
<Mic92> d4rkshad0w: did they not had an option to upload nixos iso's. Or do I mix something up?
<betaboon> i need a second opinion on something: I'm trying to boot using a readonly nfsroot, i have an init-script that creates an overlayfs ontop of that nfsroot. now where i need an opinion on: should i try to write this init-script to the exec stage1, or should i completly skip stage-1 and go straight to stage-2 ?
<kini> I see -- is there some other way to do something like what I want?
<chrismatheson> > <@chrismatheson:matrix.org> morning, has something recently changed in the nix setup script? i ran it like a week ago on my laptop and everything is fine. but today i get
<chrismatheson> morning, has something recently changed in the nix setup script? i ran it like a week ago on my laptop and everything is fine. but today i get
<jluttine[m]> not sure.. a huge amount of stuff was deleted when i wasn't running it as root, but something more was deleted when running as sudo. so maybe without sudo it doesn't delete anything needed by system generations?
<ldlework> iqubic: try a youtube video or something now
<moet> another question: when you look at consolefont filenames, there's usually a four-charactercode at the end, like x14b or l16n or something.. what does the first character in this code mean? the middle two are the size, and the last one is (b)old or (n)ormal..
<iqubic> All I'm going to say is that something seems weird, becauase most of the tabs in pavucontrol are blank.


<iqubic> ldlework: I was going to something a bit more complex, but yeah that basically.
<iqubic> So, will this just work out of the box? And will I need to install something like qjackctl separately?
<cole-h> How would I overlay a package to be built with `nix-build`, directly from the commandline? e.g. I want something like `--arg overlays "pkg = pkgs.override..."` or similar.
<euank> I want to double check my understanding of something. I've got a flake.nix in a git repo, but I want to have `nix build` etc ignore that and treat it just as a path type flake.
<pbb> can it do something like ":p" in the nix repl maybe?
<tarzeau> i used to create some tools to make multiple packaging things from one, like debian2rpm debian2solarispkg debian2macbrew... maybe something like debian2nix is possible?
<tarzeau> gobolinux also has something like that, with a bit a different file structure, but nix catched my attention
<Mic92> Something on those lines was my plan. But I am not sure, when I get to it.
<betawaffle> is there something like nix shell, but ... even more isolated?
<dminuoso> wadkar: But usually it should be rare that you need to compile something yourelf.
<wadkar> dminuoso: I am slowly migrating things from brew to nixpkg, and I don't want to end up compiling gcc/libc first so that i can compile something else
<simpson> wadkar: ^C will work on nix-build and friends. I don't see a flag for this behavior. FWIW, while many folks have your stance at first, there's simply too many useful small configuration files that Nix can build; if you want to use something like nix-darwin then you'll have to be okay with building stuff that isn't in any cache.
<dminuoso> jakob_rs: I think you can just do something like add `++ optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ rpcgen ]` to the respective buildInput
<jakob_rs> I'm fairly sure I already know why something is failing, and many of the points (like "Expected Behaviour" and "Metadata") are irrelevant.
<simukis_> does `genericBuild` in a nix-shell no longer work? I tried something like `nix-shell '<nixpkgs>' -A llvm --run 'genericBuild'` and nothing happens.
<quinn> alright, fair enough. i have noise issues in dorm, but considering my right ear is deaf something galls me about paying for cans i can't use half of lol
<quinn> pipewire also has a "session manager"/connection graph (which is probably what you mean by patch bay, that's actually something different
<craftyguy> how can I find out what 'requires' or pulled in some package to my system? e.g. 'alacritty' is installed for some reason by something, and I would rather not have it installed
<agschaid> @srhb thank you. everyday something new . . .
<quinn> cole-h: it was breaking pulse on restart after using jack? i think pulse gets killed or slept or something when i start jack with qjackctl, and it messed up pulse when i stopped jack and restarted pulse
<quinn> i think 1/4th of a second or something? which is absolutely painful for live monitoring. obviously fine for mixing though
<srk> maybe pipewire has something similar
<srhb> iqubic: I suppose that depends on your setup. If you're getting sound through something that needs direct read/write to /dev/snd/* and friends, you need to be in audio.
