
<tomberek> bqv: looks like all of those reference /dev/sda3... not sure exactly what happened. i'm not aware of any major movements in the filesystem modules. I have seen the kernel sometimes call something /dev/sdb* instead of /dev/sda* depending on things plugged into the computer.
<tomberek> possible that somehwere you are using a reference to /dev/sda3 versus using something like: /dev/disk/by-uuid
<evanjs> bqv: I mean it sounds like problem with your hardware config or something. Nothing weird happening with my btrfs drives lately, though all my boot drives are F2FS, now
<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at (string):321:1
<ldlework> error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a string with context, at (string):1:12
<numkem> could it be something related to the binary cache? Building it on a machine that is not the same or that isn’t booting using efi?


<numkem> clever: something related to unstable-small that failed a test?
<evanjs> Need a RiiR or something XP
<sphalerite> evanjs: I bet you €0.001 that the segfault is in the error message, something like printf("Could not open display %s", getenv("DISPLAY")); :D
<sphalerite> aleph-: yes, something seems off. The error you're getting. :D
<aleph-> Something seem off here? https://paste.rs/Za6 The func is meant to generate the commented out list of imports getting an error of `error: The option `programs.home-manager' defined in `/etc/nixos/common/home.nix' does not exist.` however
<sphalerite> dminuoso: arguably, they really don't _do_ things, but _evaluating_ them might do something ;)
<aleph-> Yeah trying to think of the way to model this. So I have dirs in my /etc/nixos/ dir. Either common for common nix patterns on all hosts, and a hostname specific. Was looking to do something like https://paste.rs/uZx to generate my imports
<KarlJoad> Yup! There we go! Something was complaining about that file not having `config` defined properly.
<KarlJoad> Just to check, am I supposed to replace `config` with something?
<Yaniel> meanwhile xorg logs (journalctl -f) show that it does detect it as a tablet and also specifically recognizes the pen when plugging it in and noodling something
<simpson> alextee[m]: Because Nix is oriented around the /nix path, you'll need either something like nix-bundle which does a private mount of /nix just for your app, or something like our Docker-compatible container image tools.
<ktosiek> alextee[m]: you could use something like nix-store --export/--import, but that's not really a "install a random binary and have it integrate with the OS" kind of thing like on debian
<alextee[m]> something equivalent to dpkg -i package.deb on debian
<toothbrush> I'm just battling a new Thinkpad + NixOS -- battery drain is something awful on account of having an nvidia chip seemingly doing nothing but drawing heaps of power
<hpfr> is there a way I can edit /etc/hosts without rebuilding? or something to the same effect?
<{^_^}> [nixos-homepage] @garbas pushed to integrate-nix-dev « Something is wrong with parallel builds. -j 1 fixes it. »: https://git.io/JUsWS
<m1cr0man> fresheyeball: \o/ It's always something simple haha. I'm REALLY surprised that's not in that doc


<m1cr0man> It looks like firewall? Lemme check something really quick
<fresheyeball> I think dns might be an issue or something
<energizer> i think something is wrong with the home manager integration, i never got it to work
<fresheyeball> why? Do I need to make the file or something?
<sierraDelta> My search foo is failing me for something that seems like it should be obvious/simple: how do I add to my shell's $PATH variable?
<colemickens> If I'm trying to package something that is a big collection of NPM packages (Theia IDE) and I want to do it out-of-nixpkgs, is node2nix still to tool I should use?
<samueldr> maybe something to expand upon in #nixos-aarch64, as it's getting off-topic just a tad for #nixos ;)
<tobiasBora0> Hello, I'm trying to use https://www.mankier.com/8/nixos-build-vms to create some test VM, and I'd like to do two things. The first thing I'd like to do is to configure temporarily *multiples* hostname to the VM, so that I can try them. I saw deployment.targetHost = "test1.example.net";, but it does not accept a list. Is there something like deployment.targetHosts = ["www.ex.net" "git.ex.net"];?
<iqubic> Something like that.
<danderson> so my ideal thing would be something that I can configure as a channel, which passes through most requests to an upstream, but also keeps a couple derivations freshly built locally and can serve those when upstream misses
<SuaveDandy> Wonder if Arduino/Pi are used in big projects. Like in MIT or something.
<SuaveDandy> What about F2FS? Does it do something like that as well?
<nahamu> If you care more about raw performance than data integrity, use something else.
<SuaveDandy> You can still sync your homedir with the cloud or something.
<iqubic> immae: Something screwy happened with zfs there. So I just deleted my entire zfs partition, and remade it. Things seem to be going fine now.
<pjt_tmp> I'm trying to build an armv6l sd image and glibc can't find something (unhelpfully) called 'compiler'.


