
<clever> nixos-unstable correctly refused to update, and protected those users
<clever> NinjaTrappeur: there was a wave of people a few years back that just lost the ability to boot, because nixpkgs-unstable broke the grub config file
<clever> NinjaTrappeur: the nixos services arent tested when updating that channel
<clever> check the nix-channel man page
<clever> you have to give nix-channel --add the name "nixos" to overwrite the 17.09
<clever> xmr-nixos-user: nixos is still running from the 17.09 channel, which is from last year
<clever> xmr-nixos-user: also, check nix-channel --list again as root
<clever> xmr-nixos-user: you must never run nixos from the nixpkgs-unstable channel
<clever> nope
<clever> you need to use the --include or --exclude flag to stop it from trying to talk to a machine thats offline
<clever> nixops generates that and inserts it for you
<clever> correct
<clever> i think nixops will also manage booting and the IP for you then, so you dont need to be as careful with getting the config right the first time
<clever> yeah
<clever> enless you dont mind just destroying it now and letting nixops remake the whole thing
<clever> so its simpler to just set the targetEnv to none, and manage the destruction yourself, whenever that comes up
<clever> but there is no way to tell nixops to adopt something that youve already created
<clever> ixxie: and nixops will manage creation, deployment, and destruction
<clever> ixxie: for proper DO stuff, you set the backend to the keyname for DO, and leave it
<clever> ixxie: the 3 examples i linked all use none, just give it an ip and it will assume control of the machine
<clever> ixxie: if you want to reuse an existing instance, ignore the digitalocean directions, and instead use the none backend
<clever> but you may want to isolate it from updates that happen to the local machine
<clever> ixxie: it will use the local <nixpkgs> by default
<clever> i believe that was the trick
<clever> nixops set-args -d name -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/8bce347f02f6bd606ec1822f0ba9b94d7f139071.tar.gz
<clever> ixxie: and if you want to control the nixpkgs nixops uses
<clever> ixxie: those should already have it
<clever> ixxie: you want to copy the existing configuration.nix and hardware-configuration.nix the machine is already using
<clever> ixxie: and for digital ocean, you have to configure the static ip properly
<clever> ixxie: the key thing to keep in mind, is that you have to properly define the boot and fileSystems stuff at a minimum, so whatever nixops creates can still boot
<clever> ixxie: all 3 of those systems where converted from normal nixos-rebuild to nixops
<clever> i have some examples fo that
<clever> ive used nixops to manage 2 netbooks that dont have enough free disk space to build themselves
<clever> yeah
<clever> ixxie: some parts still have to run on the droplet, even with remote builds
<clever> ixxie: also, it depends on which part of nix is running out of memory
<clever> softinio: ah, not sure then
<clever> and nix-store -r to build them
<clever> ixxie: you can use nix-copy-closure to copy .drv files to another machine
<clever> ixxie: your welcome
<clever> softinio: compare $TERM with ssh and mosh
<clever> softinio: its more likely that the old env vars that mosh is resuming may be to blame
<clever> $TERM should match whatever you have at the client end
<clever> softinio: ssh doesnt change the type of your terminal emulator
<clever> softinio: what terminal are you using?
<clever> somebody set off the matrix bomb
<clever> jluttine: look at the lines containing execve, those have the args passed to ssh
<clever> jluttine: so it will only work if you nix-copy-closure the exact build to the remote machine
<clever> jluttine: and nixpkgs has patched an absolute path into the script
<clever> jluttine: i think i see the problem, the script is trying to run itself on the remote machine, via ssh
<clever> ixxie: yeah
<clever> jluttine: once more, but with strace -f
<clever> as long as it doesnt conflict with any existing things
<clever> ixxie: pretty much
<clever> Ankhers: it will resize itself automatically when you reboot
<clever> Ankhers: it doesnt set PATH properly, but the default aws config for nixos runs it automatically in the initrd, so you dont really have to touch it directly
<clever> ixxie: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/qemu.nix this one configures qemu emulation of several platforms
<clever> ixxie: this one uses the option to adjust the vim config: https://github.com/cleverca22/nixos-configs/blob/master/vim.nix
<clever> jluttine: try running it under strace, and then pastebin the output
<clever> jluttine: diskrsync appears to just be a bash script, not an executable
<clever> jluttine: and what is it failing to find when running?
