
<clever> lfish: the entire /etc/systemd dir is read-only, all changes must be defined in coniguration.nix
<clever> that also works, depends on what your doing
<clever> mpickering: let foo = "s"; in d.${foo}
<clever> as would b=a; in a==b
<clever> yeah
<clever> depending on if they are identical or identical :P
<clever> but some compares can suceed, and others throw
<clever> you can compare unevaled thunks
<clever> and lazy!
<clever> yep
<clever> it could cheat a bit, by comparing the Value* rather, then the value within
<clever> and one of the keys is designed to fail
<clever> i suspect its strictly evaling everything top-level, and trying to compare each key
<clever> > pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs == pkgs
<clever> but if you directly put ${glib} (the nix var) in prePatch, you dont need the bash var
<clever> and then you can refer to $glib (the bash var) in the shell
<clever> that is assigning an env var called glib
<clever> i think i also have a dolphin expr somewhere...
<clever> ah
<clever> boogiewoogie: you should be able to run nix-shell on the same default.nix you build with
<clever> boogiewoogie: and on line 29, you could just run sed on ${glib} itself, (a nix var) rather then \${glib} (a bash var), then you can just delete line 8
<clever> the version= on line 6 is also not doing anything
<clever> you usually dont need rec in most cases
<clever> boogiewoogie: that causes glib = glib; to refer to itself
<clever> boogiewoogie: oh, the rec on line 3
<clever> not sure why that 2nd example failed to parse
<clever> > pkgs == pkgs.pkgs.pkgs.pkgs
<clever> > pkgs.glib == glib
<clever> boogiewoogie: pkgs.glib and glib should be identical
<clever> jackjennings: yep
<clever> you have to add the datadog user to the keys group, to be able to even look inside /run/keys/
<clever> yeah, theres the proboem
<clever> ls -lhd /run/keys/
<clever> jackjennings: and `grep User /etc/systemd/system/datadog-agent.service` ?
<clever> jackjennings: what does `ls -lh` report for that path?
<clever> so any changes you do via // get undone
<clever> tilpner: also of note, nixos will do a boot.kernelPackages.extend somewhere
<clever> oops, no, its extraModulePackages
<clever> 52 extraModulePackages = [ config.boot.kernelPackages.v4l2loopback ];
<clever> tilpner: the package providing the module has to be in boot.kernelPackages i believe
<clever> so the host will always be garbage collecting stuff you need
<clever> and indirect roots inside the dokcer container are likely to never work right
<clever> if you miss something like profiles/gcroots, one party may delete everything the other party needs
<clever> if you share the entire /nix/ then you get the socket and the state stuff
<clever> you can also put the above into a new file called default.nix, and rename the old one to pkg.nix
<clever> yeah, that is also a solutiopn
<clever> boogiewoogie: you want to remove the function on line 7 of the pastebin
<clever> ,locate query-kvm
<clever> vasarmilan: try downloading a different iso?
<clever> vasarmilan: try a bs=1024?
<clever> vasarmilan: my only guess is that using bs=4mb, you cut the image short
<clever> i would expect that to work
<clever> vasarmilan: and it was written to the root of the device?
<clever> vasarmilan: how did you image the iso onto the usb?
<clever> Taneb: and if 2 clients are connected, which client answers?
<clever> Taneb: but if no clients are connedted, it has to answer with something
<clever> and gchristensen responds with weechat when ctcp version'd
<clever> infinisil: but when it connects to a given network (like freenode), it has to have some kind of reply to ctcp version
<clever> infinisil: it looks like just weechat
<clever> and then when he finally did reboot, it didnt come up
<clever> and he then went without rebooting for months, so it worked at nixos-rebuild time
<clever> a few months ago, somebody tried doing network in an activation script
<clever> bbarker: that can result in systemd not being found
<clever> bbarker: just be carefull that you dont crash in an activation script
<clever> kai_w: add it to either the rpath or the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
<clever> bbl*
<clever> bl
<clever> slack1256: no real way to know what something was built from, but you can try running nix-build -I nixpkgs=/foo -A bar on each channel generation, to see which one makes the version you want
<clever> bash is part of the stdenv
<clever> the stdenv sets a lot of special flags like exiting if any command returns a non-zero status
<clever> also, all exported vars are inherited, even without source
<clever> ottidmes: it does
<clever> ottidmes: add a set -x to the script
<clever> ottidmes: how does it fail?