<srhb> agschaid: Yes, something like that. steam-run should depend on steam, so if you install it after adding an overlay to steam like that, it'll be changed as well
<agschaid> srhb Thank you. Just to be clear: you are talking about something like `(steam.override { extraPkgs = pkgs: [whatEverPackage]}).run`? I just wasn't sure about that since I installed `steam-run` as a separate systemPackage
<aveltras> could anyone review https://github.com/aveltras/commento-nix ? first time im packaging something, i'd like to know what i could improve here, especially regarding building the package in default.nix
<ldlework> kalbasit: wouldn't you have to do something like overrideAttrs?
<ldlework> energizer: doh, it doesn't re-evaluate or reimport or something
<clever> raghavsood: yeah, somethings wrong there, is sda GPT or MBR?
<xwz91> now something happen as expected will see :)
<xwz91> https://pastebin.com/p7XNdXa8 there was something longer before but I never got this again even if I removed the unstable part, rebuild, added it again - remembering about sth "conflict" but wasn't highligted/broke up so I guessed its ok
<euank> Something like that should work


<euank> evanjs: Does that sound like something that would be helpful? I guess for that makefile, it's a mess of submodules, which my hack wouldn't help with
<evanjs> Trying to find _something_ that helps me deal with OVF files (vs vmware crap) and I stumbled across this
<adisbladis> betawaffle: kalbasit (and I think Mic92 also has something to do with it)
<adisbladis> In fact, the initial use case was packaging something that wasn't using poetry
<euank> specifically the overlay having something like `firefox = if super.firefox.version > my-firefox.version then super.firefox else firefox;`
<simpson> energizer: Well, TBF, the workflow works fine for folks who are part of it. If I'm a maintainer, which is rare but possible, then my review *does* mean something and is part of the process.
<j-k> betawaffle: Can you put your nix in a gist/pastebin or something?
<urkk> Is there something I'm missing?
<bqv> presumably it's something to do with writeReferencesToFile
<aveltras> is there any way to know what is in progress when entering a nix-shell ? i've been staring at my terminal for more than 20min now, i know it's downloading something but i don't know what
<betawaffle> (as an alternative to something like `src = ./.`)
<betawaffle> is there some clever way to invoke fetchgit (or something along those lines) to check out a particular revision of a local git repo?
<bqv> i had a system for something like that, once
<jlv> Is there something like overlays for modules? In particular, there is a pull request I want to test.
<b42> to account for the "enable" option your interface would have to be something like { enable = mkEnableOption "..."; namespaces = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule ...)); } }
<b42> let me stare at your code for a bit to make sure i'm not missing something:D
<b42> or rather mapAttrs' if you want the service name to be something other than the ns name https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#function-library-lib.attrsets.mapAttrs-prime
<b42> in the conifg = ... part of your module you'd do something like systemd.services = mapAttrs (name: iface: { /* ...what you have now in mkNetns */ })
<nixbitcoin> b42: I want to have a different "netns-" service for every nix-bitcoin service that binds to its nix-bitcoin service and creates its netns before nix-bitcoin service starts. For this I wanted to create a function that is imported in every module with something like `systemd.services.netns-bitcoind = mkNetns { name = "bitcoind"; iface = "veth1"; };`
<reirob> cool! learned something today :)
<manveru> by putting something like `programs.ssh.askPassword = "${pkgs.gnome3.seahorse}/libexec/seahorse/ssh-askpass";` in your configuration.nix
<magnetophon> magit status takes over 20 seconds here. "time git status" takes less than a second for me (seems fishy, something must be wrong with my measurement method,it has definitely taken longer in the past).
<adisbladis> I'm well aware, I just don't see the cost of splitting nixpkgs as something worthwhile.
<lewo> I've seen something to provide a cache to git status. I'm wondering if this could help.
<switchy> am I doing something odd? I have a hdf5-fortran-mpi package that's something like: pkgs.hdf5.override { inherit gfortran; szip = null; mpi = pkgs.openmpi; } (basically combining the hdf5-fortran and hdf5-mpi packages), but nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A hdf5-fortran-mpi complains about cyclic references


<bqv> if i do lib.fix (self: { passthru = { something using self }}) it'll infrec, right?
<__red__> clever: I have deduced that there is something on this system which is chown -R root:root that directory structure
<__red__> which may futz with something that's already defined
<jbox> balsoft: where does config even come from? I don't know what it is. It gets passed to our module; that's all I know. Why would I want to reference an argument (something that comes from outside my module), when I want to reference something inside this module?