<clever> jluttine: and was the binary built with nix-shell or nix-build?
<clever> jluttine: what does `file` say when ran against the binary?
<clever> that should reveal if the change is spreading too deep into the tree
<clever> angerman: try doing nix-instantiate on the expression you have, tweak the generic-builder.nix, nix-instantiate again, then nix-diff the 2 .drv files
<clever> angerman: have you played with nix-diff yet?
<clever> it probably just got overlooked, try poking gchristensen or someone else in here
<clever> yrashk: builtins.derivation is a fairly special function, that will hash its inputs and compute an output path
<clever> yrashk: not sure, youd have to ask somebody that has merge prmission
<clever> yrashk: generally, you define a function in the same file, then call it twice, to produce the 2 packages
<clever> angerman: but thats still far better then all of ghc
<clever> angerman: it will still rebuild 2 haskell packages, hscolour and one other, on every iteration
<clever> let me grab an example of a cleaner way to do it
<clever> ah, i see, the defaults
<clever> yrashk: i think you can merge most of default.nix into apeclex.nix
<clever> yrashk: posted a comment in the PR
<clever> elvishjerricco: ah, nice idea
<clever> angerman: one min
<clever> nearly any nixos module in nixos can be used as an example
<clever> ixxie: config = lib.mkIf config.whatever.enabled { ... };
<clever> with nix 2, it tries to enforce normally security, even if you have the power to just bypass nix and force it
<clever> with nix 1, if you had write to /nix/store, you where trusted automatically
<clever> there is a bit of a bug in nix 2.0
<clever> as long as your not using nix-daemon, thats all you need
<clever> then echo whatever > $HOME/nix.conf
<clever> export NIX_CONF_DIR=$HOME i believe
<clever> that wasnt a question
<clever> mightybyte: you can export a var to change the search path for nix.conf
<clever> ixxie: run that
<clever> /nix/var/nix/profiles/system/sw/bin/passwd
<clever> ixxie: ah, PATH isnt set yet, one sec
<clever> ixxie: now you can run passwd to change the root password
<clever> ixxie: tell it to continue when it claims the file doesnt exist
<clever> ixxie: hit e while in grub and selecting a menu entry
<clever> ixxie: edit the cmdline in grub to have init=/bin/sh
<clever> das_j: activation scripts are the worst place, never do anything network there
<clever> das_j: i think the acme scripts in nixos just run daily, and then internally check how old the cert is and abort
<clever> and you cant just wait for the timer to start it?
<clever> restartTriggers has nothing to do with timers
<clever> so when the config file is changed, the service file changes, and it triggers a restart
<clever> so the trick, is to make it a storepath pointing to a config file the service reads
<clever> and if the .service file changes for any reason, nixos-rebuild will restart the service
<clever> the field is essentialy ignored by everything, but it winds up in the .service file
<clever> restartTriggers can be any string
<clever> kisik21: no clue
<clever> the last game i tried was slightly buggy, it had been modified to integrate into steam achivements, and caused errors when running on an un-modified renpy
<clever> kisik21: i think you just run renpy and give it the path to the game
<clever> kisik21: probably
<clever> Myrl-sak1: yes, but your better off delting the duplicate
<clever> kisik21: nix-env -iA nixos.renpy
<clever> !-iA
<clever> kisik21: what args did you run nix-env with?
<clever> Myrl-sak1: you have 2 copies of nixpkgs, delete the one on the pi user
<clever> Myrl-sak1: and root?
<clever> Myrl-sak1: what does nix-channel --list show as each user?
<clever> kisik21: renpy
<clever> Myrl-sak1: nix-env uses ~/.nix-defexpr/ but nix-shell uses $NIX_PATH
<clever> Myrl-sak1: with what args?
<clever> kisik21: renpy is also packaged in nixpkgs
<clever> kisik21: does xterm work in the same chroot?