<grfn> I feel like I have that thought about 1 in 5 times I package something for nixpkgs
<pjt_tmp> oh, just thought of something! nix-top --json would be a nice thing.
<pjt_tmp> Right now I just have something like "watch -n 10 nix-top -1 >> log.txt"
<Extends> it appears when you try to build something manually (like a derivation for instance) so you can usually delete it if it is useless
<srk> CRTified[m]: with cross compilation support, something like https://gist.github.com/sorki/548de08f621b066c94f0c36a7a78cc41
<gchristensen> is there a way to disable nscd for a single terminal, like an env variable glibc looks at or something
<Ke> that's like 1K of mem or something
<srk> mananamenos_: hmhm, not sure. maybe it's better to add that expression to nixpkgs.overlays now as something like lein_2_8_1 = and use that
<mananamenos_> srk, nix-shell -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}); pkgs.leiningen.overrideAttrs (old: { version = 2.8.1; })' this gives me an error error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a float, at (string)
<srk> mananamenos_: nix-shell -p pkgs.leiningen (to override version and src you need something bit more complex, like nix-shell -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> {}); pkgs.leiningen.overrideAttrs (old: { version = ...; src = ...; })'
<srk> maybe ask on #darcs if there's something like git archive
<pjt_tmp> if you have access to said device via kbd/monitor or something else sure.
<pjt_tmp> is it an error or something?
<pjt_tmp> each result should say something like 'scan results for [hostname] (ip address) at the top
<energizer> those long interface names are interpretable as ethernet port 1 slot 0 or something like that (there's an rfc you can read)
<pjt_tmp> or something
<pjt_tmp> nixos_newbie: just a tip if you wanna see that offline, something that might work: ls ~/.nix-defexpr/channels_root/nixos-unstable/nixpkgs/pkgs/applications[etc].
<samueldr> though the guarantees when you bisect something like that and can show it working and not, it's golden
<samueldr> I thought you meant emojis shrank after the file was opened or something like that
<jtojnar> cole-h that issue is something different (though it was kind of hijacked), emoji shrunk after it was opened
<cole-h> ryantm: I think it would be something like: `defaultApp.x86_64-linux = "${self.nixosConfigurations.home1.config.system.build.toplevel}/bin/switch-to-configuration switch";`?
<spease> I'm getting "Unable to use C math library functions (with or without -lm)" when trying to build a library that's using ios.toolchain.cmake - anybody have an idea why that might be, or something I could do to figure out what I need to do to fix it?
<cole-h> jtojnar: Thanks, I figured it was something like that. I was just curious what the difference between `nix repl '<nixpkgs/nixos>'` and `nix repl '<nixos-config>'` should be.
<samueldr> ah, something failed to mount?


<ivan> it might be to your advantage to have generic install methods (nixos-infect, emergency-kexec) so that you can optimize on something other than NixOS support
<evanjs> nbathum: didn't you end up doing something with NixOS on a VPS lately?
<evanjs> I must be doing something wrong elsewhere, then. For what reason might args I try to pass into nix-build invocations not make it to a package in an overlay?
<jtojnar> or something like that
<jlv> clever: that was plan B. I was hoping there was a way to easily remove an entry or disable it or something. In general, I've frequently found myself wanting to remove entry from a set. Something like `fileSystems.<name> = lib.mkRemove`.
<edef> so while i have an interest in packaging kubevirt for my own environment, it's not clear to me that it'd result in something upstreamable without additional effort
<hexa-> I need to set up something anew and am reluctant to go with Debian *again*
<kyren_> what I mean is, doing something like: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -A system --argstr system aarch64-linux -I "nixos-config=..", I don't know what the real difference is between the two, maybe there's more things I don't understand
<kyren_> yeah I've been inspecting it, I was just wondering if there was maybe some kind of side channel or something haha, maybe not literally passing --argstr aarch64-linux, but maybe doing something equivalent
<bqv> Or something similarly named
<bqv> Something to do with system.configurationLabel I think


