
<clever> v0lZy: the writeTextFile function will return its path, and then line 20 tells snmpd to use that path as config
<clever> v0lZy: line 8-15 defines the contents, and filename, for a config file
<clever> sphalerite: never got around to playing with overlays much
<clever> wait, wrong gist
<clever> v0lZy: this defines an snmp service
<clever> v0lZy: for simple packages, you would set nixpkgs.packageOverrides and use callPackage to load the nix expression in
<clever> v0lZy: is it just a package, or a whole service that runs on boot?
<clever> thats handled over in cc-wrapper
<clever> lol
<clever> whald_: its also already disabled in the glibc expressions
<clever> /home/clever/apps/nixpkgs/pkgs/development/libraries/glibc/default.nix: hardeningDisable = [ "stackprotector" "fortify" ];
<clever> whald_: yeah, that could help
<clever> hyper_ch: -o is for pool wide options, -O is for dataset options, the filesystem at the root of the pool
<clever> v0lZy: i prefer nix-repl, there is also nox, and nix-env -qA i think
<clever> whald_: yes
<clever> must just not be packaged in nixos
<clever> ah
<clever> what commands does it contain under bin?
<clever> hyper_ch: i dont think blktool is a command
<clever> this command claims that all of my SSD's are 512 byte based
<clever> `lsblk -o NAME,PHY-SeC`
<clever> so you have to guess at various sizes, and intentionaly write un-aligned blocks, and measure the performance
<clever> v0lZy: its more an issue about the drives having to lie, because crappy OS's crash when they tell the truth
<clever> i dont think this nvme is still using 512 byte blocks .....
<clever> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
<clever> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
<clever> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
<clever> Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 477 GiB, 512110190592 bytes, 1000215216 sectors
<clever> 2017-10-02 04:08:10 < clever> so modern drives lie about the block size
<clever> 2017-10-02 04:08:01 < clever> but old OS's crash hard if the drive tells the truth
<clever> now you have no way to do things properly
<clever> so modern drives lie about the block size
<clever> but old OS's crash hard if the drive tells the truth
<clever> the problem, is that modern devices dont use 512 byte blocks
<clever> thats a bit big :P
<clever> and it heavily depends on the block size of the underlying hardware
<clever> hyper_ch: there is no real harm from making it too big
<clever> ah
<clever> which hardphones are you needing openvpn on?
<clever> i havent messed with them much
<clever> ah yeah
<clever> but it helps to know if there are bottlenecks like cpu usage
<clever> and then it should perform better
<clever> if you lower the mtu enough on the tun0 interface, then openvpn wont have to fragment things
<clever> hyper_ch: another thing, udp or tcp mode?
<clever> and that server becomes a bottleneck
<clever> they must route thru a server
<clever> the issue ive seen, is that if 2 clients want to talk to eachother
<clever> hyper_ch: i wrote my own vpn to get around the bottlenecks of openvpn :P
<clever> hyper_ch: id have a program that will query the remote end to find what the newest shared snapshot is, and then sync via that
<clever> and both ends need the old snapshot
<clever> yeah
<clever> yeah
<clever> the altroot is only active until reboot
<clever> altroot tells it to mount things under /mnt/
<clever> but when installing, you want to chroot under /mnt
<clever> normally, zfs mounts everything under / automatically
<clever> if you write to a section smaller then a block, the drive has to read the current value, overwrite part of it, then write the entire block back out
<clever> more because they have larger blocks
<clever> 12 gives 4096, and 13 gives 8192 i believe
<clever> hyper_ch: it makes the block sizes 2^12
<clever> hyper_ch: yep


<clever> hyper_ch: just woke up
<clever> i'm heading to bed :P
<clever> its only 5am
<clever> hyper_ch: oh dang, got distracted
<clever> zfs will just automatically create gpt partitions, i believe
<clever> hyper_ch: first, run "truncate image-1.img -s 512m"
<clever> and mess around
<clever> so you can just use ftruncate to make a dozen 512mb files, and then make pools ontop of that
<clever> zfs also supports operating on files directly, without needing losetup
<clever> make a mirror between one of the 4tb's and the 8tb
<clever> mirror mode, just with different params
<clever> and if any drive fails, you loose it all
<clever> so replacing any drive with a bigger drive instantly gives you more storage
<clever> if your just in jbod mode, it wont care, but you have zero redundancy
<clever> well, it depends on which mode your in
<clever> it would only use the first 4tb of the 8 drive
<clever> you cant really mix sizes like that
<clever> ah
<clever> hyper_ch: once it finishes the resilver, remove the 3xdrive from the mirror, then you have just a single 8tb with no redundancy
<clever> hyper_ch: one method, turn it into a mirror between the 3x array and the 8tb drive
<clever> i found gzip-9 to tax things a lot more, but the 4x savings is nice sometimes
<clever> not sure
<clever> hyper_ch: nice
<clever> and snapshots just make an extra reference to the data, so the old version cant be GC'd
<clever> so if you want to modify a file, it creates new blocks with the new data
<clever> zfs is a lot like nix, every block on the disk is immutable
<clever> that script already exists
<clever> on a timer
<clever> you
<clever> if you turn on the service i mentioned before, nixos will make those for
<clever> correct
<clever> but nixos expects the standard "mount device /mnt" style
<clever> the new zfs stuff will just auto-mount things at the "right spot" when you run "zfs mount pool/foo" on it
<clever> the nixos initrd can only mount legacy mount points
<clever> hyper_ch: ask away
<clever> hyper_ch: yeah


<clever> bgamari: nix-shell also causes this problem, because it puts the dumber bash in stdenv, and nix-shell under nix-shell fails
<clever> bgamari: pkgs.bash is a bash compiled without interactive support, pkgs.bashInteractive is the better one
<clever> kk
<clever> hyper_ch: morning


<clever> pie_: latest generation?
