nixpkgs> unless I'm getting something wrong
<clever> WoC: there is also `nix search something`
<WoC> is the following an equivalence of "dist-upgrade" ? Or is that something else ? nix-env -u
<monokrome> something has to run the kexec :P
<Raito_Bezarius> clever: do you know if there is something beyond https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/ae94e8923240f7ff7e82abf4783ef4318b8c4464/nixos/modules/config/users-groups.nix#L535 which touch user/groups?


<T0pH4t> @clever ok... so i have something int my main os /tmp directory that exist, but nix env doenst see it
<T0pH4t> hello all, question is there something special about nix build that prevents connecting to s3? I'm trying to run a nix-build that downloads some test data in cmake and it fails to connect to s3. If in enter the build environment created 'env-vars file' things work fine.
<MichaelRaskin> I would say that gerbilPackages-unstable or something like that should probably be enough to have just gerbil-utils enough
<Raito_Bezarius> or should I use explicit 32stdenv or something like that?
<niso> clever: yes, i was thinking of a higher layer of abstraction, as in: Is it possible to do something like: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A some.path.kexec_tarball -I nixos-config=./conf.nix and get a tarball as a build product?
<clever> bgamari: it sounds like something modified /nix/store after a build was done
<Raito_Bezarius> that $src does not exist or something like this
<euank> If you start with a tarball, doing something like fetchurl and overriding the unpack phase to `tar -C $out` can be handy to avoid having to write the files twice at least
<niso> balsoft: agree, something as simple as pinning a repo is way too difficult right nwo
<balsoft> However, each time you type something like /home/you/nixpkgs in nix (as opposed to "/home/you/nixpkgs") it's a path and not a string. If you convert that path to a string, it becomes "string with context" and copies your path (/home/your/nixpkgs) to nix store, also adding that store path to your container's closure.
<the_pumpkin_man[> Hello, I am trying to figure out how to write Nix expressions, I already had a look at the Nix manual and to Nixpkgs manual. Now, how do you package something ? Like how do you figure out dependencies, test the expression, etc ?
<gchristensen> if my system is doing things like that, something is wrong and swapping isn't going to help things
<emily> hyper_ch: also, generally on desktop linux as soon as you copy something from pass output to paste into your super secure ssh terminal or whatever, your browser could easily read it from the clipboard and exfiltrate it to a malicious server, so if you're this worried about your browser process getting access to your passwords then just avoiding autofill extensions is not nearly enough
<emily> I would prefer something tied to my yubikey though, so pass has that going for it
<betawaffle> i may enable encryption on a per-user basis or something
<maddo> if you're using something like a text based email client (like I am) you definitely want relatime instead of noatime
<bqv> am i missing something or is apache 2.0 not in lib.licenses?
<betawaffle> maybe i should name it something unusual
<niso> simpson: by scripting language i was refering to something un-typed. I do find refactoring way easier if the language forces me to encode why i need something (and for what), since the compiler will throw an error if i do something which goes against the previous specification
<simpson> bqv: Of course. It's just confusing to me. To trust something is to be vulnerable to it; it seems strange to trust *any* code above other code.
<simpson> bqv: Then benchmark for bugs, using something like a fuzzer. What *is* your concern? I'm merely observing the tribal nature of discourse about programming languages.
<bqv> betawaffle: eh, mostly just preconceptions. zfs was monkeypatched in from an entire other operating system, it'll never feel right to me compared to something like btrfs
<booterror> damn that's something impossible for me until now
<simpson> Something like https://bpaste.net/IGRQ
<Henson> andi-: and partway through all of this I discovered that for every creation command in extraCommands, I needed to add a deletion command in extraStopCommands. But not only that, I need to append "|| true" to it in order to prevent trying to delete something that hasn't been created from causing an exit code 1 failure...
<cole-h> Those comments aren't really something that can be done by somebody other than the author, though...
<charukiewicz> I'm trying to enter the nix-shell for a Haskell library I'm working with that has a tiny dependency list (base, text, and hspec), but for some reason it seems to be recompiling a mountain of packages as well as GHC. Here's my default.nix that my shell.nix relies on: https://github.com/charukiewicz/isbn/blob/master/default.nix - Is there something I could change so that it doesn't randomly start to
<Henson> clever: ok. Do you think there would be value in having a nixos-fw-output chain (or something similarly named) added to address this problem, or is it perhaps not that big of a problem?