<lurpahi> If it doesn't work, I'll call it time for a fresh installation of whatever Linux distribution I feel like trying. Probably NixOS again but possibly something else with Nix on top.
<buffet> basically i wanna set the suid thing on something
<buffet> the exact usecase is trying to work around https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/96928 in a way that i learn something
<noonien> same issue, there might be something wrong with me setting up the overlay, i'll try to setup a different .nix file and nix-build it, if that works, there's something wrong in my overlay
<jared-w_> Extends: I think you're right. My inclination is that the ? true is intended to make enableParallelBuilding something that must be explicitly opted out of (by setting it to false) rather than letting it default to missing/false
<buffet> when i run `${pkgs.rclone}/bin/rclone mount` it errors as fusermount isnt found in PATH, is that something that should be fixed in nixpkgs?
<samueldr> amanjeev: no, something else, click on the channel name, it seems your url (the channel name) is in a weird state
<adam_> how do you all typically find out what options I can pass to something?
<cole-h> numkem: Maybe there's something in here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-channel-scripts
<buffet> hey, i have an attrsOf option somewhere, and im trying to generate a bunch of systemd services from it. how can change the attribute name (systemd.services.???) without resorting to something like fromJSON?
<evanjs> any rust peoples here: is there some weird behavior when building projects with include_bytes!() ? It's almost like it's trying to parse the file, as if I had used include!() or something
<ToxicFrog> I think .override just takes a map, unlike .overrideAttrs which takes a function? So something like
<arianvp> It seems like a reinvention of something that is already shipped in systemd anyway. and then we don't need to jump through hoops when running podman in a systemd service because we can just use Type=simple no?
<Miyu-saki> clever: No error. linux.drv has already been built. If I build something which directly depends on linux.drv, linux.drv is forced to rebuild.
<Miyu-saki> Actually, I know something which causes it to rebuild.
<cole-h> Without knowing the exact "somethings" involved, only a guess: one was modified locally or is otherwise not cached, while the other is cached.
<Miyu-saki> If I build something which depends on said package, the said package rebuilds
<Miyu-saki> If I build something directly, it's already built
<zuserm> it's working, so it was something in the override


<moet> it's looking for a package with the same name, but of course there isn't one.. i'm wondering if i have to tell it the source is empty or something
<pjt_tmp> zeta_0: you may want to try something like dwm first. It's far simpler so errors are easier to diagnose, and you might find it suitable as a daily driver too.
<stteevveen> V I don't understand this concept of prefix invocation of executable in linux or in bash. That does not ring any bell for me. Is it a bash feature or something else ?
<Raito_Bezarius> aszlig: sorry to ping you, me and immae are interested into working on nixpart and helping around, could we coordinate in #nixos-dev or something?
<Raito_Bezarius> sounds like something doable immae ^
<sreybastien[m]> hi there, i have a "cached failure of attribute" error using flakes building. Is there a way to clean cache or something ?
<infinisil> Nah it's something completely different
<clever> DamienCassou: then you need to remove home-manager with something like nix-env -e, to create 17
<clever> nefix: mount --bind something to ~/.nix-defexpr/
<symphorien[m]> you probably ran python in a root nix-shell or something like that
<maralorn> Extends: Have you tried putting something broken into the overlay to find out, if it's even evaluated?
<Extends> I tried something like https://hastebin.com/kovecubupa.pl but it doesn't seem to work
<pjt_tmp> does that mean the log is read and gets used for something?
<dramforever> I feel like there's a huge database somewhere or something like that


<jackdk> I am trying to fix something in my rework of the nixos EC2 AMI metadata fetching, and I've hit what I think is a thorny shell-quoting problem. Can anyone help? Here's what I've tried: https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/0F0aDxGa/shell-quoting-fun.txt
<Raito_Bezarius> does anyone know if there is something like nixpart/blivet for ZFS?
<infinisil> Last time it already took me like half an hour to even find something that worked..
<abathur> something poetic about that whole thing
<realisation> but something seems to be off when I do so
<pie_> or something
<pie_> something about retracing steps
<taktoa[c]> I figured something like this out when I did some esp32 stuff a year or two ago but this is several levels more hacky than what we've already set up
<pie_> oh well i guess it has to be backwards compatibel or something because i have version numbers like that on my current system and its fine
<pie_> patchelf also has --print-interpreter or something
<daddy_james[m]> oh like you just downloaded the binary release from github or something?
<peelz> My patchelf'd binary complains about "symbol lookup error: ...: undefined symbol: , version GLIBC_2.2.5". I assumed the original binaries were compiled against glibc 2.2.5 but ldd reports glibc 2.30 before and after patching. Am I missing something?
<catern> just something super minor
<abathur> catern: I was hoping to have it more-ready for branch off, but graham nerd-sniped me with some feature requests and I haven't had much time to work on it since I started feeling pressure from the window closing; I suppose you need it for something else in Nixpkgs?


