
<samueldr> hm, I don't have it on hand, but something like (pkgs.runCommandNoCC "ca0132-firmware" {} ''mkdir -vp $out/lib/firmware; cp -vr ${./ca0132}/* $out/lib/firmware''
<supersandro2000> or just use nixos from day to day and if you notice something off try to fix it
<supersandro2000> jdnixx[m]: I am packaging something for mac since at least a week cause it is 60 or so modules
<jdnixx[m]> also what is the `nix something` equivalent of `nix-env -iA`
<jdnixx[m]> `What the fuck was wrong that they couldn't just go with something like nix-env install, nix-env search, nix-env uninstall?`
<notgne2> `env | rg -i '\\.nix-profile' | rg -v '/run/current-system'` gives me nothing, so I don't think there's anything that looks in `~/.nix-profile` but not `/run/current-system` unless something is wrong
<pushqrdx> so something must have missed it up, but my config is just the vanilla config with only the panteon edit


<Jonathan74> pushqrdx: have you looked at how to configure `elementary-wallpapers`? Should it have something by default?
<pta2002> i put somethings in .config/nixpkgs/config.nix
<tpw_rules> danderson: is your project public? i think i want to do something similar
<danderson> I suspect this isn't possible, and so if I want to make a change I have to first commit to the code, then make a second commit to flake.nix to update the derivation to use the source at HEAD^. Am I missing something?
<nixnewbie> symphorien[m] and I will do this, but I need to understand the full picture. then I can go through every package (I think I'll write something for this as it is easier to use software for this)
<symphorien[m]> it's a negative option, so making it true actually disables something
<bqv> infinisil: this seems up your alley. how could i fetch the submodule of an option from options, to reuse in another option? i'm peeking into type.functor.wrapped.functor.payload and seeing something promising (for an attrsOf submodule)
<scott> i will definitely check out lorri and possibly put together something of my own for making temporary roots
<supersandro2000> fendor: I suspect that it tries to open something which is not available in firefox like maybe xdg-open
<pr06lefs> or something?
<cole-h> siraben: You could try something like https://github.com/Infinisil/all-hies/blob/d80d040ecc685a1d3bba2d727106e06d94b91f42/check-cache.sh if you know the store paths of the thing you want to check
<nschoe> roberth: okay so basically it makes sense to simplye have something like (st.overrideAttrs {...}) in my systemPackages rather than an overlay because it's just about installing st and it's unlikely st will be used as input for any other derivation. But if it was a library, then it would make more sense. Am I correct?
<Jezhehim[m]> So the database that gets used by [{^_^}](https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_{^_^}:matrix.org) when I do something like ",locate ping"...
<Mic92> siraben: there might be something to filter list, but the easiest way is probably to just replace the old list with a new one.
<DavHau[m]1> Is there a way to generate a docker image with multiple services running inside? something like nixos-container but as a standalone docker image? I know arion, but arion isn't really standalone. It requires nix and a /nix/store on the host
<elvishjerricco> So I am SSH'd into a NixOS server, trying to use my GPG key to decrypt something, but I'm getting this: `gpg: public key decryption failed: No pinentry`
<supersandro2000> I just keep asking until someone knows something
<Reiser> Something went wrong somewhere, this seems to be it
<Reiser> Seeing something super bizarre, any idea why this might happen? This is in the output of `ldd $(which cargo)` on the latest cargo:
<Reiser> Oh man, I'm sorry if this has already been asked a lot, it seems like it might've been but I'm just arriving on a lot of nixpkgs issues with no resolution. I'm trying to build something with cargo (caveat: latest in nix-unstable), I'm running into a GLIBC 2.13 build issue. `<snip>/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by
<lukegb> siraben: yeah, I have something similar but still systemd-based
<demostanis[m]> * I'm still reading about NixOS, and I've come across Home Manager and its ability to install firefox extensions, however, it requires them to be on the NUR. Can't https://github.com/demostanis/InstallFirefoxAddon be used? Is it worth to open an issue for something I've never used (yet)?
<demostanis[m]> I'm still reading about NixOS, and I've came across Home Manager and its ability to install firefox extensions, however, it requires them to be on the NUR. Can't https://github.com/demostanis/InstallFirefoxAddon be used? Is it worth to open an issue for something I've never used (yet)?
