nix-env --profile /path --rollback, will then undo it
both of those will set the current generation to a given storepath (creating a new generation if needed)
nix-env --profile /path --set /nix/store/foo and nix-env -f foo.nix -A foo --set --profile /path
nix-env --set and --rollback
ambro718: cant find the link, but i saw somebody saying to get rid of nix-env -i/-e, but to keep nix-env itself
ambro718: one min
ambro718: you may be able to get similar using the outputsToInstall entry, and split outputs
you would need to patch both the perl version to update systemPackages handling, and then patch the c++ version to fix nix-env, and the c++ one wont go public until the next nix release
that will just replace the entire profile with the given path, no buildEnv involved
memory usage will also be the same as a normal install
trfl: most of the time, you can just treat the usb stick like an internal hdd, partition, format, mount to /mnt, nixos-generate-config --root /mnt, nixos-install
which will add it to PATH, and give you the host version
ambro718: there is also nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgconfig ];
softinio: i think all of the optional things will be available by default, you would have to use .override to set them to null, to remove them
changing a, didnt change c, because c depends on the old a
> :p rec { a=1; b=2; c = a+b; } // { a = 42; }
> rec { a=1; b=2; c = a+b; } // { a = 42; }
ambro718: the // is just adding things to the attrset, the .outPath is based on the original arguments to builtins.derivation, which are unchanged
ambro718: this removes the type, causing nix repl to just expose all the details
> coreutils // { type = null; }
> coreutils.type
ambro718: derivations are just sets with an outPath
avn: any attribute set with a .outPath attr, can be cast to a string
> let x = { outPath = "foo"; } // { a=42; }; in "${x}"
> { outPath = "foo"; } // { a=42; }
i suspect it will even work when X isnt running (plain text mode)
this works for adjusting my screen brightness
tdeo: yeah, that might just work, it may not even need a reboot
> linuxPackages.acpi_call
aquarial: and if you `sudo modprobe acpi-call` ?
not-os is more of an overlay then a fork, it just uses bits of nixpkgs to create a bootable image, thats not nixos
so if you --include a lot, you need to go backwards thru profiles to piece together the full state
sadly, if you deploy with --include, the new generation will be partial
infinisil: within that profile, will be symlinks for each machine
a lot of build systems need a load detecting -j
infinisil: if you try to build 2 copies of X, with difference ghcs, then they dont have any deps in common, so building both versions at once lets it meet your -j even when they hit bottlenecks and both stall on 1 thing
stepcut_: you can test it with `ssh user@host nix-store --version`
stepcut_: thats a common problem when ssh'ing into a remote machine
stepcut_: if you `strace -p <pid> -f -e execve` on the pid of the queue-runner, what commands is it starting?
stepcut_: localhost has a special case, dont rmember the exact rules
stepcut_: does the hydra have build slaves?
parsnip: that gets ran after creating /nix/store/hash-system-path/, and updates any indexes within it, which then lands at /run/current-system/sw/
ambro718: systemd provides udev, and a lot of graphical stuff ties into udev to detect what gpu you have
gchristensen: that is a deployment wide option i think, something about fast connection
gchristensen: that also means that a copy will initially hang and not say what its copying, because the remote machine is checking the binary cache, to see what has to copy
gchristensen: if you use --use-substitutes, the remote machine will check its own cache settings
tofu only works if the first hash is invalid
yeah, i set my editor to replace mode, and then replace a few digits with 0's
lordcirth: if you leave the sha256 the same, thats claiming that the src is unchanged, so nix uses the old src
xorAxAx: the GC will never delete something that is currently in use
having 2 channels may double the usgae
xorAxAx: -vvvvv
xorAxAx: you may have infinite recursion in our expr
its a bug within nixos-rebuild
you can safely ignore that error
thats because it doesnt exist when nixos-rebuild is building nix, only nixos
sindrip: its in qemu-vm.nix, which is only included when you run build-vm
sindrip: so its missing from the normal docs
Orbstheorem: simpler to make it a list of sets, then map ({ a, b }: a * b)
Orbstheorem: that work?
> builtins.foldl' (a: b: a // b) {} [ {a=1;} {b=2;} {c=3;} ]
Orbstheorem: one min...
> :p [ {a=1;} {b=2;} {c=3;} ]
sindrip: `virtualisation.memorySize = 2048;` add that to the configuration.nix
sindrip: within the guest, how does ram usage look?, `free -m`, what about cpu? `top`
then it should be running as fast as the hardware allows
group doesnt matter much if the last part is +rw
while the vm is running, check `ps aux | grep qemu`, and look for a `-enable-kvm` in its args
then it should automtically use kvm and run faster
and if you use nix-shell, add a .env at the env
Alling: basically all developPackage does, is run callCabal2nix for you!
ive not used developPackage before
you can also use overrides in the nix file to force a version for just one thing
the ghc version will be cached, but it will likely have to rebuild eveyr single haskell package
Alling: if you want nix to respect the version bounds, then you need something like stack2nix, and then youll have to recompile nearly all haskell packages
Alling: nixpkgs will just provide any version of hspec, so whatever is in nixpkgs
Ralith: i just run tzselect in a shell
gchristensen: --delete-older-then will delete the booted profile, but booted-system itself is a root, so it cant actually GC it after deleting the generation