<infinisil> Oh these yeah, but that's something different.
<catern> I dislike flakes for the same reason I dislike channels, but since flakes will replace channels with something better, it's not that big of a deal
<catern> infinisil: that's tragic! I would have thought that there's a /etc/nixos/nixpkgs.nix or something that nixos-rebuild could pick up
<infinisil> catern: Yeah, you need something outside of configuration.nix to specify the nixpkgs
<Extends> using something like this would work without flakes / niv, and works pretty well https://github.com/DeltaEvo/nixos-configs/blob/master/channels.nix
<fzakaria> okay i'm on HexChat for now :( I'll figure out something more useful later. I've been thinking of finally getting NixOS on an AWS machine; wanting to run some bouncer or something might make the final push
<jlv> Most of my Nix and nixpkgs knowledge comes from looking at the nixpkgs repository, but I don't know if I'm looking at something out of date, or the "wrong" way of doing something.
<jlv> samueldr: it looks like you can add to $out/share/man/man1 , and I think there is something you can do with a `man` output. I wasn't sure if there was a recommended, or canonical, way of doing it.
<pie_> you usually need to reload it when it caches an error or something
<pie_> is it not overridePython or something?
<pie_> you cando it with configuratin too, but id you dont do weird messing with your NIX_PATH like i do (and leave it broken like i do), you can use the nixos-configuration tool or something like that, to get the attributes
<Extends> browsing the derivations ? something like nix edit nixpkgs.package ?
<aveltras> something like "config-switch-local mybinarycacheaddresshere"
<aveltras> is there a way to get something like the following working ? i'd like to specify the binary cache on the fly
<unclechu> if so how would you do something like this?
<unclechu> hey, if i do something like `pkgs.mkShell{shellHook="run-some-tests;exit";}` and then do `nix-shell test.nix` is this an anti-pattern and i shouldn’t do it this way?
<symphorien[m]> if you want such an integration, you must have the user do something to /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
<a525dfg> I once read something about that if no builder is set nix just defaults to "make && make install"
<jackdk> clever: ah, that works. It's getting late here sorry. I was trying to do something with `-f 'channel:foo'` but couldn't get it to accept my input
<Ke> hmm, would there be something similar available
<jackdk> is there something I'm missing with how nixlang handles interpolation, perhaps?
<cole-h> If anybody with commit bit wants something to merge... 👉 https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/96447
<V> but since you're subsituteInPlace'ing something, you may as well just substitute the line directly to bash
<{^_^}> If you're updating a file in nixpkgs that starts with something like `{ stdenv, cmake }:`, use `nix-build -A` in the nixpkgs root with the corresponding package attribute to build it. If it's not in nixpkgs, try `nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; callPackage ./file.nix { }'. The mapping from package attributes to package files is in pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix.
<c4rc4s> Am I doing something obviously wrong here? I've also had no luck adding this as a buildInput to a custom package, but with that I get a very different error ("anonymous function at ... called without required argument 'qtmultimedia'")
<sarcasticadmin> I completely agree and something that is very doable


<nicolas[m]1> Hi, is there a way with pure/restricted evaluation to do something like the following "pkgs.callPackage "${pkgs.path}/pkgs/development/libraries/protobuf/generic-v3.nix" { }" ?
<bqv> Naturally, but is there a pkgs.unpack or something?
<clever> runCommand "help" { src = something; } "unpackPhase ; mv -vi $sourceRoot $out"
<redmp> iirc it was something like putting the text into an argument to a function like fetchpatch or fetch git
<pie_> lordcirth: well, take some notes in a random text file or something. or even take some notes in a github issue as you go :P
<samueldr> lordcirth: searched for someone that wrapped a flake with a wineprefix or something along the line