<evalexpr> I'm trying to contribute an upgrade to a package in nixpkgs, when I run nix-prefetch-git to fetch the new sha256 value, I get something different than when I deliberately set the hash to 0000.., and run `nix-env -f . -iA package` this output seems shorter, how do I make it show the correct sha256 value?


<supersandro2000> bqv: A nix VM probably, something else maybe. More details would be nice
<Akira[m]> ok maybe something is moving now
<supersandro2000> I think I am at 60 or something commits and I am maybe halfway through it
<jkt> rnhmjoj: let me see if I can pinpoint the real cause of this error, perhaps it's a missing env var or something (I don't see any relevant open/socket/connect/... in a strace)
<rnhmjoj> try something like: dbus-daemon --session --address="unix:path=/run/user/$(id -u)/bus" 2>/dev/null &
<siraben> How do I pass an argument to foo in `nix build -f . pkgs.foo`? Something like `nix build -f . 'pkgs.foo { bar = true; }'`?
<evalexpr> I have a shell.nix that is using cachix/pre-commit-hooks.nix, which is working fine - but I get an error when trying it via `nix develop`: attribute 'currentSystem' missing - which goes away if I remove the fetchTarball for the pre-commit-hooks - is it not possible to use fetchTarball or something with nix develop?
<bbigras> cole-h: hehe. I was pretty sure there was something in the manual since I remember there's a way to run the tests in an interactive way. Which is pretty useful when you don't have a clue what you are doing, like me.
<cole-h> eyJhb: I don't think so. When I wrote the doas tests, I just looked at the sudo test, so maybe look for something similar to what you want?
<JonReed> berber: So, the system boots and at one stage it can either give control to something within EFI or give control to MBR. Typically, in BIOS you can press F8 or F12 and choose specifiaclly which storage device's MBR it will give control to, trying to boot it.
<bbigras> I'm trying to figure out with Gnome if one of the theme I'm using fixes the broken Steam icon bug. I removed all my theme and rebooted and I still have the right icon. Do I need to run something to update some cache or whatever? I want to help with https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/87774
<simpson> I mean not putting it in configuration.nix at all, and using something like nix-shell or home-manager instead.
<bryanhonof> With "instead set it up just for your login user" you mean something like this right? "users.users.bryan.packages = with pkgs; [...]"
<colemickens> dutchie: TIL! I figured it was using journald or something
<Unode> supersandro2000: no, I'm asking cause I was thinking about doing the same and was wondering if you built one from scratch or used something ready-to-go
<supersandro2000> Unode: if you want to work together on darwin fixes we could work something out. I don't want to post to much on the PRs especially when I am just guessing whats broken.
<Siilwyn> so maybe ubuntu added something, gotta search a bit more
<eyJhb> Something knows of something that parses Dockerfiles, and creates something that can be used in pkgs.dockerTools,buildImage? I don't wnat to reinvent the wheel, if there is something out there as is
<siraben> I read in the release notes that python2.5 or something was EOL'd and all its packages deleted from nixpkgs
<slabity> Can one change the priority of a package at the time you install it? The only result I can find is adding the package to an overlay, which seems like complete overkill if I just want to `nix-env` something
<matthewcroughan_> "at boot" means something, and I'm not sure what it'd mean in the context of nix-on-droid


<nicolas[m]> Oh, nevermind. Sendkey is something from Qemu
<woffs> Hi. Last merge from staging-20.09 (including pango: 1.45.3 -> 1.45.5) into release-20.09 did apparently not include some big packages (libreoffice, ...) in cache.nixos.org. Is there something broken in the channel management?
<jonringer> I created an issue to add something for CMake https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/102104
<qyliss> maybe that's the last time a matrix user was in there or something
<energizer> i'm missing something; https://bpa.st/DPTTQ makes the output a directory rather than a script
<halfbit> I mean I have mkDerivation with src, but no where in there do I specify something like mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. kind of thing
<jonringer> for haskell, it might be nice to have something like `ghcOlder` or `ghcAtLeast`, so the
<tilpner> stoull is used to parse something in the middle of each line of that file
<hexa-> fwiw: I came from arch and partitioning is something I've mostly done manually
<jonringer> however, using something like calamares, give some "smart defaults" but the ability to change as necessary
<jdnixx[m]> just wondered why something simple like that hasn't been included yet
<lukego> I don't suppose there's a cachix or something for that cross compile?