<clever> and channel generation 8 happens to point to a dae9c...
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 82 Dec 31 1969 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels-8-link/nixos -> /nix/store/2ffi30fna3y1f7q1vgpdjs0h65pb8iaa-nixos-18.09pre145679.dae9cf6106d/nixos
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 60 Jul 15 21:05 /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels-8-link -> /nix/store/cggabgz2rpd4ajaspbc2dc1gi722xxpa-user-environment
<clever> this was made by nixpkgs rev dae9c...
<clever> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 92 Jul 15 21:56 /nix/var/nix/profiles/system-100-link -> /nix/store/9rj74fsnn6h8pjcdyqlwair6mq9z0fzv-nixos-system-system76-18.09pre145679.dae9cf6106d
<clever> slack1256: the nixpkgs rev is also in the name of the system profiles
<clever> slack1256: compare the creation dates of the system profiles to the channel profiles
<clever> slack1256: ls -lh /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/channels*
<clever> bsima: use nix-copy-closure ti copy one to the other box, then nix-diff them


<clever> bsima: if you run nix-instantiate on it, on both, does it produce the same .drv path?


<clever> i tend to leave completions off, it often doesnt work 100%, and then i cant complete filenames
<clever> its mess like that, that led to the creation of an emacs daemon :P
<clever> i think you need to use nixpkgs.localSystem.system now, the cross-compile stuff changed it a bit
<clever> which can result in nixpkgs wanting to cross-compile
<clever> the nixpkgs. options, define how nixpkgs gets imported
<clever> exarkun22: target, in the deployment files
<clever> exarkun22: you need to set nixpkgs.localSystem and something related, in the nixos config level
<clever> yay
<clever> Mufga1: i prefer using the config file
<clever> Mufga1: /boot can then either be part of / (depending on the FS) or a dedicated /boot partition
<clever> Mufga1: if you set `boot.loader.efi.efiSysMountPoint = "/boot/EFI";`, mount ESP to `/boot/EFI`, then the fat kernels/initrds will be in /boot, not the ESP
<clever> samueldr: my nas has a 64mb boot partition....
<clever> Mufga1: what FS is your rootfs?
<clever> kingemp: ive got an old gentoo box as my escape hatch, lol
<clever> i use xfce and it seems to run fine
<clever> Mufga1: i have nixos on my laptops, desktop, router, and nas
<clever> { config, options, pkgs, ... }: at the top of the file
<clever> witchof0x20: the config var has all config for the eval


<clever> then it can build anything you have manually copied over
<clever> and then use all of the above nix copy stuff, to get things into that machine
<clever> run something like nix-serve on an internal box, that acts as your cache
<clever> oh, another option
<clever> it still has internet, but it doesnt use any binary caches
<clever> the installer i made is more about pre-building a closure, and deploying it to a machine i wont have real-time access to, in an automated way
<clever> but i have used stuff similar to the above, to produce an installer (similar to an airgap)
<clever> basically every action in nix needs access to the binary cache, so its not a very common use-case
<clever> and now the entire package-set is defined in profile1.nix, and you can recreate it
<clever> then you can nix copy that to a usb, and deploy it
<clever> and -r will remove anything the profile previously had, so it only has what the current things defined
<clever> this will install the things attr in profile1.nix, to the example profile (which is ignored by all tools)
<clever> nix-env -f profile1.nix -iA things -r -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/example
<clever> alex-v: you can also manage your own profiles, for example
<clever> and will omit build-time deps
<clever> alex-v: you can also look at your profiles, and only copy what yo need, that will be faster then --all
<clever> alex-v: the main benefit of `nix copy` is that its incremental, it knows what has already been copied, and can update things faster
<clever> alex-v: if you know what storepaths should be where, you can `nix-env -p /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/clever/profile --set /nix/store/foo` to update the profile, after copying things
<clever> alex-v: yeah, but note, that the profiles themselves wont be copied, so the links in /nix/var/nix/profiles/ wont be copied, just the things they point to
<clever> alex-v: nix copy --to local?root=/mnt --all
<clever> lunik1: nix doesnt really use docker files much
<clever> lunik1: depends, do you want to run git inside the image?