<bqv> lordcirth: actually, i think you can get away with something like `newpackage = (import inputs.nixpkgs { config.allowUnfree = true; }).callPackage <thepreviousderivation> {}`
<unclechu> so, something with `fontconfig`...
<chloekek> Hi, I have a desktop computer with a graphics card to which a monitor is connected via HDMI. If I idle the computer for about ten minutes then it turns the monitor to standby mode. I want to turn this behavior off but I don’t know if this is caused by systemd, X, i3, or something else. I don’t recall me explicitly enabling it, so it must be a default somewhere.
<ConsumeristProvo> or should I do something like hardware.firmware = [ pkgs.firmware-linux-nonfree ] ?
<eyJhb> It should just be a nix-build thing. I just want something I can "configure" and then turn into a json thingy
<eyJhb> samueldr: might be able to do something better with types.submodule?
<pikajude> i wonder why it doesn't build something locally and then try copying it to the given store
<pikajude> i tried NIX_STORE_URI=ssh://ip.of.host but i believe i wasn't allowed to build preferLocalBuild derivations, or something like that
<confignoob> Does anyone here use (lm_)sensors? 'man sensors.conf' specifies '/etc/sensors3.conf' and '/etc/sensors.conf' as global configuration files, however, running 'sensors' doesn't pick them up on my machine. I can force load either one fine by passing the '-c' flag/parameter to 'sensors'. Did I find a bug or is there something I don't understand?
<pheoxy> is this an issue at the moment with the new 'VMSVGA' default setting for display or something else
<simonpe^^> Also, the header of the default.nix is something like: { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv, cmake ? pkgs.cmake, ...}:
<infinisil> But yeah something like that should also work with overlays


<zeta_0> i am finally able to build nixos on my raspberry pi, but for some reason, when i rebooted, it went to a blank screen. maybe has something to do with gnome3/gdb and someone told me it might be because the hdmi display is not working correctly on the pis? here's the repo i used to build nixos image: https://github.com/Robertof/nixos-docker-sd-image-builder , and here's the issue posted on reddit: https://github.com/Ro
<q3k[m]> maybe it's something like xfce imagining that this is a screen for which it has no config, because technically it sees it as another screen when it's visible via the new drivers?
<q3k[m]> i mean, there's a possiblity videoDrivers influences this, but i find it much more likely something went wrong on your first startup and that caused xfce to save a broken/empty config or something
<bqv> hmm, i'm not entirely sure. i did just update most of my nixpkgs inputs, so i should have any followups, but evidently something in my flake still uses the old fontconfig then
<LnL> pretty sure I did something, just don't remember :/
<elvishjerricco> cole-h: Ew, that sounds like something to avoid :P
<hazel[m]> i didn't pull qtquickcontrols explicitly, it's a dependency of something else, so i don't even know what to trace this to
<adisbladis> Because you want to add the script as a build input to something
<ToxicFrog> superbaloo: off the top of my head, I'd say: it's a parameter and when building it you inject it as something like `pkgs.mypackage.override { server = foo; user = bar; pass = baz; }`
<teto> something in the .../profiles/per-user . We have a thin wrapper around the nix-installer to upgrade it when already present. It's a bit adhoc so I hope I can improve the situation a bit
<teto> actually I was not there when the install messed up, something about incorrect permissions on a folder
<cransom> curl isn't going to tell you about the tcp level stuff. maybe your docker outbound is getting a different ip, or something drops somewhere
<infinisil> Damnit, it's almost certainly something about my local setup then :(
<infinisil> Hmm so it possibly has something to do with my machine
<superherointj> I did something stupid, using nix-env installed `busybox.lspci` in my system and I need to reverse it now. Because the usual commands are not working. But I not really sure how I should be reversing this. I already tried to remove busybox. And `lspci` is already removed.
<pemeunier> Hi! What's the current story with NixOps? If I want to use a new provider, should I consider terraform or writing a plugin (or something else)?
<colemickens> cole-h: oh, hey, I think I have something that mght help there too :)
<la-jesystani> I believe so? Im just not sure how to ask this derivation to use something different than what my system is on
<bqv> cole-h: anyone can update it, i normally just update it if something i need breaks, but more people than i need have been active at it
<cole-h> So something misaligned. Copying bqv's def fixed it (or at least let it proceed further lol)
<colemickens> I'm thinking about something like that for Nix-powered Theia devenvs... :) I think there's a neat potential...
<adam_> when I think of development dependencies I think of something like pytest