<balsoft> Avaq: I think it might have something to do with an env variable the name of which I do not remember
<gchristensen> simpson: https://twitter.com/grhmc/status/1265735768812724225 I saw a video about doing something with google sheets + some other app, and the capability model was "allow FooService to access all your sheets yes-read-write/yes-read/no" and I'm like, NONE of those are what I want!
<simpson> gchristensen: Nothing wrong with enthusiasm for monitoring and metrics. Or something else?
<balsoft> You want to NIX_PATH=/path/to/nixpkgs nixos-rebuild build or something similar
<clever> iclanzan: its only a risk if you tell others what the path to one of the secrets is, or something depending on the secret
<evils> hyper_ch: that's what we tell ourselves as we package something that uses python2...
<chloekek_> bqv: The nice thing about software is that if anything turns out to be a problem, you can just throw it away and make something new. :) Changing stuff is so much cheaper than in e.g. hardware design or architecture.
<bqv> if it does, you're doing something very, very wrong
<Thra11> If I try to run the binary, it just starts downloading something
<Thra11> gvolpe: I don't know how to check the version. It downloaded the url in the override and built something with 0.7.3 in the path.
<cole-h> No idea, but it's a possibility that something merged recently. next merged into staging 3 hours ago
<evanjs> So obviously I did something wrong in replacing the instances of /var/lib/terarria
<evanjs> setting up something with nixos-generate and suddenly getting "chown: invalid user: 'root.root'" wtf haha
<jbox> for those people who have /var in a high-speed drive or something
<evanjs> jbox: could also open a PR to change that. seems like something that might be useful enough to others
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at (string):312:2
<simpson> quinn: That sounds reasonable. Here's something I just tried: https://bpa.st/JGQQ
<lovesegfault> so like I will build something on my server, nix copy to my laptop, then morph deploy and nix starts rebuilding stuff
<manveru> gonna need something that supports flakes soon
<tarelerulz> so to me it feels like something on the way I set up nixos
<tarelerulz> It has a config file you save when change something
<quinn> i also admire your patience in doing a nixos-rebuild to test something for IRC, i'm much too lazy for that
<tarelerulz> haha you make sound so easy, I'm new to Nixos. I had time finding out how to install something
<quinn> simpson: this makes me think that you have something that depends on g++ (as a propagatedbuildinput i guess?) in your system already
<quinn> simpson: i mean it definitely depends on g++ at build time, but i think it needs a propagatedbuildinput or something to stay in the path after it's installed.
<tarelerulz> I mean it cool , You helped me out. I think there is something I'm not understand , I have other apps that don't work correct like retroarch and I think there might be a general reason
<tarelerulz> I had like retroarch not work either. so I'm thinking maybe I'm not doing something right
<tarelerulz> So I was wondering maybe I did something wrong in the way I installed/setup
<tarelerulz2> I notice a lot of program I have installed have problems because They are looking for something in a normal place and can't find it.
<keithy[m]> thats if I am building something inside the nix environment I need make elsewhere
<clever> elvishjerricco: one case i can see, where nix isnt entirely at fault, is if you just built something, and the binary in the derivation didnt fsync()
<abathur> clever: confused about both referencing optane and spinning rust, maybe I missed something?
<Henson> clever: try something on the NAS, like DD something into a big 1 GB blob in /dev/shm then sync. Then time how long it takes to write it to disk and sync again.
<DigitalKiwi> clever: do you have sync=always or something like that
<abathur> and if not, it's probably something idiomatic
<Henson> clever: do you know if anything exists to build a NixOS system into an initrd and bzImage to get kexec'd into a running system? I'm working on that, so I can take over a Debian system and install NixOS on it. I've got a script working, and have done it before, but perhaps something that like already exists. But I doubt it.
<notgne2> Henson: iirc its something like `nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A config.system.build.isoImage -I nixos-config=iso.nix`, though that might be for something else
<abathur> If you can't run it on a system where it's not entangled in the system so you can GC between runs, and if there's not some other magic way, I guess maybe you could override allllll of the packages to add some dumb dependency on a module that just does something silly with builtins.currentTime...
<lovesegfault> unless I write something that changes the introduced garbage on each build cycle


<pjt_014> something like that
<simpson> lovesegfault: pkgsCross might have something not in cache.