<clever> and copy it back to the gapped machine
<clever> alex-v: copy the full closure to a usb stick, then move the usb over the airgap
<clever> alex-v: ah, thats one of the original uses i had for nix copy
<clever> you could just not copy it back to /nix, but yeah, it will expect you to chroot in such a way that it appears to be at /nix
<clever> then either use a usb at /mnt, or tar "/mnt" up to move it
<clever> flip it with --from on the other end
<clever> that will create a /mnt/nix/store that contains the full closure, and a proper nix state db
<clever> `nix copy --to local?root=/mnt/ /nix/store/foo`
<clever> nix copy can do that more properly
<clever> djahandarie: check the next thing down in the call count then
<clever> djahandarie: would need to know more about what the nix code your using is doing
<clever> if possible, try to reduce the usage of zip attrs?
<clever> ah, so that part is ran on every attr that its zipping
<clever> djahandarie: what funciton is at that line?
<clever> 5056579 anonymous function at /nix/store/rfz3yh9r9skayd6rwq1ms4cibmb8bs4g-nixos-unstable-19.03pre158246.6141939d6e0/nixos-unstable/lib/attrsets.nix:333:23
<clever> it can also be the binary cache queries
<clever> ,profiling djahandarie
<clever> not sure
<clever> that will correctly use gcc8
<clever> nix-shell -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; gcc8Stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "foo"; }'
<clever> and now you have 2 envs!
<clever> so you have stdenv.mkDerivation { buildInputs = [ gcc8Stdenv ];
<clever> basically, -p just calls stdenv
<clever> no, -E
<clever> you want -A
<clever> v0|d: that gives you a shell suitable for building gcc8Stdenv, not for using it
<clever> v0|d: nix-shell sources setup for you
<clever> Peaker: does the directory refered to by src = ./.; have a lot of data in it? check du?


<clever> Peaker: nix-build creates a result symlink which is a root
<clever> yeah, thats always an issue
<clever> if you have a dev output
<clever> yeah
<clever> then after building, the $dev can be garbage collected
<clever> then things depend on $out (via ${pkg}) at runtime, and $dev (via ${pkg.dev}) at build-time
<clever> oops
<clever> then things depend on $out (via ${pkg}) at runtime, and $dev (via ${pkg.dev}) at runtime
<clever> Peaker: you install some files to $out, and others to $dev
<clever> Peaker: split outputs
<clever> it can also help to just shove a `ls -ltrh ; exit 1` into your postInstall
<clever> $src is unpacked to . automatically
<clever> yep
<clever> Peaker: i would try postInstall
<clever> probably
<clever> and then the stdenv adds a -I flag for it, when its in buildInputs
<clever> for include files, they get installed to $out/include/
<clever> no idea
<clever> Peaker: you might get away with putting an overrde on mkDerivation into your overrides, https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-sl/blob/develop/nix/overlays/debug.nix
<clever> nix-repl> foo = throw "foo"
<clever> yep
<clever> what happens with uuid = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck super.uuid; ?
<clever> Peaker: 90% of the time, it still builds when i jailbreak, and only rarely does it break at runtime
<clever> i just throw doJailbreak at all of those
<clever> how does it fail?
<clever> yeah
<clever> Peaker: and the bit you mentioned about needing lenses is gone in the above version
<clever> > haskell.lib.dontCheck haskellPackages.lens
<clever> yeah
<clever> then other overlays can be inserted, and mutate self before you get a reference
<clever> if you want to refer to something else, use self
<clever> yep
<clever> if you have rec, then the overlays wont work right
<clever> no rec should be involved when using overlays
<clever> super refers to the version from 1 overlay prior, and breaks the recursion
<clever> like saying `let foo = foo`
<clever> and if you do uuid = foo self.uuid; then its infinite recursion
<clever> self.uuid is the result of applying all overrides, including the current one
<clever> and skip the entire override
<clever> let mypkgs = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc862.override { ... };
<clever> Peaker: if you only ever want to use that package set directly, just dont bother putting it back into the right place
<clever> Peaker: you could, but that would require rebuilding every single dep
<clever> oh, your deps, yeah, you would have to override those deps to doCheck = false; them
<clever> Peaker: is doCheck = true; set on your derivation?