<clever> i was thinking, nix-store --query --derirver to find the .drv of a path, then check for a .debug output, and nix-store -r to fetch, then just add it to the search path
<clever> i was thinking of something simpler then dwarffs
<clever> ah
<clever> that might be the thing i saw gdb loading, havent read its source yet
<clever> you may also have better luck creating a buildEnv that has the right outputs, and then install it
<clever> so it may be possible to auto-fetch the debug from the cache
<clever> it looks like gdb is already loading python code it finds in the debug dirs
<clever> sphalerite: i also noticed gdb is running nix via a .py file somewhere in glibc i think
<clever> sphalerite: i think you where asking about how to get gdb to find things before
<clever> sphalerite: i recently delt with the split-debug stuff in nixpkgs and had to do this: https://gist.github.com/cleverca22/32e4b7158d86374fdf154a09b4c7fa75
<clever> the latest master that passes testing on hydra
<clever> havent really had any major issues with unstable
<clever> i use nixos-unstable on all of my personal machines


<clever> i need to get some sleep now, but i can look into that tomorrow
<clever> :D
<clever> jeaye: so you can just nix-build foo.nix && cat result | ssh root@host, and your done
<clever> jeaye: i have recently been thinking about adding arx into my kexec tool
<clever> steveeJ: but in theory, you can just replace the switch block with a database, and use any server-side scripting you want
<clever> steveeJ: i never actually wrote that part, its just a hard-coded switch-case
<clever> phry: but my kexec trick boots a full nixos in ram, and then your free to nuke the disk from orbit and partition it however you like
<clever> phry: basically, all nixos-in-place does is rename everything in /, populate /nix/store with a copy of nixos, and overwrite the bootloader
<clever> phry: the main limitation, is that you cant change the partition layout
<clever> phry: nixos-in-place is based on how i had forcibly converted a gentoo netbook into nixos
<clever> steveeJ: and then i repurposed pieces of it for installing to the new laptop
<clever> steveeJ: justdoit+kexec was written mainly for installing to remote servers in datacenters
<clever> steveeJ: uefi on sata, and also 2 for nvme
<clever> steveeJ: there are entries in release.nix for legacy on sata, with and without luks
<clever> steveeJ: and after you install and shutdown, ./result/bin/qemu_test2 to boot the hdd without the generated kernel+initrd, to confirm the install can boot
<clever> steveeJ: also, you can `nix-build release.nix -A luks_legacy` then ./result/bin/qemu_test1 to boot the generated kernel+initrd under qemu for testing justdoit
<clever> steveeJ: but if you check the luks man pages, that can probably be automated
<clever> steveeJ: yeah, if you want luks, somebody has to type it on the console
<clever> (line 57)
<clever> which is why the WAN interface is pointing at a wifi card
<clever> steveeJ: my original use-case for netboot_server.nix, was to turn my old laptop into a complete router and netboot server, which would forcibly install nixos onto the new laptop, no need to mess with usb sticks or iso's
<clever> the kexec variant omits it, since ipxe wasnt in the loop
<clever> steveeJ: the netboot_server.nix variant keeps the netbootipxescript intact (line 18), so you can just chainload netboot.ipxe
<clever> http://ipxe.org/cmd/sanboot has more docs
<clever> just remotely trigger a reboot, and let boot.php decide the boot order
<clever> steveeJ: so now, a central database can control the boot order of every machine on the LAN
<clever> steveeJ: if you return this in a #!ipxe script, it will just boot off the 1st local hdd
<clever> sanboot --no-describe --drive 0x80
<clever> steveeJ: but the key part, is that ipxe is able to legacy-boot from the local hdd
<clever> in this example, its not even php, i was just too lazy to rename it
<clever> steveeJ: you can then use server-side-scripting in your language of choice, to lookup the machine in a database
<clever> steveeJ: this tells the machine to load boot.php?mac=INSERT_MAC_HERE
<clever> steveeJ: another thing ive thought of, one sec
<clever> steveeJ: yep
<clever> steveeJ: yeah
<clever> phry: i wasnt directly involved in the creation of those scripts, i just picked up maintaince of them after they where finished
<clever> steveeJ: line 55 and 56 of justdoit.nix, it nukes all disk signatures, because several of the tools get upset when an old FS is in the way