<colemickens> it seems like something in release-lib.nix should help with filtering a package list against a supportedplatform list but I can't figure it out
<colemickens> Do people just not use flake check, or does no one have multi-arch packages in a flake or am I missing something obvious?


<colemickens> I am sort of curious what happens if I try to "nix profile install" something "into" the system profile?
<supersandro2000> slimep: put in the hash lib.fakeSha256 or nix-prefetch-* something
<jD91mZM2> Maybe it's something unexpected instead of your email, like issue #85861 when the dude had hostmaster@<one email per domain>, or just something else
<andi-> Do we have something like `runInDockerContainer` similar to `runInLinuxVM` ?
<regnat> Raito_Bezarius: nix show-derivation -f . something I think
<bennofs> nix show-derivation $(nix-instantiate -A something) ?
<Raito_Bezarius> let's say I'm doing nix-build -A something, I'd like to do nix show-derivation something
<Raito_Bezarius> but feel free to pester me to add features or something
<supersandro2000> maybe you can run them. I would check the env_vars file and check if there is something in their
<Raito_Bezarius> can I do something like source $configurePhase ?
<lordcirth_> justanotheruser, IIRc, it's things that aren't just packages, because they change something, but also aren't services.
<Raito_Bezarius> is there something known to work with mix/Elixir?
<Reventlov> hexa-: yeah I have something pretty similar…
<jophish> I think that only workds on .drvs or something/
<colemickens> I assumed it might be that, something like the overriden source doesn't actually get copied to the store unti lthe build?
<{^_^}> nix#4195 (by colemickens, 16 seconds ago, open): `nix build` fails to build something that `nix eval` generated (with --override-input)
<ishan> @srhb I forgot add something in the previous one https://pastebin.com/8LbcEVz8.
<danderson> hmm, something's amiss with containers in 20.09
<samueldr> you can set a push-url to something like "NOPE"
<samueldr> I would assume something like your git repo isn't pulled all the way?
<witchof0x20[m]> Where should I start with debugging issues in initrd secrets? I cannot finish `nixos-rebuild switch` anymore because there appears to be a cumulative effect with previous config files, and something is causing `nixos-rebuild switch` to fail with `failed to create initrd secrets: No such file or directory`


<DigitalKiwi> didn't they change the shell to zsh that release. might have something to do with it. i had to do stuff to setup as a remote builder...
<jdnixx[m]> it looks like it's in the nur-packages repo? so maybe is sources something specific to that or something?
<DigitalKiwi> where something is probably top
<DigitalKiwi> bars = [ { "position": something } ]
<supersandro2000> Has NixOS something to merge python module directories?
<averell> maybe all you need is switch to gcc8Stdenv.mkDerivation or similar. you could paste your derivation somewhere, or look through nixpkgs for something to copy.
<tsmanner> currently running in WSL, but I was having the same problem when I tried something similar on my NixOS box as well
<averell> if is set security.acme.server to staging to test something, and then back, will i keep my previous certs? (or run into rate-limits regenerating them all?)
<ejoy> I think it's true by default. I also just realized I need to do something like: zfs set keylocation=file:///zfs/key/tank.key tank/encrypted
<karantan> "Stderr, also known as standard error, is the default file descriptor where a process can write error messages.". Am I missing something?
<whald_> eyJhb, whoever needs that patched derivation likely pulls it in using (native)buildInputs, there is likely something like "buildInputs = [ foo ]", right?
<eyJhb> I have a derivation, that has a script, that I need in something else, but I would like to patch it before I use it
<worldofpeace> sss2: lol, yeah, I did just link u something not exactly useful in your situation. I'd say enable https://search.nixos.org/options?query=startx&from=0&size=30&sort=relevance&channel=unstable, and it seems u populate your .xinitrc with stuff and run startx
<sss2> worldofpeace, i am new to nixos, is here any guide or something like it ?, what i need is just start x server from user via startx or xinit
<V> emily: that seems wrong. looking in nix-darwin, systemPath is set to something totally different...
<emily> or is something broken in my setup (...and if so how should I go about finding out what)


<clever> pinpox: yeah, the only way to avoid that, is to change the netrc-file option, and point it to something only you can read
<vsiddharth> I'm looking for something similar to list/dictionary comprehensions in Python :)
<dhess> clever: are you still running an older, patched Hydra, or are you running something more up-to-date now?