<hexagoxel> I have a feeling it will be the same result, because this whole debugging run started with trying to nix build something
<infinisil> nix repl messes with evaluation, I try to avoid it for anything other than quickly checking something
<ldlework> by accessing something on drv, it resolves drv and causes it to be built?
<pxc> bqv: I noticed the tags on the repo. What's the advantage of tagging every build? Lets you see what config you used for a given system profile without copying your config into the nix store or something like that?
<lewo> neonfuz2: you could also find something here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/sources.nix
<energizer> haha i can hardly imagine something more intuitive than echo x | f | g | h
<virus_dave> @cole-h a few reasons, but here's the one reason: I have a derivation which needs to work cross-platform to install something (specifically, bazel). In most cases, bazel works fine in this fashion. However, bazel related stuff sometimes hard-codes references to shared libraries, so in nixos land those need to be re-written correctly. More generally, we have setup which needs to happen differently on our ubuntu machines that our nixos machines, so i
<euank> Something like `if [[ $(source /etc/os-release && echo -n $ID) == "nixos" ]]; then ...` seems like it would be the more general cross-platform way for bash to check
<virus_dave> heyas all! (1) What's the canonical way to tell if a particular linux install is nixos? Say, from bash. (2) What about inside nix lang within the definition of a particular derivation? Something more precise than `isLinux`
<ldlework> i highly doubt you'll find something that isn't a hack, if you don't find someone's pet project that has solved this on github
<euank> Apologies to the rest of the channel for that long tangent. It's well worth talkign through it and understanding if there's something to simplify and what other options are there
<euank> it handles that by assuming you have a working network overlay or cni plugin or something that deals with it
<ldlework> i am very skeptical that k8s does not have an out-of-container cli or something for querying the state and details of pods and so on
<betawaffle> ldlework: dns is our service discovery. i'm sure we can figure *something* out
<simpson> I'm not even sure why you need a container, unless there's something spiky about Darwin.
<clever> betawaffle: this is something i did a while back, that runs a few nixos services in docker
<jbox> betaboon: could you do something like this <https://gist.github.com/nop/178b39ecaaa8fa753d7243809f791821>?
<betaboon> RRedcroft: you should be able to do something along these lines: https://gist.github.com/betaboon/99b4469c8152f6da3baee7df21a6486e
<cole-h> adisbladis: btw, I posted in #nixops yesterday, but you must have been asleep or something. If you have a moment, mind taking a look? https://logs.nix.samueldr.com/nixops/2020-05-25#1590449671-1590449694;
<fresheyeball> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string
<srid> ^ Okay, it did something
<Ankhers> Can anyone point me to a derivation or something that simply downloads and install a .deb?
<meh`> emily, yeah, just tried with the original ceph.nix and it says the same thing "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at /etc/nixos/ceph.nix:321:28", which is the line with the type for `client.extraConfig`
<hexagoxel> although it is possible I overlook something, this stuff gets hairy so quickly :/
<balsoft> Or simpler, something with writeShellScript
<bqv> config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel.version, or something?
<emily> meh`: I think you can do something like `options.services.ceph.client.extraConfig = mkOption { type = ...; };`
<dminuoso> The problem is that something has an open file handle on the target directory or one of its files during the command `mv -v /book /boot.bak`
<bqv> so the option should be set to something like `ps: ps.package`
<bqv> just really uncomfortable to be defining something as "types.unspecified"
<NickHu> I asked in here the other day, but is there like a status page or something for the new command to track what functionality hasn't been ported yet?
<balsoft> nickhu: nix --help has it under "Common Flags" or something
<betaboon> something about `checking for src/pixz.1... configure: error: cannot check for file existence when cross compiling` :/
<adisbladis> joko: Maybe you had some configuration to use PA over TCP or something like that?
<srhb> Yes, it's definitely something I need to get up to speed on as well :)
<ninjin> srhb: I will reboot to make sure, I think I rebooted twice but I will never assume that I am unable to mess something up.
<simpson> Right. There's a theoretical ccache, along with a theoretical hacked-up GCC, that could just be a lot better at this. But, like, so much effort! Something completely written from scratch, like Zig's CC, might be necessary.
<srhb> craftyguy: I don't know the inner workings either, but I suspect it's something like that (though probably at an even more fine-grained level?)