<clever> what roots them?
<clever> pie_: back to the previous du output, any ghc's left?
<clever> tilpner: you can also run nix-build against a nix expression pointing to the fetched source, and keep the result symlink
<clever> tilpner: not entirely sure, but i think "gc-keep-outputs = true" and "gc-keep-derivations = true" in nix.conf control that
<clever> infinisil: though i do see a long form, -d (--delete-old),
<clever> and people often run it without root then wonder why it didnt delete anything
<clever> the man page is also fairly sparse
<clever> -d just gets rid of everything old, with no time limit
<clever> so you can choose between the nuclear "anything old" option, or prune i carefully
<clever> there is also `nix-collect-garbage --delete-older-than 30d` (as root), which gets rid of any generation over 30 days old
<clever> that would get rid of just 44, and then follow it up with a normal nix-collect-garbage
<clever> pie_: nix-env --delete-generations 44 -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
<clever> what number are you up to now?
<clever> pie_: ]$ ls -l /nix/var/nix/profiles/system
<clever> pie_: what does --query --roots say about those GHC's?
<clever> so something is rooting them
<clever> but he already ran a GC recently
<clever> because 900 > 10
<clever> sort -n considers 900kb to be creater then 10mb
<clever> pikajude: it sorts 900kb as being less then 1mb
<clever> this one will be thr entire store
<clever> du --max=1 -hc /nix/store | sort -h
<clever> ah, but thats just for the latest generation of nixos
<clever> that will tell you why its rooted
<clever> pie_: next, find something fat from that listing that you dont want, and run nix-store --query --roots against it
<clever> ive been in situations where the terminal was the bottleneck
<clever> |tail shows less
<clever> now its just down to how fast your terminal can render
<clever> yep
<clever> there is a cache in the kernel, so the 2nd will always be faster, no mater which order you ran them in
<clever> try the first one again
<clever> but there many be fat things from older nixos builds, your nix-env profile, or result symlinks you left laying around
<clever> both of those will show everything that the current build of nixos depend son
<clever> du --max=0 -hc $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) | sort -h
<clever> pie_: first, have you tried just a normal "nix-collect-garbage" with no flags?
<clever> pie_: many, one sc
<clever> the kernel doesnt allow changing uid once you have dropped root
<clever> pie_: its more like switching to the nobody account
<clever> pie_: but on some kernel configs, you need root to drop them further
<clever> pie_: its dropping some perms that it doesnt need, i dont remember what exactly
<clever> yegortimoshenko: add "boot.allow_shell" to the kernel parameters i believe
<clever> and nix doesnt allow setuid binaries in the store, so you need to enable it in the nixos config
<clever> pie_: unity must be reusing the chromium setuid wrapper for its sandboxing
<clever> pie_: ah, the option tilpner mentioned is an alias to security.chromium.SuidSandbox.enable
<clever> adelbertc: that should be possible, as long as you can control what ports the daemon listens on, so it cant conflict with another instance of itself
<clever> adelbertc: what exactly is it doing against dockerd?
<clever> catern: yeah
<clever> enter is not punctuation
<clever> iqubic: hmm, that does sound like systemd-boot
<clever> VLetrmx: the sandbox is a full container, including a chroot
<clever> iqubic: do you see a choice for windows before, or after systemd-boot is running?
