energizer: use --to instead, and run on the other machine
pinpox: yeah, the only way to avoid that, is to change the netrc-file option, and point it to something only you can read
pinpox: you dont have to push the /etc/nix/netrc file to the public repo, at some point, your going to have un-managed files with secrets in them
pinpox: but then it needs to be readable by any user on the machine
pinpox: you can also put it into the default netrc file, /etc/nix/netrc
pinpox: pass the --option to nix when you run nix on that expression
353 /* Merges two lists of the same size together. If the sizes aren't the same
363 zipListsWith =
pinpox: and do you have a branch called main?
pinpox: if you want fetchurl to work on private repos, you need to put `machine github.com login <TOKEN>` into ~/.netrc and use `--option netrc-file ~/.netrc`
spease: not sure
pinpox: if its on github, that makes things much simpler, you can just use niv
pinpox: that could also be a branch name, or use niv
pinpox: and builtins.fetchurl caches better then fetchGit
pinpox: downloading a .tar.gz will make it a faster copy
pinpox: you can still do that build in nix
spease: if you use nativeBuildInputs and callPackage properly, you dont have to do that
pinpox: yep, thats over 256mb, the only way to make fetchGit faster, is to supply it with a rev= and sha256= i believe
pinpox: try just `nix-build blog.nix`
spease: .override cant change the system, but you could `import pkgs.path { system = "something"; }` to re-create the whole pkgs tree, from the same source, but it will ignore any past overlays
spease: or add { system ? builtins.currentSystem }: to the top for use with --argstr, then `inherit system;` to forward it on
spease: basically, when -A is loading a nix file, and following an attribute path, it will check if each thing in that path is a function, and then pass it the --arg's
energizer: you need to install nix on a pi4, with a 64bit kernel, and add it as a build machine
energizer: yeah
CyberManifest: ?
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' -A sd_image_raspberrypi4.aarch64-linux
which model of pi?
nixos-install only works if the host and target are the same cpu
thats the problem
energizer: was that ran on an x86 or arm machine?
what command did you run to cause the error?
energizer: it sounds like your building the firmware for x86, which wouldnt work
energizer: there are already sd image files for raspi in nixpkgs
though i dont see one for clang10...
laduke-132: such as clangStdenv.mkDerivation
laduke-132: you generally dont want to add compilers to the inputs, you want to instead change the stdenv
dminuoso: and the pkgsCross part, makes it magically cross compile to arm instead
dminuoso: in my case, i didnt have a directory of sources, so i made a custom unpackPhase, and i lacked a makefile, so i just threw in a buildPhase too
c4droid``: xmonad wont see any library you install normally, you must use services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.extraPackages
2020-10-22 23:29:50 < clever> c4droid: you must install it with `services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enable = true;` to make it find ghc properly
c4droid: you must install it with `services.xserver.windowManager.xmonad.enable = true;` to make it find ghc properly
the binary will land in ~/.nix-profile/bin/
aquarial: and it will grab whatever { foo = ...; } has been set to, and install it
aquarial: you can just nix-env -f /path/to/default.nix -iA foo
forgot it in my example
yeah, that / needs to be there
because they dont use , and eat your function args
the outer () is only for lists
you want ++ to concat 2 lists together
pumpy: so that is [ ./hardware.nix [ ./cond.f/home-manager.nix ] ];
pumpy: map returns a list, you then put it inside imports, a list
now try :p builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir /etc/nixos)
yeah, so its a set where the keys are filenames, and the values are the type
pumpy: pop open `nix repl` and then try to eval `:p builtins.readDir /etc/nixos`
pumpy: oh yeah, and builtins.readDir doesnt return a list of strings
and its kernel based, so you must use the linuxPackages.callPackage
pickfire: thats a package, you must load it with callPackage
pickfire: what is line 1 of rtl8822ce.nix ?
pickfire: that will heavily depend on what is inside rtl8822ce.nix
the 2nd round, it needs to be in /mnt/etc/nixos, when you run nixos-install
the 1st round, is needed when building the iso, before you even boot
but on that 2nd round, the wifi is up, so scp will be up too
then a second time, when nixos-install builds the final install, youll put it in /mnt/etc/nixos then
once on the machine building the iso, which will let wifi work when you boot the iso
you need it twice
or manually copy it into the machine with git/scp after booting
pickfire: normally, the nix files are not copied into the build product, so you would have to add a `cp ${./foo.nix} somewhere/foo.nix` to some expression
pickfire: you can also inline it directly into configuration.nix, but having it as a seperate file is cleaner
pickfire: you can also use an overlay to modify the linux packages
pickfire: add it to your main configuration.nix
iso_plasma5.x86_64-linux for graphical
pickfire: then edit configuration.nix to add the drivers, the same way you would have added them to a normal nixos
pickfire: nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos/release.nix>' --arg configuration ./configuration.nix -A iso_minimal.x86_64-linux
and rollbacks didnt help, because it was the generation of the rollback menu that broke
jakobrs: what followed, was about 2 weeks of nixos users on nixpkgs-unstable,streaming into the channel because it wasnt booting anymore
jakobrs: i have seen an incident about 2 or 3 years back, when grub did break, nixos-unstable didnt change as it should have, nixpkgs-unstable did change
joebobjoe: only if your not building with nix
joebobjoe: i'm on an older branch of nix
jbal[m]: that only happens if either, a: you have overlays that make it never match the cache, b: your not on a full channel, c: it failed to build on hydra, and will fail for you as well
joebobjoe: you can read the release.nix to see how nix is doing it