<clever> spease: .override cant change the system, but you could `import pkgs.path { system = "something"; }` to re-create the whole pkgs tree, from the same source, but it will ignore any past overlays
<hodapp> clever: that isn't changing anything; do I perhaps need to log out and back in or something?
<matthewcroughan_> sometimes it can look very similar, but be doing something very different based on syntax
<steveeJ> I'm trying to package something with `node2nix`. I have the project cloned and checked out locally. `npm install` works in it. generating with `node2nix -l package-lock.json` worked as well. but `nix-build -A package default.nix` gives an error that it can't find `(...)/dist/main.js` in the install step. I couldn't find any precedence for this issue.
<clever> pickfire: nix-collect-garbage also wont delete anything your currently using, so that will never touch something that actually matters
<simpson> pickfire: Who else has found them broken? If there's no automatic test which checks for the breakage, then it's up to people to notice it and do something, right?
<pickfire> Something else, I sometime find bugs here and there in different packages. Lately, kdeconnect not working module "org.kde.kdeconnect" is not installed, the battery in panel also seemed to disappear from time to time during upgrades.
<teto> has someone an example of how to provide "packages" in a flake ? The example I've seen just list them from an overlay but I would like to do something similar to the nixpkgs.stdenv.callPackage ./my_pkg.nix but that doesn't seem to work
<evanjs> I wonder if this is an issue with a version strong, or if it's something weird about resolving a package that is a part of a monorepo
<dminuoso> (If you a bit more persistent, something like direnv can automatically set it up for in directories)
<asheshambasta> We've been trying to deploy nixos 20.03 on EC2, but we're seeing something very suspicious. The instance seems to be able to reach (the EC2 metadata service) for a short while after booting, and after a while it doesn't seem to be able to.
<eyJhb> akoppela: not the actual path, but should give you a indication. Why do you need the path? It should be put into your nix env or something
<cole-h> (Which lets me search my entire repo for all occurrences of something)
<kini> Am I doing something wrong when building Nix? Nix 2.3.6 doesn't give me any such error. I'm building from master by just typing `nix build` in the repo root, btw.
<julm> sss2: well then set BASH_ENV in /etc/profile as suggested by man bash, I guess something like BASH_ENV=~/.bash_env could work, then set PATH in ~/.bash_env
<matthewcroughan_> cole-h: what does wrapping something in () do in Nix?
<bqv> i maintain that the easiest way to get somewhere is to just try something
<bqv> something like, because the list in that article isn't exhaustive
<matthewcroughan_> I mean, is this subject to change to <arch> or something?
<matthewcroughan_> "is something like"
<matthewcroughan_> <system> is something like "x86_64-linux", "aarch64-linux", "i686-linux", "x86_64-darwin"
<bqv> something, probably
<cole-h> Then try something simpler
<cole-h> Try something. Fall flat on your face. Figure out why you fell (either by searching or asking here). Try again. Keep trying until you succeed.
<matthewcroughan_> the fact that it lets me define something, I think, is weird though
<matthewcroughan_> so I did define something, it's not an error, it's just that nix isn't going to do anything with it
<samueldr> though maybe something generic like that could be useful? I don't know :)
<bqv> like a flake of something
<bqv> my headcanon is that lots of small ones make something big


<makefu> be sure to report when you managed to get something running :)
<supersandro2000> It would be nice if something like this for hydra existed
<supersandro2000> Also can I search hydra by maintainer? I would really love to know when something breaks and I am responsibly for it.
<matthewcroughan_> Is this a fair enough evaluation of what just happened? Or am I missing something?
<matthewcroughan_> The problem is that I created something that is stupid.
<cole-h> Yeah, the consequences (to not pinning the date to something) is non-reproducible builds
<gianarb1> so probably the brew formula does something different compared with the nix derivation but I am not sure how to fix it
<supersandro2000> but I am more after something like: I ran this random script and it is slow
<__monty__> pumpy: My md5 has a -q quiet option to only print the checksum. Check man md5 for something similar?
<supersandro2000> changing the description or something shouldn't be a pain
<MichaelRaskin> I would probably inherit from import or something…
<MichaelRaskin> Well, everything always complains about something!