<adisbladis> jackdk: That could be explained by something else depending on the haskellPackages derivation
<lc> Can someone else try to install the rescuetime package from stable to confirm this is something that happens elsewhere
<chris_> I kinda have a question (I'm new to NixOS, but not to Linux): I've installed NixOS, but I made a typo in the configuration file fileSystems."/boot". I fixed it and mounted it manually again, but whenever I try to run 'nixos-rebuild switch`, grub-install complains about /boot not being a efi partition and '/boot/' is unmounted once again. Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to prevent the unmounting of '/boot' while rebuilding the configuration?
<numkem> I kept thinking about permission but environment is quite differnt with NixOS, something to keep in mind
<numkem> cole-h: we'll I've learned something new, `go run` and `go test` writes to `~/.cache/go-build/` deleting that folder solved it...
<cole-h> numkem: The fact that it differs between root and your unprivileged user makes it obvious to me that *something* is different. You could try `strace`-ing it.
<aleph-> Yeah wanted to do something like imports = [ ./common/security.nix ... ];
<numkem> it's my own code tho, a `go test` or `go run` on something that used to work suddenlty doesn't
<Woutifier> I thought it was somehow used to write the config file itself or something like that
<Woutifier> right, so it is then up to Grafana to take the environment variables and actually do something with them
<thoughtpolice> A very common idiom is to write a NixOS module so it says something like `let cfg = config.options.grafana; in ...` and you can reference `cfg` from there on out. That's just a shortened form
<thoughtpolice> So you could ask for something like, `config.options.grafana.security.adminUser` in your module
<ixxie> well I guess what I meant, is whether there is some kind of NixOS module that wraps something that serve a javascript app
<MichaelRaskin> And pivot_root seems to also want something not fully user-level in the beginning
<simpson> That's what I suspect, too. Something about the newlines?
<exarkun> still something broken about how it is getting integrated with circleci, hard to say what exactly
<bdju> ryantm: it was just my first time encountering something marked broken rather than just happening to be broken
<kraem> emily: can i access them with something like `prev.pkgs...`?
<exarkun> not sure about that, I haven't actually used nginx on nixos... I guess it sounds like something changed about who nginx runs as between 20.03 and whatever you upgraded from?
<exarkun> because, who knows, unix permission model is crazy, or something
<pjt_014> especially for something I can fix with a jq filter
<armin> hmm, so how would i do something like this?


<infinisil> charukiewicz: Does the project do something like `import nixpkgs {}` in its files?
<infinisil> Oh, I kind of suspect you have something in ~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays or config.nix
<infinisil> The full output should include something downloading from https://cache.nixos.org right?
<infinisil> charukiewicz: Which means that something in the Nix files must be changing stdenv
<cab404[m]> <simpson "cab404: Have you seen builtins.t"> it's not that difficult, something like firefox debugging tools on js objects would be already worlds better than ":p" in nix repl
<infinisil> And that's one of the main arguments against using something like above PR
<maralorn> Okay, to confused by Haskell type holes or something …
<adisbladis> Did you do something funky like setting up pulseaudio in system-wide mode?
<manveru> so `systemctl cat --user pulseaudio.service` shows you something?
<pie_> cole-h: at first i thought you were going to grep https://channels.nixos.org/ or something
<zeta_0> in my (lorri+direnv+emacs-direnv) setup, with `lorri shell` i finally got most of my projects up and running nicely with nix in emacs, but for some reason, i haven't been able to ihaskell working with this setup, i'm guessing it has something to do with this shell.nix file not working correctly? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61576103/nix-configuration-ihaskell-not-working-in-the-shell-nix-setup-used-for-lorri
<pie_> though if we had something like a current-stable channel that would also help
<pie_> cole-h: yeah something like that
<fps> tobi_: maybe something like pkgs.servers.samba.override { enableLDAP = true; }; in the configuration.nix
<cole-h> And how does it load default.nix? Just `import` or something?
<cole-h> clever: I never realized that.... So would you just need to do `eval $configurePhase` or something?
<{^_^}> If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<pbogdan> I'm guessing you could be getting a different archive if you already fetched something with that checksum and only changed the url
<dngray> if i had multiple servers i'd probably use something like PXE
<dngray> and it would be nice to be able to manage that with nixos, and fall back to good versions if something breaks
<bdju> https://chunk.io/bard/e7a5ef0b88534c759a1c0f3fe5b3f331 having trouble updating, can anyone give advice? between the two sections of errors I commented out the epkgs.perl6-mode line because it looked like it was a problem, but still can't update. it's not giving me line numbers but something more confusing.