<infinisil> Yeah it's something I certainly want to have too eventually!
<cole-h> Oh hey it `log-format` DID work. But it doesn't log the nix stuff, like looking up something in a substituter
<cole-h> is `log-format` something I can add to /etc/nix/nix.conf to always get that output??
<bqv> the main issue is the absolute path reference, tbh, something based on `./. + somepath` solves it for that reason
<bqv> something extremely unpleasant, because i'm running a painful haskell build
<pie_> meanwhile i have a guess that boot.isContainer _might_ lead me to something
<pie_> hm...do i need to do something for a container to get n internal network device and a ve-containername device?
<LouisDK> I'm trying to add an appmenu module for GTK but it seems like it trying to load the gtk2 variant in gtk3 apps. Could it have something to do with how "GTK_PATH" get set? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/95412
<dminuoso> Not sure what developPackage is for, exactly. So far, Im just doing something like: let overrides = { foo = lib.dontCheck super.foo; myPackage = self.callCabal2nix "myPackage" ./. {}; } in haskellPackages.override { inherit overrides }
<zeta_0> is there something wrong with the `search nixos packages` web page ? nothing is loading ?
<alexfmpe> is there a way to specify in a derivation something like 'the closure of the configuration.nix' ?
<superherointj> I tried to do something like this: "routes = [ { "Destination" = ""; "Gateway" = ""; } ];"


<notgne2> I think there must be something about NixOS I don't know here now I'm looking at it, I'm on a fresh reboot and just ran garbage collection but still have a few different versions in my `/boot` (EFI), does NixOS keep old kernel versions separate from old profiles? and/or is there something other than `sudo nix-collect-garbage -d` that would remove more profiles if this is where they originate?
<infinisil> spease: Probably something like `unpackPhase = "cp $src foo"` should work
<srid> i think my idea app would something like elementary-planner but uses plain-text for storing tasks, as well as written in haskell :-D
<worldofpeace> if in doubt it's always a good idea to search via description if you can't find out the name of something exactly
<colemickens> My phone says something about redactions.
<iwq> simpson: I'm doing something like (builtins.attrNames (import <nixpkgs> {})), so I would only want to re-run the expression fully when something inside <nixpkgs> changes
<munksgaard> srk: Hm, even after specifying `callCabal2nix "bla" ./. { sexp-grammar = haskellPackages.sexp_grammar_2_2_1; }`, running nix-build ends with the following error: "Setup: Encountered missing or private dependencies: sexp-grammar >=2.2.1". It looks like sexp-grammar was built, but perhaps something else went wrong?
<Ke> that would be O(packages * failures * log(packages)) or something similar
<Ke> hmm, I guess that's something
<Ke> nixos-rebuild switch should allow setting nixos-config to something else than /etc/nixos, which is on tmpfs anyway, right
<grfn> which is not something it does on non-nixos, and not something I told it to do
<grfn> I feel like it might have something to do with hidpi support?


<__red__> I'm 15 or so hours into trying to get something to port
<infinisil> There's also a convenience function for checking whether something is a derivation: lib.isDerivation
<dottedmag> infinisil: This even evaluated something, but I've got another error: "value is a list while a set was expected". The code above is still a complete mystery for me. Why modules is a list of a single function that returns a list of a single string? What does lib.nixosSystem produce? What's the type of (...).config.system.build.isoImage? Is it a derivation?
<dottedmag> Okay. So I have a .nix file somewhere that is evaluating something. I have no clue what it produces due to heavy inherit / with. How do I understand it?
<infinisil> dottedmag: It's hard to know exactly what causes this. It's infinite recursion most likely, something referring back to something else in a cycle. But it doesn't share any thunks (because nix could detect that early then)
<nf> another question: why does /etc/static point directly to a store path, instead of something like /run/current-system/etc ?
<MichaelRaskin> Most likely something is still broken now, of course
<alexfmpe> assuming its the later, maybe grab something like a month old instead
<jumper149> __red__: You can use something like `with import <nixpkgs> {}; (import .default.nix) { inherit stdenv pkgs; }`