<MichaelRaskin> bqv: does nyxt on master work for you? I launched it, it seems to be able to load something, but I am not even sure how to search in page, so yeah
<Raito_Bezarius> pinpox: I mean like, maybe an easy way to solve it is to inject them using preStart or something like this
<Raito_Bezarius> were you interested into something specific?
<matthewcroughan_> was wondering what happens if I try it with something I think is local
<colemickens> matthewcroughan_: I just wanted something in there to show how to access nixos modules inside configuration.nix, it's purely to be a naive example
<matthewcroughan_> '/home/cole/code/nixos-flake-example#something'
<matthewcroughan_> '/home/cole/code/nixos-flake-example#something
<matthewcroughan_> instead of #something, keep it as #mysystem
<matthewcroughan_> What is "something" a placeholder for? colemickens
<matthewcroughan_> do I have to run nixos-rebuild --flake or something?
<colemickens> Before I converted to flakes, the command would've looked like `nix build 'https://github.com/colemickens/nixcfg/archive/master.tar.gz' -A hosts.slynux` or something like that
<energizer> infinisil: oh nevermind. i just did a nixos-rebuild and something's working hard. i thought it was docker but it's julia
<matthewcroughan_> How could I do this on a running, installed system? Do I have to reinstall nixos and do something different during installation?
<supersandro2000> that is something else and still kinda beta
<matthewcroughan_> What does "on something else" mean?
<supersandro2000> advantage: if you are ever on something else you can easily transfer the config and it will most likely still work
<Raito_Bezarius> matthewcroughan_: just do assert on xorg or something


<matthewcroughan_> or 42 represents something arbitrary that you're not sure of, because the explainer is not putting packages or anything practical in place of numbers in their explanation.
<matthewcroughan_> I wanted to know, more or less, when/why you would add or change something in your configuration.nix's opening lambda.
<matthewcroughan_> If you told a kid "You can use trigonometry.. TO 3d print an amazing thing that lets you do something"
<multun> it's not something that can be done
<matthewcroughan_> I want to learn this to accomplish something. Setting up my new laptop.
<multun> pkgs does, config is something else
<matthewcroughan_> did I copy and paste something? Probably :D
<Raito_Bezarius> It's a complicated thing for a beginner :p but basically there is something called nix-channel
<Raito_Bezarius> It's something else
<matthewcroughan_> yes, I am not complaining. I just am asking if something I desire exists :)
<bqv> you mean the line that looks something like `{ blah, ... }:`
<chpatrick> on normal distros you have a big filesystem and every time you install something the new package gets copied over whatever is there
<chpatrick> which is great because if this re-linking is really cheap so if you mess something up you can just go back to an earlier one
<bqv> hooray. that's something
<bqv> MichaelRaskin: am I missing something? Is ASDF::USER/FSET a package separate to asdf somehow?
<jdnixx-M1> other than that I guess I should be good to just stick the git repo's contents in a .nix file and do something to handle that little bit, but I'm super confused on what all boilerplate is always/sometimes required for different types of derivations
<qyliss> Yeah, some channels have corrupt metadata or something on the matrix side
<qyliss> I believe the solution is something like, go into your "Freenode IRC Bridge" or whatever chat, and post e.g. !join #nixos-dev
<jdnixx-M1> <infinisil "What if nixpkgs provided pkgs.di"> yeah I've wondered about something like that
<evanjs> derr well it's either expecting vue-cli-service to be in the PATH or something else provides it
<evanjs> so, project with multiple sub-projects, all yarn -- is there anything that currently handles something like this in nixpkgs already?
<MichaelRaskin> bqv: yeah… might be something interesting with the network I guess
<bqv> MichaelRaskin: am i doing something fundamentally wrong to be getting this?:
<Somelauw> something with GLX
<MichaelRaskin> Note that you might want to do something, so that nix-daemon is launched as root and NIX_REMOTE is set next time…
<Nazral> I found https://discourse.nixos.org/t/select-a-default-jdk-implementation-in-a-nix-shell-derivation/3208/2 but when trying this I get the error "error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set"
<supersandro2000> I am doing something wrong but I have no clue what. Anyone any idea?
<Somelauw> what should /path/to/nixpkgs be? something in root or something in homedir?
<Somelauw> MichaelRaskin: the automatic isn't really working for me. Can I sudo rm -rf /nix and do a clean install or something?
