
<tilpner> steveeJ: I tried it because I wanted to try another project that was using Docker as a build system (but I didn't want to use Docker). Now that the other project is no longer relevant to me, I no longer have a need for Docker or podman. I don't think I'll be able to put much time into NixOS support for it
<steveeJ> tilpner: did you stop using podman altogether or just the rootless mode?
<steveeJ> tilpner: to make this support multiple users we need a group for the podman users and then add 65k to the start of each users range. that could also live in the module.
<tilpner> But #podman didn't know either
<tilpner> steveeJ: It works with buildah, but not with podman build .
<steveeJ> I wasn't aware podman can build images too
<steveeJ> tilpner: image builds with podman?
<steveeJ> tilpner: did you use that for rootless podman too? I didn't succeed all the way using it


<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @matthewbauer merged pull request #55444 → podman: install manpages → https://git.io/fhHcB
<tilpner> I didn't choose to, the podman expression uses buildGoPackage, which defaults to that
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @tilpner opened pull request #55444 → podman: install manpages → https://git.io/fhHcB


<linkrage> vdemeester, do you feel podman+kubernetes on nixos combination is ready for production use?
<vdemeester> linkrage: yep, podman allows you to run containers (based on docker or OCI images) without docker daemon
<vdemeester> linkrage: ah.. right, I may need to update the package to patch the default path podman looks for conmon & co then
<linkrage> vdemeester, btw since podman depends on runc, I had to install that one as well and symlink just for the test but I'm sure there is a better way. Perhaps you're configuration. I just don't understand hot to use your.nix file
<vdemeester> linkrage: interesting… you installed it using `nix-env -i podman` right ?
<linkrage> vdemeester, podman says conmon not found, how do I install it in this case?
<linkrage> vdemeester, I'm trying to test podman although podman looks for /etc/containers/registries.conf etc.
<linkrage> lewo, I'm starting to test podman today. Installed latest podman from the unstable channel. I'll keep you up to date with my testing/findings etc. :)


<steveeJ> vdemeester: hey thanks for packaging podman! did you get a pod running with it? I'm currently stuck on with broken CNI config


<lewo> linkrage: sorry, I don't know (i didn't play with podman yet)
<linkrage> lewo, on NixOS in order to run containers with podman (which uses runc) without the need for docker daemon... do I have to install cri-o ? (I assume since we have runc package that's all I need -> podman+runc installed?)
<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @nlewo merged pull request #51627 → podman: init at 1.0.0 → https://git.io/fpDIc
<{^_^}> #51627 (by vdemeester, 6 weeks ago, open): podman: init at 1.0.0
<lewo> Are you talking about this podman? https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/51627
<linkrage> __monty__, :) Perhaps "podman" is still not in stable "repo" etc ?
<__monty__> ,locate podman
<linkrage> do we have "podman" package for NixOS? nix-env -qaP podman gets killed by OOM Killer I think (gotta upgrade)


<vdemeester> Mic92: thx for the change on the podman PR <3 — works like a charm !
<{^_^}> #51627 (by vdemeester, 1 week ago, open): podman: init at


<{^_^}> #51627 (by vdemeester, 3 days ago, open): podman: init at


<{^_^}> [nixpkgs] @vdemeester opened pull request #51627 → podman: init at → https://git.io/fpDIc