<clever> Peaker: lib.cleanSource is an example, but it doesnt clean dist
<clever> Peaker: you need to use builtins.filterSource to exclude the dist dir and some other things
<clever> and with any luck, libc will be the only occurance of /dev/log, in the closure of your binary, so its the only way it could have gotten that string
<clever> ottidmes: i'm guessing youll find the libc that your program depends on, and then a quick grep of the libc source would have led you to the syslog() function
<clever> Binary file /nix/store/g2yk54hifqlsjiha3szr4q3ccmdzyrdv-glibc-2.27/lib/libc-2.27.so matches
<clever> [root@amd-nixos:~]# grep "/dev/log" $(nix-store -qR /run/current-system) -r
<clever> ottidmes: it would reveal a library that contains /dev/log, as a dep
<clever> ottidmes: thats why i said to grep the nix-store -qR of the build
<clever> boogiewoogie: binutils, glibc, and gcc are also in your inputs by default and you odnt need to list them
<clever> boogiewoogie: ldconfig doesnt work under nix
<clever> is another option
<clever> Thra11: pkgs.haskell.lib.doJailbreak
<clever> c0bw3b_: your only option is to look at the error from nix when it fails
<clever> c0bw3b_: patches are reformatted to make them more stable
<clever> yep
<clever> leotaku: yeah
<clever> leotaku: but it may do some builds remotely, and some locally
<clever> leotaku: it will usually prefer a remove system
<clever> or just claim the proper arch, on 5 machines at once, and then nix-build -j 50
<clever> you can also abuse it (with qemu-user setup) and claim a box supports both arm and x86!
<clever> then nix will ssh into that machine any time it needs arm work done
<clever> nix.buildMachines = [ {{ sshUser = "builder"; hostName = ""; maxJobs = 1; system = "armv6l-linux,armv7l-linux"; sshKey = "/etc/nixos/keys/distro"; } ];
<clever> just add an ARM build slave in your nixos config
<clever> the qemu is just to cheat a bit for bootstrapping
<clever> i would generally try to do all arm builds on real arm hardware
<clever> yeah
<clever> leotaku: you would need to modify the overlay to use a specific nixpkgs as the source for its qemu
<clever> and that one has higher priority
<clever> yeah, only for that one deploy
<clever> and it will prefix NIX_PATH, so <nixpkgs> always comes from the URL you set, and the nixpkgs in NIX_PATH is ignord
<clever> and it will use that `-I` flag for every deploy
<clever> leotaku: you can then view it with `nixops info`
<clever> leotaku: nixops will store that `-I nixpkgs=...` into the state file (~/.nixops/deployments.nixops)
<clever> leotaku: you can see that an eval from 3 days ago is finished, but you will also want to check it to see if tests have passed
<clever> leotaku: you would need to find an eval on hydra, that has a high amount of jobs finished
<clever> leotaku: --dry-run will tell you that
<clever> (until you re-run modify with a new one, or use `nixops deploy -I nixpkgs=...`)
<clever> leotaku: then <nixpkgs> will only ever resolve to that exact git rev, and it will never update
<clever> leotaku: use `nixops modify -d something foo.nix -I nixpkgs=https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs/archive/GITREV.tar.gz`
<clever> leotaku: it will generally be NIX_PATH to blame here, you did a nix-channel --update on the host
<clever> for NIX_PATH, it generally doesnt change, but what it points to may change (nix-channel for ex), but nix-channel also has generations and keeps the old ones
<clever> leotaku: for the /nix/var/nix/profiles/system symlinks, it keeps all of the old ones, so you can just ls that dir to see the history
<clever> and in both, there will be /nix/var/nix/profiles/system symlinks to track the last build
<clever> leotaku: for nixos-rebuild, its mainly just NIX_PATH
<clever> leotaku: for nixops, it will keep state in ~/.nixops/deployments.nixops, and it will also obey NIX_PATH (but you can nixops modify -I nixpkgs=... to save overrides)
<clever> kingemp: yeah, its tricky to find the right balance, i just set both to the core count
<clever> kingemp: ah, then it will do 12 different derivations in paralle, with make -j1 in each


<clever> kingemp: nixos-generate-config should fill that in, check what your generated config has
<clever> kingemp: nix.buildCores = 10; in configuration.nix
<clever> kingemp: nixos or other?