<MichaelRaskin> It sounds more like something autopatchelf
<pinpox> so that something like "run" is aliased to the actual command needed to run a project
<pinpox> If I can shorten down the README to something like "just use this shell.nix - done." that'd be great
<pinpox> The setup process for the project is "theoretically" simple but in my experience always something is missing and it get's tedious.
<whald> i assume that hydra does something like "nix flake clone 'git+ssh://git@some.gitlab.instance/foo/foo.git' --dest foo" to get the sources which, when run on my machine, *does* fetch the git lfs files, so not all hope is lost. but how can I convince hydra to do the same?
<cole-h> Until something better comes along, I see no reason to change. There are upsides and downsides to everything, but I plan on sticking to NixOS for the foreseeable future (which also happens to be systemd-based for the foreseeable future)
<jasom> bqv: omasanori[m] for a lisp dev enfironment I use something like this: https://git.sr.ht/~jasom/nix-lisp-dev
<danderson> okay, I have a nix syntax question. I'm trying out flakes for nixos, and something I'd like is to import modules in other files, and be able to reference the overall flake's inputs. My sample (based on Tweag's blog posts) is https://gist.github.com/danderson/8fb37571768945456df8801d8e9aee18 , but evaluation fails in test.nix with an infinite recursion.
<qyliss> another nice thing is that it probably helps you seperate user configuration from system configuration, if that's something you're interested in (I'm not particularly but lots of people feel quite strongly about that)
<qyliss> or just generates them if they don't exist, if it's something like an ssh host key


<nbathum> I suppose I'll just get something working and put it up as a draft so that someone with more python and nixpkgs knowledge can suggest how to do this properly
<nbathum> have something working outside of nixpkgs, but now trying to figure out where to put this override
<clever> laduke-132: then its probably something cmake is doing
<clever> buffet: use map to check if something is a directory, and run readDir again
<laduke-132> if there's a repo somewhere with a hello-world (that uses iostram or something) and a shell.nix. that'd be cool to look at
<pumpy> just seems like something called "builtin" shouldn't need a special step to import it :D
<emmanuel_erc> Maybe I forgot something.
<tpw_rules> fetchFromGitHub is behaving weird for me. i have my src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v1", sha256="abc"} and the derivation works. i want to update to v2 so i set src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v2", sha256="abc"} because i don't know the new hash, but it still builds v1. i change the hash to something bogus, it says the hash it got is "def", so i put src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v2", sha256="def"} and now the derivation builds v2
<tpw_rules> fetchFromGitHub is behaving weird for me with regard to revisions. i have my src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v1", sha256="abc"} and the derivation works. i want to update to v2 so i set src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v2", sha256="abc"} because i don't know the new hash, but it still builds v1. i change the hash to something bogus, it says the hash it got is "def", so i put src = fetchFromGitHub {rev="v2", sha256="def"} and now the derivation
<pinpox> aminechikhaoui: Ok, I'll try that. I'm just now looking more thorougly at the repo, it seems like it hasn't been updated in 3 years. The tool seems to work file at https://termbin.com, is that something I should be concerened about? still worth packaging?
<lassulus> well nix is a programming language and not a data format, so the best way to modify nix data would be to use nix itself. You could also import json in nix and modify it beforehand with jq or something
<simonpe^^> something like jq for nix expressions would be sweet
<nschoe> Hi back. I've cloned evils's fork (to try Kicad 5.1.7). But I think I'm missing something: why is it that when I type 'nix-env -I nixpkgs=/home/nschoe/nixpkgs -qaP --description kicad' it still tells me "5.1.5".but when I do 'nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/home/nschoe/nixpkgs -p kicad' it is now starting to pull and build lots of packages (to build 5.1.7) ?
<dminuoso> So you'd do something like
<olav_> 2. It also my understanding that the only way to do something about this is to fix this in the channel and then wait for the fix to be merged?
<ivan> if I need something from the dotfile
<ivan> oh, when I `ssh machine command` I usually just do something like ssh machine '. ~/.zshrc && command'
<DavHau[m]> ...so true! Something was twisted. Thanks :D
<simpson> energizer: Taming a package is about altering its relationship to the packages around it. When I think of what FHS enables, I usually first think of Steam, which is a foreign package manager that subverts our entire taming scheme. So yeah, there's definitely something leaky about the FHS abstraction.


<srhb> Yeah, something like that.