<craftyguy> I always just assumed ccache did something like take take in inputs (source files/headers) and use some hash of that to map to an object it might have
<la-s> `patchelf --set-interpreter "$(nix eval --raw nixos.glibc)"/lib/ld-linux-x86_64.so.2 yourfile` or something


<bbigras> Anyway to see grahamcofborg's old build logs for a specific PR. I did the build multiple times but something didn't make sense. it seemed to build without the fix. maybe it was just still running from a build and I thought the result was for the recent one.
<mac10688> I don't know. If the nixpkg is marked as broken, it appears I will have to do something like build it on my nixos machine and somehow make it accessible at the global level
<mac10688> when I go to the website and type taffybar, I see something that says attribute name, haskellPackages.taffybar
<simpson> Ditto with pkgsStatic.libjpeg, so maybe it's something about libjpeg.
<NickHu> what I tend to do for that is something like `nix-build '<nixpkgs> -E "with import <nixpkgs>; callPackage ./default.nix {}"`
<drakonis> appears to have something to do with fonts
<adisbladis> Untested, but something like this http://ix.io/2nij/nix
<balsoft> Might need a little mkForce or something if it doesn't work this way
<fps> srhb: hmm ok, the prefix works fine when installing e.g. via nix-env -iA unstable.syncthing. it's just the search results that show something else entirely ;)
<martijn> I have a question about using docker-compose, I've stumbled upon something I think is pretty strange. I seem to have the latest docker version and the latest docker-compose version, but I am unable to use the `secrets` value in my `docker-compose.yml`. Any ideas what might be wrong?
<hyper_ch_> adisbladis: was makefu asking for the same thing? how to have ssh -D9999 user@remote activated when firefox is started or something like that?
<hpfr[m]> is there something like toString but for string-to-integer?
<monokrome> Hmm... There's something weird about writing code w/ pygame in NixOS. When I try to initialize the video, it says it can't initialize the video system. If I try to use sudo it works and the app goes fullscreen. Maybe there's an environment issue or a group I need to be a member of that allows fullscreen hardware-accelerated graphics?
<pjt_014> quinn: It might not. The package definition in nixpkgs might only have platforms.x86-64 or something.
<srhb> fps: I assume you have something like ~/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos/default.nix -- being the root default.nix from nixpkgs?
<srhb> something something release-tarball
<emily> it's unhappy with something I did I guess. unfortunately I don't know what
<abathur> there's something about unifiedjs
<energizer> does antora do something that styx doesnt?
<ldlework> And why wouldn't you wanna use Nix for something like building static content?
<ldlework> which sounds like something Styx is pretty good at. It's own documentation is asciidoc.
<emily> that would be the job of a plugin or something generating asciidoc I think, I don't think Antora handles that itself
<fresheyeball[m]> Yeah, references are out of scope for something simple like markdown
<emily> there is something to be said for HTML being pretty much the only output format that matters these days in many cases, but I do agree in the abstract


<maralorn> nh2: Yeah, wanted to join for weeks, but every friday something else comes up.
<maralorn> cole-h: Yeah, that‘s clear. But I found the maintainer list in configuration-hackage2nix.yaml and it‘s very short. So I wonder if this should only be done for very important packages or something.
<cole-h> Something may have changed. Sounds like a good bug report to NixOS/nix
<asbachb> Actually it seems that prefetch downloads something
<ldlework> Yeah I'm doing something stupid.
<numkem> I'm working on an option module and I'd like to see an example of the case where I'd want to add something to a set only if a variable is true
<emily> morgrimm: I personally think the best setup is to have an acme user/group used for all cert users/groups and add the users of services to the acme group where relevant... if you want to split it up further then I guess you could do something like nginx-used certs are owned by (acme:nginx)
<cole-h> `x509 = super.haskellLib.dontCheck super.x509;` or something
<cole-h> I already talked with adisbladis about it -- he has something cooking, but has work to do elsewhere first.
<NickHu> emily: Yeah, I think you make valid points. In general I wouldn't think to look at other people's PRs because it seems kind of artificial for me to test something just because a PR exists, rather than actually using the software - for instance, I might miss something that is blindingly obvious to someone who knows what the program is supposed to do
<cole-h> The way I usually test PRs is `nix-shell -p nixpkgs-review --run 'nixpkgs-review pr #####'`, then test the produced binar(y/ies). If it's a graphical application, I'll run it and click around. If it's a CLI application, I'll `binary --help` and then run it and make sure it doesn't segfault or something
<cole-h> (or something to that effect)
<jluttine[m]> Are instructions about Python development mode in section " Develop local package" in https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/ up to date? It seems to me that my package gets actually installed to store instead of symlinked to my working directoy.. I might be doing something else wrong too..