<clever> kingemp: nix show-config | grep core
<clever> kingemp: enableParallelBuilding = true;
<clever> Church-: videoDrivers = [ "intel" ]; works, but [ "nvidia" ]; fails, bumblebee also fails
<clever> Church-: both of these appear in PolarIntersect's lspci
<clever> 2018-11-14 18:58:06 < clever> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP104M [GeForce GTX 1070 Mobile] (rev a1)
<clever> 2018-11-14 18:58:04 < clever> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 3e9b
<clever> PolarIntersect: see if you can figure out how its installed/configured on other distros, then we could try to reproduce it on nixos
<clever> PolarIntersect: ah, that indeed may need special drivers then
<clever> not entirely sure
<clever> Ralith: there is also cmakeFlags = [ "-D" "CFLAGS=whatever" ];
<clever> PolarIntersect: also, reboot things between each test
<clever> PolarIntersect: try the other driver, hardware.bumblebee = { enable = true; driver = "nouveau"; };
<clever> PolarIntersect: have you checked the nixos-hardware repo on github?
<clever> PolarIntersect: if you dont care about 3d accel, you can just go back to pure intel
<clever> if i turned hw accel off, 2d was fast, and it lacked 3d entirely
<clever> but 3d was fine
<clever> as in, `ls -l /nix/store` took 5 minutes slow
<clever> that reminds me, one of the bugs i had on my amd card (since fixed), is that 2d rendering was horid slow
<clever> the reason for that design, is that the nvidia card can just be 100% disabled, and then you have a very low-power 2d-only card, and better battery life
<clever> while keeping videoDrivers = [ "intel" ]; i think
<clever> PolarIntersect: hardware.bumblebee = { enable = true; driver = "nvidia"; }; i think this is how you enable that stuff
<clever> and the nvidia is 3d only, and renders directly into the 2d buffer of the intel card
<clever> from what ive heard, the intel card controls the display and handles all 2d actions
<clever> you do have 2 GPU's!
<clever> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP104M [GeForce GTX 1070 Mobile] (rev a1)
<clever> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 3e9b
<clever> oh!
<clever> PolarIntersect: also check "modesetting"
<clever> PolarIntersect: what if you set the driver to "intel" ?
<clever> nh2: and because its a zfs mirror, with the same firmware on both disks, they tend to both hang at the same time!
<clever> nh2: that explains why my machine has been having so many hanging problems
<clever> nh2: i recently discovered that my sata SSD's have a firmware bug, that causes the SSD to just lock up solid
<clever> PolarIntersect: and then whatever detects hardware stays, and the rest get unloaded
<clever> PolarIntersect: when videoDrivers is unset, it will try to use 5 or 6 different drivers at once
<clever> PolarIntersect: the very last line in the log is intel related
<clever> Nov 14 14:43:38 tibet.home.monokro.me display-manager[997]: (II) intel(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x0.0 342.05 1920 2028 2076 2080 1080 1090 1100 1142 +hsync -vsync (164.4 kHz eP)
<clever> PolarIntersect: i think its using "intel", not nvidia, for some reason
<clever> samueldr: hmmm, both nouveua and intel are being listed...
<clever> Nov 14 14:43:37 tibet.home.monokro.me display-manager[997]: (II) intel(0): [DRI2] DRI driver: i965
<clever> Nov 14 14:43:37 tibet.home.monokro.me display-manager[997]: (II) modeset(G0): [DRI2] DRI driver: nouveau
<clever> ottidmes: also, at login, my xfce desktop, briefly shows my ..... windows wallpaper!!!
<clever> if i hide, and re-render it, then it works
<clever> ottidmes: EVERY single time chrome rendered a tooltip, it was total garbage, uninitialized buffer
<clever> ottidmes: one of the bugs i saw a lot, was the gpu using a buffer, before the buffer was initialized
<clever> so bugs that have already been fixed occur only on nixos!
<clever> ottidmes: that results in 3 year old code being used, rather then the maintained version in another repo!
<clever> ottidmes: and its auto-generating definitions for deprecated packages, that have since been merged into another repo
<clever> ottidmes: nixos xorg packages are made by a perl script that parses an http directory listing (yes, lol)
<clever> ottidmes: ive had a wide range of problems with my amd card, one of them nixos specific
<clever> PolarIntersect: what does the log say when it worked?