<Soft> something under etc
<cole-h> Seems like a whole lotta heuristics for something the user should know themselves, no? Not to mention that different shells have different shell commands :P
<pinpox> What's the easiest way to find out the path of a binary in nixOS to put it in shell script? E.g. I'm trying to write something like "cat test.txt | firefox" as "${pkgs.cat}/bin/cat test.txt | ${pkgs.firefox}/bin/firefox" (just an example) and I need to find out if what packages it is (if it even is one for cat) and what path I need inside it
<evanjs> (I _really_ need to document _something_ eventually...)
<evanjs> buovjaga: so for now, maybe you could do something like `Environment = "PYTHONPATH=/home/ircbot/bot_settings.py:$PYTHONPATH"`
<evanjs> Note you'll basically have to handle the install and etc yourself, unless the project uses something like make or etc
<patagonicus> I have three (pretty much identical) machines and I've set them all up to be remote builders for each other. I've noticed that the machine where I run a nix command doesn't build anything itself. The wiki claims that the local machine will always be included unless you set max-jobs = 0 (my config has it set to auto). Am I doing something wrong
<simonpe^^> hiya, I'm cross compiling and use the buildPackages.gcc9 to get the crosscompiler - I'm looking for something like hostPackages.gcc9 that would allow me to grab the native compiler but there's no such thing


<dansho> i have a local haskell package that name conflicts with something on hackage, how do i tell callCabal2nix to override this package?
<cole-h> gianarb: Maybe brew does something special? You could look at their recipe and see what's what
<euank> It's super unlikely that it's a bad ebs volume, but it's something that can happen.
<euank> do you have the nix store mounted on a different disk, like a really slow ebs volume or something?
<euank> something like `strace -fT zsh -c 'exit 0'` should show the time for each syscall as well fwiw
<hart111> Heya everyone, question about referencing something. I want to reference something in "/nix/store/ilqq11yv3bcj5y7rr4vyngp8nbzb2b71-clang-11.0.0-lib", but I can't figure out what the name I should reference that store path by is. I can of course do ${pkgs.clang_11}/lib ... but that points to the output "out", not the output "lib"
<euank> Ah, huh. Okay, that's weird. If you use strace or something, can you figure out where it's spending all the time?
<pinpox> Ox4A6F: I was talkin earlier today to the devs on #sr.ht but they didn't want to include something like a separate keyfile or passwordCmd command that could help out
<jasom> If I build something with nix-build locally and it behaves differently from what I get from hydra, is that considered a bug?
<lunik1> I set nix.daemonNiceLevel to 10 in my configuration.nix but build jobs are still running with a nice level of 0, have I missed something?
<roberth> tpw_rules: that gives you something akin to blahcoolpackage's build environment
<LnL> crazazy[m]: probably something to do with slash deduplication
<crazazy[m]> how do i let the bot evaluate nix expressions? because i want to show something funny I found
<dutchie> it's probably not something you should do without carefully considering the security implications
<elux> perhaps the issue is when opengl drivers or something..
<utsl> hmm. I've got something I can't figure out. I managed, somehow, to build pkgsMusl.llvmPackages_9 on a nix/nixos docker image, but I can't get it to build on an actual Nixos system.
<pinpox> infinisil: Is this something you would be interested in putting work into?
<pinpox> infinisil: how much work would it be to implement something like tis?
<rnhmjoj> also gitea tries to copy the github ui, while sourcehut is trying something new
<puffnfresh> typetetris: something like that
<typetetris> With flakes evaluation time for unchanged nix code should go away or did I misunderstood something?
<pinpox> rnhmjoj: So the nixops option can't be used for something like a desktop/notebook that isn't online 24/7?
<rnhmjoj> Reventlov: I don't think so. there's the option of using NixOps to manage secrets but i rather configure my machine with nixos-rebuild directly. in my configuration i do something similar to your setup but instead of a submodule a use a script to encrypt the secrets
<jmercouris> what is the best way to install something that has not yet been packaged for NixOS without packaging it?
<pinpox> yeah, for something this important "workarounds" are just not good enough.
<pinpox> I'll give #sr.ht a try, maybe there is a way to include the secrets from a different file, something like a passCmd option
<typetetris> supersandro2000: Thanks. Did that and it worked. I just expected it be a different download or something.