<energizer> or something liek that
<nature> Am I missing something ?
<mananamenos> hi, i build a project with `nix-build --attr exe`. Now I want to stick this build to ExecStart in systemd service in my configuration.nix. Should I write ExecStart=${nix-build --attr exe} or something different?
<turion> maralorn: I've been meaning to update the nixpkgs manual on these things, but two things keep me from doing it: 1. When I need it most, I'm busy doing something else (in this case, preparing a tutorial for tomorrow) 2. I don't understand many of the finer points
<M0-[m]> ris: doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of hashes? I didn't realize practically speaking that collisions were something to worry about in nix
<kveroneau> Hmm, there's something I am reading called "autorandr", could that be causing it to revert back to 1024x768?
<kveroneau> Hey, trying out NixOS for the first time, giving it a try through KVM, and when I try to switch the resolution to 1920x1080, it temporarily changes, then just reverts back to 1024x768. This doesn't happen with other distros running in KVM, is there a service or something running that might be causing it to revert back to 1024x768?
<kini> Also considering that most PRs probably touch pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix, and people could easily screw up the whole repo by doing something careless on that file, maybe restricting by touched files is not that useful...
<MichaelRaskin> (when I randomly decide to go merge something, I read the code for myself, but I am very trusting to people who say they tried and it runs)
<maralorn> Just claim something wrong on the internet and suddenly you get very good input.
<infinisil> bqv: I guess we already have something like that with nixos-unstable (re your idea)
<MichaelRaskin> Container based, or forget full init and full VMs and do the barebones for testing packages or something
<cole-h> lassulus: I'd hate to see something like systemd get an autobump (idk if ry*ntm has a blacklist for those kinds of packages), then automerged 3 months later breaking literally everything :P
<turion> maralorn: I'm doing something wrong with dontCheck though. It always tries to execute the GLFW-b test suite.
<turion> maralorn: I have something like what you propose with callHackageDirect, but it doesn't get picked up correctly
<evelyn> I get something like '{lsof} -> /nix/store/yfayacg6ycggv0yxs5pppsawn6yap6p5-keepassxc-2.5.4'
<__monty__> Ah, misread the code. Trying without the .something altogether.
<__monty__> neonfuz2: One of the default phases should take care of something like this though I think.
<neonfuz2> is this correct? or is there some way to add python3 to the path during build so I don't need to do this? I thought because it did /usr/bin/env it would look in path, but during nix-build it fails saying invalid interpreter /usr/bin/env or something like that
<__monty__> chus1818: Are you trying to use it with nixos-rebuild or nix-shell or something?
<Graypup_> mpickering, dump-nar then idk do something with the NAR. idk if you can copy something from another nix store directly?
* vika_nezrimaya will go to sleep but leave her IRC client open in case someone writes something, she'll read it later
<infinisil> danderson: Alternatively you could just use something other than nixops
<vika_nezrimaya> it had something like this at one time, I think I remember it having something like this
<bqv> if it's caused by something unhandled by nixpkgs, that makes it a bug
<vika_nezrimaya> Unless of course there's something fishy going on when actually linking


