
<joko> I have ArchLinux ARM on Wandboard and they recommend doing native installs + distcc
<joko> I do own a Wandboard and a Raspberry Pi 3 and was thinking of testing NixOS on them
<joko> Guys, are you cross-compiling or compiling directly on such (ARM) devices?
<joko> vcunat: so I overload coreutils and libreoffice-fresh with the new features and then set them on the correct machines, right?
<joko> or zfs on another which cannot build libreoffice. Is it possible to limit the builds of those particular packages to those machines?
<joko> on one machine which cannot build coreutils
<joko> E.g. I am using nix-user-chroot
<joko> Hi, in Hydra is it possible to declare somehow some rules for the scheduler on which package gets built where?


<joko> I think it does, just checked services/networking/websockify.nix
<joko> Hello, does NixOS support multiple instances of services as in @.service files?


<joko> jgertm_: while I was looking for setting default-sample-rate in PulseAudio, I stumbled on this: http://anderspapitto.com/posts/2015-11-26-overtone-on-nixos-with-jack-and-pulseaudio.html
<joko> I think default.pa supports different syntax
<joko> Me neither, this is why I was asking at first place ;)
<joko> clever: default.pa is the same as daemon.conf?
<joko> Hello, what's the equivalent of /etc/pulse/daemon.conf in NixOS? I would like to set default-sample-rate