<DigitalKiwi> Caleb: so like if i want to do a pacman -Syu and it breaks something i'm basically sol right? on nixos i can do that -Syu but without actually committing to it (i can just use test which only changes the running system) when i reboot everything is fine. or say i did switch (which updates the bootloader menu) i can still (unless i've done a garbage collection) reboot into a previous "generation"


<viric> It's not that I want config/overlays. I want something to achieve more or less the same than with those
<gustavderdrache> what about something like pathFor?
<nicolas[m]> I'm surprised though that packages that are aliased to `throw "something"` do not tell you what attribute resulted in an evaluation error
<evanjs> more broad question -- what would be the best way to package something like v8eval -- which contains bindings for multiple languages, and is thus available as a gem, pypi module, etc
<abathur> samueldr: this may just be an obvious thing everyone else knows, but is there a clear way to do something incrementally helpful like add failing tests in a case like this?
<tobiasBora> I guess I need something like wrapQtAppsHook, but not sure how to do for a prebuilt binary in a FHSUserEnv
<samueldr> "nice settings you have there, would be a shame if something happened to them"?
<musteresel-nolog> Perhaps its something with the VirtualBox Guest Additions ... I have a "dev snapshot" of them running ...
<la-jesystani> i am getting a "direct firmware load for iwlwifi failed with error -2" which may be something? just checking dmesg
<samueldr> hm, t420 isn't something new, so I wouldn have expected that to be an issue


<roberth> perhaps you could hack something together with __functor and outPath to make it magical
<zecnate> How can I concisely write a derivation which fetches a tarball, checks the source, and unpacks the result into $out? I know how to write a manual unpack derivation wrapping `fetchurl`, but is there something simpler?
<roberth> fzakaria: readDir returns basenames, so you need to do something like readTree(dir + "/${name}")
<fzakaria> Something like:
<jtojnar> edcragg: if you have up to date unstable, the packages will not read from /etc/fonts/2.11. Are you sure you have not installed them using nix-env or something?
<tobiasBora> clever: Ok, so I came up with a working script with substituteAll http://paste.debian.net/1167894 , but the bash is not yet patched, I guess I need to add something else
<clever> tobiasBora: if you use something like `#!/usr/bin/env bash`, then the patchShebangs function will replace it with $(which bash) during the fixupPhase
<jD91mZM2> Is there something like "passwordFile" for ZNC? All I'm seeing are options for putting the password block in text form, and that'll be world-readable?
<bqv> I have a PR to add a new type, but something about me and github and nix is cursed so god knows if it'll ever be seen
<bew> Hello! Does "Nix" mean something?
<LnL> for something simple you could get away with relying on the cache, otherwise you need a way to build linux packages using nix
<notgne2> `--override-input something ../something`?
<cfinch_> aanderse: yes i'm using nixos , but wondering if i could set up a LAMP environment in a nix-shell for testing something out
<aanderse> cfinch: are you running nixos or something else?
<evanjs> is there an easy way to do something like -Wfatal-error for nix builds?
<pickfire> But how come hydra seemed to fail quite often for me, I thought it is something like nightly?
<evanjs> fgaz: I wonder if any of the update scripts in tree do something like that
<edcragg> anyone know how i can fix fontconfig issues in gnome3 on unstable? characters are being rendered as boxes in some specific apps, something about a recent fontconfig update
<evanjs> jd823592: something like "${pkg}/bin/binary-name"
<evanjs> these error: attempt to call something which is not a function but a set, at ... fixed-points ... errors are my favorite :P
<evanjs> siraben: my first thought is something along the lines of using the correct stdenv. Wouldn't we typically use clang in macOS? Etc
<evanjs> So nodejs peoples: I was packaging something from source and it failed (presumably due to `npm i` -- I can run with 1 thread to verify) -- and the module that runs `npm i` does not have a version in the `package.json` -- a requirement for `node2nix`. Any suggestions?
<laerling> Hmm, I think I'm still doing something wrong. In nix repl I do `np = import <nixpkgs>` and `:p np.open-vm-tools.meta.maintainers`, but it complains, that it's a function instead of a set.
<aanderse_> i know lego is the new hotness in the LE world, but sometimes there is something to say for good old reliable certbot i guess :\
<typetetris> Can I somehow access the network from within a build script in a call to `nix-build`? Like some `--impure` option or something?
<evanjs> Wasn't there a talk on that this nixcon or something? Could've sworn I saw something on the pad