<clever> grub has a lot more options
<clever> and all editor does, is let you modify the kernel cmdline at the boot prompt
<clever> bkchr: there are only 2 options in systemd-boot, enable, and editor, its very limited
<clever> bkchr: the choice of that has to be done in the uefi firmware, before systemd-boot starts
<clever> LnL: so you must create a .bashrc in every user
<clever> LnL: i discovered that darwin bash never loads a file from /etc/ on bootup when doing "ssh user@darwin nix-store --serve"
<clever> environment.variables.FOO will land inside a special set-environment script, and you have to programs.zsh.enable = true; for zsh to run that
<clever> 172. yeah
<clever> (untested if zsh also supports interactiveShellInit seperately)
<clever> and you may expect interactiveShellInit to affect zsh
<clever> and if your using zsh, the bashrc may not have an effect
<clever> some wind up in profile, some in bashrc
<clever> LnL: the results of some testing i did, on where every environment related flag lands
<clever> LnL: related to what you said previously
<clever> Mic92: yeah, so the prng will rarely get reused
<clever> Wizek: with nix-channel
<clever> so every sector has a different prng
<clever> my understanding, is that the prng is based on the master key, and sector#
<clever> yeah, thats the real question
<clever> you get the result of xor(prng1, prng2)
<clever> infinisil: and then you xor the 2 drives together
<clever> infinisil: but if you then have 2 drives, each doing drive1 = xor(data, prng1) and drive2 = xor(data, prng2)
<clever> xor, lol
<clever> Mic92: hmmm, do you know if luks is just xorg(data, prng), or if its more complex?
<clever> iqubic: nix-prefetch-git, or just supply a wrong hash, and look at the error nix-build gives
<clever> iqubic: yes
<clever> Mic92: then the bit flips will be visible to zfs, and it can pick the right size
<clever> Mic92: if zfs encryption wasnt an option, then you could do zpool create POOL /dev/luks1 /dev/luks2
<clever> Mic92: ah, so the bitflips will just go clean thru luks (scrambling different bits as it gets decrypted), and then mdadm would get upset about the mismatch, and not know the right answer
<clever> Mic92: but what about the luks level, does it have any checksum?
<clever> Mic92: ah, so mdadm mirror doesnt know which side is "right"
<clever> iqubic: yeah, thats what every single derivation does
<clever> iqubic: the repo always goes into /nix/store, and fetchFromGitHub returns the path
<clever> iqubic: and then based on their values, it will either fetch a github tarball url, or clone from github
<clever> iqubic: fetchFromGitHub is a function that takes a handful of arguments (lines 192-194)
<clever> Mic92: but what exactly can go wrong if you did use mdadm?
<clever> Mic92: yeah, thats why i prefer to put the zfs directly on the devices
<clever> Mic92: and you can potentialy generate a rainbow table, to map an encrypted frame of all 0's, back to a key
<clever> Mic92: it lacks an IV, and due to h264 padding, there can be frames of all 0's
<clever> Mic92: that reminds me, there is a problem ive researched about mpegts encryption (tv/satalite stuff)
<clever> hyper_ch: yeah, that would be safer from a crypto perspective
<clever> pmade: no longer bottlenecked by your upload bandwidth
<clever> pmade: it would deploy a lot faster if it was in the same availability zone as the machines your creating
<clever> Mic92: what could potentially go wrong if you make 2 luks volumes, and then mdadm mirror them into a single block device?
<clever> pmade: i dont think it will do that, but you wil want to obviously restrict access to the user nixops is ran as
<clever> Mic92: ah, so as long as it exists in the initrd at the right path (either via mount, or embeded) it will work
<clever> pmade: so nixops will only have to copy the differences (hostname, any future updates)
<clever> pmade: i believe you can generate an AMI, that has the entire closure, then upload that to amazon, and configure nixops to start with that AMI
<clever> pmade: ah, an AMI is better for that
<clever> in postdevice i'm gueessing?
<clever> Mic92: i'm thinking, a way to do zfs encryption on a headless server, and i only have to destroy a key in /boot and know the rest is toast
<clever> Mic92: is there also any way to load the passphrase from a file in /boot with no user intervention?
<clever> pmade: share them at what level?