<infinisil> These do something similar
<raghavsood> infinisil: The app in question is https://github.com/knadh/listmonk - I wasn't looking towards home manager since it is something you'd usually put on a server.
<raghavsood> I'm trying to package a program that requires a db set up command (`app --install`) to be run every time the db config is changed. What would be the most idiomatic way to do that in a nix module? Looking for something like `if cfg.db has changed`
<jakobrs> But would it theoretically be possible to have something like `with-path` above?
<srhb> Oh, you mean you want to access something in the php.ini not covered solely by extensions?
<srhb> GiGa: Right, something like that :)
<srhb> GiGa: iow you want something like environment.systempackages = [ (php.withExtensions ... ) ];
<srhb> GiGa: Apologies if I'm repeating something, I didn't read the full backlog.
<immae> hmm actually you will get only this package, so you need to specify the default ones too it seems something like: php74.withExtensions (p: php74.enabledExtensions ++ [p.phpcov])
<srhb> kloenk: It's nix-build that has --check, it's called something else for nix build.. --repeat 1 or something.
<kloenk> I can't build something on my hydra, but I can build it localy. What could be the problem?
<spinlock[m]> When I add an entry to the nix path (ex: `foo=/etc/nixos/bar`), either through `$NIX_PATH` or the `-I`, I can reference that path with the handy `<foo>` angle brackets. This is great, however I'm finding that there are times where I want the verbatim path, and not the store `/nix/...` path. Is there a common way to do this? I suspect I can write something with `builtins.getEnv`, but I'm curious if there's a "best
<la-s> does anybody here know what to do when the cached source for something you're trying to build is corrupted?
<energizer> i mean, you're calling mkOption {name = something} but mkOption doesnt have a name parameter
<mac10688> quinn: hey I think i did it! I got the background to show with services.xserver.displayManager.sessionCommands. I didn't get .xsession to work but I finally got something!
<asbachb> https://gist.github.com/asbachb/cb0a20335f6b1e582933f0188189fe6c - Maybe because I need to set something else to "unstable"?
<superbaloo> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/doc/languages-frameworks/rust.section.md#compiling-rust-crates-using-nix-instead-of-cargo I might be missing something but it does not look like the carnix section is accurate


<adisbladis> Something along those lines, I tried to quickly hack up a minimal example
<infinisil> I'm still unsure what to do about the next version of all-hies, but something regarding this will probably change, for the better I hope
<jfhbrook> this line right here does something with the file - saying that it's not nix but a bash script generated by nix reading it strikes me as pedantry
<mmchen> Does anyone have a setup of using coc.nvim with rust-analyzer in a nix-shell environment? I am using the mozilla overlay but the completions are incomplete. For example when I type `use std::`, i only get self or super, but on my non-nix setups, I get things in std. I feel like something is missing with rustc.
<Raito_Bezarius> something like GHC 8.6.5 is linked against glib 2.27 but apparently wants 2.29
<cole-h> etu: Got a question about your container setup with sonarr and friends. How do you access `series.lan`? Do you have a DNS entry or something for it?
<mac10688> clever: Thanks for the link earlier about default display manager. I think I learned something valuable. I have sddm display manager enabled. It was default config but I think it won't do me any good because I'm trying to configure xmonad
<cole-h> Is there a way to do `systemctl --user=someuser restart unit` and restart a certain user's unit, *without* switching user with something like doas or sudo?
<numkem> clever: I've tested through configuration.nix to import my channel and install something in systemPackages and it works as expected. Is there a way to pass a binary cache to nixops if nix.binaryCaches aren't used by default?
<bqv> edit a file in /sys to be "4 3 4 8" or something
<clever> numkem: the name comes from when you ran nix-store --generate-something
<numkem> clever: is the format for the public keys in trusted-public-keys something like <hostname>-1:<public_key> ?
<Henson> what happens if I try to nix-store --import something that is not a complete closure? Can I import arbitrary store paths, or do they need to have all of their dependencies?