<cole-h> gchristensen: I wonder if that's something that could/should be fixed?
<gchristensen> no worries :P I'm trying to distract myself from something which isn't very healthy
<cole-h> prusnak: Makes sense. But I'd rather carry around something like a flashdrive than a tamagotchi :P


<Raito_Bezarius> energizer: that's something you'd input
<Raito_Bezarius> something something Intel ME
<qyliss> that's something you could do, yeah
<adisbladis> If something is using a key type supported by those I should be able to use my hw token
<adisbladis> gchristensen: When I was talking about "secrets support" before that meant a special string context that makes nix bail out in case something does end up in the store
<gchristensen> (but then again, nix probably shouldn't have secrets support. something something lifecycle, mixing levels of sensitivity, breaking of models, etc.)
<infinisil> I guess the problem it would solve (not knowing whether something is imported into the store) is rather low in benefit
<infinisil> And to import something into the store you need to use builtins.importPath
<simpson> pathlib is a great step forward, but it doesn't address TOCTTOU problems. Something more transactional is needed.
<infinisil> Quantum paths because it's either a path to something inside or outside the store, but you won't know until you either use toString or "${}"
<pjt_014> energizer: yeah, that's nasty. At least toss a few tons of salt at it or bcrypt it or something
<azazel> clever: It's not something for the ordinary thief
<morgrimm> And activating the configuration doesn't fail either, so it's silently failing on something
<betaboon> quinn: to me it seems like the antialiasing doesnt work or something.
<betaboon> primeos: i was hoping #86960 would fix my issue with gtk-font behaviour (eg in waybar or wofi). but it seems unrelated or i am realy doing something wrong. do fonts (I'm using mononoki Nerd Fonts) look good for you in gtk3 applications ?
<xfix> i wonder when will be next channel bump, seems like something broke :(
<symphorien> johnmantwenty: once you find a way to have something written on the console, you can debug with https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-boot-problems
<djanatyn> hmm, i ran into something weird - the derivations created by pkgs.runCommandNoCC have a buildCommand starting with CRLF line endings!
<srhb> asheshambasta: Or the shorter version, you probably* want something like this, where the key point is that callWhatever is from hself... self: super: { haskellPackages = with self.haskell.lib; super.haskellPackages.override (old: { overrides = self.lib.composeExtensions (old.overrides or (_: _: {})) (hself: hsuper: { foo = something; bar = hself.callWhatever barsrc {}}); }); }
<yorick> but it probably breaks... something
<dxtr> Yeah I figured I'd so something similar to that
<lewo> marek: no, I don't think it is documented:( Maybe you could find something in the plugin commit messages.
<evax> ma27[m]: hi, I stumbled across your comments in this PR https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/69202, I'm experiencing something similar, could you please expand on the configuration issue you're referring to?
<CRTified[m]> Hi, I wanted to test something with gnuradio, but running it fails with `no module named gtk`, although pygtk is in its propagatedBuildInputs. I already found an issue ( https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/82263 ) but that only covers the upgrade to 3.8. Any pointers on how to get it running (easily) to play around with it?
<srhb> aanderse: It looks like _something_ might be shutting down before python has written out all its buffers or something.
<craige> I think I may have something snrb...
<srhb> ldlework: Like you've added it to imports or something like that
<craige> We are, hence my call out - I'm missing *something* but the what is proving elusive :-)
<srhb> craige: The only thing I can think of is a path conflict, but if it's entirely absent that doesn't really make sense.. It feels like they can't be the same nixpkgs rev with that behaviour. I don't know. We're missing something :)
<hoplaahei> So I'm not sure if there is something specific in the emacs service that makes it exit with the session.
<hoplaahei> waleee-cl: yes I'm reading something about a "linger" setting that may allow the process to carry on, but it looks like a nix config option never got added for it.


<clever> line 11 takes a set, and generates a bash script to run something from the dist folder (left-over from `cabal build`)
<danderson> (first rule of the internet: the way to figure out the answer to a question is to ask a hundred people something dumb, which makes you figure it out 5s later)
<ixxie> arianvp[m]: any alternatives? I mean if there is something comparable that is easier to do multitenancy with.... :D
<ixxie> clever: but then I would need to fork nixpkgs or something no?
<infinisil> jumper149: Had to fix something with the karma, should be working again :)
<gilligan> but there needs to be something to align this with
<gilligan> infinisil: i was talking to adisbladis the other day concerning poetry2nix. I think it's important to keep the scope of poetry2nix managable and to figure out what the most important usescases are. I promised to put something into writing but still have that on my TODO list..