<clever> steveeJ: yep, i left that final step out, because it would auto-wipe whatever disk it happens to boot on
<clever> nur0n0: this is a large project that recently switched over to using yarn2nix and is already using webpack: https://github.com/input-output-hk/daedalus/blob/develop/yarn2nix.nix
<clever> steveeJ: yep
<clever> steveeJ: so you can just ssh into the machine and run `justdoit`, and your done
<clever> steveeJ: you set a few basic options, like the hdd type (vda, sda, nvme0n1), uefi, luks, boot/swap size, and then it generates a bash script to fully automate the install
<clever> steveeJ: a lot of the power comes from justdoit: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/justdoit.nix
<clever> steveeJ: you can also modify the 1st command from session.md to -A cofnig.system.build.image, then result will just be a directory with a naked kernel+initrd+cmdline, configure the bootloader yourself
<clever> steveeJ: this configures a complete router, with NAT, bind, tftp, nginx, and dhcpd
<clever> steveeJ: already done
<clever> steveeJ: i'm heading to bed now, but if you get stuck or have questions about the kexec trick, just leave a PM and i can answer things later
<clever> steveeJ: just upload the tarball to any linux machine, run 1 command, and its running nixos in a ramdisk, run 1 more command, and the disk is wiped and it now has nixos
<clever> steveeJ: another option you could look into is my kexec tool: https://github.com/cleverca22/nix-tests/blob/master/kexec/session.md
<clever> jluttine: try adding mesa to the buildInputs
<clever> jluttine: how did you add it to the include path?
<clever> jluttine: adding mesa to the build inputs will automatically add "${mesa}/include" to the search path
<clever> nschoe: because nix-env isnt supposed to be used on library
<clever> nschoe: nix-env avoids installing header files
<clever> nschoe: i tend to just build it without --no-out-link, then poke around in result
<clever> yeah
<clever> nixpkgs.overlays = [ (import /home/arian/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix) ];
<clever> arianvp2: wrap the import in ()
<clever> robstr: yeah, resources.security-groups lets you define the security groups in nix
<clever> it may be in the nixops manual
<clever> robstr: it works something like resources.security-groups
<clever> yeah, that looks like it
<clever> merged!
<clever> kk
<clever> ah, i was expecting the if to be re-arranged
<clever> Myrl-saki: and i dont think the last commit you made has the changes
<clever> then the 2nd commit just wont exist, the 1st will be everything
<clever> Myrl-saki: so you could switch back to the 1st commit in the pr, then amend again
<clever> Myrl-saki: another handy but optional thing, if you run 'git reset --soft revision' it will forcibly change the commit the current branch points to, without loosing any files
<clever> it only messes things up if another person pulls the branch
<clever> i force-push dozens of times
<clever> nope
<clever> and git push --force
<clever> also handy, git commit --amend -p
<clever> didnt even read it
<clever> Myrl-saki: (if condition then self.callPackage else self.callPackage_i686) ./path {};
<clever> self.pkgsi686Linux.callPackage
<clever> just an alias
<clever> the same thing
<clever> so pkgsi686Linux.callPackage only ever makes 32bit programs
<clever> Myrl-saki: pkgsi686Linux is a 32bit version of pkgs
<clever> oh, but there is a 2nd pkgs
<clever> Myrl-saki: the arch has to be set when you import nixpkgs
<clever> the kernel defaults to putting it higher up in the address space
<clever> but qemu doesnt know what is already in use, and when trying to get the entire 4gig chunk to fit within the 1st 4gig of ram
<clever> Myrl-saki: the 1st argument is a hint at where to put it
<clever> Myrl-saki: at a glance, it appears to be allocating a 4gig chunk of ram starting at 0x1000
<clever> Myrl-saki: sure
<clever> Myrl-saki: there is also an mmap flag that can fix this
<clever> a 32bit build of qemu always gets 32bit mmap results
<clever> so it has to do weird things to make things work
<clever> Myrl-saki: the issue, is that the mmap winds up allocating ram above the 4gig mark, beyond what 32bit can address
<clever> Myrl-saki: ahh, i think i see the problem
<clever> fixed
<clever> oops, editing it some
<clever> Myrl-saki: left a comment in the PR
<clever> *looks*
<clever> Myrl-saki: got a link?