<numkem> clever: when doing the deploy itself. But trying to get the outPath variable from the package in nix repl does the same thing. You can tell it's trying to download something but it fails. I guess it's unrelated to nixops
<numkem> clever: I've come back to it after a much longer than the negative timeout and it's still happening. Is it possible that nixops does something different and bypasses the binary caches?
<cole-h> fresheyeball: I want to see the whole file. The fact it works in the repl/here means you got something else going on.
<Habbie> 'nxi run nixpkgs.vim' makes vim available, so that works - something is preventing nix from showing [nix-shell] in my shell prompt, it appears
<kloenk> pistache: im not sure, but maybe sway does something like it, but on there own. sway does not start if you have /var mounted as a tmpfs becaus of the execute bit in tmpfses
<pistache> so I'd like to execute it from a symlink to the real binary, but I'm not sure if I should make my own activationScript of there is already something in NixOS that I can use for that
<cole-h> pistache: Do you mean like it checks the name of the binary for different features or something?
<eadwu[m]> asbachb: Not sure but maybe something like `X-Restart-Triggers`?
<clever> numkem: if nix cant find something in a binary cache (hydra/nix-serve), it wont bother checking again for an hour
<quinn> sorry, i have no idea how to debug initramfs stuff. i would really appreciate a sanity check on that derivation i posted, i feel like i'm going crazy or something
<quinn> i'm not saying you shouldn't do it, just something to be aware of
<quinn> aha! try double checking that something else in that list of overlays is available, THEN go back to the nix expression
<eadwu[m]> quinn: Override the erroring options in `extraConfig` and that should work. You probably disabled something the default config set as `kernel.yes` but the option doesn't exist anymore because you changed the option it depended on.
<quinn> honestly, i would probably add something to the last phase that is a guaranteed error
<cole-h> But also keep in mind it'll probably be growing for a while. At some point, you gotta know when to say "yeah, this is OK for now" and cut a release or something ;^)
<superbaloo> like I implemented something like direnv (hooks into bash and launch laurn when you enter a dir)
<energizer> like has somebody written a nix-to-jsonschema or something
<njha> can I force the build to run in qemu or something
<njha> it apparently builds for other people so I might be doing something obviously wrong
<infinisil> And since nixpkgs is so big, with thousands of packages and modules, it's very hard to know whether something will cause problems
<selfsymmetric-mu> When I have a pull request that's been approved, what happens then? Just wait? Ask a bot to do something?
<joepie91> you need to have your scope very well-defined before attempting something like that, IMO
<multun> infinisil: that's the "or something" part I guess
<qyliss> For Spectrum I'd like to have a graphical configuration editor that generates an XML file or something that is then imported by a human-writeable .nix file
<infinisil> ashkitten: Problem is that you'd need something like an AST editor to fully represent configs


<abathur> yutyo[m]: hope you have a better time on Arch. No reason to suffer for something you don't want/need or see the benefit in.
<colemickens> "Arch is easier to configure than NixOS" is something I would openly laugh at and can point at numerous examples of my nixcfg that shows that to be untrue.
<quinn> adisbladis: i know you can cause i remember reading something about it on hacker news a few years ago, but i forgot how they did it. is there a binary format you can feed portage?
<ldlework> yutyo[m]: think about when you manage 5000 compute instances. you don't want engineers logging into them and manually fixing this or that. if something breaks in the future, we don't know if it's because of our main config, or what the engineer did.
<yutyo[m]> Editing a config file only to install something is ridiculous, and even installing from source makes more sense in that manner but NixOS doesn't let that due to its file hierarchy.
<adyatlov> I recall something about measures being used for some packages in Nixpkgs to redirect filesystem access, ring a bell with anybody?
<anderson_> You can do something as I do in emacs: install and forget.
<anderson_> In a foreseeable future, I want TDE as first class citizen of Nixpkgs. But I prefer baby steps and "showing something that really works" first.
<ldlework> It is pure nix, I was fearing it was gonna be haskel or something.