<infinisil> And I just wanna check if that's something you wouldn't be opposed to
<infinisil> adisbladis: Hey, I've got something I want to implement for poetry2nix
<jumper149> How does services.openssh add port 22 to networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts? Also: Why don't I get something like "attribute already defined" when I set it in my configuration.nix. And most importantly how does it still append/prepend port 22 if I set networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts in configuration.nix?
<evanjs> Or is assigning something for settings/settings.xml or etc my best bet for now?
<mikky> clever: huh, must have misread something. I think I've read that "normal" priority is 10
<reirob> @srk, no idea if lowercase does something different, but I was using these executables now for 3 years :)
<clever> reirob: lowercase executable, does that do something diff?
<srk> possibly something in the project dir causing that, if it's git can you clone it aside?
<reirob> I mean something like:
<disasm> using yarn2nix I have an issue where the lockfile has incorrect entry, ignoring, but it's generated with the same version of `yarn` https://gist.github.com/35dd4dc148490113f37b64354bbcc185 it's happening in this PR https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-graphql/pull/163. any yarn2nix experts see something that jumps out before I start deep diving into what's going on here?
<adisbladis> Let's say you're hacking on something linking against a libjpeg & invokes gcc
<srk> things shouldn't break and often it's something in your env/setup that could cause breakage. I've never had the issues with linking haskell programs though
<srk> something change :) you can even grab the repo and bisect between these two
<srk> does the project sets CFLAGS, uses pkg-config? I've seen something like this recently but it was due to how the projects buildsystem modified the environment
<jluttine> is there something wrong in systemd timer if `systemctl status sometimer.timer` shows `Trigger: n/a`?
<jluttine> the latest rows are after reboot about 1 month ago, and the last line is just "Started Renew ACME Certificate for somedomain.com". Note that there's no stopped nor succeeded lines after that. So maybe lego has crashed or something else failed so that it hasn't been able to finish
<cjpbirkbeck> is possible to change where /bin/sh symlinks to, i.e. change it from /nix/store/...-bash-.../bin/bash to something like /nix/store/...-zsh../bin/zsh or /nix/store/...-dash-.../bin/dash? i remember seeing an option for that once (with warnings), but i can't find it now
<floscr> So I would then wrap every script in nix with something like `grep=${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep` ?
<rnhmjoj> does nix have something like printf? i have to show floating points but toString has a hardcoded precision of many digits
<multun> danderson: can you try running something else than gnome?
<danderson> I'm assuming something in the display manager or gnome startup logic should be invoking set-environment, and isn't
<danderson> so... is gnome messing up my env or something...
<multun> something went horribly wrong there
<cole-h> Something's not quite right there, but I can't put my finger on it...
<Ashy> true, i'd like to have jFull as an option, defining it explicitly with something similar to pythonWithPackages sounds like the correct way
<energizer> Ashy: maybe you want something like pythonWithPackages, but for j?
<energizer> like normally in my (non-nix) projects if somebody comes by and bumps a dep and it breaks something, the CI runs automatically before merge, fails and blocks the merge. but that's not happening here
<energizer> i'm sorta surprised at that description (i wouldve expected this all to be automated) so i'm wondering if i misunderstand something about nixpkgs maintainence policies or if just nobody's gotten around to automating this
<kini> am I doing something wrong, or does `ffmpeg` in nixpkgs build with x264 while `ffmpeg-full` doesn't?
<emily> hyperfekt: the scripts might take something like GITHUB_TOKEN


<quinn> energizer: you'll probably have an even easier time writing your config file in nix, but if you must write it in something else, you should do just dhall -> nix. i'm not sure how json would figure, but i can't imagine it wouldn't create any problems with typing and formatting.
<Yaniel> basically when a nixos update breaks something you can just reboot into the previous state
<Hamilton> Yaniel, by config files you mean my app config files in .config or something else?
<Yaniel> Hamilton: well, pretty much any scenario where a debian update breaks something
<Ralith_> something like how the nix package for steam emulates an ubuntu environment
<cole-h> If both Hydra and GitHub go down, you're SoL. There's something to be said for single points of failure, but that isn't really on-topic for #nixos
<evanjs> Also: how do we typically handle importorskip for python tests? I feel like jonringer commented on my PR but I don’t see it anymore; assuming said comment was removed after I squashed the relevant changes or something
<notgne2> oh huh, I expected that to be a symlink or something
<nschoe> Is there something I should install or a nixos-option to enable?