<clever> some metadata will be readable, the names of datasets, and sizes, but i believe filenames and their contents are totally protected
<clever> so its nearly the same as FDE
<clever> if you set the encryption flag directly on the pool (rather then pool/root like the wiki said), it will be inherited by everything
<clever> to unlock the data
<clever> then you will need to manualy enter the password on the backup machine
<clever> hyper_ch, infinisil: i believe with this, you can get raid, encryption, snapshots, and even use znapzend, and the remote backup server has no way to view the contents
<clever> found it
<clever> 2017-09-15 13:16:52< Mic92> disasm: no, requires zfsUnstable anyway
<clever> 2017-09-15 13:15:15< Mic92> clever: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29426 <- this allows to boot from zfs with native encryption
<clever> then you can either nixos-install as usual, or justdoit (a shell command pre-installed into the ramdisk)
<clever> hyper_ch: and then ssh back in, and its running nixos from a ramdisk
<clever> hyper_ch: basically, you compile a tar with nix-build, upload it to a machine, unpack it to /, run /kexec_nixos as root
<clever> hyper_ch: that justdoit.nix is also part of a larger script, for installing nixos on any box, even remotely
<clever> hyper_ch: with this on, any tagged dataset (zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true pool/home) will get automatic snapshots
<clever> hyper_ch: https://nixos.org/nixos/options.html#zfs.autosnapshot.enable
<clever> hyper_ch: yeah
<clever> hyper_ch: so garbage collection doesnt save any space
<clever> hyper_ch: for example, one of my systems, i didnt split /nix up, and now zfs snapshots "backup" everything i garbage collect
<clever> hyper_ch: but you can also turn off automated snapshots for /nix
<clever> hyper_ch: you can still image the entire disk for backups, or just zfs send every dataset's snapshots
<clever> hyper_ch: you basically never have to backup /nix, with just /etc saved, you can recreate the entire system via nixos-rebuild
<clever> hyper_ch: i may also want to backup /home via zfs send, so it needs its own dataset
<clever> hyper_ch: so /nix must be a seperate dataset
<clever> hyper_ch: i want snapshots on / but not on /nix/
<clever> hyper_ch: and it sets the mountpoint to legacy (required for the nixos initrd to mount it)
<clever> hyper_ch: that creates a new datataset (of type filesystem) inside the pool, at pool/root
<clever> i'm checking my logs
<clever> somebody in this channel had gotten it working on nixos about a week ago
<clever> hyper_ch: yeah, that would eliminate any chance of luks issues
<clever> hyper_ch: crypto is complex, and i have no idea what the implecations of the above are
<clever> hyper_ch: now you have the result of xor'ing the 2 prng bitstreams
<clever> hyper_ch: if you have 2 volumes, with identical data, and you xorg them, you can cancel out the data
<clever> hyper_ch: and then does a simple xor against the data to encrypt
<clever> hyper_ch: i think luks uses a prng to generate a unique keystream for every block (based on the master key)
<clever> hyper_ch: but that mirror with luks might have security issues
<clever> hyper_ch: create 2 luks volumes, and then zpool create <pool> mirror /dev/mapper/luks1 /dev/mapper/luks2
<clever> man page has more details
<clever> hyper_ch: zpool create <pool> mirror /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
<clever> to the source!
<clever> so a bug should be filed
<clever> that PR was merged a month ago, and they just failed to notice that the withFont makes its output variable
<clever> thats the PR that "broke" it
<clever> you can get it
<clever> so an issue should be opened
<clever> somebody went thru, and made every font package fixed-output
<clever> but its broken on master
<clever> the version iqubic linked was "good"
<clever> wait no
<clever> output path ‘/nix/store/3676mpn0q0x46qr795z3c716irkr614l-nerdfonts-1.1.0’ has r:sha256 hash ‘1cg11apglr833a246jnxaibfgaj77w090gqxwpzbqlzmh9aw4zg2’ when ‘1f3qvzl7blqddx3cm2sdml7hi8s56yjc0vqhfajndxr5ybz6g1rw’ was expected
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }; nerdfonts.override { withFont = "InconsolataGo"; }'
<clever> iqubic: its already been fixed
<clever> yeah
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> { config = {}; }; nerdfonts.override { withFont = "InconsolataGo Bold Nerd Font Complete"; }'
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-store --delete /nix/store/3676mpn0q0x46qr795z3c716irkr614l-nerdfonts-1.1.0
<clever> so nix doesnt bother trying to re-build it when i change an input like withFont
<clever> this tells nix that the output will never change, and will have the following hash
<clever> which is only present on my copy of nixpkgs
<clever> i see the problem
<clever> oh
<clever> need to read more of the source before we know what happened
<clever> and this is something not working right...
<clever> /nix/store/3676mpn0q0x46qr795z3c716irkr614l-nerdfonts-1.1.0
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; nerdfonts.override { withFont = "InconsolataGo Bold Nerd Font Complete"; }'
<clever> this is all fonts
<clever> [clever@amd-nixos:~]$ nix-build -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; nerdfonts'
<clever> /nix/store/3676mpn0q0x46qr795z3c716irkr614l-nerdfonts-1.1.0
<clever> you can also confirm that with nix-build again, without making persistant changes to the system
<clever> yeah
<clever> iqubic: so instead of installing nerdfonts, i could nerdfonts.override { withFont = "InconsolataGo Bold Nerd Font Complete"; }
<clever> line 1, ""
<clever> iqubic: which can be changed via .override
<clever> iqubic: it refers to the argument on line 1
<clever> which you can then look at
<clever> `nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A nerdfonts` will build the whole thing, and create a result symlink
<clever> so you would have to open that github and read the install.sh
<clever> correction, github clone, line 6-10
<clever> it just runs install.sh from the tar
<clever> that only shows what commands it runs
<clever> nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A nerdfonts
<clever> iqubic: run nix-build against it and look at the files it contains