<{^_^}> attempt to call something which is not a function but null, at (string):320:18
<vika_nezrimaya> leotaku: Good question. In this case the rage of other contributors could pust that 99% market share to something lower by means of a Blink fork called... maybe... Flash? no that's the worst name for a web technology
<vika_nezrimaya> nature: looks like something you could provide to derivation.override
<vika_nezrimaya> So you can do something like this...
<vika_nezrimaya> and said website developer might want to try to do something sneaky
<vika_nezrimaya> It's not a new Web API usable from JavaScript or something
<vika_nezrimaya> I remember something like that being there
<vika_nezrimaya> hm, fetchpatch { /* something */ } ?
<vika_nezrimaya> i could code something similar myself
<bqv> leotaku: remember two things. firstly, the output of a flake build is something that ends up in the nix store, so it should be reproducible and have well defined inputs. secondly, flakes run in restricted eval mode, that's the part that limits you to a vcs; you simply can't just use your entire filesystem as an input
<leotaku> bqv: I am using Git. As I've said my issues with Flakes are more philosophical than something that actually prevents me from achieving my goals with Nix.
<leotaku> bqv: That's nice, but adding support for every VC system out there would be a herculean task. I understand why Flakes integrates with VC, in fact I really enjoy it. Still, I think it would be better to have an escape hatch for people who want to do something that isn't "officially supported".
<leotaku> Also, people might want to use VC systems other than Git. I think that alone should be reason enough to add something like a "--no-git" flag.
<leotaku> I get what you guys mean, but I also think that sometimes it is valid to quickly test something without wanting to add it to version control. I like that Flakes basically has built-in reproducibilty, it's a great default. Still, I would appreciate an option to override this behavior.
<vika_nezrimaya> like red bold text or something
<vika_nezrimaya> I think I might actually augment it with something bigger and scarier :3
<leotaku> Am I the only one that sometimes finds the interaction between Flakes and Git annoying? I really hope the final revison of Flakes will contain something like a global "impure" flag that completely disables all Git checks.
<cole-h> leotaku: I don't know exactly, but when importing nixpkgs outside of flakes, you'd do `import <nixpkgs> { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }`. You'll need to do something similar here.
<vika_nezrimaya> result is something you built with nix-build
<vika_nezrimaya> Either you don't have rofi in your environment or something is happening. Try to run rofi from terminal
<vika_nezrimaya> Now you can try launching something else, like, maybe your favorite IRC client?
<vika_nezrimaya> to have programs available in your terminal, such as ls, you need to have something in your PATH
<cap_sensitive> I think you can clone the `nixpkgs` repo, and use something like `ripgrep` to search keywords like "console ="
<superherointj> Interesting. I've come to use NixOS seeking reliability, reproducibility and recoverability. Today NixOS helped me tons because I did something stupid and just rolled back. Feels great having this.
<superherointj> I mean to distro hop after getting used to NixOS. It seems people stick to NixOS. I'm looking after some counter example of this trend. I see Arch users are likely to distro hop for NixOS (than to something else).
<cap_sensitive> Ha, probably has something to do with `runVend`
<srhb> sonercirit[m]: It's really hard to say something about *in general*. Some test failures are real and reproducible, some are indeed impure and random.
<alexarice[m]> Anyone know enough about docbook to know how I can link something in the nixpkgs manual from the nixos release notes?
<jackdk> sorry, I've X-Y-problemed you all. I want an up-to-date version of cfn-lint in my shell. I would be thrilled if someone reviewed and merged #95740. Failing that, I want something that can stand up a nix file that gives me the tool in a shell. Can poetry2nix help there?
<samueldr> and anyway, when it's something I use transiently, through nix-shell it goes, otherwise my global config


<Orbstheorem> Hi. I remember seeing an MR about secrets around (discourse, mail, here, I don't remember). It used something about systemd to decrypt secrets and give them to apps? Does it ring a ball?
<dongcarl> infinisil: Could you point me to a PR where something like this happens? Can't seem to spot them.
<lovesegfault> is cairo-xlib broken or something?
<sphalerite> nij: the essential parts are your configuration.nix, your hardware-configuration.nix, anything your config references (e.g. if you have something in imports, or references to NIX_PATH using <foo>), and the nixpkgs version used to build it
<raboof> is there anyone on nixos-unstable that can do a quick check whether starting 'helm' (the synth) works for them? I'm getting mesa errors but I'm not sure if it's a problem with my system or something more general.
<matthuszagh> have I done something wrong here?
<matthuszagh> i've got something like ovPkgs = { sageWithDoc = (import sagePkgs {}).sageWithDoc; };
<worldofpeace> Jamie: so the first thing was just "am I missing something on how to rebuild plasma quicker", is that still relevant or is the issue with updateScript somehow related?
<clever> but worldofpeace thinks your name is something else...
<dxb[m]> is that something i can/should do with an overlay? if so, do i have to pass all those parameters that are passed to `name`?
<aanderse> infinisil: i suppose. i wonder if i'm just trying to make something fit that doesn't at that point, though. i have never used the free form stuff yet, so maybe i need to use it and get a feel for it first.


<tbenst[m]> from this I gather it's something like if (left side of ->) then (right side of ->) else True
<stteevveen> There's something I don't understand with derivations. I have a derivation defined in a default.,nix which then calls callPackage on a derivation.nix that contains more details. I wish to use this derivation in another other one. Int eh buildInputs field I then have [ (import ../myfolder/default.nix) ] . But it complains with : error: while
<adam_> you can use let g:coc-global-packages = ['explorer'] or something like that
<srhb> adam_: It seems to rely on something called coc.nvim.
<adam_> I just installed airline 2 seconds ago to verify I'm not doing something insane
<srhb> adam_: Something's wrong with your config.nix then
<adam_> I think I needed it for firefox or something
<adam_> I tried the link that fetch from pypi was using and it was actually return a 300 or something saying that the site has permanently moved
<adam_> specify a commit hash or something
<srhb> adam_: From the name I assume it has something to do with packages that are not simply generated, but go on.