<clever> cole-h: if nix-store -r cant find something, it wont bother checking again for an hour
<Miyu-saki> Well, now I know something new.
<Miyu-saki> It's not. You'd want to generate them on runtime. But let's be honest, it's morally okay to make something just work, rather than correct.
<ixxie> so I plan to determine the interface at build time. Only minus is that I must build on the target machine, but for the time being I can live with that and do something fancier in the future
<clever> Fare: something must be evaluating the nix expr with builtins.fetchGit, what did it?
<jakobrs> Something like boot.initrd.postDeviceCommands = lib.mkAfter "btrfs subvol snap /clean-root /"
<infinisil> siers: So I guess you want something that turns an attribute set into a string that has a nix expression in it representing that attrset. I think there is something like that in lib.generators, but it's probably brittle
<FireFly> eyJhb: did an install fairly recently, I think it came to something like 1-2 GB
<srhb> the ... being something like angerman/channels/nixos
<srhb> Likely, something at homedir creation
<cjpbirkbeck> note that the configuration is done in lua, and if something goes wrong the program will dump you back to the default.
<mchasard> i have to test it so but awesome is something like fluebox ?
<Vikingman> i try to change something in my config and i got /boot is not look like uefi partition
<Fare> so I can't use fetchgit or something; I just want to use the current directory and/or a tarball I provide
<emily> benpye: you can of course ^C out of the prompt if you want to do other boot debug, or put it in an executable or function or something if you don't just want to automatically do it at ssh time


<adisbladis> Raito_Bezarius: I'm just gonna guess that you are not filtering sources or something like that?
<ambro718> adisbladis: not sure, I just did something like this in default.nix, https://pasteall.org/MKDG
<ambro718> ldlework: I created a nix-shell environment which includes pip, and in that shell I successfully used pip to install something, but trying to import that fails
<energizer> "warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration" but did it still switch, or did it rollback, or something in between?
<dsal> stack complains that there's a newer version. Something (home-manager?) puts the nix-env in front of my path so I can't easily just use a locally installed version. Is there an easy way to grab the latest stack?
<cole-h> Isn't that just like Facebook Messenger or something
<adisbladis> clever: Maybe you have something good to say about the doas pr?
<cole-h> So, one would just need to `deny nopass keepenv root` or something, I guess
<dckc> so idris 1.3.2 is "marked as broken" in nix... any clues? how do I tell nix to install 1.3.1 or something
<infinisil> kayg04: Oh hm, do you perhaps have something like `set -u` in your ~/.bashrc or similar?
<srk> instead of deleting it's probably better to just move old data dir (in case it contains something valuable :))
<clever> dxtr: either `boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "nfs" ];` or set the fsType of something in fileSystems.foo to "nfs"
<bbarker> tobeportable, interesting, `nixos-rebuild switch --repair` worked! I thought i tried it but I guess I did something else: `nix-store --verify --repair --check-contents`
<raboof> genevino: hmm, seems like something that belongs in a manual to me :)
<drakonis> unless you want something too fresh, in which you'll have to build or wait
<drakonis> have you tried using lightdm or something?
<samueldr> trying to fix something by whack-a-moling solutions isn't so great :/
<clever> Raito_Bezarius: i dont know how, but craige is doing something like that


<Fare> something like (def (gsc-path) (or (getenv "GSC" #f) (build-time (getenv "GSC" #f))))
<clever> Fare: for example, compile something with -DFOO_PATH=${FOO_PATH}
<clever> energizer: and if your targeting something you lack the source for, you also need unpackPhase and patchPhase
<Fare> something that adds all the stuff you want in ~/.nix-profile/lib/gerbil ?
<Fare> adisbladis, somehow nix-build tells me error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (the line where I try to use buildLayeredImageWithNixDb)
<Fare> something I can run build and test commands on top of
<adisbladis> Something along those lines
<simpson> adisbladis: Oh, sure, I figure that we do something like that to build the nixos/nix image on Docker Hub.
<cole-h> I'm not knowledgable about flakes -- I just pulled that command from something Eelco posted somewhere
<drakonis> or you can build something that uses that on your local copy of the repository
<armin> adisbladis: looks like i'm clearly doing something wrong then
<azazel> fps: every derivation and package can be converted to string with something like "${pkgs.foo}" to get the base path of it in the nix store
<jakobrs> Or am i missing something
<turlando> Another noob question from me: if for example I want to install something for a single user in my system user I should edit .nixpkgs/config.nix and then call nix-build as such user?