<clever> :D
<clever> haskell packages do that
<clever> probably
<clever> thats probably the nix language itself, just add more swap and it should release that ram
<clever> your better off running cabal2nix on another machine, there is no real reason to run it on the pi itself
<clever> ah, id expect that to need a lot of ram, since it has to build ghc
<clever> Myrl-saki: what args did you give it?
<clever> Myrl-saki: use -iA not -i
<clever> Myrl-saki: to run what?
<clever> it may be off by default
<clever> jonasem: you may need to check ./configure --help
<clever> so you need to put a cp command into the postInstall, to copy it to $out/bin/
<clever> yeah
<clever> jonasem: i think you want to change the ls command to `ls -l src compile tools` and see where the binary was left
<clever> jonasem: it looks like the makefile does have an install rule, but its probably not installing what you want it to install
<clever> jonasem: yeah
<clever> jonasem: add this to the nix file, postInstall = "pwd; ls; ls $out";
<clever> cinimod_: yeah, you have 2 copies of nix installed, as dom run `nix-env -e nix` to remove the duplicate, then if you want to upgrade, run `nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nix` as under `sudo -i`
<clever> cinimod_: and `which --all nix-env` ?
<clever> what does `type nix` say?
<clever> cinimod_: your running nix2 with a 1.1 nix-daemon
<clever> cinimod_: i think somebody in #nix-darwin mentioned recently that qt is broken on darwin
<clever> Geraldus: the error says that yesod-bin depends on it, maybe you just have haddock enabled?
<clever> cinimod_: nix-env -f ~/nixpkgs --arg config '{ packageOverrides = pkgs: { gnuplot = super.gnuplot.override { withQt = true; }; }; }' -iA gnuplot
<clever> cinimod_: i ran `nix edit nixpkgs.gnuplot` and it opened the right file instantly
<clever> Geraldus: so you want to check the cabal file for haddock-api
<clever> Geraldus: the failure is within haddock-api, not yesod
<clever> cinimod_: oh, wrong file too, its pkgs/tools/graphics/gnuplot/default.nix
<clever> cinimod_: line 15 of that file
<clever> cinimod_: add gnuplot = super.gnuplot.override { withQt = true; };
<clever> can you gist the entire output from the failing build?
<clever> does your cabal file define a min cabal version?
<clever> hello
<clever> Geraldus: yes
<clever> htafdwes[m]: it also gets a bit tricky to put conditions in the imports field, doing config = lib.mkIf is a lot simpler, have a look at almost any nixos module for an example
<clever> kuri0: i think youll need to add support in 3 before nixpkgs can support ilp32
<clever> kuri0: ah, you need to set something in the area of nixpkgs.config, or nixpkgs.system, not sure on the right value though
<clever> hlint is using static haskell linking, so it only has a binary and nothing else
<clever> haskellPackages.hlint is using dynamic haskell linking, and includes all of the dependencies, which conflict with the last thing you installed
<clever> nix-env -f /Users/dom/nixpkgs -iA hlint
<clever> cinimod_: try without the haskellPackages.
<clever> kuri0: what do you want to change the abi to?
<clever> self: super: let config = {...}; nixpkgs = (...); pkgs = ..; in pkgs.haskellPackages....
<clever> it goes before the let
<clever> then it becomes overlays = [ (self: super: import ./custom-packages/utleague.nix) ];
<clever> then use self instead of import <nixpkgs> {}
<clever> you can also fold the self: super: into custom-packages/utleague.nix
<clever> it needs the import function at the start, i pasted an example already
<clever> and this time without {}, because it doesnt accept any args
<clever> overlays = [ (self: super: { utleague = import ./custom-packages/utleague.nix; }) ];
<clever> that file is already doing the callPackage, so you instead want to just call import on it
<clever> can you pastebin the contents of custom-packages/utleague.nix ?
<clever> the {} at the end of the callPackage is missing
<clever> oh
<clever> Akii: what error does that fail with?