<emily> use -I nixpkgs= and give it something more contemporary
<emily> explicit is good, which is why I'm not sure that flakes being able to implicitly introduce dependencies for downstreams is a good thing. but then, it depends on whether you think flakes is something to make system deployment nicer or something to turn nix+github into crates.io/npm, I guess
<bqv> cludgy interface, that's something that should change in flakes, not nixpkgs (though i don't really know how)
<cransom> using dhall to give me a list of packages to install seems like it would be analogous to having something like vault or a secret store telling me which packages to install. it's just not quite the right layer for it
<bqv> i mean something i could think of right now that would be useful to do in dhall - complex stuff like parsers
<bqv> unless you're using nix for configuration or something, in which case you should probably be using dhall :p
<bqv> or something
<balsoft> bqv: can you give more info on how you do that? Something like nix.registry.self = ... ? What is ... ?
<pbogdan> is there something like `systemd.packages` for home manager?
<clever> jakobrs: ah, something with lkl doesnt support 32bit for osme reason
<tyrion-mx> But this seems to be a basic task (to compile something and have the correct flags), so I am wondering if I am missing something really obious or not
<balsoft> camsbury: This means that either there's a build going on in the background that's building some packages which are a dependency of clj-condo, or something broke
<betawaffle> another unrelated question... is there a way to tell a derivation to not pass something as an environment variable to the builder?
<nixbitcoin> srhb: I hope so too. Would be very happy if you found something.
<srhb> nil1: Or alternatively poke someone who has similar interests gently for review. Like, finding something in the same category of software in nixpkgs and asking them to take a look. :)
<adisbladis> Something like this
<ldlework> oh with an absolute path or something?
<adisbladis> mkPoetryEnv does not create something for you to nix-shell into
<pjt_014> maybe export a store path as a blob, compress it with zpaq or rzip or lrzip or something, wait a few hours, transfer it over, unpack and install
<ldlework> i must be doing something very wrong
<pjt_014> cartesian-theatr: something as simple as nix-store --serve will work and give you all the sec properties of ssh, but there are other tools with more fancy
<pjt_014> I thought I'd have to write tests or something, but the python building module noticed everything in ./tests and did it for me
<pjt_014> cartesian-theatr: My first package I just copied something from another python project and replaced the github url and hashes lol
<pjt_014> energizer: real quick do you know how to use the nix shell with a package from unstable? It's something like nix-shell -I nixpkgs=? -p name
<pjt_014> cartesian-theatr: if the target system is nixos (anything with just nix the package manager might work too), then nix-copy-closure --from ip /nix/store/path followed by nix-env -i /nix/store/path will copy over and install something
<pjt_014> cartesian-theatr: No, most simple packages can already be cross built fine, with something like nix build -f channel:nixos-unstable pkgsCross.raspberryPi.nq (don't worry, all that autocompletes after the 1st time)
<ldlework> energizer: hehe .something
<energizer> instead of foo = null it'll be python-titlecase = super.python-titlecase. something
<energizer> ldlework: yes something's trying to install nose and failing because it's in the sandbox with no network
<quinn> and that's something like environment.variables.STDL_VIDEODRIVER = "wayland"; iirc.
<ldlework> adisbladis: let's say i have a library and a cli project. i use what you did on the first. i specify my dependency on the library in the cli's pyproject.toml. what do I do then? poetry2nix wont be able to find my library, as it's something i've packaged with nix.
<aleph-> Eyep, glad to upstream something finally
<{^_^}> ldlework: If you're updating a package file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A the-package-attribute` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
<ldlework> How do you nix-build something that is setup like a nixpkg?


<bqv> quinn: well that in combination with the `$` operator can take something that would be tens of lines and compress it into one
<eyJhb> quinn: looks like it suddenly binds to dvorak thingy layout or something...
<axx[m]> i was just doing this to learn more about NixOS, so i'm going to stop there and install it on something else, this is not going to be a good use of my time :)
<gchristensen> cool, no worries, I've got something a bit tortured but working :D
<gchristensen> abathur: do you have something of this flavor: mkResholvedScript { name = "my.script"; inputs = [ ... ]; } ''find . | rev''
<jakobrs> I mean something like `(import <nixpkgs> {}).revision`
<betawaffle> i assume there must be something i don't have installed, but i can't figure out what it is
<cab404[m]> actually that might be a fun idea — creating a new entry for each release in versions.nix with pinned stuff. pretty sure flakes have something like this in mind
<srhb> It'll be start 2048 end 2099199 or something
<srhb> Go for 1G or something :P
<cole-h> I feel like this should have been an RFC than something merged in just 20 hours... Maybe that's just me