<clever> but i think --store daemon?something=/path/to can point you to a diff socket, and then socat
<evanjs> But I figure there's something I might be doing wrong
<emily> wagnerf: I wonder if this could relate to switching to glvnd or something
<emily> wagnerf: generally you'll want to do something like let nixpkgs_19_09 = import (fetchFromGitHub { ... }) {}; in ... nixpkgs_19_09.callPackage ./my-old-derivation {}
<clever> elux: you have to go all the way back to something with root (sshd, the login screen) for the changes to apply
<pbogdan> do you have your config online somewhere so I could compare and see if I missed something?
<MichaelRaskin> If you have a group of fully mutually trusting devices, you can setup something similar to what you say with nix-serve
<jakobrs> Apparently it's got something to do with Legacy, but ... it's not legacy
<jakobrs> The longer command will actually generate the grub config, so if something breaks you can just copy-paste it into grub.extraConfig
<adisbladis> clever: Yes, but that doesn't allow us to inject something exactly before the remote command
<adisbladis> Is there a good way to figure out if I'm a trusted user (other than trying to copy a closure or something)?
<clever> you can use `nix-store --query --roots` to figure out why something cant be deleted
<jakobrs> not unless something's changed, but you can also do
<dxtr> so if I wanted to use, say, linuxPackages_5_6 I'd do something like boot.kernelPackages = linuxPackages_5_6?
<NobbZ[m]> Something in the tool that generates the page is broken. Sadly. Licenses are specified in the Derivation correctly as far as I know. avalenn
<otwieracz> But unfortunately, somethings is funny here: https://pastebin.com/N9kaUCAC
<Wulfsta> energizer: I'm probably doing something wrong, since I don't understand why pip is needed?
<Kyndig> i think i must have something wrong with my env, because I also have an issue with nix-channel closure not including gnutar


<Irenes[m]> you could also just do that once to see what the code it generates looks like, and whether it's something you could be doing by hand, if you would prefer that
<niso> clever: although i would prefer something like systemd.crond - since it would imo be more intuitive for new users
<niso> btw, i noticed someone before use services.cron - which seems to use standard crojobs. By chance nixpkgs could offer an easy to use alternative? (e.g. something like this - but with different name + refactoring: http://paste.debian.net/1144048/ )
<clever> cole-h: let x = import ./.; in something with x.buildInputs and x.nativeBuildInputs
<betaboon> worldofpeace: thanks. it just realy confused me going toward to wayland and having to set something under the xserver-namespace :D
<johanot> notgne2: inb4, might I suggest something like: nix-prefetch-git --rev refs/heads/nixos-20.03 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels > pin.json
<rooke> I guess the next question becomes, working this out took me far longer than I care to admit. Does it make sense to add something like this to the documentation?
<rooke> Yeah, especially for something like minted which requires python to be on the path
<quinn> ...or something else entirely?
<notgne2> any pnpm2nix users here want to make sure this PR doesn't horribly break something? https://github.com/nix-community/pnpm2nix/pull/21
<cole-h> pingiun: What are you trying to achieve? Just test a build on a PR, or force hydra to build something?
<jakobrs> It isn't though, unless I'm missing something
<Alexey37> Hm, I depend on hasql-pool in haskell packages, for which tests are broken (but without tests it compiles and works). As I understand, I could do something like `nixpkgs.pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc865.callPackage ./my.nix { hasql-pool = nixpkgs.pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc865.hasql-pool.override ???; }`, but what argument can disable tests? `doCheck`?
<glittershark> function killall() { command killall .$1-wrapped } or something
<cinimod> clever: interesting - all I actually want is no profiling but I must be asking for something more
<turlando> Something unrelated to my question but still kind of related to my first install. What data should I snapshot from the NixOS install? Just /etc/nixos and everything else is derivable from the nix files?
<DamienCassou> there is something weird: the link on the page points to latest-nixos-plasma5-x86_64-linux.iso. So if you download with wget, this is the filename you get. But with firefox, the file is renamed to nixos-plasma5-20.03.1619.ab3adfe1c76-x86_64-linux.iso
<vika_nezrimaya> GitLab CI + Nix-Flakes - I'm trying to research that combination right now, but something's wrong. The tree is showing as dirty even though it shouldn't have nothing dirty associated with it, it's just a detached HEAD... Build logs: https://gitlab.com/vikanezrimaya/nix-flakes-docker/-/jobs/533118018
<srhb> I'm asking because my 19.09 hashes did not match yours, and while I could have something cached, we should at least be on the same versions.